Tag Archives: art

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Sept. 3, 2023


The artist this week is Baya.  In 1947 at the age of 16 she had her first major art show.  What makes her work so amazing besides her vibrant color choice is that she painted women and nature that exudes a sense of joy.

As I researched her work there are conflicting views on not only her life but why she painted the way she did.  Just a bit of history Algeria was taken over by the French from 1830-1962.   And during this colonization, native Arabic/North African culture and language was wiped away or hidden in the “craft” world.   The only reason I highlight this is that often when describing art, especially from non-European cultures, it is lumped into Euro-centric criteria.  cite

This is especially true with Baya’s work.  She is often categorized as a surrealist or Brute(naïve).  Even though she has said she is not to be categorized as a surrealist and did take art classes while working for a French women art collector in her youth.  Also, she is cited in a variety of sources, that while she worked alongside Matisse and Picasso, Baya  influenced their work.  Which is a whole other discourse of who influenced who, why we make that so important and often through a Euro-centric lens.

My point is that art stands on its own.  It is a conversation between the artist and the viewer.  One of my goals doing Tarot and Art Cast is just to highlight the beauty of art or at least art that I find intriguing.  And in so doing,  I am beginning to write less and less about what is said about the artist and using their own words more.  So, for the some of you that have noticed, that is why I am exploring and writing  in a “shorter” format.

Your pondering for the week:   Baya once said: “When I paint, I am happy and I am in another world.” What thing in your life brings happiness or transports you to another world? Are you able to invest time into these things?



Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Taurus to help us ground ourselves.   On Tuesday it moves into Gemini – where communication becomes the focal point.  On Friday, the moon moves into Cancer – focus on self-care for the weekend.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is now halfway through its 10 weeklong stay in Virgo (analyzation).  So, lessons continue with getting to the point when communicating.  Being clear and concise is the goal.  Mercury is in retrograde through Sept 13th.   Use this time as a pitstop to Reflect, Review and Redo.   Mars (action) moved into Libra (balance) until Oct 12th. Have us purview that our actions justify our goals    While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th.  This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?

Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus until May 2024, an aspect that nurtures the expansion of pleasure in our lives.  The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect.  Saturn (structures) is in Pisces (flow) until 2026.  Wanting us to make our structures elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.

And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024.  So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.




Two of Water – Relationships are the theme this week.  The Muse of Love would like you to acknowledge the loves in your life.  Whether that is bringing your pet a treat, or buying your loved one flowers or calling a good friend just to tell them how spectacular they are.  This week is about sharing your love for another.



Two of Earth – The Muse of Juggling is here to help with Balance in your life.  This could mean working on your physical balance –can you stand on one foot while raising the other leg?  Or investigating the balance between your spending and saving habitats.  Or it can be looking at your work-life balance.  This muse advises to look where you feel overwhelmed or off kilter and start rebalancing there.



Knight of Air – So this theme of starting and stopping has been a theme for the past 3 weeks.  And once again the Muse of Slowing Down is asking you to do just that.  Usually, this Muse shows up when you are being asked to do more than your share, you need more mental space, or you are feeling rushed to make a decision or deadline.  You do not need to be the heroine/hero/fixer this week.



*Strength – The Muse of Inner Strength would like you to remind you that you have super-powers and aspects of your character that are unique.  Your uniqueness is part of your strength.  This week define and refine them, for you will need them in the coming weeks.




*Devil – The Muse of Wild is knocking at the door.  Now for some of you (with air or fire signs as your moon sign) the wild is a distraction taking you off your path. For the rest of you (with water or earth signs as your moon sign) you all may need to answer the call so you can expand your boundaries.



*Lovers – Wow another high energy Muse to work with this coming year.  The last three weeks you have worked with the muses reflecting backwards and figuring out what you would like to carry forward especially around the aspect of daily life.  And then you were asked to make a road map for the coming year.  And now the Muse of Relationships is asking you to review who do you want in your proverbial car for this part of the journey.  With this many high-power muses visiting, this year holds great opportunities so plan well.



*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation would like you to start picturing what you want to manifest in your coming birth year.  You fall babies usually like to shed or release things first to make room.  But this Muse would like you to think about what you want to bring in.  So when you begin releasing you will know how much room you actually need.



*Moon – Continuing the retrograde vibe the Muse of the Subconscious would like you to turn your gaze inward and listen to any information you might receive.  Make note of your dreams or emotional hits this week. Though this Muse reminds you not to interpret these signs literally – this energy works with metaphors.



