Tag Archives: art

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 30, 2022

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Walk in the Park

Happy Halloween, Samhain, and Day of the Dead

Finishing off the theme of “eerie October” is the artist Jeff Wigman @jeffwigman.  Wigman’s art exudes a sense of eeriness, but it also humorous or better yet satirical.  The definition of satire is “trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly.”  His work is a commentary and exploration of society, art, and the human psyche.  Wigman mostly works with oils and seems to be exploring the oil painting techniques and well known imagery of the last 700 years.  Many of his paintings have that darker quality and aspects of the Dutch masters like Rembrandt and Bosch, but also a nod to more current artists like Paul Cézanne or Edward Hopper.

For example, classical painters would paint a still life with the skull or skeleton to symbolize death or the unachievable nature of immortality.  Wigman paints the classic skull imagery but with a twist, putting these symbols of death on playing puppies’ bodies, or skeletons walking down a lane.  We smile or laugh at first but then the feeling of creepy or eeriness sets in.  His paintings are visual examples of the beauty and veracity of satire.  These paradoxical feelings take us into our own psyche.

Wigman make us think not only of the situation or concept but also of our perceptions of good and evil, virtue and vice, or laughter and despair.  This duality is much like our celebrations around death and the turning of fall into winter.  We confront our beliefs of mortality, hiding behind masks to fool or scare spirits or inviting the departed to food and festivities.   Contemplating death can be scary and sacred.  Humaning is complex, lets allow it to be so, and try to have fun doing it.

P.S. There are often hidden treasures in his paintings go to his Instagram or website and focus in.

Your pondering for the week:  What costume would you wear to scare or appease the spirits of Halloween? I have added some examples that match with your tarot card.

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon continues in Aquarius, so we start the week best if we think outside the box or even about the box.  By Wednesday it moves into Pisces, making it easy to daydream but harder to focus on work.   On Friday the moon moves into Aries enticing us not to relax but experience what life has to offer.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion), so conversations can be intriguing and/or impassioned. If there is a crack or wound in your relationship it will show up during this time.  This pairing brings aspects to work on out of the shadows and pushes us to heal them.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Scorpio counter balancing Mercury and Mars’ placement.  It is highlighting your sex life and all things that make you “shiver with anticipation.”

Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it and Mercury are having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter has moved into Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what pleasantly gets us up in the morning.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Jeff Wigman gravy boat

Four of Coins – Resources are limited this week. The Muse of Savings is advising you to check your bank accounts, pantry, and schedule.  Restock your pantry, rebalance your money and time.  Make sure you are spending your resources on aspects that nourish you. Costume:  Banker or Bank robber.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Queen of Corona

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Passion is here nudging you to indulge in yours.  She does suggest sharing them either with a co-collaborator, friends, or the world.  Tuning into, enjoying and sharing your passions with the world not only re-energizes your inner fire but sparks others as well.  Your song:  Come on Baby Light my fire with Shirley Bassey.  Costume:  A Great Queen or Revolutionary.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Senators sporting in a Small Town

Two of Swords – You know as a sign it is hard for you all to decide.  Well, this week is cooking up some doozies for you.  The Muse of Decisions is advising you to take time and consider your options before making any of them.  She reminds you the decision is less about the goal but how you want to get there or the factors surrounding it.  Costume:  A Coin or a Wand.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Drunken Centaur

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love ask you to make a wish that comes from the heart.  If you had a seed based in love, what would it grow?  Imbue that hope in water, an actual seed or paper and then gift it to a water source around you.  Send this love-wish out into the world and see what comes of it in the months to come.  Costume:  Fairy godmother or Maleficent (or any other “evil” Disney/fairy tale character).



Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Puppy time

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss would like you to notice and enjoy your abundance. You are at an end of a cycle.  Take this week to gather all the positives that have happened in the past 10 months and review.  By seeing what has been abundant in your life you can indulge in the serenity of a chapter ending, lessons learned and take only the cups that are full forward.  Costume:  Buddha or Kali.


Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman untitled

Seven of Coins – The Muse of Work comes to help you push projects into the next stages.  She asks you first to step back and relook at the schema and see if anything needs tweaking.  And if you find that you need to start over or ditch the plan, do not be afraid for this week is the time to do it.  Costume:  Chef or Butcher.


Jeff Wigman Big View

*Emperor- This week is great for expanding your empire.  The Muse of Building has come with her T-square and level.  She likes to help with hands-on projects, like fixing that squeaky door or building a birdhouse.  It is all about making your space a better place for you and yours.  Whether you are building on the physical plane or conceptually it is important that you build with durability and longevity in mind.  Costume:  Prince(ss) or Pauper.

Jeff Wigman fast freinds

Page of Wands – Your second Muse for this year is the Muse of Creativity.  This year is all about adventuring into and experimenting with your creative life.   This is a great year to learn something new that makes your heart zing.  Find a new outlet for your creative nature and your emotions.  She suggests the arts in some form but anything that makes you grow and open your heart to living and learning around the human experience is up for grabs. Costume:  Artist from any genre.

