The artist this week is Bill Traylor. Traylor started painting at 86 years old and continued to the end of his life, 1939-1949. His canvases were the discarded pieces of paperboard he found around his neighborhood. Through flat images he tells the story of the complex time between slavery and civil rights in Jim Crow South. For African Americans in the south literacy, personal agency, and personal expression were dangerous. Traylor’s body of work “is artistically unique, but its historical position is singular as well. When he started drawing it was a radical act.”
Traylor would be classified under outsider art. Outsider art is considered art made by someone not formally trained. But here is crux – though some artists are all about the technical aspects of a form of art. Most artists I know use art to express their creative voice. I do believe that we all can be in some form creative. But not so sure we can call everyone an artist. I also ponder around, as many art associated people do, what makes art so selective, categorically art? Is it like what Traylor did, expressing a viewpoint through satirical whimsy of what was happening around him without the technical prowess of say DaVinci? Or the intellectualism of Dadaism of making art that is anti- art? Or Abstract art expressing a feeling instead of the technicality of Realism? Is art just a form of expressing self, perspective, a radical act or possible all three? Then maybe we can all be artists in some way?
Your pondering for this week: What is your definition of art?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins the week in Gemini where exchange of knowledge is key On Wednesday it moves to Cancer highlighting self-care. On Friday it moves into Leo – get outside into the sun if you can, if not bask in your own light.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Sagittarius (exploration) until Dec 1st, where we can experiment with our communication style. Don’t worry if you don’t get it Mercury rolls back for a replay at the end of December. Mars (action) is in Sagittarius (exploration) until the end of the year wanting us to investigate and expand our horizons. While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in her home sign Libra (relationships and harmony) until December 4th, so finding and creating harmony plays a big role in the next couple of weeks.
The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Seven of Water – The Muse of Dreams is challenging you to dream bigger. She is not asking you to unrealistically dream but just to expand the boundaries of your imagination. So, explore questions like – what would I do if I didn’t have to worry about money? Or what would I do if there were 3 more hours in a day?
*Judgement – The Muse of Transformations challenges you to start evolving a part of your life this week. She is asking you to get a head start on what might be your intentions for the coming year. This exercise is meant to liberate you from only making resolutions on big occasions. She is asking you to start your evolution in small doable steps.

Eight of Water – The Muse of Closet Cleaning comes when you need to make some physical space to allow new things to come in or to give your eyes a space to rest on. She reminds you that you may need to walk away from old thought patterns to free up some space in your environment. An example: is holding on to clothes that no longer physically or mentally fit who you are today.

Three of Earth – The Muse of Collaboration comes when you need to ask for help from those around you. This help can take any form. Physically needing more hands, mentally needing different perspectives, or emotionally some cheerleading and hugs. You are not in this alone.

*Tower – The Muse of Disruption is challenging you to shake things up. She reminds you that as a fire sign sometimes you need upheaval to gain revelation. But she would like you to control the commotion and not have it come from an outside source. If you don’t know where to start, look for an irritation. Like a chair you bump into all the time this muse advises rearrange your space, so nothing interferes with your dancing.

*Sun – The Muse of Radiance would like you to turn up your shine. She would like you this week to focus your energy on things you do best and do more of that. Also if you can get some actual sun this too may give you more energy and ideas on what to focus on.

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum would like you to move a project or idea to the next phase. The issue is that the energy to ignite this entropy needs to come from you. Do not rely on others this week to get things done. It doesn’t mean you have to do everything, for it is also up to you to prioritize needs over wants.

Five of Air – The Muse of Ego comes when egos get in the way of creating balance. So, this week watch getting into discussions of who’s right. It is best when dealing with another’s ego-distortion to not confront it at all. If you do engage then you chance your ego getting bruised and fighting back.

*Death – The Muse of Purification would like you to incorporate a monthly ritual of purification for your coming birth year. By literally or metaphorically sloughing off your old skin, you allow space and air for your new dermis to not only glow, but it will also be able to better protect you.

Ace of Fire – The Muse of Genesis would like you to list the things you would like to grow in your coming birth year. And then categorize them into needs and wants. The needs list this muse suggest start growing now, so you can propagate the wants in fertile soil.

King of Water – The Muse of Emotions is challenging you to get in touch with yours. You may think that because you have been distancing yourself from them or handling them alone that you have not been emotional. This muse reminds you that emotions are hard to damn up forever. The dam will break, so a little venting goes a long way this week.

Eight of Earth – The Muse of Mastery comes when you need to hone your strengths instead of focusing on your weakness. She reminds you that you have learned some handy and unique skills, so use them.
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