*Hanged One – The Muse of Stillness has put you on hold.  This week is about finding answers and inspirations in the quiet.  You all as a sign like to move, but this week the muses would like you to slow down or take advantage of the breaks.  Whether that is at a stop light, a lunch break, or waking up a half-hour before anyone else.  Find the space between the moments, for there is information waiting for you in the silence.



Nine of Air – The Muse of Over-Thought comes when your mind is doing overtime. This is when your thoughts are running over your thinking.  So, it is time to use all the tricks you have learned about focus and letting go of control and put them to good use.  This muse reminds you that you are smart and maybe too smart for your own good.  She advises you to “play dumb” just for this week, so you can give your thinking some space.



Ace of Fire– this is your second Ace, so a quick dive into that energy.  Ace are always new beginnings.  Last week was about making plans and gathering intel for a new endeavor.  This week is about experimenting with your idea/project. This week can be about creative brainstorming with the new info you obtained last week.  Think tinkering/experimenting – not doing.



Queen of Air – The Muse of Details reminds you that though the details are important if they are seen as just separate items not part of the whole then you lose the actual picture.  Your are dealing with a situation(s) that is like a pointillistic picture.  Each dot is important, but you need to step back to see the whole image.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of August 27, 2023

Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa Desert Planet

The artist this week is Ruth Asawa. She is known for her intricate wire sculptures. However, she also painted, did printmaking and was an activist for the arts and education.  She was a co-founder of Alvardo School Arts Workshop and instrumental in building a public high school for the arts in San Francisco in 1982.

What I find interesting is her daily drawing practice.  Drawing was her way to hone her perception and concentration.  By doing so she heightened her awareness of her surroundings.  In her words: “My curiosity was aroused by the idea of giving structural form to the images in my drawings.  These forms come from observing plants, the spiral shell of a snail, seeing light through insect wings, watching spiders repair their webs in the early morning, and seeing the sun through the droplets of water suspended from the tips of pine needles while watering my garden.”

Your pondering for the week: Asawa said: a child can learn something about colour, about design, and about observing objects in nature. If you do that, you grow into a greater awareness of things around you. Art will make people better, more highly skilled in thinking and improving whatever business one goes into, or whatever occupation. It makes a person broader.” How has art made you broader in life, understanding of self, and/or more attuned to your surroundings?


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Capricorn – so we can jump into the week energized.  On Tuesday it moves into Aquarius – think outside the box.  On Thursday, the moon moves into Pisces – go with the flow. Then on Friday it moves into Aries – a great time to do small projects around the home.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is now halfway through its 10 weeklong stay in Virgo (analyzation).  So, lessons continue with getting to the point when communicating.  Being clear and concise is the goal.  Mercury is in retrograde through Sept 13th.   Use this time as a pitstop to Reflect, Review and Redo.   Mars (action) moved into Libra (balance) until Oct 12th. Have us purview that our actions justify our goals    While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th.  This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?

Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus until May 2024, an aspect that nurtures the expansion of pleasure in our lives.  The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect.  Saturn (structures) is in Pisces (flow) until 2026.  Wanting us to make our structures elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.

And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024.  So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa

*High Priestess – Your higher self is calling for a consultation.  So, the Muse of Intuition has come to help you integrate this deeper understanding.  One thing this energy tries to convey is confirming that you are here, as you are, for a reason.  You may not see it but this week you just being you is needed in the world.  As Carl Sagan said: “We are made of star stuff” and that is magic in and of itself.


Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa

Knight of Earth – The Muse of Surefootedness is here to help you pace your week.  This muse would like you to work on a step-by-step approach with all that you do.  If you focus too far into the future, you may trip yourself up in the present.


Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa

Ace of Earth – Last week the Muse of Stops told you to slow down.   Now the Muse of Flourishing would like you to ponder what area of your life would you like to grow something.  We are still in retrograde season, so seeds can be planted but know they will take time to flourish.


Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa

*Magician– The Muse of Manifestation would like you to ponder what you want to manifest in your life.  Now this is not just a list of wants and needs.  You will have to ponder the intentions behind them too.  Remember intentions are the children of your desires and the grandparents of your destiny.


Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa

*Moon – The Muse of Subconsciousness would like you to turn your shine inward.  This energy is perfectly in sync with retrograde season’s reflection period.  During this week pay attention to your nightly dreams or subconscious murmurings.  For example, maybe songs pop into your head for no reason.  Go read the lyrics.  This week is full of personal subtext.


Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa

*Chariot – Another high energy Muse to work with this coming year.  The Muse of Momentum would like you to plot out your road map for the coming year. The last two weeks you have worked with the muses reflecting backwards and figuring out what you would like to carry forward especially around the aspect of daily life.  Now this Muse would like you to plan your exploration of the world around you in the coming year.  Think of things like trips, goals, and destinations.


Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa

Two of Earth – The Muse of Juggling is here this week.  You all usually balance two things pretty well.  But this Muse would like you to focus on just one thing at a time this week.  This is less about your skill at multi-tasking and more about practicing laser like focusing on one thing so you can enhance it to its fullest.


Ruth Asawa

Four of Air – Perfect energy for this retrograde season the Muse of Rest has come to visit.  She advises that this week you work on restoring your body and mind as much as possible.  So, eat well, go to bed early and try to lower your technological input as much as possible.


Ruth Asawa

Queen of Earth – The Muse of Abundance would love you to engage in all your senses this week.  She would like you to remind yourself how wonderful and full your life is if you just slow down and engage with the things you have worked so hard to establish and maintain.


Ruth Asawa

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Fitness is visiting you all this week.  This Muse would like you to tune into your body’s needs, so you can strengthen them making them more resilient.  Things like eating well, exercise, and mental agility are on the list to work on.


Ruth Asawa

Ace of Air– Hopefully you all got to do some daydreaming last week, because this week you need to start making plans and gathering more knowledge around how to bring some of those daydreams to fruition.  It is also a great week to read a book, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, and write.  Any of those activities also help you focus your mind.


Ruth Asawa

Three of Fire – The Muse of Planning comes when some background work needs to be done before you start on a new venture or plan.  This week investigate and work behind the scenes so you can execute the next part of a project or mission with more ease.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of August 20, 2023

Agnus Martin Untitled

Happy Birth month Virgo!

The artist this week is Agnus Martin.  Martin’s art is another form of contemplation.  While most abstract expressionist artists were doing Action art or Color Field.  Martin took a more spiritual approach to her art.  For her painting was like “going into a field of vision as you would cross an empty beach to look at the ocean.” Her work did not exclude nature or landscape but as she explained: “Nature is like parting a curtain, you go into it. I want to draw a …that quality of response from people when they leave themselves behind, often experienced in nature, an experience of simple joy … My paintings are about merging, about formlessness … A world without objects, without interruption.”

Your pondering for the week:  To Martin even formlessness did not mean sameness.  If you are feeling that life is mundane or ruttish ponder this:  When Martin was asked about the process of the slightly varied forms in some of her series of paintings, she recalled studying clouds.  “I paid close attention for a month to see if they ever repeated. They don’t repeat.”  And neither do your days, there is always a variation, a distinction, that makes that day different than the rest.  Try to see the passing of time through the lens of nuance.


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Libra – start the week with harmony and balance.  On Tuesday it moves into Scorpio – where the focus is on your passion.   Then on Thursday, the moon moves into Sagittarius – go on adventure this weekend.

The planets are doing the same thing as last week.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo (analyzation) for a 10 weeklong stay.  So, this is around lessons with getting to the point when communicating.  Being clear and concise is the goal.  Mercury also turns retrograde on the 23rd through Sept 13th.   This is a great time to Reflect, Review and Redo.   Mars (action) is joins Mercury in Virgo until August 27th.  This combo makes getting things check off your to-do list easier.   While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th.  This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?

Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus, an aspect that nurtures expansion of pleasure in our lives.  The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect.  So, we have until May 2024 to work on perfecting our balance between work and play.  Then Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint with Pisces so we can make our structures elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.

And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024.  So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Agnus Martin The sea

Three of Swords – The Muse of Deep Wounds comes this week to help you in areas where you are triggered.  If you find yourself reacting to something, do a deep dive into the why behind it.  If you find that your shoulder hurts, is it due to being tense or a deadline? Use this energy to heal the root of the problem instead of soothing the symptom.


Agnus Martin Starlight

Four of Water – The Muse of Contemplation would like you to pull back and do some belly button gazing.  She would like you to ponder some internal questions.  Simple questions like why did I say yes to this event or harder ones like who am I?  The challenge is that a fourth of this contemplation is done with eyes looking out.


Agnus Martin The Tree

*Hanged One – Where last week the Muse of Chance advised you to participate in it all, the Muse of Stops is telling you to slow down.  This makes sense since your planet is going retrograde on Wednesday.  So, for you all it is important not to start any projects during this time.  Think of retrogrades as the Rest Stops of Life.  A place to refuel, rest and recheck if you are heading in the right direction.