Jeff Wigman Heading East

*Fool – The Muse of Foolishness comes when we take ourselves too seriously.  This Muse wants you to loosen up and enjoy the adventure of being human.  She agrees that at times we do need to plan but this week it is better to fly by the seat of your pants and enjoy the ride.  She is having you exercise faith in yourself and the Universe.  And to relearn to laugh at sageness as much as folly, for you will land on firm ground eventually 😉.  Costume:  Mad Hatter, Jester, or Politician.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Bad Barbecue

Ace of Pentacles – This is an auspicious week to start a new project on the material plan.   This Muse of New Beginnings is wanting you to algin yourself with growth and prosperity.  You can actuate this energy by beginning a venture with your hands.  Whether that is drawing out plans, a schema, a new schedule, learning to do a new skill or at the very least put your idea in a seed/bulb and plant it.  This Muse asks what do you want to manifest on the physical plane?  Costume:  Farmer or Alchemist.



Jeff Wigman lousey magicians

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Illusion comes when you have bound yourself to a thought pattern that no longer works for you.  The challenge is you trying to decipher your thoughts around it instead of saying “no” letting go and walking away from this paradigm.  You need a whole new pattern of thought around this issue, but you must release the old one without guilt, critique, or judgement first. Costume:  Magician or Snake Oil Dealer.

Jeff Wigman After the Flood

Seven of Wands – This week you need to stand your ground.  The Muse of Nonconformity comes to help you push through obstacles. If they align with your true self, you will find it easier, and impossible if they do not.  She reminds you it is not what others think that creates who you are.  You create you.  Be the Unicorn.  Costume:  Unicorn or Narwhale.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 16, 2022

Mu Pan

Continuing this month’s theme of eeriness, the artist this week is Mu Pan @mupan1911.  Mu Pan’s paintings are like painted pyrotechnics and full of allegory.  They are often depict epic life and death battles between humans, animals, and fantastical beasts.  We can see his influences from manga, Chinese scroll paintings, Indian miniatures, and Japanese ukiyo-e prints.  However instead of just a scene or moment in time, his paintings tell a story. He often using primates as a metaphor of the facets in human nature, he blends narrative and social critique with his brush.    A tale that is a mixture of his perspective, history, and contemporary subjects.  Pan focuses the viewer to the injustices of the world with satire and the macabre.  Reminding us that the world is not always a place of beauty, like Halloween there are fairies and fiends.

If you are interested in his work, he has a show that started October 15th on the lower East side of NYC at @hashimotocontemporary.

Your pondering for the week is from The Art of War by Sun Tzu:  “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon starts slowly this week in Cancer, so Monday’s vibe may make it harder to get out of bed.  But by Tuesday the Moon gives us a shot of Leo sunshine motivating us and giving opportunities to shine.  The Moon then moves into fastidious Virgo on Thursday to end your work week.  And for the weekend it moves into Libra having us focus on our relationships, beauty and harmony.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Libra (relationships), to help you smooth some of the snafus that Mars is churning up.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Libra asking us to tune into our loved ones needs, work together, equity, and finding common ground.  Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), where it stays until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it also has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it supports action and expansion until October 28th.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its intention.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Mu Pan
Mu Pan

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation has come with her wand in hand.  Like a fairy godmother she asks what do you truly want to bring into the world?  However, she only gifts you with divine inspiration; the work is up to you.  Though be aware that you have all the tools and materials you will need to do this conjuring.


Mu Pan

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structure is advising you to tidy up your space, schedule and how you do things.   This week requires efficiency and innovation in how you work.  She advises you to look what tires and frustrates you.  Those are the first areas to streamline.  Then you can look at the broader structures and begin innovating what doesn’t support your work flow.


Mu Pan
Mu Pan

Nine of Wands – Preparation is needed in all things this week.  The Muse of Provisions has you looking into pantry/freezer and bank account to restock for rainy days.  This is a great week to plan your meals and activities and not so great for spontaneity.


Mu Pan
Mu Pan

Queen of Swords – This week focusing on the details is essential.   The Muse of Minutia advises reading the fine print, asking deeper questions, and working on smaller projects this week.  You can gain more from a fine-tuned perspective then a world-wide view.


Mu Pan

Four of Wands – The Muse of Home is here to help you focus on yours.  Take time this week to deep clean your den, buy an item to brighten your décor, or fill your frig/pantry with foodstuff that makes you fill cozy.   If your home feels good so will your heart.


Mu Pan
Mu Pan

Six of Coins – The Muse of Ripples comes to school you about daily karma.  She reminds you that small multiple kindnesses spread farther then one big wave. Take time this week to open doors, smile at strangers, and in general be more aware of acts of kindnesses.  By focusing on daily compassion not only will you find a sense of grace and peace, but you may also reap material benefits.  The challenge is seeing that the exchange is often not immediately reciprocal, but beware that reciprocation also works for negative energy.


