Tag Archives: astrological forecast

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 19, 2020

Jason deCaries Taylor This week’s artist is Jason deCaries Taylor.  Jason’s has created throughout the world Land Art installations.  These pieces highlight social and environmental issues of the area.   This week I am only highlighting his underwater installations.  With each project he works with scientists and local people to create these underwater art shows.  Even the statues themselves are model from the people of the area. Many of his ocean installations provide foundations for the begins of reefs.

Above is a newer sculpture the Ocean Siren part of the Museum of Underwater Art in the Great Barrier Reef.  The statue itself is modeled after 12-year-old girl Takoda Johnson.  She is a member of the local Wulgurukaba people one of the two traditional owners of the local land.  The sculpture is solar powered and changes color according to the water temperature in the reef.  Consistent dark red colors warn of potential coral bleaching.  Coral bleaching is an effect of climate change and is endangering one of the most diverse reefs in the world, The Great Barrier Reef.  The other part of this project Coral Greenhouse was finished in December of 2019 (see Aries).  It is not only a piece of art but also functioning laboratory, measuring salinity, pH, and coral growth.  Its opening was postponed due to Covid but will have guided underwater tours hopefully starting in 2021.

Land Art is a form of art which uses either the materials from a location or highlights a location.  The emphasis on the art is usually around the concepts of social issues, poverty, ecology, conservation, etc… where the art becomes a form of activism.  This movement started in the late 60’s but many believe locations like Stonehenge, Nazca Lines in Peru, the Chalk drawings in England could be older styles of this art form.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Jason deCaries TaylorFour of Wands – Family and home life are the key for ease and your focus for this week.  Honor these moments of seclusion to create deeper bonds with those you hold close and the home that sustains and protects you.   Give a gift to your abode and the life-forms that live with you.  These acts of gratitude will ground you and help deepen your sense of security.


Six of Swords – Your second 6, so let us dive into numerology for a second.  Sixes are the cause and effect cards.  Last week’s energy was around karma and your actions on the material plane.  This week’s cause and effects energy is around your thoughts.  When they are clear – you feel directed and focused; however, when they are muddy – you stagnate.  The key this week is simplifying your thoughts by traveling their branches to the main source, and then work with just that.


*Magician – The energy this week is about the creative act of bring an idea down and materialize it.  This energy asks what is your intention?  How will you manifest this desire?  The key with this energy is knowing you have the skills and tools already to create into the material plane.  Big or small manifestations, your challenge is materializing them with the highest intention and aligned with your inner integrity.



Five of Swords – Winning or losing is not the goal.  Now is the time to stick to your integrity and humanity.  Do not let society’s ambitioned rat race lure you in.  If you are aligned with what truly matters, you will traverse this week’s chaotic waters with less strain on your mental state.


Jason deCaires Taylor

*Sun– Wow both of your sign’s cards back to back.  One ending your birth year with the power and nemesis of Strength and the other starting the new year with your other power and nemesis the Sun.  Let us review last week’s energy.  It wanted you to allow these three paradoxes into your personal constructs.  1) Your strength comes from dealing with your weakness.  2) Your self-doubt comes from trying to control things that cannot be tamed.  3) Your insecurity is also the root of your compassion.  The Sun’s energy is that it sustains life as does your power when projected out into the world.  The Sun’s and your nemesis are that too much of this power can cause harm or kill.  It is all in its application.  This coming year is about you working on how to harness your power and then applying its powerful force outward to the correct degree that you sustain growth and not burn it all down.



*Tower – Ok during 2020 every sign seems to be getting this paradigm shifting energy and now it is you.  The Tower energy comes to shake up one’s life,  by taking the control away from you, so you can see the cracks in your foundations and then change the blueprints.  First take a holistic look at how these times have affected you outwardly.  What needs to shift?  This would be like the pace you live at, the place you live in, or your support group.   Secondly look at what needs to shift internally to make a major outer-life change happen?  What old patterns are not working for you anymore?  This could look like you are a day person but work night shifts, perfectionism, addiction, etc…  The best way to work with Tower energy is pick one thing to change and go through the whole healing and restructuring process.  This is a modernization of self, but you must do it a brick at a time.



Ten of Swords – The past two week’s have been about expanding your empire and finding your flow with your environment.  This week energy has the possibility to stop you in your tracks.  Be aware that outside sources are not working in your favor.  To traverse this negative energy, either pull back and take a break, or if you must move forward follow your intuition in all things.  Either way do not allow any of this negative vibe set into your muscle memory.  This is a closing of a door.  Let it close and walk on.



