Tag Archives: astrological forecast

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of July 28, 2019

Remedios Varo

Happy Birthday month Leo!

Many artists use their art to investigate who they are.  This week’s artist is surrealist Remedios Varo (1908-1963).  Varo used her art, intellect, and curiosity to investigate and understand her dichotomous upbringing, diverse and war-weary history, nonconformist ideas of gender and spirituality, and inner landscapes of her mind.  In her youth, her father, an engineer, spurred her to read sciences and fantasy books and learn mechanical drawing.  Where her Mother a devout Catholic sent her to convent school.  This possible opposing theme of science versus spirituality becomes her most prominent motif in her art.

You can see in her art how she tried to conjoin the conflicting topics of occult/science, human/machine, and conscious/subconscious, to name a few. Her paintings gave Varo a safe place to revolt from the restrictions of her Mother’s Catholicism, and the male dominated Surrealist movement.  Remedios elevated the woman figure from object to subject.  The subjects of her paintings became version of herself evolving into gender-neutral characters in surrealistic dreamscapes.  Varo’s landscapes gave the parts of her – artist, mystic, scientist and spiritual being – a place to express and explore her and ultimately the viewer’s multidimensional character.  That is the amazing thing that art aids us in, our investigation of the age-old question:  Who am I.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Remedios VaroSeven of Pentacles – Another great week to put time and effort into how you make your money.  The Seven of Pentacles is the work horse card.  Spend this week investing ways that will bring you material wealth.  The only challenge with this card is having patience. This week is great for planting ideas/time/space; however, you will have to wait till late fall to see its bounty.



Remedios VaroQueen of Swords – The Queen of Swords can play out two ways this week.  First, because you are a true friend and have integrity, you might feel called to protect someone or idea.  Second, your intellect is honed to see the smallest cracks in any project or process.  However, the common challenge is when defending or helping you tend to be a bit too pointy in your communications and/or parlays.  So, the question to work on is – how can you say and/or do your truth without coming off as being judgmental?



Remedios VaroEight of Cups – The Eight of Cups is the card of letting go.  Whether it is emotional or physical baggage this is a great week to prioritize and simplify.  This card is a mini-turning point in your life.  So, look around your physical and internal landscapes and get rid of what no longer fits the you of NOW.



Remedios VaroNine of Cups – The Nine of Cups continues the theme of last week’s Sun card. The Sun closed out your birth month with its energy of growth and increasing your person shine.  This card is about enjoying life’s abundance and being content with what is in the now.  Take this week to partake and be grateful for all that you have.



Remedios VaroKing of Cups– Last week the Hierophant declared a theme for 2019-2020 – organization and structure.  This week the King of Cups ask you to put responsibility aside and celebrate your birth. This King rules your emotional well-being, and he wants you to party, fall deeply in love, fill your cups and enjoy life overall.  The only caution with this Bacchian vibe is be careful of overindulgence.



Remedios VaroNine of Pentacles – The Nine of Pentacles advice, this is a good week to get things accomplished and easier if you spend your productive time alone.  This is not calling for you to be totally isolated but when or if you decide to invite others in choice wisely.   Outsiders can be a distraction to your efficiency.



Remedios VaroKing of Pentacles – Last week, The Death card declared it was great time to start the ball rolling to create change in places that have bottom out, dead-ended or ran out of oomph.  The goal was and is to weed out the dead growth so new things can grow in its stead.   This week the King of Pentacles gives you a bit more control on the process and outcome than last week.  Where last week was more go with the flow, this week is more hands on.  This card brings with it the momentum to finish up or clean out projects that have spilled over from last week.  The challenge is still not to start anything new but to finish up or build upon the old.



Remedios VaroSeven of Cups – The Seven of Cups is the card of imagination and wishes.  This is a great week to daydream and fantasy about what would satisfy your heart ie: make you content with love and relationships.  There is a paradoxically challenge with this card and week.  One side is challenging you that you are not dreaming or living big enough and the other is that your dreams play out in your life as more fantasy then fiction.  The key dream bigger with love while being also realistic of human nature.



Remedios VaroPage of Swords – When the Page of Swords shows up it means that you do not have all the information you need to move forward or make decisions this week.  Take this time to put on your Sherlock hat and find out what is going on behind the scenes.  The challenge is posing the right questions and listening to the answers with an open mind.



Remedios VaroKnight of Cups – The Knight of Cups is the card of romance and people/places or things that stir your heart.  This week take time to do all things that fill your emotion well.  The only challenge with this card is you may wear your heart on your sleeve.  This is not always a comfortable position for Capricorn’s hearts to be, but it is important to share some vulnerability and insight into what stirs you with those that you are close to.  Intimacy is vital for the human experience.