Agnus Martin Gratitude

*Justice– The Muse of Equity would like you to consider how you share responsibilities this week.  Maybe you take on too much, maybe not enough.  But she says something is off kilter and needs to be readjusted.  She reminds you that equity is not always physically equal shares, but feelings have something to do with the weight of imbalance too.



Agnus Martin The Rain

Two of Water – The Muse of Romance would like you to court something you love.  It can be a person, a plant, a passion, animal, or yourself.  Romance is defined as a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.  So, spend some energy to relight that excitement and invite spontaneity in for some mystery.



*Hierophant – You ended your last birth year with the Muse of Integration.  She asked you to ponder what were your success last year?  What have you learned?  What needs to be left behind?  And what are you going to carry forward?  Now the Muse of Structure, who you work with your whole life, comes this week to start off your new year.  Hopefully you did last week’s exercise, for if you did, this week of structuring a new year should be a breeze.  If you didn’t then those questions are a good place to start.


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin

Four of Earth – The Muse of Conservation visits this week.  She has you assess your resources on the physical plane:  time, money, and space.  During this retrograde work on making these areas feel like places of abundance rather than impoverished.


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin

*Emperor – Now that you have done your considering and weighing last week with the Muse of Accountability.  The Muse of Formation would like you to start building it.  Now this week is the beginning of the retrograde period.  So, if you are going to start something, do it before Wednesday.  But if that is impossible, then the projects you do start may need more planning and restructuring than you thought.  Overall, it is important that you take your time with what you are doing for the next couple of weeks.  Think like the Tortoise not the Hare.


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Defense calls you to stand your ground on some matter.  You all are usually great at finding ways for everyone to win, but this week you may need to pick a side.  If so make sure the defense come with a strong argument and even stronger boundaries.


Agnus Martin I Love Life

Two of Fire – The Muse of Inbetween teaches you lessons of being present in the moment.  Yes, while most of us are reviewing and reassessing, you all should just be. She advises to stay away from learning from the past and planning for the future.  But to stay in the moment to see the lessons of the now.


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin Milk River

Seven of Water– The Muse of Daydreaming has come to help you do some reimagining.  This is a good energy to have during the retrograde period.  Something is not quite right in your sphere of existence.  And this muse would like you to work with your superpowers of imagination and thinking outside the box to reharmonize the situation(s).


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin

Ace of Earth – Interesting this energy is about new beginnings, but it is also a retrograde period.  So, the Muse of Grounding would like you to find ways to pull your energy downward instead of going with the flow.  This could look like exercising, digging into some dirt, working with clay, walking barefoot on grass, hugging trees, or even getting a massage.  She would like you in your body this week.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of August 13, 2023

Maria Svarbova
Maria Svarbova

The artist this week is Maria Svarbova @maria.svarbova.  Svarbova creates dream-like portraits of people doing routine actions.  In this series she used communist-era architecture, a swimming pool, and swimmers to portray a scene that has the duality of tension and stillness.  In which she adds the use of symmetry, reflection, and an aqueous pastel color palette to sooth the viewer’s eye.  “The overall effect evokes a contemplative silence in an extended moment of promise and awareness- a quality difficult to achieve in the rapid pace of contemporary life.” As she states she is trying to “harmonize humans and space.”

Your pondering for the week:  Svarbova also says “people fascinate me, Space has no meaning without humans.  It becomes empty- something is missing.  I personally believe that is only true in urban spaces, and maybe that is her point.  That urban spaces are usually solely made with humans in mind.  Of course, this could be said of a beaver.  Who damns a river, but then their work creates new biome, ponds.  So, my pondering is how can we create our spaces within nature – that can act like a beaver’s dam?  Or how as humans do we harmonize within the space that created us?


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Libra – harmonization and balance are key to start the week.  On Tuesday it moves into Scorpio– where the focus turns to our passions.   Then on Thursday, the moon moves into Sagittarius – go on adventure this weekend..

The planets are doing the same thing as last week.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo (analyzation) for a 10 weeklong stay.  So, this is around lessons with getting to the point when communicating.  Being clear and concise is the goal.  Mars (action) is also in Virgo until August 27th.  This combo makes getting things check off your to-do list easier.   While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th.  This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?

Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus, an aspect that nurtures expansion of pleasure in our lives.  The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect.  So, we have until May 2024 to work on perfecting our balance between work and play.  Then Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint with Pisces so we can make our structures elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.