Nine of Swords – This week you will need to quiet your mind.  Over-thinking can intrude into your family time or bedtime.  Worry and overthinking will not create ease or help you figure anything out.  A great exercise to do is create a ritual that ends your working day.  Some examples: If you do go out for work, stop at a tree or bush outside your house and figuratively hang up your day before entering in.  If working from home, set an alarm that rings to remind you your day has ended.  Or two hours before bed, pour all the junk of the day into a journal.



*Hanged Man – The energy to ponder and enact this week is the usefulness of inertia.  This vibe comes around when you need to flip your perspective to find new pathways of thinking and doing.  Use or create these moments of pause for reflection.  Let go of old patterns, making way for the new ideas that only arises from silence.  The challenge is that this may trigger boredom or antsyness.  Sit through it, for you will find enlightenment and peace on the other side.



King of Cups – Ok this might be a challenging week for you, for your emotions are on the surface.  However, this energy is wanting you to work with and through them.  Your emotions are your guides, even the moody ones.  If you are moody that is just your feelings expressing you need some alone time.  If you are giddy, then find ways to feed and share that good vibe.



*Hermit – This week your goal is to set aside time to process what this past month or six has been about.  Processing your experiences helps you gather your experiential knowledge.  This will assist in learning how to deal with experiences going forward.  And challenge you by pointing out what skills you still need to learn or tweak.  We all need a stopping point to pull back and see our lives from a loftier place.  Try to turn off you phone and technology for a couple hours at the very least and reminisce upon all that has happened.  This will help lead you to the next steps, that are more authentic to who you want to be and where and how you want to walk on this journey.


Mexico Jason-deCaires-Taylor

King of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was a paradox wrapped up in enigma and challenged you to ride the wave of life without trying to control its currents.  This week’s energy allows you to put in your rudder and steer a course.  This is a great week for all things that build upon your material plane.  Aspects to focus on are how you make your money and/or working with your hands.  Or you might be called upon or see the need to take control.  The challenge is to use your power to guide or nudge rather than fully pressing people or things to your will.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 12, 2020

Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Arghavan Khosravi was raised in Tehran, Iran.  In her art, she weaves historical and pop culture motifs into her personal and political experiences.  Khosravi invites the viewer to traverse the threads that connect and possible bind culture to personal identity.  She has us pondering how, who and what has helped construct the answer to who am I.  Globally we are on seeing where aspects of institutions, historical constructs and political systems are dividing us, frightening us, and hindering our civilized evolution.

Our analysis can be painful in seeing where history and culture has bound our potential, but also productive in the fact that we can break and reweave our systems to become more humanitarian, united, and better humans individually.  Khosarvi’s art is vital in this process for seeing cultural influence but also her art has the viewer seeing aspects of themselves in another.  She gives us strands to weave a new global perspective where there is no other just us.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Eight of Coins – The last three weeks were high energy full of pondering, purpose, and cleansing.  This week the energy drops down and becomes more practical.  The time is ripe for doing things on the material plane.  Focus on one project and take it to completion.  The challenge is that you may have to fine tune your skills to complete the project, however that is easily within your reach.

Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Six of Coins – Cause and effect are big aspects of this week.  For all the positive you do, positive will return to you three-fold.  This however is true for negative energy you send out.   The peculiarity of this energy is that the payback comes for seemingly illogical sources.  Your motto:  The road to success is never a straight-line.

Arghavan Khosravi

Three of Swords – Interesting this is your 3rd week of threes, so a quick check in with that numerology again.  Threes are stability through expansion.  First you were advised to reach out to friends to fill your cups.  Then you were asked to visualize your future and faith became your stabilizing force.  Now you need to heal your heart to stabilize your mind.  Take time this week to honor your sorrow while not dwelling in suffering.

Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Nine of Cups – This is your last birth card for the month, and it is a blessing.  The past two years the eclipses have been moving and shaking in your sign causing havoc and change.  The last energy for your birth month is contentment.  So, your challenges for the coming year: build new structures that allow you to do you more authentically, let go of controlling everything by letting the Universe work behind the scenes in obtaining your dreams, and in your plans allowing this new life to bring you contentment.

Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

*Strength – Strength is your power, your nemesis, and what to ponder as you finish your last week before moving into your birth month.  There are paradoxes with your strength you need to be aware of.  Your strength comes from dealing with your weakness.  Your self-doubt comes from trying to control things that cannot be tamed.  Your insecurity is also the root of your compassion.  Once you allow these truths into your constructs of self – you will find and tap into your inner strength more easily.

Arghavan Khosravi

Ten of Swords – This week is prickly but is also an ending of a perfidy.  You are caring a pain of betrayal and the energy surrounding you is here to help you cleanse it.  The challenge with this energy is not to allow the cycle to start again but rising above it.  Your motto:  When they go low, we go high.  Michelle Obama

Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

*Death – Where last week’s energy was manifestation:  a time to build and expand your empire, this week’s energy is very organic and only partial in your control.  Continue to put energy in the things you want to move on the material plane, but be aware that somethings are out of your influence.  This does not mean that the project you are working on is rotten or erroneous, it is just you cannot control every aspect of it. Do what you can to move things along, but the Universe has the pace in which it will happen.  Your motto this week: Go with the flow.


Ten of Cups – Last week’s energy asked you is your life-path aligning with your integrity and your goals for the year 2021.  That challenge is still on, but this week’s vibe wants you to add an extra ingredient: bliss.  Somehow you have disconnected or become dysfunctional with pleasure.  Pleasure is defined as a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment.   Your challenge is to adjust your plans, so they integrally aligned with you.  The test is you find yourself enjoying the process, satiated by the outcome, and finding your bliss in the mix.

Arghavan Khosravi

Knight of Wands – The last couple of weeks your muse asked you to do the work by exploring your physical, mental, or spiritual plane, and enhancing attributes and circumstance that bring you that sense of Ah.  This week is more of the same, but it is not all on you.  Now your muse is leading you to be in the right place and right mind to do what needs to be done.  The challenge is believing that.  Your metaphorical motto:  Green means go, red means stop, and yellow play it mellow.

Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Six of Swords – You are moving to the next level this week.  It is a small but significant rite of passage.  The challenge is simplifying your thoughts to get through this allegorical eye of a needle.  Side note:  this card also signifies messages when around water.  Look for synchronicities when you come across the element or visage of water.

Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Eight of Swords – Last week, you were asked to look for the keys to enlightenment in the daily simple things – finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.  Though you had to pull away from society to do it.  This week that space is still needed but do not be entrapped by it.  Too much aloneness and/or to far into your thoughts untethers you from reality.  Your challenge is finding ways to get out of your thought and its patterns.

Arghavan Khosravi

*Universe – This week’s energy is a paradox wrapped up in enigma.  This energy holds infinite growth with stagnation.  It achieves evolution with regression.  The challenge is not to try and figure it out or control it but ride the quantum wave.  If any sign can do it is you my fish-friend.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 5, 2020

Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger Questions

Barbara Kruger uses contemporary mass media and its strategies to create sexual, social, and political messages.  She challenges the viewer to examine stereotypes, classism, gender roles, social relationships, political issues, constructs of power, identity, consumerism, and sexuality.  Most of her work consists of black and white photographs overlaid with bold captions.  Kruger did the above piece 19 years ago in 1991. Her pieces are even more relevant now, even in the context of race, because she pulls her images from mass media where the lack of POC voice still challenges us as a society.

I normally let the pieces speak for themselves, but I would like to share why I particularly picked the above piece as my hero shot.  Yesterday there was a lot of hate rhetoric around the celebration of July 4th.  Though I agree with the anger behind it, I fear we might be losing the hope and sentiment that those 13 colonies fought for, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.   I have lived in a place where at the time woman where not allowed to drive or vote.  So, when I came back, I had a new respect for America’s quest as a nation.

So, are we still asking these questions Kruger poses? Yes!  But we are also in a system where we can and should always ask them. For this questioning helps us in aligning our government and our citizenship with equality and humanity. Just look at what is happening now to freedom of speech in Hong Kong or Russia.  Do not let our pride in our concept of America create contempt for our fellow compatriots, the nations within this nation, or the nations that we co-habituate with on Earth.  Keep asking these questions of identity, society, who is holding the power, and strive for the truths that are said below.  For in a true Democracy the power is with its people.

