The month of May is mental health awareness month. So, the artist this week is Anna Zemankova considered one of the prominent figures in Art Brut (outsider art). Early in her life she painted landscapes as a hobby but gave that up when she had her children. Pouring her creative spirit into their clothes, rooms, and conjuring fairy tales. But as her children aged and left home, she lost her sense of self and depression set in. So, she began drawing in her 50’s as a form of therapy. She followed a strict routine where she produced pieces evoking botanical forms and portraying them in delicate hues. Later she embellished her drawing with embroidery and beadwork. Zemankova leads us as the viewer and seemingly herself to calmer spaces where flow and nature reside. She worked at her art for the next 26 years, until her death in 1986.
Anxiety has been a been a visitor of mine since childhood. And when I had a health scare in my mid-thirties, well, it decided to rent a room in my mental space. It has taught me that I am an introvert trying to fit into an extrovert centric society, I need to create better boundaries and it brought art into my life. I had always wandered the edges of art by surrounding myself with artistic people, but I never really tried it.
Until I got sick and came very close to full blown agoraphobia. I started therapy and making sock monkeys. And then I learned how to sculpt from a friend and re-discovered my childhood love of dioramas. And then I took a class in scientific drawing and dabble in landscape paintings. Art now is an integral part of my mental health regime. It allows me to turn off anxiety’s soundtrack, reconnect with my flow, and do this blog. Thanks for reading it!
Your pondering for the week: How do you support your mental health?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Sagittarius – work on going with the flow. On Tuesday it moves into Capricorn – where you can finally get into the work week with more focus. Then on Thursday it goes into Aquarius – look for innovative ways or outside of the box thinking. Then for the weekend it moves into Pisces – time to daydream and play.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Taurus (grounding) and in retrograde until May 14th – this period is useful to reflect, review and redo especially within the aspects of how to be calm and focused as you convey your thoughts and intentions. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Cancer (self-care) until June 6th. Mars (action) is also in Cancer so especially until May 21st, it is best to let your heart run the show. At its best we can consciously act on what our heart needs. But be aware that at its worst we can get emotionally charged and overreact.
Jupiter (growth) is in Aries until May 16th – great for manifestation and expansion and during retrograde we can still get things done. Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint in Pisces to make sure our structures are elastic and responsive to change. The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient, think like bamboo or jellyfish.
And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Aquarius until June 11th, giving us a taste of what the next 20 years will bring. Pluto is considered a generational planet and takes its time doling out its challenges and treasures. Pluto is bouncing back and forth from capitalistic Capricorn to socialistic Aquarius, so politics, technology and societal whims should be interesting to watch during this time.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. and I have a new tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Four of Fire – The Muse of Happy Home would like you to focus your attention on creating a more comfortable home. Whether that means doing spring cleaning, adding plants or a pop of color, or fixing that squeaky door, spend time this week making your physical home more comfortable and inviting.

*Devil – This week has the potential to be something like Mister Toad’s wild ride with turns, mystery, adventure, surprises, and a bit of mayhem. Be aware that these detours are liable to distract you from your goals. So, the challenge becomes twofold. First have a clear focus of what you want to happen. And secondly if things de-rail, be flexible but have the resolve to get things back on track.

Ten of Fire – The Muse of Burden comes when you are taking on too many responsibilities. Some of these things you carry are actually your responsibility and then some are not. So, she first advises you to put down what isn’t yours. Then with the rest she has you put them in order of urgency, take off the last two items, and only then can you successfully tackle the rest.

*Hanged One – If you are trying to get something done with a sense of urgency, this week’s energy will be like swimming upstream. However, the Muse of Suspension is the perfect energy for Mercury in retrograde vibe. Like last week this is a time to slow down review, revise, and redo. Now is not the time to move forward, but if you find the need to, carry flotation devices so you can take breaks from the opposing currents.

Seven of Air – The Muse of Stealth heralds that things are not as they seem. She says this is not a malevolent situation, but more likely it is surround by an air of ambivalence, wariness, or unsureness. So, she advises you to walk softly into situations this week until you can suss out the lay of the land.

Five of Water – This week you will need to let some disappointment go to see the positive in a situation. The Muse of Partial Loss advises that though this week may have some burdens and frustrations there are at least two beautiful treasures within the situation. You just need to look around and see them.

Ace of Water – Last week the Muse of New wanted you to branch out and do something that you have never done before to expand your horizons. You get to continue this quest of “the new” with this week’s energy. The challenge is to find new ways that please your heart and deepen your emotional well.

Knight of Water – The Muse of Flirtation would like you to practice this skill this week. If you are partnered, time to reignite your relationship with flirtation and splashes of intimacy. If you are solo, flirt with others and light up their shine. Either way this muse challenges you all to flirt with yourself. For example, each time you pass a mirror give yourself a knowing wink.

*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Knowledge is passing down some info for you. The challenge is that these messages are conveyed in paradoxes and synchronicities. So, take time this week to wander in the philosophical realms of the mind.

Six of Earth – The Muse of Karmic Reciprocity is playing with you this week. She reminds you that kindness begats kindness, but the opposite is also true. The challenge with this energy is that the path of reciprocity is never a straight one.

Nine of Water – The Muse of Contentment is wanting you to ponder what would make you content. She is challenging you to recalibrate your happiness meter. For you have either lowered your expectations too far or expect them to be an 11 on a 1 to 10 scale. What small change could you make or ask for that would give you pleasure of satisfaction? She advises to start there.

Tower and Queen of Fire – The Muses of Fortification and Change would like you to stock up on resources and check your foundations. This can mean as simple as checking your plumbing for leaks, tires to see if they are worn, or restocking your pantry. Or it can be as complex as shoring up your mental health, getting your resume ready, or signing up for classes. Change is coming, are you ready for it?
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