Mu Pan

Seven of Cups – As you transition into your new year the Muse of Wishes would like a list of what you would like to happen in 2023.  The challenge is dreaming big enough to push boundaries but realistically enough to increase the probability that it will happen.  Use wish bones for material wishes, blown on dandelions for knowledge or ease of communication, whispered into flowers that you release onto moving water for matters of the heart, or burn your passion wishes so they may spread into the ether.  And be very clear what you wish for.


Mu Pan

*Fool – The Muse of Possibilities is the energy that is transitioning you from last year into your new birth year. This week is a blank slate.  So, this muse asks what are you going to write for this next chapter in your life?  What will you break free off?  What road will you take?


Mu Pan

Two of Coins – You might find yourself being a bit off balance this week.  The Muse of Equilibrium has come to help you recenter yourself.  Her advice is to take on only one or two items at a time.  This is not a week to multitask.  And on a practical side she suggests making sure you are shod appropriately.


Mu Pan
Mu Pan

Page of Wands – The Muse of Art and Inspiration is wanting you to tap into your artistic expression.  Even if you are not a fine artist there is something you do that inspires you down to your soul.  This Muse challenges you to play within that discipline this week.  You need to tap into the creation of everyday experiences of wonderment.


Mu Pan

*Moon – The Muse of the Subconscious has information for you this week.  But you will have to discover and tend to it with a delicate touch.  No thought is fleeting if it moves your heart.  This Muse would like you to follow these tendrils of emotional thoughts to their source for you will find gifts, healing, and wisdom.


Mu Pan

Seven of Wands – It will be hard to focus with all the hubbub of this week.  The challenge is that a lot of the noise is useless fodder.  The Muse of Focus advise to tune out everything and look for the brightest thought, idea or emotion and s

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 2, 2022

Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Welcome to October one of my favorite months, were I picked art that emphasizes a sense of otherness and therefore can create a feeling of eeriness.  The artist this week is Yasuo Kuniyoshi, 1889-1953.  Kuniyoshi was a painter, photographer, and printmaker. What makes his work interesting is his process of painting combining the Japanese art-think, painting from imagination and memory with ink, with a more Western style, painting from real life and using bolder colors in oil. His art is often categorized as social realism.  This is a movement that is mostly related to the time between the two World Wars in response to social and political hardships.  This movement focused in on “their subjects as heroic symbols of persistence and strength in the face of adversity.”

However, his choices of color palette, subject and technique take the viewer to a warped sense of reality and/or the vivid images of an anxiety dream. The dreams of an artist grappling with the duality of being praised for his work and being harassed for being Japanese in his daily life, for being Japanese and American. During the War he was classified as an enemy alien, his camera was taken, his bank account frozen and he needed to submit paperwork each time he traveled from NYC to his Woodstock studio.   He persevered and in 1948 he became the first living artist to have a retrospective at the Whitney Museum.  Even though he was winning awards with the likes of Hooper and O’Keeffe, his otherness and of being constantly vigilant is present in his work.  And more importantly that we don’t know his name like the former two shows how his otherness still prevails.

Your pondering for the week:  How does otherness show up in your life? How has it influenced how you see yourself or others?

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon starts the week in Capricorn – helping us get the workweek moving.  Then on Tuesday the moon moves into Aquarius – innovate and plan for future.  On Thursday it goes into Pisces – daydreaming is the focus.  Then for the weekend we have the active energy of Aries – so movement and action are on the menu.   Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo where practical communication is key.  And Mercury has left it retrograde period so we can start revving up our momentum.

Venus (beauty and harmony) has moved into Libra (relationships), so the focus is about tuning into our loved ones needs, working together, equity, and finding common ground.  Mars (action) is in Gemini, where it will stay until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7 month stay instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it also has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it influences action and expansion until October 28th.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,





*Hanged One – You may feel the release of the retrograde period like a rubber band stretched about to burst with all the potential energy that you have stored up.  But the Muse of Inaction is asking you to slow your role for another week.  This Muse will put blockades up if you don’t heed her warning.  So, if you find yourself in a traffic jam, turn on the radio and enjoy the wait.  If something is block, it is because you need to rethink, or the universe needs something to bake for a bit longer.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Moon – This week could stir your emotions and/or your subconscious into scenarios of serene healing.  The Muse of Visions comes to help reveal aspects from the depths of the mind and history to heal.  She reminds you when encountering these ancestral entities, to do so with a light touch.  They are part of what made you into the unique person you are.  Seeing them with haze of a Vaseline lens is appropriate to see their beauty and/or to lessen the dread of their reintroduction and release.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Eight of Coins – This week you have the energy to get things done.  The Muse of Work is here to help you glide through your projects.  Her advice is to remember you have all the tools you need.  This week is more about tweaking your talents to fit the task than learning a whole new skillset.  Think mastery.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Tower – This Muse of Disruption teaches us that we don’t have control over everything and that negatives are the aspects that give positives potential.  This week can bring seismic shakes or tremors from outside sources that can tumble down your best laid plans.  The key is that destruction has the potential of rebuilding better.  This Muse challenges you to see the cracks in your paradigms and shift them to safer, steadier, and more positive concepts and structures. Your motto: deconstruction before reconstruction.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Empress – The Muse of Creation is walking with you this week. She wants you to experience the sensual part of life which she hopes will add fodder to your creativity.  She asks how can you express a smell through sight, touch through hearing or taste with your spirit?  This is a great time to paint with your hands or create a meal without a recipe but only through sight.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Page of Wands – Last week the Muse of Adventure was wanting you to do something out of the ordinary and explore all that the world offers.  This week the Muse of Inspiration continues this theme of discovery, but she would like you to follow the spark of awe farther down its path.  Instead of going on to the next encounter, explore this new phenomenon to its depths.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Hanged One – The Muse of Suspension is your third energy to work with this year.  This Muse teaches us three things.  One, that an uncontrolled pause or halt is a time to rest and review your path. This is a time to recharge and stock up on your resources.  Two, the Universe’s timing is not in sync with yours and you will have to wait until the light turns green again.  This is not a year to push through plans but to take those pauses like a much-needed rest-stop on your life’s highway.   Lastly, you may be called to go off your life path.  She reminds you this is a choice.  And though you may have to sacrifice you will also gain unexpected gifts along the way.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

