Juan Gris was part of the Cubist art movement. He started studying engineering and you can see how mathematics influenced his painting style. He like many other cubist painted a lot of still life, using the same elements again and again. Deconstructing and reconstructing to create a new memory of the our day to day existence. His main menu of items are a newspaper, a glass, a guitar, and either pears or grapes in a bowl.
My Thanksgiving table memories are like cubist still lives. Different facets of the same ingredients, turkey, cranberry sauce in a bowl, potatoes, stuffing, some green vegetable… Traditions give us a sense of continuity, and particularity Thanksgiving brings a sense of comfort and familiarity in its food traditions. Even though the people change around the table by growing older, growing new or growing apart, the ingredients remains the same. The familiar food is what strings together and conjures the cascade of kaleidoscope like memories of the people that have sat at my table, and I am grateful.
P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you. I have a new reading the Planetary Spread for you all to check out.
Aries – Knight of Pentacles – The Knight of Pentacles lesson is all about the balance of moving forward while still taking time to get off your horse and smell the flowers. You have a lot to do this week and you will get it done if you take a slow and steady path. The challenge with this card is to take breaks along the way. Remember there are more meaningful moments along the journey then the one at the goal.
*Taurus – Chariot -.The Chariot is a card of movement and change that is under your control. For all of you traveling for Thanksgiving, the Chariot is quite practical. This card advises you to check your tire pressure, make sure you know where you are going, and double check you have what you need for the trip. For all of you staying home or that do not celebrate Thanksgiving, this week’s challenge is about preparation and balance to create ease while growing the aspect you want to move forward. Simply this can look like focusing on having balanced meals, or more complex having a balance between work and play in your life.
*Gemini – Wheel – The Wheel comes into your life to help you change the fortune in any aspect of your life. The challenge is that you have to take a chance to expand your horizons. The only thing to be very of aware of with the Wheel is not to bet more than you are willing to lose. This is a card of chance but has the potential of great reward. Step up to the Wheel and spin.
Cancer – Five of Wands – The Five cards all bring their own kind of chaos into our lives. The Wands’ chaos are around our passion and spiritual quests. Your challenge is to not get distracted from your passion and spirit into other people’s drama. This week use the natural gift of the crab and side step away from trouble.
*Leo – Empress – The Empress is the Momma card of the deck. This week is around dealing with the good and bad Mother energy – yours and others. The way to work with this energy is to examine the way you and others nurture or not nurture each other, and emulate the better parts. The challenge, no matter your gender, is to honor and imitate the inner mother that you needed as a child to yourself and people that are around you this week.
Virgo – Four of Wands – The Four of Wands represents home. This doesn’t not have to be the place you were born or the place that you live now. It is the home that warms your heart. The challenge is to seek out or create that feeling of home in your life. Comfortable and cozy should be at least two of the adjectives you strive for this week.
Libra – Ace of Swords – The Ace of Swords advise to hone your mind to laser sharpness. You will need your intellect this week. The challenge with this Ace is to keep your mind open to new ideas. The old way of doing things won’t work. On a more practical note with the Ace of Swords- be careful around sharp things (that includes tongues).
Scorpio – Two of Swords – Last week The Magician, your card for the coming year, challenged you to experiment, try new things, make mistakes, go down rabbit holes just for fun. The Two of Swords continues this theme saying there is no time like the present to try something new. The challenge is not to get caught up with what choices to make, but just pick something and try it out. You can always decided to stop and drop the idea, path or decision. Remember, experimentation is the key and you learn as much from what you don’t like as you do from what you do.
Sagittarius – Queen of Swords – The Queen of Swords is the planner and knowledge gatherer. She thinks and communicates before she acts. Your challenge this week is to is do just that. However, be sure to taste your words before you spit them out.
Capricorn – Seven of Cups – Let’s examine sevens a bit closer since this is your second in a row. Sevens are about expansion and contraction in your life. Last week the focus was on your physical -work plane. This week the focus moves to examining your hearts desires. The challenge is to day dreaming without boundaries. You all are too practical to worry about the illusion side of this card. So really try and have fun thinking up what the good life would look like if you had all the health, money and time you needed.
*Aquarius – Magician – Ok the Magician is back. At the beginning of this month he challenged you to experiment and not shy away from your mistakes. Then Justice and the Devil challenged you to work on how you blocked yourself when experimenting. Now that you have hopefully learned this lessons, the Magician has returned, so back to the drawing board or the laboratory that is your life. Have fun experimenting – in your kitchen, your workplace and/or your life.
Pisces – King of Swords – The King of Swords is the master of strategy and boundaries. You will need your wits and strong boundaries about you to navigate this week . However, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, so your challenge is to also remain flexible.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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