Below is the preamble to the Declaration of the Independence (with a few words tweaked- which is my unalienable right).  Re-read it, for it is still a very powerful statement for a creed on how to live and govern.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men Humanity, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind humans are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

*Death – Another high energy week for you.  The past couple of weeks’ focuses had you pondering your purpose and aligning your plans of action to that that purpose.  However, before you take your steps into this new landscape, the energy this week is wanting you to slough off the old.  Do a thorough cleansing of body, mind, and spirit of all that feels dusty and of no use.  This can look as easy as cleaning your house and/or doing a full body scrub.  Or this can be as challenging as letting go of old habits or mind sets that are no longer relevant or useful.


Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger no

Nine of Wands – The energy this week is perseverance.  Make your boundaries strong and follow through on what work needs to get done.  This is a great week to complete projects and/or conversations.  The challenges with this energy are feeling overwhelmed, hyper-vigilant and/or defensive.   You can make a boundary without making it life or death.  You can be prepared but you can not control the outcome.


Barbara Kruger Your seeing is your believing

Three of Wands – This is your second week of threes, so a quick check in with that numerology.  Threes are stability through expansion.  Last week you were advised to reach out to friends to fill your cups.  This week the focus is expanding your dreams and faith will be its stabilizing force.  Things will get better; the universe is working behind the scenes.  However, it is up to visualize what you want in the future.  This imagining helps the universe include you in the plans.


Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

Queen of Wands – This week the energy is giving you a bit of a birth month reminder.  You are here for the soul purpose of being you.  The energy summons your creativity, self-expression, self-acceptance, and compassion.  The challenge is asking: What edges do you want to explore?  This is a great week to set those intentions and inspirations for your coming birth year.


Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

Four of Wands – This week’s energy is designed to connect with home and family.  Take this time to give a nod to those family groups that surround you.  Also is a great time to find moments where you can nestle into your den and curl up with your favorite form of entertainment and cup of fluid.  This is a nesting type of energy use it to acknowledge and hang with your pride.


Barbara Kruger

Four of Cups – Use the energy that surrounds you well this week by pondering, meditating, and seeing the bigger picture/purpose/cycles.  The challenge is that this energy can also feel like quicksand if you do not tether yourself with hope.  If you can see your place in the bigger picture, that the arc of evolution is long and heads towards the positive, then you can use this pause to hone your talent of visualization and creativity while being in the moment of stillness.


Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

*Emperor – The energy that surrounds you this week is manifestation.  This is a great time to build and expand your empire.  One challenge is that you need to lead, and therefore you making decisions solo.  Thus, making your go-tos of compromise and negotiation nearly impossible.   And the other challenge, though for you all might be joy, is your creation must be for the greater good of those around you.  Go get things done.



Barbara Kruger

*Justice – This week’s energy has you utilizing the concepts of cause and effect and/or big karmic.  Take this week to ponder and plan is your life-path aligning with your integrity and your goals.  However, this week is not time for big action.  But it is perfect for imagining your choices, what path they will lead you to in 2021, and taking small steps in the now to get closer to your soul path.  Side note: For any of you about to do legal stuff or contracts get it ready this week make sure all is in order and works to your goals, so you can jump once Mercury is out of retro on July 12th.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

*Temperance – Another big energy week for you.  Last week your muse asked you to explore the physical, mental, or spiritual plane.  This week the energy turns to harmony, balance, and patience.  If you can accomplish this Zen like composure you will attract/see meaningful events and people.  Enhance attributes and circumstance that bring you that sense of Ah.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

Five of Cups – The energy this week can come at you a bit hard and you might just be a bit sensitive to it.  The key to this week is to let your emotions out like the rain but look for the silver lining in every cloud. This is not being Polly-anna but a nod to the emotions you are feeling without them sweeping you away.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

*Hermit – Deep thoughts are useful this week.  Now is the time to process and learn from your experiences since your last birthday.  You might have to pull away from the masses to do this kind of work.  The keys to enlightenment are in the simple things you do daily.  Find the extraordinary in the ordinary.  Listen not only to your inner muses but also wise words can come from people passing by.  Ears and heart open; mind sharp.



Barbara Kruger

Ten of Wands – This week take advantage of the energy of ending cycles.  For those items that are no longer of use, let them go.  For those items that are too burdensome, delegate them.  Simplify so you can focus on what is a priority and move that to completion.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 21, 2020

large_Portrait-Self_Portrait_of David Wojnarowicz

David Wojnarowicz came up in the New York art scene in the late 70’s doing graffiti of burning houses and falling people.  Throughout the 80’s he began crisscrossing the genres of performance art, film, music, photography, and painting.  He did not adhere to any one technique but keep experimenting throughout his life.  Queer and later diagnosed HIV-positive he became an advocate for people with AIDS when thousands were dying due to the government’s inaction.  Even with the positive Supreme Court decision, LGBTQ+ folks are still fighting today.