Remedios Varo*Moon – The Moon realms the realm of things that are hidden. Everything is not what it seems this week, and there is information that you need to process.  This week is dealt with best when you open your mind to your intuition to find your path through the fog.  This is a great week to daydream or follow your wimsy instead of cold hard facts and logic.  And by doing so, you unlock some subconscious info that you will need soon.  The challenge is when you are having to deal with the outer world.  Be aware this week you can feel vulnerable and/or moody when pushed to make decisions in this misty moonlight.  If you must move forward, follow your instinct instead of your logic.



Remedios VaroSeven of Wands – The Seven of Wands is the card of challenges.  This card foretells that this week can have some struggles, but they are important for you furthering your opportunities.  The challenge is not to get discourage these trials are short lived and easily solved.  Motto: Keep on Keeping on.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of July 21, 2019

Calvin Ma -dolls

In 1964 the term action figure was coined by Hasbro because American boys refused to play with toys called “dolls.”  However, dolls, toys made to mimic human form, have been played with for at least 5000 years by all genders.  Though, most dolls from early history are found with the dead and it is theorized that they may not be toys at all but guides or helpers in the afterlife.  They can also be used to guide and help us now.

Dolls are powerful tools helping children navigate and work on their social and emotional skills, and they have shaped all of us in some fashion.  And we need to be aware that dolls push social ethics, morality and norms just by their appearance.  That is why Calvin Ma’s art (above and below) is inspiring.  He uses his action figures to “explore personal issues and struggles with social anxiety.”  His figures covered in feathers, houses and black and white imagery represent our flight, fight or freeze instinct. Though it is designed to protect us from threat or danger, it can get hijacked into anxiety.  His pieces give us a more positive and empowering version of our built-in defense system.  They help guide us to use our fears to become our own personal superhero or at least a badass action figure.

Ma’s art work is at Sherrie Gallerie in Columbus, Ohio from July 28 to September 3, 2019, and at Antler Gallery in Portland, Oregon opening on November 28. Alongside these shows, Ma will also be sharing pieces in at SOFA Expo in Chicago and at Haven Gallery in Long Island, in late October and mid-December, respectively.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.


Calvin Ma action figuresKing of Pentacles – This week the King of Pentacles gives energy to all projects that have to do with the material plane and reputation.  This is a great week to put your business hat on, build capital, create physical items or hands on projects, or your pump up your social status.  It is time to become your self-made master of your fortune and destiny.  Motto- Just do it.


Calvin Ma action figuresTwo of Wands – The Two of Wands declares this week’s energy is best used in planning for the future.  This card is about the near future but where do you want to be or what do you want to accomplish in 2025.  The challenge with this card is keeping your feet on the ground while your head is in the clouds.


Calvin MaNine of Cups – The last two weeks the Hierophant challenged you to hone your teaching skills. And then the Lovers card continued focusing on working with people, but had you switch from teacher to co-creator.  This week the Nine of Cups’ energy is about sitting back and integrating those last two weeks’ lessons. The stipulation is that you only assimilate what or who makes you comfortable.


Calvin Ma action figures*Sun – Okay the Universe snuck in another Big card for your coming year the Sun.  The first card was the High Priestess (which is associated with your ruling planet, the Moon). The High Priestess has you focusing on intuition, serenity, cycles, introspection and the big picture for the coming year.  Then the Sun closes out your birth month with its energy of growth and increasing your person shine.  So, starting this week Cancer it is balancing both your inner needs with your outer goals.  This coming year is pushing you to shine a bit stronger than your typical moonlight.


Calvin Ma*Hierophant – Here is your first card of your birth year.  The Hierophant’s theme for 2019-2020, is organization and structure.  This is the year to put into place boundaries, set up schedules, start diets or exercise regimes, rituals anything that helps you structure and direct your energies and days.  This is a year where saying No or Let me think about it is advised. The challenge with this coming year is that these ethics/morals/structures must come from you not society.  It is easy to place societies’ expectations on ourselves – it releases our responsibility of choice.   So, start this week with something simple – organize your closet or your junk drawer. Just make sure you do it in a way that satisfies you, not the wills or ideas of others.


Calvin MaFive of Pentacles – The Five of Pentacles is the card of physical loss.  This can be your keys or cash.  So be careful this week on what you spend your money and time on and where you physically lay down your possessions.  The challenge is asking for help when you find yourself at a loss.


