The first total solar eclipse seen from America since February 26, 1979 happens tomorrow. The science part of this is pretty cool. NASA has a great website for facts about eclipses. Also from an astrologer’s point of view, this solar eclipses brings new beginnings and change. An interesting tidbit from my favorite astrologer Michelle Gould, is that each eclipses effects a different group of people more. This eclipse focuses on Leos and whatever house Leo resides in your natal chart, and especially if you have anything at 28 degrees.
This eclipse I find myself in a new home and in a new town. The next annular solar eclipse to be seen in the continental US is on October 14, 2023 and will be visible from Northern California to Florida. Following this, we will have a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 visible from Texas to Maine. I wonder where I will be then? What new beginnings are you conjuring now and what will be on your horizons in 6 years?
This week, instead of asking the Universe what do you need to know for the coming week, I asked what advise it had for you in the coming 6 years. Enjoy.
P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.
Aries – Ace of Wands – What a wonderful card to get for the solar eclipse. Aces are new beginnings, and Wands asking you to focus on what brings you passion in your life. Your challenge is to figure out how to get more time to focus on what lights your fire?
*Taurus – Death – This eclipse brings with it slow change for you. What do you want to weed out of your life? What do you want to plant and then lovingly grow in the next six years?
Gemini – Four of Cups – Last week the Justice card advised you to think logically and with an end game in mind. The eclipse would like you do to do some contemplation – to do inner work to effect the outer. Now is the time to change what gets you down in your life. The challenge for you is stop trying to fix everything. Just pick one thing and change that the rest will fall in to place at their appropriate time.
Cancer – Seven of Cups – The Seven of Cups is a card of imagination, wishes, dreams and illusions. Your lessons for the next six years are to flex and strengthen that imagination muscle and start believing in your magic. Your challenge is to let your imagination soar and realize that if you are aware and clear of what you are wishing for that alone will steer you away from illusionary thinking.
Leo – Five of Wands – The Five of Wands is advising to use this eclipse energy to look at the chaos in your life. How can you start to release the tension in your life? The big challenge is that strife in life is a given. Your lesson is more on finding ways to deal with it better.
Virgo – Three of Swords – Last week Judgment challenge you to make some major shifts in your life because the universe will support it. This week your eclipse card is Three of Swords. This card challenges you to stop agreeing with negative thought patterns. There are three of them that were placed there by others. Now is the time to pull them out and discard them. Yes, you will feel a bit hollow for awhile but your heart will be lighter and healthier.
Libra – Page of Pentacles – The Page of Pentacles is asking you what do you want to learn during this 6 year eclipse cycle? What do you want to add to your skill set or study for fun? Painting? Surfing? Excel? Art History? Your challenge is to expand your mind and increase your talents.
Scorpio – Five of Pentacles – The Five of Pentacles is advising you to start saving. The lesson with this card is that you feel safer when you are debtless and have a good size nest egg in your bank. The next 6 years is the time to grow that egg.
Sagittarius – Two of Wands – Your eclipse challenge is to start making firmer decisions to change your life. Your easy going – deal with it as it comes personality has worked so far, but can you imagine what would happen when you had a clearer focus for the next six years.
Capricorn – Ace of Pentacles – Your eclipse card is the Ace of Pentacles. This is a card of new beginnings which is appropriate and it is pentacles which means to take action. So this continues last week’s walk the talk attitude, but since this is the eclipse card this is a new beginning that will take 6 years to harvest. Your challenge is to remember patience and being in the moment – every day is a new day. When you falter or make an error these are building blocks as much as your victories. Contemplate this: if life is a journey of steps and it’s goal or end point is death, which do you think is more important the steps or the goal?
Aquarius – Ace of Swords – The Ace of Swords is your eclipse card. This card appropriately denotes new beginnings, and for you this new beginning is around your thoughts and communication. The next 6 years will bring you enlightenment and with it new thoughts and ways to communicate; therefore as your mind expands so does your life purpose. Oh, an amazing byproduct of this will be a new sense of serenity.
Pisces – Ace of Cups – Crazy, so all the Aces have shown up in this tarotcast and you got the last one the Ace of Cups for your 6 year eclipse challenge. Aces are new beginnings and your focus are emotions. The next six years you will be learning how all emotions sprout out of LOVE. Your challenge will be how to grow love and acceptance for yourself and then spread those seeds of love to others.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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