*Lovers – The Muse of Relationships comes into play with yours.  This Muse can cause problems, but it does only to show you where to heal or rebalance emotional equity.  She reminds you true intimacy comes as often with good sex as it does with good collaboration.  You need teamwork in both instances to reap mutual benefits.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Three of Swords – This week will have its ups and downs, but the Muse of Breakthroughs is here to help.  She reminds you that we can learn as much from happiness as we can from sadness.  The former tells us what to fortify and strive for us to obtain joy again and the latter tells us what to avoid or solutions, so it won’t happen again.  Or when to just let go and heal.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Stealth comes to help you either navigate what you need do to stand up for yourself or to walk away from a situation, that if you participated would take you out of character.  She reminds you that genuineness is needed to navigate this week.  You have nothing to hide from or for.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Four of Swords – The Muse of Rest comes when you are close to exhaustion but are not realizing it.  She would like you to unplug from technology and society at least once this week.  And then she suggests making good food and rest your highest priority.  This week you need to replenish a near empty tank.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Two of Coins – The Muse of Juggling is here this week to remind you that focus is key.  This is not a week to multi-task but to take one task at a time.  You can try to juggle two items but only if you are secure that you have the bandwidth to sustain both.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 25, 2022

Shirin Neshat
Shirin Neshat

The artist this week is Shirin Neshat  @shirin__neshat.  Neshat is a photographer and filmmaker.  She left Iran in 1974 as a teenager and return eleven years after Islamic Revolution in 1979.  Her memory of cosmopolitan Tehranian women in miniskirts was replaced by  formless black chadors. This visual and ideological change is one of the many ideas she expresses in her art.   Her photographs and films are often in black and white.  She uses this color contrast to explore the dichotomy in religion, politics, violence, and feminism. She explains aspects of this exploration about her video Turbulent, 1998.  “Her music and her presence in this room represents something rebellious,” Neshat explains. “… This is indicative of how I feel about women in Iran. In the way that they are so far against the wall, but they are far more resilient and protesting and they’re much more of a fighter than the men because they have much more at stake.”

Twenty-four years later this is still true.  On Tuesday, September 13th, Masha Amini was arrested for allegedly breaking hijab rules and suffered from multiple blows to the head before dying three days later in the hospital.  Women throughout Iran are protesting cutting their hair and burning their head coverings in solidarity. This news resonates with reproductive rights issues in US, Muslims in France being able to wear a hijab, LGBTQ+ rights, racism, the Uyghur genocide in China, etc…  These are all issues around the subjugation of choice and identity.  Anytime someone is singled out or seen as other, we are not adhering to the creed of equality.  It is vital for all of us to support woman’s choice, LGBTQ+ rights, and rally against, genderism, racism and extremism before more people die.

Your pondering for the week: How do you support freedom of choice and diversity in your own neighborhood as well as around the world?  One way in the US is to vote.

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon starts the week in Libra – relationships are the focus.  Then on Tuesday it moves onto Scorpio – indulge in a passion.  By Friday and through the weekend, it is in Sagittarius – go adventuring.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo where practical communication is key.  Also, Mercury and 6 other planets are still in retrograde.  So, take time for revising, reviewing, and reassessment, and if you must start something new or travel just prepare for upsets or a slowing down of the progress.

Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Virgo all this month a perfect time to tidy up your house and bring practical aesthetics into your life. Mars (action) is in Gemini, where it will stay until March 25th, 2023.  Yes, this is a 7 month stay instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it also has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it influences action and expansion until October 28th.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Shirin Neshat

King of Pentacles – The energy this week is all about resource building.  This Muse wants you to invest in what will make your present and future more stable.  She asks you to find ways to increase your income, send out resumes and investigate other job opportunities.  Not so much for you to make a switch, though you can, but to give you more information on how to improve your income like asking for a raise or working from home part time.  Also, this is a great time to start or finish projects.


