Happy April Fool’s. This celebration’s origins arose from the Roman holiday, Veneralia (yes, also the origin of the word venereal). This woman-only Roman holiday was for the Venus Verticordia or the Chaste Venus. Legends say that the Sibylline Oracle divined creating a holiday to help woman stay chaste after an incident where some vestal virgins and matrons, as Ovid put it, broke their vows. It was celebrated on April 1st, at the beginning of Aphrodite’s month. The ritual entailed woman parading the statue of Venus to the male baths, bathing her, dressing and adorning her and then walking her back to her temple. This ritual became widely adopted by woman of all walks of life.
Please note that this history was from a male viewpoint in a male-dominated and exalted society. I would like to suggest another perspective. Perhaps the Vestal Virgins were forced to break their vows. And the Sibylline Oracle, all women, actually created an earlier version of the Me Too movement. Creating a ritual where woman could publicly show that the representation of females, love, and sexuality could walk into an all-male venue, get nude, bathe, pretty herself up again, walk back to her home and remain unscathed. Did those Oracles pull the first prank over the Roman’s male dominated society by hiding equality in a ritual?
P.S. Remember you can now reach me for quick questions on the Instantgo app. 
Aries – Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands tells you to keep your ears, eyes, and mind open. There is important news coming your way. This information will make life better and easier this week.
Taurus – King of Cups
The Sun challenged you to say yes to things that peak your interests, last week. The King of Cups continues this theme. This King asks you to say yes to activities, ideas, and people who warm your heart. Your challenge this week is to keep your heart open.
Gemini – Page of Cups
All of March had you looking at how to implement a more carefree lifestyle. The Page of Cups continues this theme. His advice is to stop being so cynical. Take time this week to put on your rose-colored glasses, let your guard down, and play.
Cancer – Queen of Cups
Hmm your second Queen. So what differs with the Queens compared to the other court cards? Queens step back and look at cycles. They think of life like playing double-dutch. You watch and wait to see the rhythm of the ropes and then jump in. Last week the Queen of Swords wanted you to gain perspective from your planning/mind. This week the Queen of Cups wants you to stand back and see the rhythm of your heart and desires. Again the question is are you still on course but also are you enjoying it?
Leo – Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles is about resources. This card asked where do you feel resentful, greedy, or not supported? Your challenge is to follow that line of thought back to the resource/need you are missing and then go get it.
Virgo – Three of Cups
Second Three in a row. Threes in tarot mean looking at things that stabilize or destabilize you. Last week the cards had you looking for a guru to help. This week this card challenges you to see the value of friendship in stabilizing yourself. Take time with your friends and bask in you all’s mutual love and respect.
Libra – Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords means worry. Yes, there are things we worry about, and yes worry is important to make sure we are ready for possible outcomes. The challenge is to realize you have done all the productive worrying and now you are heading into rumination which gets you nowhere. This week leave your worries at the door. No really, I mean when you go home visualize leaving your worries at the door, and tell them you will pick them up tomorrow or even better next week.
Scorpio – Four of Cups
Last week, the Death card said work with your environment to create change. The Four of Cups adds to this challenge by asking you to dream bigger. You can create the life you hope for, and as this card says, have faith that the universe can give you even more than what you can actually see. Your challenge this week is to stay open and let life surprise you.
*Sagittarius – Hanged Man
The Hanged Man foretells stagnation but also it is a great time for reflection. This is not a week to start new things or try to push things to fruition; especially since we are in the middle of Mercury in retrograde. This is a great week to contemplate and look at anything from many angles. Also this is a time for diversions from normal routines. It can look as simple as reading a good book to as complex as going on trip outside your comfort zone. This week expand your mind.
Capricorn – Three of Swords
The Three of Swords means three things are going to be a pain in your arse. The challenge with this card is not to make a big deal of it. These three challenges are triggering old patterns, so don’t play that sad song over in your head again. Lift the needle and put on another record.
Aquarius – King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is the supreme executor of actions on the material plane, but also he know how to enjoy his harvest. The challenge is to keep your nose to the grindstone this week, but when you have off- take off and enjoy.
*Pisces – Emperor
Where last week the Fool challenged you to choose a new or fresh activity. This week the Emperor takes you a step further. Whatever the Fool taught you about your path or goals, the Emperor says you are ready to materialize the next step. This can look as simple as last week you tried and loved jujitsu, so the Emperor challenges you to sign up for the class for 6 weeks. Or as complex as you found out you love baking and the Emperor asks how can we start a business around that?
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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