This week’s artist is Anna Agoston. Her mode is macrophotography, but her eye leans towards design, form, and emotions. Agoston takes the us on a Lilliputian trip into an intimate viewing of plant structure.
Much like O’Keefe by taking us close to the subject we lose the concept of the item and begin to see it with a new perspective. We have now lost the common constructs of the subject and are left with our subconscious giving it a new thought form or emotion. As Agoston says “What also compels me is the satisfaction of being able to say precisely what I am feeling. I took a picture of a gingko biloba leaf because I loved the simplicity in form, the shape, and the way it hung from the branch. I felt grace and sensuality and needed to convey that. I felt satisfied when I was able to express this with a picture.”
The world is feeling a lot right now, and a lot of it is in the form of suffering. This might lead us to give up on hope and beauty. Agoston’s art reminds us if we sit still, take time and focus more intimately, we can find all our emotions in these smaller moments. And they all have a place or function in the grand design.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Two of Wands – Now is the time to take that Mars energy and point it towards the future. You get a jump start before the rest of the signs begin to hop on the bandwagon after November 12th. Your challenge is to investigate and take those first steps onto new paths. Mars the planet of action is in your sign until the first week in January 2021. You have until then to create the necessary energy to shoot into 2021.

Knight of Wands – This muse sprinkles inspiration all around you this week. Your challenge is not speeding past the gifts. You are in the right place at the right time. There is fodder to feed your purpose. So, soak in the good and the bad, for it will help you see more clearly why you are here and what still needs to be done.

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is best used for getting things done. It is a great week to cross off items on your to-do list. However, it is not a beneficial to start anything brand new. So, head down and keep plugging along the path you are on right now.

*Strength– Tapping into your inner strength this week helps create ease both within and without. As the “feelers” of the signs you will have an array of feelings; however, you are also ok with all of them. You have tamed your inner beast with compassion while allowing it to express itself without harming others. Calmness is needed and you have the strength to radiate it.

Nine of Wands – Lets dip into nines for this is your second. Nines are cards of preparation for completing a cycle. Last week your muse advised you to assimilate what you have been working on since your birthday. The challenge was working smarter not harder. This week you continue taking thoughts and projects to their next level. The challenge is you will not get anything finished but you will be able to put a dent in it. The challenge this week is prepping before starting the day and putting a do not disturb sign up when needed.

*Lovers – This muse is asking you to re-commit to passion, love, and intimacy. To take yourself to the next love level, or allow it back in. Time to let go of the fear of feeling. The challenge is you will get hurt along the way that is a given, being human. But also, the things you can create when your heart is open, using passion and love as your main ingredients is dazzling.

Eight of Pentacles – The energy this week is great for working on anything on the material plane. You need to keep grounded by doing things with your body and how you make your money. The goal is to work smarter not harder. The challenge is staying out of your head as much as possible. Therefore, the more you can lean on the rhythm of your day and tweak how you are working or the work itself the better you will feel.

*High Priestess– Your second big energy card for the coming year. This muse will give you dreams and synchronicities to help you intuit how 2021 and your purpose will unfold. The challenge with this energy is finding and navigating the information with only your intuition. Your purpose on earth will come in play in a big way in the coming year and the Universe is here to help, but you will need to suss-out an updated map and ship to sail in. Spend the rest of your birth month making sure you are on the right ship to sail into 2021.

Four of Coins – Your resources are scarce this week. Pay attention to where, when, and how you tire, get frustrated, resentful, envious and/or hungry. The challenge is not thinking this is a permanent situation. All these are signs that you need to pull back and restock soul, mind, bank account, or frig.

Five of Coins– The last two weeks have been big energy weeks. First the muses had you working with balance and harmony. Then they reminded you are to see your path and tasks like you are working with a blank canvas. This week has a lot less energy. It might feel like you are overwhelmed and depleted at the same time. So the challenge is finding that place of balance two weeks ago and remembering that this moment in time is a blank canvas – no need to redo outdated horrors and fears of the past.

Six of Cups and Eight of Wands – Ok three paths for you all this week. You choose. You can tie up loose ends of the past, run head long into the future gathering intel as you go, or a bit of both. Either way there is a bunch of information for you to decipher. You can find solutions to problems in the now either from past experiences or experimentation moving forward. It is up to you which way to cast your gaze, backwards or forward, but either way work in the now.

*Chariot – Change is in the air. The challenge is the oars/sails are in your hands this week. You will need a solid plan to catch this energy and use it wisely. This week is a prequel to the winds of change that begin around November 13th. Are you ready to catch the wave? Make this week a practice run for 2021.
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