Calvin Ma*Death – The Death card rules the energy of organic change.  This week is a great time to start the ball rolling to create change in places that have bottom out, dead-ended or ran out of oomph.  The goal is to weed out the dead growth so new things can grow in its stead.   The challenge comes when you try to rush or control the growth.  This card’s lesson is kin to tending to a garden you can’t control the weather but you can pick the seeds that will grow well in it.


Calvin MaAce of Cups – Love is in the air.  All Aces are new beginnings, and this card focuses on new stages or diving to new depths of the heart.  This week is advantageous to new relationships and deepening old ones.  Your goal is to find out something new about the people that surround you, new and old. The challenge is sharing something new about yourself too.  It takes two to tango.


Calvin MaQueen of Wands – The Queen of Wands advises you to go play with Mother Nature this week.  You soul is craving some me-time, and for your half-horse personality- nature or the open road does that best.  So, get out of the house this week – road trip, hike, swim in a river, bike.  This week is about movement and experiencing what Gaia has to offer.


Calvin MaThree and Four of Wands – Last week, the World card had you aligning your energy with the lunar eclipse to create amazing transformative and healing mojo.  Now, the Three and Four of Wands has you focusing on short term goals and create a comfy home environment, while you are waiting for your longer-term goals to mature and their timing to line up.  This week is about comfort and patience.


Calvin MaTen of Cups – Your second Ten, so let’s dive a bit into what Ten means.  Tens are perfect for completing cycles and that you enjoy and bask in that completion before moving on.  Last week the Ten of Pentacles advised you to finish up a physical project and then relax your body. This Week the Ten of Cups adds the emotional relaxation to the physical.  This week your challenge is to indulge in things that make you happy.   Your song for this week : My Favorite Things or Happy


Calvin MaTwo of Cups – Two of Cups is the card of relationships.  This is a great week to deepen the relationships that you have chosen and want to grow in your life.  The only challenge with this card is that the give and take of these relationships need to feel balanced to you.  If they are not, then you need to reevaluate how much energy you put into them.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of July 14, 2019

Katerina Kamprani

We are in between the eclipses and they have been hitting people pretty hard. Like this chair above, the eclipses are throwing us out of our comfort zones, making us stand up and do the work.   I found that this time has made me contemplate what isn’t working in my life, or what is in my life that isn’t working.  And to do so I really needed to deconstruct and simplify my everyday experiences.

This “chair” is from a series of impractical household items called The Uncomfortable by architect Katerina Kamprani.   Her goal is to “deconstruct the invisible design language of simple everyday objects and tweak their fundamental properties in order to surprise you and make you laugh…but also to help you appreciate the complexity and depth of interactions with the simplest of objects around us.”  I guess the eclipses are trying to get me to see how I design the simple things in my life and how intricate that actually can be.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Katerina KampraniNine of Cups – This is your second nine in a row, so let’s dive a bit deeper into Nines.  Nine means you are near the end of a cycle or completion of something.  You are on the last stretch. Last week the Wands had you preparing for this last bit, and this week the Nine of Cups is wanting you to be in the moment and experience it.  You are so focused on the goal you are forgetting to be in the now.    This week will only come once – feel it – be in it.



Katerina KampraniTen of Cups – The Ten of Cups represents bliss and the completion of an emotional cycle.  This week take notice of all those that love and support you.  You have come through a lot of emotional trials and exaltations with this group of dear ones.  Now is the time to rejoice in the joy, love and happiness.



*Lovers – Two big weeks for you.  Last week the Hierophant challenged you to hone your skills on how you can teach and support others.  This week the Lovers continues the focus of working with people.  But where last week you were the teacher, this week you are the co-creator.  This week it is vital you look at how you interact with those around you.  Whether that is creating projects and/or generating atmospheres, you are co-creating all that surrounds you.  The challenge is to design equality and balance – remember equal does not mean the same.  Celebrate and support yours and others uniqueness.  Your motto: Variety is the spice of life.



Katerina KampraniSeven of Cups – Last week the Five of Wands and the High Priestess, your major arcane card for Cancers’ new birth year, came to guide you not only through last week’s chaos, but throughout the coming year.  The aspects that are resonating until next July are intuition, serenity, cycles, introspection and the big picture.  This year is a spirit quest that will combine the past, present and future.  It may not bring order to the chaos, but it will bring a sense of peace and acceptance of the natural flow. This week, the Seven of Cups joins to the Priestess’ message by advising you to dream bigger but stay realistic when waking.  You need your dreams to help expand your horizons but you need the clarity of your conscious mind to obtain them.