Shirin Neshat
Shirin Neshat

Two of Swords – The Muse of Decision comes when you need to reconnect with how you feel about your choices more than focusing on the outcome. This week is about the journey not the destination.


Shirin Neshat
Shirin Neshat

*Justice – The Muse of Equity comes to help you rebalance a situation, paradigm, or relationship.   She asks what is setting you off balance this week and then how can the solution be more equitable for all involved?  The challenge is if you are laying down the law that not only is it justifiable, but it must also be flexible.


Shirin Neshat
Shirin Neshat

Three of Wands – Last week the Muse of Structure asked you to reinforce and tweak the structures in your life, the where, when, and how parts.  This week the Muse of Planning continues this theme, focusing on if your plans are sufficient and sustainable.  Again, this energy is aligning perfectly with this retrograde season.  Keep reflecting, reviewing and readjust when necessary.


Shirin Neshat
Shirin Neshat

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Boundaries comes when you will need to have strong boundaries and may have to strive to hold them in place. The challenge is you may feel judge this week.  But this Muse reminds you that only you know your true mind, and what makes you happy.  Your motto:  Know thyself.


Shirin Neshat
Shirin Neshat

*Fool – The Muse of Adventure is wanting you to expand your space.  She asks you to do something out of the ordinary, find new places to discover, eat new things, explore all that the world is offering you right now.  She also reminds you that spontaneity may be needed to get you out and about.


Shirin Neshat

Six of Wands – The Muse of Good News is your second energy to work with this birth year.  She brings you success not only on things that you focus on but also spontaneous wins.  You will need to still work but overall, this year has lovely spots throughout to rest on your laurels and enjoy your wins.  She reminds you this is where you will be challenged, so pause and celebrate your little and big wins this year before moving to your next quest.


Shirin Neshat

Two of Pentacles – The Muse of Juggling is here to help you navigate this week.  She advises this is not a week to multi-task but to take on one item at a time.  You can juggle two things at most but no more, or you may have to clean up after or fix a variety of mishaps.


Shirin Neshat

Knight of Cups – The Muse of Charisma is advising you to turn yours on this week.  The challenge is you will have to show a bit of vulnerability to be believed.  Time to wear your heart on your sleeve.


Shirin Neshat

Ten of Coins – The energy this week wants you to check off some items on your to do list.  This is a week that finishing a project is well rewarded.  The challenge is after you have completed a project to honor and enjoy the completion before moving on to the next task.


Shirin Neshat

Queen of Coins – Where last week was work related, this week the Muse of Abundance wants you to enjoy your hard labor.  She reminds you that you work hard so you can relax into the feeling of abundance and grace.   So, enjoy the pleasures of a job well done.


Shirin Neshat

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams comes when you need to cast some wishes out into the Universe.  The challenge is they need to be realistic.  This is less “dream big” and more “dream wisel

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 18, 2022

Ernie Barnes
Sugar Shack 1976 Ernie Barnes

Happy Birthday Month Libra!

The artist this week is Ernie Barnes. Barnes’ knowledge as an athlete was pivotal to his painting style. He understood the beauty of motion.  Barnes played football in college while getting his art degree and was in the NFL in the sixties.  One of his most famous pictures is Sugar Shack (above).  It was featured in the popular show Good Times and on a Marvin Gaye album.  Barnes’ style of painting elongates and exaggerates the form of his subjects.  This choice emphasizes the beauty of movement and the human form.  You can hear the music, the heat of the crowd, and see the sway of the dance.  Barnes’ painting style is reminiscent of Mannerism from the late Renaissance.  Mannerism is the “exaggeration of aspects of the human form, often resulting in compositions that are asymmetrical or unnaturally elegant.”

The other unique feature in many of his paintings is that his subjects’ eyes are closed.  In a interview, Barnes commented, “It was in 1971 when I conceived the idea of “The Beauty of the Ghetto’” as an exhibition. And I showed it to some people who were Black to get a reaction.  From one (person) it was very negative.  And when I began to express my points of view (to this) professional man, he resisted the notion.  

As a result of his comments and his attitude I began to see, observe, how blind we are to one another’s humanity. Blinded by a lot of things that have, perhaps, initiated feelings in that light.  We don’t see into the depths of our interconnection.  The gifts, the strength and potential within other human beings.  We stop at color quite often.  So, one of the things we have to be aware of is who we are in order to have the capacity to like others. But when you cannot visualize the offerings of another human being, you’re obviously not looking at the human being with open eyes. We look upon each other and decide immediately: This person is Black, so he must be… This person lives in poverty, so he must be…

Your pondering for the week: Where are your eyes blind to another person’s humanity?

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon starts the week in Cancer – self-care is the focus.  Then on Tuesday it moves onto Leo – your time to shine.  By Friday and through the weekend, it is in Virgo – great for organizing, and cleaning.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Libra where interactions in relationships are highlighted until Friday.  Then it moves back into Virgo so back to practical communication is key.  Also, Mercury and 6 other planets are still in retrograde.  So, take time for revising, reviewing, and reassessment, and if you must start something new or travel just prepare for upsets or a slowing down of the progress.

Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Virgo all this month a perfect time to tidy up your house and bring practical aesthetics into your life. Mars (action) is now in Gemini, where it will stay until March 25th, 2023.  Yes, this is a 7 month stay instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it also has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it influences action and expansion until October 28th.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Ernie Barnes
Porch ladies Ernie Barnes

Ten of Swords – The Muse of Drama comes to help you navigate the energy this week.  This energy’s lesson is about creating and honoring your boundaries and wrapping things up if something isn’t worth the drama.   She reminds you that it is your choice when you let drama into your life.  So, choose wisely what you engage with this week.


Ernie Barnes
High Aspirations Ernie Barnes

Ace of Swords – New thoughts and knowledge are in the air this week for you.  Keep your mind open for innovation and different ways to think about problems.  New solutions and downloads are available if you give your mind time to decipher and integrate this wisdom.     


Ernie Barnes
The Maestro Ernie Barnes

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Productivity is here to help you get things done.  You have all the tools and skills you need this week.  Your challenge is just tweaking them appropriately to each task you focus on.  Your motto:  I am a virtuoso of life.


Marble Shooter Ernie Barnes

*Hierophant – I hope last week you explored some, for this week the Muse of Structure has you back into work mode.  This Muse reminds you that your structures in life, the where when and how parts, need to be tweaked and reinforced.  This aligns perfectly with the retrograde season we are in.  Reflect, Review and Redo.


Ernie Barnes
Ernie Barnes Solid Rock congregation

*World – The Muse of Opportunities is opening a lot of doors for you this week.  She reminds you that this is like window shopping for the future.  You go in the “door” and experience it, but you do not need to commit just yet.  You are just trying on things for size and feels.


Ernie Barnes
My Miss America Ernie Barnes

*Empress – The Muse of Creativity is here to help you grow something.  She asks what would you like to create?  The challenge with this energy is that it will take 9 to 10 months to mature properly.  So, think carefully, what can you commit to tending for that period?  If you do not have the focus for that, you can also spontaneously dabble in creativity.  Think of it as fling out seeds into the wild and see what pops up. Not as much control in what comes up, but mystery is cool.


Ernie Barnes
Quarterback Ernie Barnes

Three of Wands –  The first Muse to work with this birth year is the Muse of Preparation.  Prep work is needed to navigate your life with more ease.  This Muse suggests ideas like: planning your meals a few days in advance so you will eat better, laying out your clothes before bed to give you more time in the morning to hang with your loved ones, pay your bills early so you can invest/save the extra, etc…  The lesson is giving your future a bit of a cushion around your time, money, and energy.


Olympic Games Ernie Barnes

Five of Wands – This week will be more chaotic than usual.  However, the Muse of Chaos reminds you two things about this energy. One you are not obligated to interact. This is a game, and you do not have to play.   And two if you decide to play there is information to be reaped.  But it is up to you to change the rules, not making it a competition, but a place where everyone can win.


Ernie Barnes
The Advocate Ernie Barnes

Page of Wands – The Muse of Invention is asking you to innovate something in your life or workspace.  That means to bring in a new idea, method, or product into your daily life that sparks others and/or brings in more ease.  Time to put on your thinking caps and make the world a better place.


Ernie Barnes
Race Horses Ernie Barnes

Four of Coins – This week your assets of time, space, and money, might be taxed.  The Muse of Legacy comes to help you navigate their distributions more wisely.  She asks you to make the concept of legacy be your touchstone.  What do you want to stand/be known for?  Are your resources supporting these goals?  This is a great use of this retrograde’s power.  Now is the time to reflect, review and redo the allocations of your resources, so they feed your future.


The Beach Runner Ernie Barnes

King of Coins – This week is perfect for getting your space, money, or resources in order.   By focusing on the material plane, you get the grounding you need to navigate this week.  Clean your space, organize a closet, build something, fix something that is broken, rebalance your finances, etc…  The more your working space and resources are in order the easier it will be to implement your will.


Two on Two Ernie Barnes

Nine of Cups – The Muse of Excellencism is here to help with your perfectionism.  Excellence is to aim and strive toward high yet attainable standards in an effortful, engaged, and determined yet flexible manner.    Where perfectionism is striving for flawlessness and is accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others’ evaluations. Excellence allows for growth, innovation, and ingenuity.  Perfection is limiting, all or nothing thinking.  This week change your mind set from 100% – right or wrong to 80-90% – good enough with room to grow.

Tarot and Art Forecast Week of Sept 4, 2022

Jane Lee
Jane Lee

The artist this week is Jane Lee.  Lee is a painter that deconstructs painting and therefore the creation process.  She works with the components that build a painting, the canvas or the thread that makes it, paper, the stretcher, the paint.  Her painting exploration is Impasto to the ninth degree.  Impasto is paint that stands up from the surface because of how it was applied or the quantity of paint.

