April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. But is it true? The first time it is found in writing is in a poem from 1610, Sweet April showers, do spring May flowers. Historians believe this proverb was born in areas either in or around the United Kingdom. Because the month of April tends to be especially rainy due to the position of the jet stream. However, the real reason for flowers blooming is the temperature. As the temperature gets closer to spring like weather, flowers bloom no matter the amount of rain. And why the temperature? Well the insects that pollinate these flowers can only move when the temperature is above 45°F or 7.2°C.
So, take this drizzly season and be like the bee, relax. These rainy days set the mood for tea, lazy afternoons, piddling or reading. And enjoy these amazing raindrop pictures by photographer Duscan Stojancevic. And remember to try and support the arts and artists if you can.
P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
P.P.S. New moon in Taurus great time for grounding, starting a new project. And if you do wishes, areas around money, sensual pleasure, perseverance, patience, self-worth, and releasing stubbornness.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*World – At the last day of your birth month the karma card shows up – the World. So, for this birth year the driving force will be the concept of completion and triumph versus incompletion and disappointment. The big question for you is how much your personality is tied to completing projects and the success of them? Why is the attainment of goals so important in your make up? How can you feel complete when there is more to do? Can you feel harmony in the emptiness of challenges or defeat?

Two of Wands – What a great energy to start your birth month with! The best way to use this week’s energy is through discovery. You are in a place that holds both the past and the future in it. And in this space, there is information for you to glean. How does information from your past effect the planning of your future? And does this process to get to the future holding you back? Can you plan without knowing the outcome? These are the questions to ponder this week.

Eight of Cups – Last week’s energy was about infinity growth. And was to be used as a reset button, a time to make changes that will take you to your next phase, mission, and/or purpose. That energy is still hanging around you this week. This is not a time to avoid or walk away form this opportunity. It is time to clean house and start anew.

Ten of Pentacles – The energy around you is tense with thoughts of financial security in the future. Your wealth lies in more than monetary goods. You are at an end of a fiscal cycle but that does not mean an end to economic security. Look in the coming weeks for inspiration of where to or how to go next with all things green. But be careful that you do not go on an emotional shopping spree this week.

Six of Cups – To get out of last week’s doldrums call upon the energy of innocence and playfulness. This week find joy in the little things. And there are hidden messages in your childhood to help you get there. More crayons, more time with a lying on the floor perspective.

Five of Swords – Last week your task was taking this time of stagnation as a moment for you to let go of resistance and pain. To contemplate the future and find paths to a more enlightened way of being. This energy continues with more lights to guide you to enlightenment – compassion, and reconciliation. To truly let go of your pain you need to reconcile with it. Be compassion with it, tame and love it.

King of Cups – It is easy to see the world with the duality of right and wrong, but this time period calls for a balancing act of both. You and the ones around you can be moody and your go-to is to create harmony. However, trying to control harmonious outcomes may be impossible this week. So, compassion is key to navigating this week’s energy.

*Empress – Motherhood and all it entails is a big theme this week for you. The concepts surrounding and for you to ponder are nurturing versus smothering, codependence versus interdependence, and growth versus obstructions. The areas of contemplation and hopefully solution are how to give yourself and others the space, time and energy to grow with just enough structure to feel rooted and secure.

Six of Coins – Last week’s energy was about completion, creating more harmony, success, and forward momentum. The energy shifts a bit this week from endings to sharing. The more positive energy you can emit the more positive energy you will gain back. Of course, this works with negative energy too. The only kink with this transfer is that the return usually comes back from a convoluted path.

Queen of Coins – This week is all about practicality while still indulging in your five senses. The easy avenue for this is eating and enjoying healthy food. But there is also a need for beauty, so what in your life can be practical and beautiful. Arrange your fruit in a basket, invest in beautiful but good sheets, change the lighting in your rooms to match their use? For example, cozy lights in the living room and bright lights in the kitchen or office. These are the things and places to invest your energy in this week.

King of Wands – This week’s energy is around upping your game. Doing things that enhance your skills, experimenting to find new ways of doing things, or finding some way to upgrade your business, presence and or leadership. How can you re-energize your vision and intent for your future?

Four of Swords – Last week the energy was having you walk on the sunny side of the street. Luckily, you can hide a bit this week, but you will still need to bring that sunny energy with you in the form of self-care. This time period has pulled more energy out of you then you realize. No need to fear just schedule in daily times of solitude to recharge your batteries.
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