Art and activism can be exceptional companions.  What made his art so active was in each piece you can see into his spirit.  He laid it out, vulnerable, quivering and sometimes with anger, in each format he chose.  And because of that it is jarring possible hard to look at but necessary to understand the pain, the questioning, and the joy.  In David’s words: “To make the private into something public is an action that has terrific ramifications.”

This eclipse season, rumbling until two weeks after the July 5th’s Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, is our midway point in 2020, and with this week’s five planets in retrograde, it is a great time to take pause.  Reflect on your past, see what is no longer important.  (Take a gander back at my 2019 in review see how 2019 set us up for this year.)  Review now what is.  And reassess how you will continue you forward.  Life has been rough for many of you.  Take care of yourself, be active, make change where and how you can.  And know you are loved.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




*Judgement – This week’s energy is about evolution and awakening to your divine nature.  Time to allow self-compassion and forgiveness to leave the past in the past. The question to ponder this week is am I fulfilling my purpose or calling?  If not, this is the time to start creating the parameters to allow your evolution.  If you are, take it to the next level.



David Wojnarowicz*Empress – The energy around you is dripping with creation.  With the power of love anything can flourish: plants, children, creativity… You have the seeds in your hands.  What will you plant?  What will you nurture and grow?  Your only challenge is not to control all the expansion.  Just be in tune with your big bang heart and give to the energy of creation.



4 of Coins – Savings is in the air around you.  What do you need to feel financial safe?  What on the material plane do you need, to feel you have your own back?  A new car?  6 months savings?  Now is the time to make sure you know what you require and start to save for it.  Your challenge is to remember though it is always nice to have and build more they are not the only essentials for joy.



David Wojnarowicz*Hierophant – The outdated systems are crumbling around you.  Hollow out by a loss of integrity or alignment to who you are now. What will be the systems you put into their cavities? What new structures need to be built to access this next part of your journey?  New structures, boundaries and schedules need to be created.



David Wojnarowicz5 of Cups – Emotions like grief, sadness and hurt are lingering around you, and this energy wants you to feel into the feelings.  Dive deep with empathy and process them, and when you get to the bottom you will find a reservoir of love, laughter, and hopefulness.  Your challenge is processing is a process.



Queen of Wands – This week’s energy invites you to engage with inspiration.   Follow your internal compass, exploring places in nature or things that create awe.  A Muse is waiting there to entice, support and sprout originality and creativity.  The challenge is pushing your boundaries around concepts of self-acceptance, courage, and leadership.  Color outside the lines.



Knight of Coins – The energy around you is about diligence and work.  The challenge is relaxing into the tasks you love and find meaning in the tasks you do not.  This is not a week to future trip or think of goals but to keep a steady pace forward.



Ace of Coins – The energy this week is expansion and growth on your material plane.  Look in your environment for seeds to plant and what roots to grow.  This is a time for new opportunities.



David Wojnarowicz7 of Coins – This week’s energy could slow time for you.  This plateau of pause if perfect for the 3 R’s:  reflect, review, and reassess especially around work, projects, your physical environment, and anything on the material plane.   Your harvest is around the corner take this time to prepare and tweak what is not just right.




Four of Cups – The energy this week has a tendency to be self-indulgent by being self-deflecting.  The challenge is seeing your own self-worth.  You are here for a reason yes, but literally part of that reason is you being you.   Reflect on your unique qualities that you bring to the table and focus on strengthening them.



5 of Coins – The energies around you are working with you and your relationship to money and prestige.  Who you are has little to do with what you own or your work that makes you money. You know that, but you are losing your concept of self-worth with only what you do on the material plane.   Take this week to reflect on what people love you for.