She typical does not work with paint brushes but utensils around her house and her hands.  She starts with a blank canvas and begins to layer it as she goes through the day.  Then she peels or digs back into those layers exposing them.  By exposing the layers, edges or decomposing the painting she makes the viewer ponder the process of creation, deconstruction, and then reconstruction.  Lee has us pull back our own process of layering our emotions and experiences as we walk through our day.  That we do not truly know what the day holds.  The knowing comes when we reflect and dig back into our life.  When Tan Siuli asked her about how she came to this process from traditional painting Lee said “I asked, what makes painting a painting? How can I create art in an unconventional way that is more related to daily life, that can allow me to be free, to celebrate and to embrace unexpected process, as in life?

Your pondering for the week: Can you walk through life excited about the unexpected?  And when you do reflect back, can you reconstruct your life into a piece of art, a thing of beauty?

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon starts in Capricorn – work and checking things off your to-do list.  Then on Wednesday the moon moves onto Aquarius – great for innovation.  By Friday it goes into Pisces – great for a dreamy weekend.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Libra where communication in your relationships is highlighted.   Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Virgo all this month a perfect time to tidy up your house and bring practical aesthetics into your life.

Mars (action) is now in Gemini, where it will stay until March 25th, 2023.  Yes, that is a 7 month stay instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it influences action and expansion until October 28th.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Jane Lee

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Fire is with you this week to help you accomplish anything you focus on.  The key is it to maintain optimism even in the mist of a challenge.  By thinking positive, you find the positive solutions and help you need.


Jane Lee
Jane Lee

Six of Coins – The Muse of Exchange is here to balance karma.  When this muse shows up you may be called to help someone and find help when you ask for it.  This is a generous energy, so spread the good around.  Motto:  There is enough if we shareLordcowboy.


Jane Lee
Jane Lee

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Bondage comes when your thoughts are holding you back.   Watch your self-talk this week.  She asks would you say to a friend what you say to yourself?  Would you put them down or not support their dreams?  You are in control of these thought-chains.  Now is the time to let them go and be free.


Jane Lee
Jane Lee

*Devil – The Muse of Diversion comes to teach discipline and focus.  This week will feel as if you have no gumption or are so easily distracted that getting things done might be challenging.  The easiest way to work with this energy is to do what needs to be done first.  Then you can play/daydream once you have done your chores.


Jane Lee
Jane Lee

*World – The World is calling to you this week.  The Muse of Opportunities is knocking at your door.  The challenge is opening it.  Whether it’s fear or just feeling overloaded, you would like not to put more on your plate.  And this Muse agrees.  Something will need to end to bring the new in.  So, take time to tie up loose ends or let go of something that just isn’t working.  Because new possibilities need a seat at your table.


Jane Lee

Two of Coins – Your third Muse for your birth year is the Muse of Juggling.  She brings you lessons around balance, accomplishment before addition, and adaptability.  You will have multiple opportunities that will also hone your skills of prioritizing, time management, and efficiency.  And a side note, physically it is a good year to do balancing exercises like tai chi, yoga, or capoeira.


Jane Lee

Seven of Coins – This week might feel like an up-hill battle.  But the Muse of Perseverance is here to help fortify your determination to take something to completion.   You have come so far, and you have the will and energy to keep going.  Your rewards are coming; it will just take a bit more energy and time to get there.


Jane Lee
Jane Lee

King of Coins – This week it is time to turn a vision into tangibility on the physical plane.  This can be in the areas of home, work, or the world.  By building in your physical realm, you increase your resources as well as others around you.


Jane Lee

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams has come to invoke your imagination and expand your dreams.  The universe works with our dreams to create available options for our life choices.  Your dream-cups have dried up.  Time to fill your cups, so the universe has something to work with.


Jane Lee

Page of Swords – The Muse of Inquiry comes when you need to investigate a bit deeper into circumstances.  It is not that aspects are purposely hidden.  For people, they might not be aware or focus on the deeper aspect.  And if it is a circumstance, you just need ask more questions to find a more suitable solution.


Jane Lee
Jane Lee

Five of Cups – This week can be very frustrating for tiny things will just not line up.  So, the Muse of Mistakes and Mishaps comes to help.  She advises these frustrations happen for a few reasons.  One, things that are just not in your control and you shouldn’t try to make them yours to deal with.  People are responsible for their own messes.  Two, the mishap is yours, but you are way too hard on yourself when making it.  And three you are way to hard on someone else’s misstep.  They already know and you don’t need to point it out.  We all make mistakes or have off days.  Let go of the errors and learn the lesson when there is one.


Jane Lee

Knight of Swords – This week can feel rushed.  However, you need to slow down to assess the real situation.  Think and inquiry before jumping.  And on a side note, be careful with your extremities.  No running with scissors.