And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024.  So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Maria Svarbova
Maria Svarbova

Queen of Fire – The Muse of Practicality would like you to be reasonable this week.  With all this Leo fire energy around, you could be caught up in the exuberance.  But this week the muses would like you to be the metaphorical designated driver.


Maria Svarbova
Maria Svarbova

*Sun – The Muse of Radiance would like you to let the spotlight be on you.  As a sign goes you all are very supportive, maybe so much so that people forget to bathe you in the radiance and gratitude you deserve.  So, this week you need to ask and allow the light to shine on you.  That means if you get a compliment, say “thank you I’m glad you appreciate my hard work and dedication, ie: no humble pie.


Maria Svarbova
Maria Svarbova

*Wheel – This week will have its ups and downs.  So, the Muse of Chance advises you to participate in it all.  Her reasoning is you can’t win if you don’t play.  And the interesting thing with this energy, no matter up or down, in the long run the outcomes are positive.


Maria Svarbova
Maria Svarbova

Queen of Earth– The Muse of Abundance would like you to experience the abundant sensations of your five senses this week.  Her assignment is each day to highlight a sense and practice using it to enjoy your world.  You are part of the cosmos.  This week is the time to encounter its wealth.


Maria Svarbova
Maria Svarbova

*Fool – What a fantastic way to end your birth month with the Muse of Possibilities.  First, she would like you to spend this week as spontaneously as possible.  Even if that is only taking a different route home.   Secondly, this muse has you ponder, like last week, how to clean the slate of the past.  And lastly, if you can do the latter, begin your new year walking forward without as much baggage and with little expectations, ie: pack lightly.


Maria Svarbova

*World– What a great way to end your birth year with the Muse of Integration.  She would like you to ponder what are your success from the past year?  What have you learned?  What needs to be left behind?  And what are you going to carry forward?


Maria Svarbova
Maria Svarbova

*Moon – The Muse of Subconscious has some intel for you this week.  Her information is often in your dreams, as one falls asleep or just before one wakes.   The challenge with this Muse is that you never get a totally clear picture, and you can’t take these informational bits literally.  She deals in metaphors, riddles, and allegories.  Curiosity is key.


Maria Svarbova

*Justice – The Muse of Accountability comes when it is necessary to take every action you do this week seriously.  For this muse reminds you for every action there is a reaction.  This is especially important if you are making any big decisions.  Weigh both sides and make sure you have thought things through thoroughly.


Maria Svarbova

Queen of Water – The Muse of Fun has come to play.  She reminds you not to take life so seriously.  As a personification of this Muse Robin Williams said “You are only given a little spark of madness.  You mustn’t lose it.” Your motto:  In-Joy


Maria Svarbova

Eight of Air – The Muse of Abandonment comes when you need to walk away from something that no longer serves you, but you feel obligated in some way to keep it.  This can be as simple as a gift from a loved one, or old clothes, or as complicated as a project you just can’t get off the ground.


Maria Svarbova

Six of Swords– The Muse of Transition comes when it is time to wrap up a project or task.  It is time to move on.


Maria Svarbova

*Star – The Muse of Healing is here to help you heal from previous trauma.  She usually does this through illuminating thoughts or inspirational messages.  So, the very first thing she asks you to do is go out in the night and make a wish on a star.  Then spend the week doing things to pamper and give your mind space to relax.   Lastly, watch for inspiration that comes from the cosmos.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of August 6, 2023

Emily Irving-Swift
Emily Irving-Swift

The artist this week is Emily Irving-Swift.  I came across her when researching underwater museums. Swift did a free dive and took pictures of Museum of Underwater Sculpture Ayia Napa, Cyprus.  In 2020 Ayia Napa, commissioned Jason deCaires Taylor (I have highlighted his work before) to create an underwater sculpture park. The park consists of 130 figurative sculptures amongst sculpted trees and plants. Taylor used pH neutral cement that facilitates coral growth on what was an empty sand seabed.  According to the website it is “a symbol to enhance the story of Ayia Napa’s newly created Marine Protected Zone, whilst acknowledging the deforestation practices of the past.” This sculpture park will bring what was once a desert in the ocean to a thriving sea community.

However, the photos drew me in to investigate who this person was who took these amazing pictures at MUSAN.  And I found Swift’s Instagram @emilyirvingswift.  I fell in love with her abstract sea photos though I couldn’t find much more of her work.  One of arts’ gifts is it puts us in a state of contemplation or deep reflective thought.  That is what drew me to Irvign-Swift’s work.  So, I hope you enjoy and ponder on them as well.