David Wojnarowicz6 of Wands – Last couple of weeks had you seeing the depth of your energy-well and how to manifest on the material, mental and people planes.  This week the energy level dials back just a little.  You are in the spotlight of success this week.  Can you see it?  Can you see how far you have come to creating the future you wanted?  Take this week to sit in that dusting of confetti celebration.  Be proud of all that you have done and take this week to prepare for the battles and victories yet to come.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 24, 2020

Alice Ball

A tiny break from art into science, because we need a collective shout out to the scientists that work every day in creating cures for thousands of illnesses.  Our society is relying on a variety of scientists around the world to understand and create a vaccine for Covid-19.  Theories aside from how it was spread, we need researchers to develop a vaccine.  Science, in general, needs to be supported now and women in particular need to be nurtured in science fields.  Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.Marie Curie

Alice Ball was the chemist that developed the first successful treatment of Hansen’s disease (leprosy).  She was also the first African American and woman to graduate with a M.S. degree in chemistry from the College of Hawaii.  Her research in the early 1900’s with oil of the chaulmoogra tree lead her to create the first injectable leprosy treatment. The previous oral use of the oil caused many uncomfortable side effects and was less effective.   Her method was so successful it allowed patients to rejoin their families free from the symptoms of leprosy.  She died at age 24.  She was not recognized for her work until 2000.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Eight of Cups– The energy this week is about walking away from things that are no longer useful.  Your heart is telling you something is off, and it is time to take another avenue.  But to figure out what that is sometimes you need to totally disengage from it.  This isn’t about avoiding anything, it is about evaluating and simplifying.


Nine of Coins – Abundance is in the air.  You are going to need time to do some work this week, in solitude is best.  Utilize this energy to materialize what you are wanting to grow in your physical plane.  As they say energy goes where attention flows.  So where or what are you driving to?


Seven of Coins – The energy this week is aimless and spotted with areas of delay and inertia.  To work with this, focus and persistence is vital.  This is a nose to the grindstone kind of week.  But as in the quote by John Firth implied do not holdeth their noses so hard to the grindstone, that it clean disfigureth their faces.  The challenge is there is a line between work and being overwork.  Be careful not to step over that line.


Queen of Coins – The last two week’s energies were about healing being needed as much as action in creating a healthier future.  Now the energy is about the balance between work and play, and for you this takes form in being the nurturer and being nurtured.  Broaden your scope of independence to find places where you can nurture yourself.


King of Swords – You are going to need your brain this week.  The challenge is using your intellect for long-term planning is more useful than getting all the details right.  Yes, it is easier getting caught in the what ifs, but that will take you off course.  So, discipline is key to taking advantage of this energy.


Ten of Cups – Last week’s energy was calling you, to find ways to mother and not smother your creativity.  It is natural for you to nurture others but when it comes to yourself you stop.  You needed to loosen the structure and cultivate organic expression.  Well that energy continues this week by helping you cultivate the joy you find in creation.  Now is the time to be masterful and overlap that with your bliss.


Page of Coins – Learning and diligence are needed to use this week’s energy well.  The challenge is allowing yourself to be wrong.  You do not need to hold all the weight to get things done.  Delegation and assistance are key, but you must let go of the idea that your way is the only way.


Ace of Wands – Distraction and delays are in the air for you this week which will lead you to hesitating or off your intended path.  The key is keeping your eye on what inspires you.  If you let inspiration be your guide you will follow a creative path of ease instead of willow wisps.


Eight of Coins – It is easy to do your work this week as long as you stick to what you know.  Use this week’s energy honing your skills.  You do not need to learn more.  You have mastered your craft now it is time to use it.


*Death – Change is in the air again.  Do not resist or fear this transformation.  Let things end so others can begin. This change is organic.  There are ups & downs and starts & stops, but overall, this push forward has you moving in a more natural pace and to a more comfortable place.


*Justice – Another big energy week for you.  Two weeks ago, it started with summoning you to take a bit of control over your destiny by showing up.  Then the Temperance energy suggested creating your life like a refined meal that has many notes to balance its tastes into a delectable dining experience.  This concept of balance continues this week but instead of the last week’s refinement, this week is more related to the balance that happens with causes and effects.  The challenge is that every question is not yes or no look for the grey areas to find a true sense of fairness and harmony.


Eight of Wands – Slow down you move to fast is your theme song this week.  This week has tons of information coming at you and the feel of needing making quick decision, but to discern the information you will need to slow down and feel the flow.  Use this week’s energy to swim with the current even though it may feel too slow.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 10, 2020

Today is Mother’s Day. By taking the gender out of the day, this is about recognizing the nurturers in our lives.  Nurturing is the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.  They can be your mother, a nurse, a partner, teacher, Mother Earth, a friend, a gardener, or your child… to name a few.   