Nine of Swords and Knight of Swords – These two cards are warning you to be careful as you are preparing for your next birth year. The Nine of Swords advise that over thinking has been giving you trouble, and it is time to put needless worries aside.  And the Knight of Swords chimes in saying you are rushing through your life not really experiencing it and/or you have been prone to mishap due to rushing through things.  They challenge you to spend this week letting go of your bad habits of worrying about the past – that you cannot change- and the future – which you cannot predict.  This week you need to be conscious of how you are moving into your coming year.



Six of Pentacles – Last week Temperance the card of moderation, harmony and adaptability challenged you to balancing. Whether that is a simple as balancing your check book or diet, balancing work with play, or balancing your yin and yang of your spirit.  Re-calibration for satiation and ease was your motto in all things. Well the theme of balancing continues with the Six of Pentacles.  However, this card has you balancing karma and debts.  Take this week to pay off your debts and fill it with good deeds.  This positivism (or negativism if you choose) will come back to you threefold in the coming months.



Queen of Pentacles – The Queen of Pentacles comes when you need to enjoy the life you have worked so hard to get.  This is a great time to take a vacation, have a spa day, go out to your favorite restaurant.  Indulge this week, you not only need it – you deserve it.



Eight of Cups – Last week, the Emperor came reminding you that you have a good foundation, but you need to start building to the next level.   This week the Eight of Cups continues this theme of building but it is challenging you to release a few things.  You need the room to build more into your life.  Whether that is cleaning out some closet space or cleaning out some heart space, you got to dump out some of the old to pour in some of the new.



Five of Wands – The Five of Wands is the card of chaos.  This week you need to watch where you take things that can create disharmony.  For example, instead of thinking that someone is arguing with you – think of it as creative differences or that you are able to see a perspective outside of your normal or societies thought patterns.  Think of these chaotic moments as insights into the diversities of perspectives.  In other words don’t take anything personal this week.



*World – The World is the card of completion of a cycle.  This card is perfect timing with the lunar eclipse happening in Capricorn on Tuesday to Wednesday.  This week you can create some pretty amazing transformations and healing mojo by attuning yourself to what needs to be released to ease into the next cycle.  The challenge and paradox of this card asks you:  If you could have it all what are you willing to let go to do it?



Ten of Pentacles – The Ten of Pentacles this week is a great time to finish up a project.  Get one item/project off your to-do list.  And before you start on something else, the true goal is to enjoy and bask in its completion.  This week should ultimately be about relaxing and enjoying.



Six of Cups – Spend time in the past this week. It’s a great time to look at old pictures and reminisce with loved ones.  This rumination has some emotional messages for you that will help you unravel the mysteries of the future.




May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of June 23, 2019

My partner and I often create outlandish stories and conversations that we believe our cats are having with us, each other, the two squirrels that chatter on our screen porch, and one woodpecker that taps on the window every morning to converse with our younger cat.  Artist Arna Miller’s  art has taken this game of ours to a hilarious art form.  Her quirky illustrations and text joyful launch the viewer to ramble down the path of their imagination.

She pulls her inspirations from book illustrations, vintage packaging, matchboxes, magic shows posters, and early 20th century illustrations. Her guiding rule which she sometimes breaks is “Possible, but Not Likely. For example, it’s possible for a vole to sit on a cigarette box and float down a river, but it is not likely. On the other hand, dinosaurs didn’t have laptops and headphones, so I would not draw that.”

Take inspiration this week and try out her Possible, but Not Likely scenario with an animal or person. Not only will it work your imagination muscle, it will also bring you joy.  And of course, visit her website and buy art – it is how artist make a living.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Arna Miller*Hermit – Second big card in a row.  Last week, the Sun card brought with it a sense of accomplishment and energized the week for getting things done, growing healthier, and succeeding in new ways.  So last week it begged you to stay out in the Sun.  This week is the opposite with the Hermit card.  Where last week was getting out and meeting new people, this week you will need to pull away from society to get things done.  The Hermit advises in all things gain perspective before acting on anything.  This can look as simple as closing your office door or as complex as going on a retreat.  Quiet is of the essence so you can hear yourself think.



Arna Miller

Ace of Wands – Ace of Wands foretells this is an auspicious time for new creative and/or spiritual beginnings.  Do things this week that light your passion. This is a great time to make wishes and plant new seeds both figuratively and literally.