Tarot & Art Forecast for Week of Aug 28, 2022

Berenice Abbott
Berenice Abbott

The artist this week is Berenice Abbott.  Abbott started her work in portrait photography in the 1920’s in Paris and Berlin, a contemporary of Man Ray.  A visit to New York City in 1929 made her and her focus move onto the streets of New York City.  Abbott was fascinated how environment effected city dwellers’ collective behavior and vice versa.  She believed through her photographs that people could be empowered to take control of the urban sprawl and make it more humane.  Abbott was part of the straight photography movement, but you can see her point of view through her choice of angles.   Skyscrapers became menacing, and inhabitants are like ants. During this time, she invented a distortion enlarging easel, which created unusual effects on images, and the telescopic lighting pole, still used today.  In 50’s and 60’s  her photography focus changed again, to Physics.

Science was always part of her art.  In April 1939, Berenice Abbott wrote a “manifesto” entitled Photography and Science. “We live in a world made by science,” she stated. “There needs to be a friendly interpreter between science and the layman. I believe photography can be this spokesman, as no other form of expression can be.”  And this Physics series is what I highlighted for this week.  Not only does it articulate the psychical aspect of physics, but it also highlights the beauty of it.

Your pondering for the week: Find the beauty in the everyday.

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts in Libra – balance and relationships are highlighted.  Then it is on Wednesday onto Scorpio – a time to reignite your passions.  For the weekend the Moon moves into Sagittarius – travel and discovery are the focus.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Libra where communication in your relationships is highlighted.   Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo – update your style, bio and resume so you can accent your shine.

Mars (action) is now in Gemini, where it will stay until March 25th, 2023.  Yes, that is a 7 month stay instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it influences action and expansion until October 28th.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Berenice Abbott
Berenice Abbott

Ten of Pentacles – Something on the material plane is coming full circle this week. The Muse of Ancestry is here to help you close old cycles and release ancestral debts. What fiscal dogma no longer serves you?  Take the lessons learned and close this chapter.  So, you may start anew.


Berenice Abbott
Berenice Abbott

*High Priestess –The concept of pondering continues this week with the Muse of Knowledge.  Where last week you had to glean information from perspective, this week’s muse gives you hints and clues like easter eggs.  She wants you to follow your intuition and synchronicities to gather bits of wisdom and then decipher the messages.   So be on the lookout for multiple numbers and reoccurring themes.  By following the spiritual breadcrumbs, you will find answers, help, or materials for how to move forward in the coming weeks.   And remember you can ask questions but like the sphinx this muse talks in riddles.


Berenice Abbott
Berenice Abbott

Five of Wands – The energy this week is very chaotic.  However, it is your choice on whether to engage.  If this is a challenge you want to work with then do so, you will learn a lot.  But if you are too tired or bored then feel justified to walk away.   But remember this “game” has rules to play by.


Berenice Abbott
Berenice Abbott

Eight of Wands – This week is full of information, some for you, some for others, and some just useless commercials.  The challenge is trying to discern which is which.  The Muse of Messages helps by advising you to focus on questions you want answers for and/or themes for your creative process.  Then sort the incoming convos through them.


Berenice Abbott

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Creatures comes when nature is calling to you.  Flora and Fauna are inspiration, solace, protection, and messengers for you this week.  Did anyone say Cat Café?





Berenice Abbott

Ace of Wands – Your second Muse for your birth year is the Muse of Genesis.  Creation and new beginnings are potent this year.  This is the year to start new projects, move, expand your social circle and your passions. What seeds do you want to plant that will sustain you for months and years to come?




Berenice Abbott

*World – The Muse of Opportunities is knocking at the door.  The challenge is opening it.  Whether it’s fear or just feeling overloaded, you would like not to put more on your plate.  And this Muse agrees.  Something will need to end to bring the new in.  So, time to finish up something or let go of something that just isn’t working.  Because new prospects need a seat at your table.


Berenice Abbott
Berenice Abbott

Page of Swords – The Muse of Reporters comes when you need to do some investigation into situations.  For example, you ask a loved one “how are you” and they reply “fine.”   Well, it’s not that that is a lie; it just isn’t the whole truth.  Ask more questions this week to get to the real answers.  The challenge is this is about being inquisitive not interrogating.


Berenice Abbott

Page of Cups – When was the last time you played for just the joy of playing?   Take time this week to take your inner child out to have some fun, the sillier and joyful, the better.  Trampoline?  Water balloons?  Finger paint?  Sidewalk chalk?  Crayons?


Berenice Abbott

*Tower – You may not have much control over this week’s events, but you can prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  The Muse of Deconstruction comes when your foundations need to be surveyed for cracks and instabilities.  This systems check is perfect to do before the coming retrograde period 9/9-10/2.  Think of it like hurricane preparedness – you’re not sure if it will hit your area but you are prepared for the season.


Berenice Abbott

*Fool – The Muse of Spontaneity is asking you to come out and play.  Find time this week to meander without a purpose, take walks in parks, drive with no destination in mind, let your mind wander without a goal.  These goalless meanderings will bring something fresh, new, and needed to your psyche.


Berenice Abbott

*Star – Life has been full-on, and you need break in the storm.  Well, this week the Muse of Hope and Healing comes with shooting stars and illuminations.  She reminds you that there is hope and you have many things to be grateful for.  Take time this week to talk to the stars and ask for things that you need.  The universe is list