This week’s artist is Uemura Shoen (Uemura Tsune).  She is considered a major innovator in the bijin-ga style.  Shoen grew up in a time when women were admired for painting but only behind closed doors.  Her mother, a widow, nurtured Shoen’s desire to become a painter by defying cultural norms. She let her paint in the corner of her tea shop, were Uemura soon became recognized for her painting skills. At age 12, Shoen’s mother sent her to study under Suzuki Shonen a famous Chinese landscape artist. By 15, Uemura became famous for the purchasing of her painting The Beauty of Four Seasons by the son of Queen Victoria.

Shoen was drawn to the bijin-ga style of painting. Bijin-ga, beautiful woman pictures, were produced from the 17th century to the 19th century and were exceedingly popular with the middle class. They traditionally depicted courtesans or “women” Noh performer (all the woman roles were played by men).  However, Shoen chose celebrating ordinary woman and often portraying them doing domestic chores or dressing up in their finery.  This elevated the women cultural, from lower-class citizens to beautiful and unique. Shoen paid forward the nurturing of her mother to all women.   

Thank you, nurturers for giving us space to grow!

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.   

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Dattatraya Thombare
Dattatraya Thombare

Four of Cups – This is your second four, so let us dive just a bit into fours.  Four is the number of stability.  Last week you needed to relax to increase your stability.  This week is you need to withdraw.  A retreat is needed.  A time for reworking what is necessary to maintain your strength in the coming months.  With that idea in hand you will feel less apathetic and more apt to action.

Sonya Boyce

Five of Coins – Some weeks are harder than others, so do not be shock if this week comes at you relentlessly.  The best way to work with this energy is to ask for help.  Assistance is there though you will need to exchange coinage in some form.  This can be as easy as baking cookies for your helper or picking up milk for them when you run to the store. 

Diego Rivera

Two of Swords – This week’s energy is full of crossroads decisions, which you cannot avoid.  If you come to an impasse, remember make the decision based on how you would feel once you have started on this path.  Or another way to see this, the decision is more about the journey than the destination.   


*Magician – This week’s energy is about bring the divine down into practical applications.  Use your resourcefulness and skills to create action.  Now is a great time to conjure up next steps.  The challenge is that the product needs to not only benefit you but has components that benefit others. 


King of Cups – Careful this is a moody week for you.  The energy around you can set you off easily and you may come across as uncaring.  So, the challenge is finding balance by being compassionate with yourself.  This is not time apologizing for your behavior, but it is a perfect time being vulnerable and tell people how you are feeling.  And if they can’t take f@$% them.  Figuratively or literally. 

Midnight mother
Kitagawa Utamaro

Two of Coins – It is a balancing act this week.    It is essential that you figure out your priorities and then cut that list in half.  The key to this week’s energy is flexibility and avoiding overwhelming yourself.  This is not a week to multitask or jump from one project to the next. 

Beatien Yazz_mother_daughter_one
Beatien Yazz

*Fool – This week has the energy creating new beginnings if you are not reckless or naïve in its undertaking.  If you feel you do not have all that you need to begin a project, now is not the time to rely on seat of the pants logic or free-spirited spontaneity.  This week needs planning and preparation before embarking on a new project or direction.     

Helene Schjerfbeck

Page of Cups – The energy this week is full of possibilities if you can only be vulnerable and follow your heart.  Pull out your rose-colored glass and look for the good.  The more positive and open hearted you are the easier solutions will be found.  Open heart – Open mind. 

Ravsaheb Gurav

Nine of Swords – Last week you were dealing with the card of change and awakenings.  It wanted you to find your fissures, fix what is fixable, and if too broken then it is time for a significant change.  Luckily, you have another week to work on this.  The energy this week of letting go helps you cope with the strains and fractures of your structures. Worry only about the things you have control to change. 

Silva Manansala

Six of Coins – The energy this week is about investing and receiving.  Share and you receive in return, but be warned that goes for good and bad energy.  The challenge with this exchange is that it takes a serpentine and circuitous route coming back.  So, receiving the gold or the coal can be from surprise sources.

B. K. Lusk

*Wheel of Fortune – It is time to take a bit of control over your destiny by just showing up.  Yes karma, fate and luck all come into play this week and nothing is a guarantee.  But just indicating your wants will give you that bit of control you need and even the odds more in your favor.

Shijun Munns

Page of Swords – A piece to the puzzle is hidden that you will need to solve a conundrum(s). Using your charm will get you the needed information.  Be aware this hiding is not to undermine you. It is done out of ignorance.  Also be warned, your intuition is likely to miss some of the facts.  This week intellect is your ally.   