Your pondering for the week:  I’m experimenting a little this month.  So, it is a little different.  I wrote the ponderings down below for each sign.


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Taurus – time to ground yourself.  On Thursday it moves into Gemini – where the focus turns to communication and information.   Then during the weekend, the moon is in its home sign Cancer – perfect for finding your cozy spot and naps.

The planets are doing the same thing as last week.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo (analyzation) for a 10 weeklong stay.  So, this is around lessons with getting to the point when communicating.  Being clear and concise is the goal.  Mars (action) is also in Virgo until August 27th.  This combo makes getting things check off your to-do list easier.   While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th.  This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?

Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus, an aspect that nurtures expansion of pleasure in our lives.  The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect.  So, we have until May 2024 to work on perfecting our balance between work and play.  Then Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint with Pisces so we can make our structures elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.

And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024.  So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.


May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Emily Irving-Swift

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum pondering for you this week.  No matter the challenge, you have the will and intelligence to be balanced as you move forward on this journey.


Emily Irving-Swift
Emily Irving-Swift

Three of Water – The Muse of Friendship pondering for you this week:  Embrace being part of something larger than yourself.


Emily Irving-Swift
Emily Irving-Swift

Six of Earth – The Muse of Karma pondering for you this week:  What you have sent forth in love comes back to you from unexpected resources.


Emily Irving-Swift
Emily Irving-Swift

Eight of Water– The Muse of Intention pondering for you this week:  When you have chosen the path that flows, instead of the one that tempted you, you felt obligated to walk, or stagnated you, you begin to walk the path of destiny.


Emily Irving-Swift

Five of Water – The Muse of Grief pondering for you this week:  What is holding you back from fully forgiving yourself and others?  Time to emote, release, and carry only the good parts forward.


Emily Irving-Swift
Emily Irving-Swift

Eight of Fire – The Muse of Intel pondering for you this week:  See everything this week as a gift of information.


Emily Irving-Swift
Emily Irving-Swift

Ten of Water – The Muse of Serenity pondering for you this week:  Try for just this week to truly believe that well-being is your natural state.


Emily Irving-Swift

Page of Air – The Muse of Theory pondering for you this week:  For just this week say and be okay with the statement: “I don’t really know.”


Emily Irving-Swift

*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition pondering for you this week:  You were put here on purpose as you are.  Dive deep into that gift.


Emily Irving-Swift

Queen of Fire – The Muse of Creative Collaboration pondering for you this week:  Every time you have created or felt something you are collaborating with the collective conscious not only for your own growth but for the benefit of the collective.


Emily Irving-Swift
Emily Irving-Swift

*Tower– The Muse of Deconstruction pondering for you this week:  Every time something has blown up your life you have used your power of innovation to create something new and improved.


Emily Irving-Swift

Five of Earth – The Muse of Poverty pondering for the week:  Scarcity has taught you gratitude, grace, the ability to dream and then conjure up a better future.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of July 30, 2023

Akilah Watts, Nexus

The artist this week is Akilah Watts @stricklyakilah.  Watts’ work is as vibrant as the landscape of Barbados, but this is a point of many of her paintings.  Is that she is a native and she and the people of the island are “part of the landscape” of Barbados.  Most people see it as a vacation spot but for her and other local artists, this is home.  As Watts says, she is trying to make a more realistic version of her home than the idealistic one of people who travel to it.

Where Watts’ previous work was about an external perspective this year she is working on a “new practice of being more in the moment, I have found myself experiencing a number of out-of-body experiences and I have been documenting the feelings of Absence that those experiences have evoked within me.” The commonality of her inner and outer art is that it conveys a vitality that resides in her as an artist, a seer, and a soul.

Your pondering for the week:  Work on seeing the people in your environment like the flora and fauna of your landscape.  This will help you connect to the coexistence that is always around us.

Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Capricorn – discipline is key to the beginning of the week.  On Tuesday it moves into Aquarius – think outside the box until Thursday when you will need to go with the flow.   Then during the weekend, the moon is in its home sign Cancer – perfect for finding your cozy spot and naps.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo (analyzation) for a 10 weeklong stay.  So, this is around lessons with getting to the point when communicating.  Being clear and concise is the goal.  Mars (action) is also in Virgo until August 27th.  This combo makes getting things check off your to-do list easier.   While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th.  This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?

Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus, an aspect that nurtures expansion of pleasure in our lives.  The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect.  So, we have until May 2024 to work on perfecting our balance between work and play.  Then Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint with Pisces so we can make our structures elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.