Arna MillerEight of Cups – Last week the World card close out your birthday month.  With the Tower advising that to use this coming year to shake down the things that aren’t working in your life, so the world can bring you great opportunities.  So, the first thing on your to-do list this week is clean your closets/drawers/shed/garage.  It is a great week to unload some of the physical things that no longer work in your life.  Lighten your load.



Arna MillerFour of Wands – No better way to start your first week of your new birth year then to make your home more comfortable.  The Four of Wands is the card of a happy home.  And Cancers home, as you know, is important to you.  So, do what you must this week to make your abode feel more homey.




Arna MillerKing of Wands – The King of Wands heralds this is a perfect week to be creative.  He is the king of DIY, art in all its forms and inventions.  And if you can’t do it then go and experience it.  Go out in nature, museums, places that create awe and inspire you.       



Arna MillerFour of Cups – You are on a bit of an emotional roller coaster the past few weeks.  This week continues the theme of ups and downs but with less altitude.  This card advises that now is a good time to play in your inner world.  But you must experience your outer world at least twice this week.   Coming up for air is vital to your emotional health.



Arna Miller*Chariot – This is an auspicious week to create change.  The Chariot is one of the big three cards of change.  The challenge with this card is the change is all in your hands.  Your work is to make sure you have a plan on your route and you are prepared for the long haul.  Spend today plotting out where and what you are going to do, and you will get far.  However, remember to remain flexible as you traverse through this week, for if your way is blocked it is all up to you to find an alternate route.



Arna MillerFive of Pentacles – The Five of Pentacles foretells a physical (material objects, projects, money) loss or break down can happen this week.   To ward against this:  Put your keys and phone in the same place, don’t invest in anything, nor decide to sell.  The best way to work with this energy is stay the course, be frugal and ask for help.



Arna MillerPage of Cups – Last week, the Fool wanted you to take new journeys and indulged your 5 senses in new experiences, enjoying the varieties in life.  The Page of Cups continues this theme whole-heartedly.  This card challenges you to see the world through the eyes of a child.  Find your wonder and curiosity with the world again.



Arna Miller*Judgement – Big week for you all with the Judgement card.  This card’s energy is evolution. It is challenging you to awaken.  Enlighten yourself.  Make the big move to totally change your life.  This can look as simple as starting a meditation practice to change your mind, health regime to change your body, committing to you’re a relationship to change your heart.  Or as complex as change all three.



Arna Miller*Star – Last week the Judgment card had you pick something you want to evolve in your life.  The Star continues that theme  but also challenges you to heal.  Think of your evolutionary phase like a crab changing its shell, a butterfly coming out of a cocoon, or a snake shedding their skin.  All of them take their time to adjust to their new body and harden the softer parts.  Take this week to heal.  It can look as simple as taking a mental health day or as complex as taking the whole week.



Arna MillerAce of Pentacles – New material beginnings this week.  It is a great week to increase your resources, start a job, project, invest money.  The only challenge with this card is you must do the work to get things started.





May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of June 16, 2019

Red Panda

I don’t know about you, but I need some cuteness in my life right now.   Red Pandas are on the top of my list.  They are not really related to the Pandas. Due to new DNA research they are closer relatives to weasels, raccoons or skunks.  These cuties live in high altitude temperate forest with bamboo understories, and yep 85% of their food is bamboo leaves.  Their habitat range spans through Burma, China, Nepal, India and Tibet.  They are on the endangered animals due to loss of habitat; therefore, they are being bred in zoos to support the population’s diversity in the wild.

To help support the Red Panda donate to organizations like the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. They do research in creating better ways to protect Red Pandas and other endangered animals in the wild and facilitate in keeping their genetic diversity.  And of courses cutting down on the demand for resources by consuming less, helps all of us animals.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.


Red Panda*Sun – The Sun card rises with in you a sense of accomplishment.  You are getting things done, growing in healthier ways and succeeding in new ways.  The light is shining on you this week, soak up its warmth.  Put all the good things that happen to you this week in your pocket and save them for a rainy day.  This week should be  smooth sailing.  So, if for some reason you aren’t feeling it – cross the street – you are just choosing to walk on the shady side.


Red PandaFive of Swords – Chaos around communication is this week’s vibe.  Misunderstandings can happen a lot this week.  The best advice on how to manage it – is to get your ego out of the conversation.  And watch out that you are not asked to do something you do not feel comfortable with.  Don’t compromise your integrity to please.