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 26, 2020

Hubble Telescope
 The image is nicknamed the “Cosmic Reef,” because it resembles an undersea world.

Art in Space.  The Hubble Telescope just had its 30th birthday in space.  Above the latest picture is a giant red nebula (NGC 2014) and its smaller blue neighbor (NGC 2020) part of the Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, located 163,000 light-years away. The blue we see is oxygen emitting from stars.  The red is the presence of nitrogen and hydrogen.  And the wave/cloud is actually the “wind” made by those stars’ energy pulsating out.  How magnificent is this!

On April 24th, 1990 Hubble was launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida attached to the Discovery space shuttle.   It has been serviced and upgraded by 5 more missions from 1993 to 2009.  To date Hubble has taken over 1.4 million observations.  Data from this telescope has helped astronomers measure the expansion and acceleration rate of the universe, study black holes, take in depth looks at planets and their atmospheres, just to name a few of the advances in astronomy.

Below are more incredible photos from the Hubble Telescope take this year and last.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Hubble TelescopeSix of Cups – Last week the World card heralded the concepts surrounding completion and triumph versus incompletion and disappointment as your coming year’s driving force.  This week’s energy has you starting that search in the past.  Look for useful models about completion in personal and/or world history to help process and expand your knowledge on how to maintain resilience no matter the outcome.


*Universe – Another great energy for your birth month!  Last week’s energy had you ponder:  How does information from your past effect the planning of your future?  And does this process to get to the future holding you back?  Can you plan without knowing the outcome?  Now the Universe card has you looking towards a more distant future.  This energy asks you: If everything were possible and you had infinite energy how and what would you grow?  This is a call from the Universe to evolve but it can only help you if you give it some ideas.  So, think big!


Hubble Telescope*Wheel – This is the last month before your new birth year and the universe is giving you a chance to change your fortune for the coming year.  It is pushing you to take a chance on yourself.  Yes karma, fate and luck are all part of the cosmic design, but you can and do have some control of where the ball lands on the cosmic roulette table.  Your part is to show up and make the bet to change your destiny.  Yep you got to play, so what you going to do?


*Strength – So if anything, this time has taught you that you have control issues to work on, and that you need a lot of self-compassion to tame these inner demons.  The amazing bit about this energy work you been doing is that your inner strength is getting stronger.  This week’s energy will help you in taming your insecurities and self-doubt and make you more resilient to boot.


Hubble TelescopePage of Swords – The energy around you this week is not helping your restlessness, but you can let your curiosity tame your gitchiness.  As you let your curiosity roam more ideas start popping up.  This exercise will not only divert you but also take you on a better path than the one you are on now.


Three of Swords – Forgiveness is key to this week’s energy of suffering and sorrow.  Stop licking your wounds and let them heal.  Now is the time to move on and take a more optimistic look into your future.


Hubble Telescope*Death – The energy this week is about transitions.  There are places in your life that need to end so others can begin.  Utilize this energy like weeding a garden.  You need more space for what you want to harvest, so something needs to give.  Let what doesn’t work go.


*Fool – Last week’s energy had you pondering the concepts of nurturing versus smothering, codependence versus interdependence, and growth versus obstructions.  If you did this, you are now giving yourself and others the space, time and energy to grow with just enough structure to feel rooted and secure.  Which readies you for this week’s energy of new beginnings and spontaneity.  Now you have the space to take advantage of the free spirit energy that prevails this week.  If you did not do this pondering, you may fall on a foolish path.  So think before you leap.


Hubble TelescopeEight of Cups – This week is about creating some space and simplification.  You need the space to spread out your mind and body, but your environment is cluttered.  So, clean out the closet, your inbox, and/or your desk, so you can walk away from the old and into the spacious horizon of the new.


Ace of Wands –This week’s energy is full of opportunity and potential, but you must stoke your fires of inspiration.  Create a vision board, daydream, dig into social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram to rouse your muses, write lists of your wishes, peer into fire and conjure visions.   Now is the time for new beginnings.


Hubble TelescopeTwo of Coins – Balance is key this week.  The more flexible you are the better you can attend to your priorities.  This sounds like a paradox, but it is key to not overcommitting yourself and giving away time to do not actually have.


Page of Coins – This is a week of possibilities that lead to achievements and victories.  You will need to be diligent to make it manifest but anything you put effort to will move towards success.  This energy comes to validate that your dreams are flourishing, and you are moving towards goals you have wished and worked into being a while back.