And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024.  So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Akilah Watts Pride

*Justice – The Muse of Responsibility is wanting you to make some decisions.  The challenge is that these decisions must be for the good of all.  You will need to hear everyone’s side and find the win-win situation.  This Muse reminds you the this is less about blame and more about fairness.


Akilah Watts Revelations

*Fool – The Muse of Possibilities has joined you on your journey.  This is a time where beginnings happen, but these are less about planning these jumping off points and more about spontaneously discovering them.  And this Muse reminds you to have faith for you are surefooted on any path you take.  Think of this week like a treasure hunt or looking for Pokémon.  The more you are out and about the more you find.


Akilah Watts Abundance

*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition would like you to tap into yours this week.  You have been questioning yourself too much.  Overthinking.  Trying to make logical deductions and decisions in an illogical and unpredictable landscape.  Follow your gut and Spidey sense this week.  Also, this Muse will lead you to some interesting information, but it is hidden in synchronicities and symbols.


Akilah Watts Freshly Squeezed

Seven of Water– The Muse of Imagination would like you to flex your daydreaming muscle.  Daydreaming activates your imagination, but the challenge is sometimes your imagination can not be manifested into reality.  So, if you use this week as an exercise in playfully thinking about your life and at the same time keeping your expectations grounded.


Akilah Watts Sugar Plum

Ace of Earth – This week you are granted by the Muses a fertile field to plant your material-plane based seeds/wishes.  Make a list of materials things you want to sprout in the coming year.  The challenge is making both big and little wishes for the muses to work on.   The Muses remind you this is a more natural variegated garden not a Monsanto genetically modified one crop field.  Be diverse in your wishes.


Akilah Watts From The Dryer To The Shop

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum works with our ambitions, impetus, and control.  When she pulls up you need to work on the where, when, and how of this part of your journey or project.  Maybe you need to check your metaphorically tires or refuel.  Maybe you need to just move forward but also check your GPS and make sure you are heading in the right direction.  No matter what the scenario this is about going forward not back and definitely not about making donuts in the parking lot of life.


Akilah Watts Remedy

Queen of Fire – The Muse of Outdoors would like you to go engulf yourself in some nature.  Whether that is reading a book in the park, finding shells at the beach, fishing or kayaking in a river or gardening in your backyard, this week you need to breathe in the open air to reset your natural rhythms.


Akilah Watts, Every Bush Is A Man

Three of Water – The Muse of Friendship comes when your emotional cups need filling.  Something only besties can do well.  The cool thing about this hang, other than laughter and good times, is your friends need your company as much as you need theirs.


Akilah Watts Girl You Sweet

Nine of Fire – Where last week was all about movement, this week the Muse of Interludes has arrived.  Take this week to refuel, restock and prepare for August.  The Dog Days of summer are coming so go take a dip in a pool or nap in a hammock.  This is not a week to push things through.


Akilah Watts Exposed

Four of Fire – The Muse of Home is advising to hang around at home as much as possible this week.  Fill your home with sweet scents and sounds.  Bring your house flowers to thank it for providing a haven for you.  And if you are not feeling safe, this is a time to reassess and take actions to make it so.


Akilah Watts Psst I Got Something to Tell You

Ace of Air– More decisions this week.  Where last week it was about choice, this week’s decisions are about new directions.  Something doesn’t feel right, and the Muses would like to help you remedy it.  The challenges are you need to decide which direction you want to begin this journey on, and this might require a new mindset.   Ask the Muses for communique like signs and or new knowledge you stumble upon.


Akilah Watts SeaGrace

Two of Earth – The Muse of Balance comes when two aspects of your life are not balanced.   For example, this can be work and play or nutritional meals versus comfort meals.   What two things are butting heads and stalling out you from moving forward.  This is not about letting either one go, but more about actions steps in moderation and compromise.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of July 23, 2023

 Rowena Meeks Abdy
Rowena Meeks Abdy

The artist this week is Rowena Meeks Abdy.  Abdy was an American Modernist painter who primarily painted the landscapes of California.  Her street scenes and landscapes in oils, watercolors and mixed-media drawings appeared in over fifty exhibitions throughout California from 1908 to the mid-1940s.  She also illustrated two books On the Ohio and Old California.  These are now considered examples of historical landscape that give us a peek into earlier eras of each region.

Your pondering for the week:  The last 10 years of her career she stopped using the “color” white.  If you had to take away a color, what would it be?  For me it would be bubblegum pink. (Yeah Barbie™, I said it).