Red Panda*World – So here is your last power card for your new birth year – the World.  Remember you got the Tower at the start of this month telling you to shake down the things that aren’t working in your life.  And this is the reason why – the world is bringing you great opportunities this coming year to expand your horizons.  This is a year to say yes to things.  Keep your eyes and ears open, for each experience holds a gem in it just for you.  Take heed, even those this card tells you to step through as many doors as possible;  it also reminds you that you can walk right out.  This birth year is time to change your paradigm.


Red PandaSeven of Pentacles – The Seven of Pentacles is the card of work.  Simply put, this week should be pretty easy to get things done, so it is a great time to get things off your to do list. The two cautions with this card is that all things take time and pace yourself.  Use your time wisely.


Red PandaThree of Swords – The Three of Swords tells you it is a good time to tend to old wounds.  Time to get real with something, idea or person that has been bugging you.  Put some thought into how to deal with this “thorn in your side”.   Pulling it out slow or fast is up to you, but now is the time to let it heal.    


Red PandaTen of Cups – Last week, the Moon card came asking you to shine a light into the darkness of your subconscious.  Your subconscious either had some healing, growing or disposing that needed to happen.  So, the Moon had you watching areas you were triggered – where fear has been embedded.  And told you to coax this fear out with food or love, so you could tame  and befriend the fear.  This week the Ten of Cups continues this theme of soothing, and suggests doing at least ten things that bring you joy this week.  The only hard part of this card is thinking you don’t deserve it so you don’t do them.


Red PandaEight of Wands – Important information is coming to you this week.  Ears, eyes and mind open.  Also, this card is great if you need to aim for a goal.  It can be more easily accomplished or moved forward when this card appears.


Red PandaKnight of Swords – The Knight of Swords tells you not to rush into anything this week.   This is a week to think before you act.  Be a bit more careful than you usually are.  On a very practical side watch injuries to your extremities.


Red Panda*Fool – The Fool card is the card of the traveler and new journeys.  Therefore, this is a great week to travel.  If you must stay around home then take new roads to your destinations, travel with your mind by reading something new you would never read or eat something you have never eaten.  This card wants you to get your 5 senses experiencing new horizons.  Enjoy the varieties in life.


Red PandaSix of Pentacles – Last week, the Chariot had you practicing not only your balance but also your fortitude. Challenging you to know thyself.  To figure out what is the best way, time, space to harness the change and figuring out what pace to set so your stamina increases.  The Six of Pentacles continues this theme of balance.  However, it has you focusing on increasing and spreading positive change.  The more you give the more you get.  Of course, this also card says this can happen with the negative.  So watch your P’s and Q’s.


Red Panda*Judgement – Time to evolve something Aquarius.  The Judgement card energies evolution.  This week pick one thing that you want to change.  This can be as simple as finally getting the layout of your kitchen working with more ease. so you aren’t running from one drawer to the next looking for the measuring cups.  Or this can be as complex as evolving your relationship to a higher intimacy level.  By having a heart to heart with the understanding that each of you will do it with love and compassion for the other.


Red PandaSeven of Wands – The Seven of Wands is the card of feeling backed into a corner, or that there is no resolution to a problem.  However, this card also reminds you that you are a fighter that wins.  Because you have had the fortitude from going through much worse.  This week is just a skirmish not a war.  Resist giving in and you will be victorious.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Horoscope for week of June 9, 2019

Yokoyama Taikan

Yokoyama Taikan is a Japanese painter circa (1868-1958).  Above is his painting Mountain after a shower. Yokoyama helped in creating the Japanese painting technique of Nihonga. This style departed from more traditional line drawing by eliminating the strong lines in a painting and concentrating on soft, blurred polychromes.  Later in his career, he brought a modern eye to the more ancient Chinese art form of ink wash painting. This form of painting is extremely difficult though it looks simplistic.

The philosophy behind ink wash painting is for the painter to capture the essence or spirit of the object.  The technique itself takes years of practice of varying the ink load and pressure within a single brush stroke creating tonality from deep black to gray.  This technique and philosophy of painting heavily influenced the Western Impressionistic Art Movement.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.


Page of Cups – Last week, The Empress asked you to focus on nurturing, growing and or tending.  This week the Page of Cups still follows this theme of nurturing but advises you to first focus on tenderness to yourself and then it will flow naturally to others.


Yokoyama TaikanQueen of Pentacles – Last week, Justice had you questioning what your truth is and having you make decision from that.   This week, the Queen of Pentacles continues this concept of truth but now wants you to put these truths into actions.  This week practice your skills in walking the talk.


