This week’s artist is Jason deCaries Taylor. Jason’s has created throughout the world Land Art installations. These pieces highlight social and environmental issues of the area. This week I am only highlighting his underwater installations. With each project he works with scientists and local people to create these underwater art shows. Even the statues themselves are model from the people of the area. Many of his ocean installations provide foundations for the begins of reefs.
Above is a newer sculpture the Ocean Siren part of the Museum of Underwater Art in the Great Barrier Reef. The statue itself is modeled after 12-year-old girl Takoda Johnson. She is a member of the local Wulgurukaba people one of the two traditional owners of the local land. The sculpture is solar powered and changes color according to the water temperature in the reef. Consistent dark red colors warn of potential coral bleaching. Coral bleaching is an effect of climate change and is endangering one of the most diverse reefs in the world, The Great Barrier Reef. The other part of this project Coral Greenhouse was finished in December of 2019 (see Aries). It is not only a piece of art but also functioning laboratory, measuring salinity, pH, and coral growth. Its opening was postponed due to Covid but will have guided underwater tours hopefully starting in 2021.
Land Art is a form of art which uses either the materials from a location or highlights a location. The emphasis on the art is usually around the concepts of social issues, poverty, ecology, conservation, etc… where the art becomes a form of activism. This movement started in the late 60’s but many believe locations like Stonehenge, Nazca Lines in Peru, the Chalk drawings in England could be older styles of this art form.
P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Four of Wands – Family and home life are the key for ease and your focus for this week. Honor these moments of seclusion to create deeper bonds with those you hold close and the home that sustains and protects you. Give a gift to your abode and the life-forms that live with you. These acts of gratitude will ground you and help deepen your sense of security.

Six of Swords – Your second 6, so let us dive into numerology for a second. Sixes are the cause and effect cards. Last week’s energy was around karma and your actions on the material plane. This week’s cause and effects energy is around your thoughts. When they are clear – you feel directed and focused; however, when they are muddy – you stagnate. The key this week is simplifying your thoughts by traveling their branches to the main source, and then work with just that.

*Magician – The energy this week is about the creative act of bring an idea down and materialize it. This energy asks what is your intention? How will you manifest this desire? The key with this energy is knowing you have the skills and tools already to create into the material plane. Big or small manifestations, your challenge is materializing them with the highest intention and aligned with your inner integrity.

Five of Swords – Winning or losing is not the goal. Now is the time to stick to your integrity and humanity. Do not let society’s ambitioned rat race lure you in. If you are aligned with what truly matters, you will traverse this week’s chaotic waters with less strain on your mental state.

*Sun– Wow both of your sign’s cards back to back. One ending your birth year with the power and nemesis of Strength and the other starting the new year with your other power and nemesis the Sun. Let us review last week’s energy. It wanted you to allow these three paradoxes into your personal constructs. 1) Your strength comes from dealing with your weakness. 2) Your self-doubt comes from trying to control things that cannot be tamed. 3) Your insecurity is also the root of your compassion. The Sun’s energy is that it sustains life as does your power when projected out into the world. The Sun’s and your nemesis are that too much of this power can cause harm or kill. It is all in its application. This coming year is about you working on how to harness your power and then applying its powerful force outward to the correct degree that you sustain growth and not burn it all down.

*Tower – Ok during 2020 every sign seems to be getting this paradigm shifting energy and now it is you. The Tower energy comes to shake up one’s life, by taking the control away from you, so you can see the cracks in your foundations and then change the blueprints. First take a holistic look at how these times have affected you outwardly. What needs to shift? This would be like the pace you live at, the place you live in, or your support group. Secondly look at what needs to shift internally to make a major outer-life change happen? What old patterns are not working for you anymore? This could look like you are a day person but work night shifts, perfectionism, addiction, etc… The best way to work with Tower energy is pick one thing to change and go through the whole healing and restructuring process. This is a modernization of self, but you must do it a brick at a time.

Ten of Swords – The past two week’s have been about expanding your empire and finding your flow with your environment. This week energy has the possibility to stop you in your tracks. Be aware that outside sources are not working in your favor. To traverse this negative energy, either pull back and take a break, or if you must move forward follow your intuition in all things. Either way do not allow any of this negative vibe set into your muscle memory. This is a closing of a door. Let it close and walk on.

Nine of Swords – This week you will need to quiet your mind. Over-thinking can intrude into your family time or bedtime. Worry and overthinking will not create ease or help you figure anything out. A great exercise to do is create a ritual that ends your working day. Some examples: If you do go out for work, stop at a tree or bush outside your house and figuratively hang up your day before entering in. If working from home, set an alarm that rings to remind you your day has ended. Or two hours before bed, pour all the junk of the day into a journal.

*Hanged Man – The energy to ponder and enact this week is the usefulness of inertia. This vibe comes around when you need to flip your perspective to find new pathways of thinking and doing. Use or create these moments of pause for reflection. Let go of old patterns, making way for the new ideas that only arises from silence. The challenge is that this may trigger boredom or antsyness. Sit through it, for you will find enlightenment and peace on the other side.

King of Cups – Ok this might be a challenging week for you, for your emotions are on the surface. However, this energy is wanting you to work with and through them. Your emotions are your guides, even the moody ones. If you are moody that is just your feelings expressing you need some alone time. If you are giddy, then find ways to feed and share that good vibe.

*Hermit – This week your goal is to set aside time to process what this past month or six has been about. Processing your experiences helps you gather your experiential knowledge. This will assist in learning how to deal with experiences going forward. And challenge you by pointing out what skills you still need to learn or tweak. We all need a stopping point to pull back and see our lives from a loftier place. Try to turn off you phone and technology for a couple hours at the very least and reminisce upon all that has happened. This will help lead you to the next steps, that are more authentic to who you want to be and where and how you want to walk on this journey.

King of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was a paradox wrapped up in enigma and challenged you to ride the wave of life without trying to control its currents. This week’s energy allows you to put in your rudder and steer a course. This is a great week for all things that build upon your material plane. Aspects to focus on are how you make your money and/or working with your hands. Or you might be called upon or see the need to take control. The challenge is to use your power to guide or nudge rather than fully pressing people or things to your will.
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