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Libra – attending to relationships and balance are key to the beginning of week.  On Wednesday it moves into Scorpio – find time for what makes your heart zing.   Then on Friday through the weekend it is in Sagittarius – great for travel and jaunts to new places.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) moves into Virgo (analyzation) on Thursday for a 10 weeklong stay. So, it moves from creative expression to a more serious getting down to brass tacks tactic.  Mars (action) is also in Virgo until August 27th.  This combo makes getting things done on your to-do list easier.   While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th.  This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?

Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus, an aspect that nurtures expansion of pleasure in our lives.  The challenge is dipping into overindulgence.  So, we have until May 2024 to work on perfecting our balance between work and play.  Then Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint with Pisces so we can make our structures elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.

And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024.  So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Rowena Meeks Abdy

Seven of Water – The Muse of Daydreams is calling to you this week.  When this energy shows up the universe is asking for direction to help you manifest your dreams.  This Muse asks if you had no restrictions or obstructions what would you dream for?  Let your imagination soar this week. There is nothing to lose when imagining; conversely, there is tons of insight to gain.


Rowena Meeks Abdy

*Justice – The Muse of Accountability comes when you are asked to choose a side or stand up for someone or yourself.  This is no time to let things go.  Whether this is about calling your representatives, standing with a colleague or friend, or naming your truth, this week you need to speak up.  And continue doing so until you are heard.


Rowena Meeks Abdy

*Fool – This week you might need a re-do.  The Muse of Clean Slates is asking you to wipe clean your mistakes, missteps, or possible mind changing and start afresh.  This energy wants you to re-work a situation in a whole new light.  Think innovation and step outside the box to find another way.  And she reminds you don’t forget to lighten your step while doing it.  Your song:  Whistle While you Work.


Rowena Meeks Abdy

*Empress and Page of Water– The Muse of Growth teams up with the Muse of Joy this week to have you start the process of bringing more joy into your life.  Now these two together remind you this is a process of adding small actions into your days that bring a smile to your lips.  They need to be easy and achievable actions that you can do on a regular basis.


 Rowena Meeks Abdy
Rowena Meeks Abdy

*Tower – Last week the Muse of Manifestation asked you to confer with the celestials about what you want to manifest this coming year with the tools you have already in hand.  Now the Muse of Demolition wants you to confer with the celestials about what needs to be de-constructed so you can build a new.  There will be some healing in this process and the muses want you to have some say in the matter.  Because if you don’t figure this out the universe will step into “help”.


Rowena Meeks Abdy

Ace of Swords – This week heralds a new beginning.  But it requires a decision on your part.  The challenge is you will need to elevate something.  It could be literally positioning higher, or it could be a metaphorical placement.    Either way innovation and new knowledge are the keys.


 Rowena Meeks Abdy
Rowena Meeks Abdy

Five of Air – All fives herald chaos in some manner.  This one is based around ego.  Whether it is your ego getting in the way of a solution or another’s, this block needs to be removed.  The easiest way is to talk about the facts instead of the possibilities.


Rowena Meeks Abdy

Nine of Fire – The Muse of Preparation advises that it is key to prepare for each day this week.  This means packing your lunches ahead of time, picking out your clothes for the next day, or checking if you have all the parts, you need before you start that project.  As Benjamin F. said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”


Rowena Meeks Abdy

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum is one of the energies you work with your whole life.  This muse works with our ambitions, impetus, and control.  When she arrives in your energy sphere you need to work on the where, when, and how of your journey or project.  Maybe you need to pull off the road and check your metaphorically tires or refuel.  Maybe you need to just move forward, or you may have to check your GPS and make sure you are heading in the right direction.  Either way this is about going forward not back and definitely not about doing donuts in the parking lot of life.


 Rowena Meeks Abdy
Rowena Meeks Abdy

Two of Fire – The Muse of Thoughtfulness asks you to engage in the act of pondering.  She advises not only to contemplate the small stuff but also the big ideas too.  Practice drill down to the micro and then expanding out to the macro.


Rowena Meeks Abdy

Two of Swords – We all have decisions to make every day, but the Muse of Decisions wants you to look at resolving yours a bit differently this week.  She advises to take the perspective of how you would feel in each decision- not to work with logic but more with your emotions.


Rowena Meeks Abdy

Five of Fire – This week brings chaos, but you have the choice to join in the whirlwind or to stand on the sidelines.  The Muse of Mayhem reminds you that, if you do decide to join, you need to totally commit until the game’s conclusion.  Think Jumanji.