This week we are between two eclipses. Eclipses foretell beginnings, endings and change in general. So I picked the kinetic art of Theo Jansen to represent the movement in the universe. He calls his creations Strandbeasts. I recommend clicking on to the hyperlink it is pretty amazing.
P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you. This opening is brief and no individual pictures for signs because I am also moving this week. Light and Love see you all next week.
Aries – Eight of Swords – The past two weeks have asked you to slow down, heal, and craft some structure in your life to protect yourself and the life you want to create. This week the Eight of Swords is having you look at what boundaries your thoughts form that hold you back from living the life you want. We are between eclipses and this is the perfect time to slough off anything that isn’t working for you.
Taurus – Five of Wands – This week can be filled with a chaotic energy, some is yours and the rest is everyone else’s. We are between eclipses where things end and new beginnings occur. Your challenge is to realize that the only true control you have is over is your own stuff. This is a week of patience and presences.
*Gemini – Justice – The Justice card advises you to think logically and with an end game in mind this week. The two eclipses lend energy to endings and beginnings during this time, and this energy can complicate and distract your thinking. Your challenge is to keep your choices and problem solving as two pronged as you can.
Cancer – Eight of Wands – The Eight of Wands heralds that there is information out there for you this week. Keep your eyes, ears and mind open for synchronicities and messages from the Universe, because the eclipses these messages are around endings and beginnings. Remember you need one to have the other.
Leo – Four of Cups – We are betwixt the two eclipses where changes abound, and the one coming up is in your sign next week. So to prepare you the Four of Cups has shown up. This card advises that this week you can keep to yourself and do some inner belly gazing. But it’s challenges is after looking within you will need to look outwards.
*Virgo – Judgment – This week we are between the two eclipses – a time of change, and you got the card of evolution, Judgment. This is a great card to get with the energies that are out there right now. You can make some major shifts in your life and have the universe support it. In a simple way, this can look like changing your paint color in bedroom from a energetic yellow to a more calming blue and you find that you sleep better. Or in a more complex way you meditate on, say…. your heart chakra and change it from a dusty rose to a hot pink. Your challenge is that change begins with your actions in the universe, not the other way around.
Libra – Four of Wands – We are now between the two eclipses, which like your last week’s tarotcast heralds endings and new beginnings. And with change brings a bit of chaos. This week the Four of Wands challenges you to deal with the disorder outside by bringing order to your home.
Scorpio – Three of Wands – To prepare for the new moon and eclipse next week, the Three of Wands is advising you to take a step back from your life and take stock of what you will need for the new beginnings approaching after August 21st. Your only challenge is to hold of starting anything new until ALL of your ducks are in a row.
Sagittarius – Ten of Wands – This week your ship has come in, but now you will have to cart all the goods home. Being between the two eclipses this month has given you a glimpse into what needs to be ended and started to make your life happen with more ease. But there is still work to be done until you can really enjoy your bounty. Your challenge is to figure out what is worth carrying into the new life you desire. This card recommends that you need to lighten your load.
Capricorn – King of Wands – You were clued into the change the eclipses are bring with the Tower card you got last week. So as the solar eclipse comes closer you all are a step ahead of the rest of us. Where the past weeks you have been contemplating of what, where and how you want that change to affect your life, this week the King of Wands is challenging to walk the talk. So, your test is to start doing one thing that will create the change that you seek.
Aquarius – Page of Pentacles – We are between two eclipses and you are trying to take advantage of the winds of change. Your work continues on but fairs better if you are both ears and hands on. This week there is a lot to learn from your environment. Your challenge is to put what you think you know aside and become the student of change.
*Pisces – Hangman – We are between the two eclipses and this is a great card for being in between the endings of the lunar eclipse and the beginnings of the solar eclipse August 21st. The Hangman asks you to take a break or detour from your life/work to gain knowledge from a different perspective. This can look as simple as mediating for 15 minutes each day, doing some lucid dreaming, or even taking a walk out in nature. This is not a week to make life changes or even make big decisions. This is a week of contemplation. The challenge is getting yourself in a different “environment” to shift your mind so you can see alternative possibilities to all the possible futures you can create.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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