Yokoyama Taikan ink wash paintingKnight of Wands – This week is an easier week then the last two.  The Knight of Wands has you working on bringing the energy and passion back into your flow.  The interesting thing with this card is that you have all that you need already around you for inspiration.  Though a small trip out to nature is always advised when this card shows up.


Yokoyama Taikan ink wash painting

King of Pentacles – The King of Pentacles is the card of construction.  This card tells you to build on what you already have.  Your foundations are good.  It is now time to build the “next story onto your house.”  The challenge is timing.  If it doesn’t work or isn’t coming up fast enough, don’t’ give up there is another avenue, the solution will show itself at the right time.


Two of Cups – Relationships are the priority this week.  These are relationships of your creation so that is either with your love partner or collaborating with someone in your soul group.  As Grace Jones sang,  “Love is the Drug 


Yokoyama Taikan*Moon – The Moon card comes when you need to shine light into the darkness of your subconscious.  The challenge is shining the soft ambient light of the moon and not the harsh light of a summer sun.  Your subconscious either has some healing, growing or disposing that needs to happen this week.  So, watch areas you are triggered.  These are places where fear has been embedded.  The more you try to pull it out the more it digs in its heels; however, if you coax it with food or love, you will not only tame the fear but also befriend it.  This week do activities that soothe your psyche.


Yokoyama Taikan ink wash paintingFour of Cups – This week it is time to deal with your disenchantment of a situation or person in your life.  There are two ways this card advises you to deal with this.  One, your expectations were not appropriate – recalibrate.  Two, there is a solution, but you are not looking outward for it – look up and out for resolutions.


Yokoyama Taikan ink wash paintingNine of Pentacles – The last couple of weeks have been full of change and movement.  This week the Nine of Pentacles lets you sit back and absorb what has been and still needs to happen in your life.  Take this week making your workload more manageable.  Whether that is slowing your pace or holing yourself up for a couple of days to get things done, the goal is work smarter not harder.


Yokoyama Taikan ink wash paintingSeven of Pentacles – The Seven of Pentacles is very straightforward energy.  It signifies this is a great week to work.  The only challenge with this card is the work you do this week will not show up for harvesting until at least a month from now.


*Chariot – The Chariot is one of the three cards of change.  This change is defined by movement that is solely created by you.   This card has you practicing not only your balance but also your fortitude.  Therefore, this card’s challenge is know thyself.  You have all the control of the energy that is whipping up in you and around you.  You need to figure out what is the best way, time, space to harness it and figure out at what pace to set so your stamina increases.  Also, on a very practical side of this card – check your mode of transportation for possible issues ex: your tire pressure, that the shoes you are wearing are appropriate, your bus card is valid etc.…


Ten of Cups – The last two weeks, the Strength card came having you reinforce a resolve, be more resilient, and/or support your self-worth.  And then the Lovers brought relationships in challenging you to bring out the best in others which in turn brings out the best in you.  This week the Ten of Cups continues the theme of relationship building.  However, it now focuses on enjoying the love you have created not only for yourself but for others.  Drink it in.


Yokoyama TaikanPage of Swords– Last week the Strength card advised you to see how resilient, confident and worthy you are. The Page of Sword continues this theme of seeing the truth of your strength and resilience.  This card is the card of information gathering and pondering the facts. Spend time this week seeing the facts and reasons you are so strong.  If you need help seeing your self as such, ask others. On a practical note information gathering is pertinent this week in all things.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art for Week of June 2, 2019

Jacques Henri Lartigue

A friend of mine has dedicated the month of June to the action of Jump.  And this lead me to think about the above picture by Jacques Henri Lartigue.  The photos he is most famous for, and what I have chosen above and below were taken by him at the ages of 8 through his teens.  Many of his photos are a study of motion or really the study of a frozen piece of motion.

Lartigue called himself a painter first and then amateur photographer.  He did not gain recognition for his photography until later in life.  Becoming fully recognized at his solo exhibit at the MOMA in 1963, when he was 69.  Later, he explains he chose the word amateur because,  I have never taken a picture for any other reason than that at that moment it made me happy to do so.

You can see the mischievous and joyful action of Jumping in these photos.  This makes me ponder if the action of jumping – purposely freeing ourselves even for a moment from gravity – taps us into a facet of happiness, something we so easily see in our youth but can fade with age.  So, take this week and just jump.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Jacques Henri Lartigue*Empress – The Empress is the gardener card.  When she arrives, she asks you to focus on what do you want to grow and or tend to.  Nurturing is the skill most needed this week.  But don’t forget as they say on airplanes you must put the mask on yourself first before you tend to others.   The gardener tends the garden but who tends the gardener?



Jacques Henri Lartigue*Justice – Justice is the card of truths.  This card has you questioning what is your truth?  How do you show it in your daily life?  Are you living your truth?  Those are the big questions, but then Justice also plays out in practical matters.  This is a card of decision making with cool intellect, only the facts, pro and cons list etc… Justice wants you to use your head this week and then act.



Jacques Henri LartigueTen of Swords – Last week you all got the Tower for your first power card for this birth year.  The first lesson with this card is you need to do some major renovating in your life this year.  If you don’t know what to start on or how to make the change happen, the Tower card comes to shake things up and makes it obvious what needs to be deconstructed and reconstructed.  The theme this year is take control of the change yourself or the Universe will change it for you.  Well this week will hold some clear clues on what needs changing with the Ten of Swords.  This card is about people and situations that just are not good for you.  This ten will help you see these items clearly and then it is up to you to rid yourself of them.



Jacques Henri LartigueFive of Coins – The Five of Coins is about suffering and loss.   This week holds clues as to what is not working in your life.  The interesting thing with this card is that this suffering is easily remedy by you just by asking for help.  You do not need to suffer alone this week.  On a practical note this can just mean you might lose something like your keys or glasses – so ask for help to find them.



Jacques Henri LartigueSix of Wands – The Six of Wands is the card of victory.  This week is a good stopping point to take break, enjoy what you have accomplished and rest up.  However, this card also says the work is not done. So keep in mind, there is more to do but this isn’t the week to do it. 




Jacques Henri LartigueKing of Cups – Last week the Star had you restoring your health both mental and physical.  You get to continue that theme with the King of Cups this week.  He would like you to focus on the restoration of your heart and emotions. This week is about lifting your spirits, and any form of water is helpful in this endeavor.   However, the practical warning of this card is do not overindulge with liquid spirits.




Jacques Henri Lartigue

Two of Pentacles – Balance and skill are key this week.  This card shows up advising you to take projects on one at a time.  Multi- tasking leads to mistakes and missteps this week.  Juggle one ball at a time, possible two but no more.





Jacques Henri Lartigue*Death and Six of Cups – Okay another change card.  Last week the Chariot challenged you to take the reins and create momentum in your life.  Now change takes another form, Death.  Death is the card of change that is partly in your control and partly in the spin of the Universe.  So, the weight of responsibility of making change happen has been lifted somewhat.  However, because of the Six of Cups joins in, you will need to make amends with the past to allow the Universe to lift some of that responsibility off your shoulders.  This can look as simple as forgiving a past aggression or as complex as letting go of the incidences from the past that can no longer be resolved.



Jacques Henri LartigueKnight of Cups – This week emotion is the key to movement.  The best way to make this happen with ease is to be forthright with your emotions.  This does not mean you have to wear your heart on your sleeve for all to see, but you must at least be honest with how you are feeling with those that are close to you.  The challenge is remembering that what you are feeling is just that, a feeling – it does not always represent the absolute or whole truth.



Jacques Henri Lartigue.Eight of Cups – Last week, the Emperor gave you his energy to materialize and do.  But he also had you checking in with does your work fulfill you?  If it doesn’t, then being honest with what this work is bringing you (like money or time), and if it is fulfilling then keep doing it with more gusto.  This week, the Eight of Cups still has you working on the question what is fulfilling. Though this card’s exercise is to get rid of some excess emotions, ideas or items that no longer serve you.  This can literally look like cleaning out your closets and drawers.  Time to release.



Jacques Henri Lartigue*Lovers – last week, the Strength card came having you strengthen a resolve, be more resilient, and/or support your self-worth.  And now that you are stronger in your self you can now pair up with others.  This week will bring relationships in focus.  Pay attention to how you interact with them.  This card’s work  is how to bring out the best in others which also as a bonus brings out the best in you.



Jacques Henri Lartigue*Strength– Strength is the card of resilience, confidence and self-worth.  This week you need to boost these qualities in yourself.  You are not seeing how far you have come or how you could have taken routes that would have sent you into shadier outcomes.  So here is an exercise to see how strong you have become.  Think of a decision you made recently and now think of at least 3 ways you could have chosen that would have create a more negative outcome.  This could be as simple as you didn’t give someone the finger on the highway – it could have been worse if 1) you ran them off the road.  2) you shot them the bird and they ran you off the road 3) you held on to your anger until you yelled at your significant other, your boss or a cashier. See, you are making decision every day and most of them are smart and damn good for yourself and the rest of the world.  Take this week confirming how you are a decent human being.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
