Tag Archives: art

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Oct 6, 2019

Robin Isley digital collage
Robin Isley

I have been holding off on Robin Isley for some time waiting for the Halloween season.  Then with more recent research, I found an article from Hautemacabre.com and found the trouble in waiting.  These amazing digital collages have been banned from Tumblr and Isley’s website had been hacked, so I could not link to their website.  So as not to repeat, please go to the article link for An Obscurum of Secrets the Lost Art of Robin Isely. They do a lovely write up with the artist.

However, to keep this artist’s work alive in digital land, I decided like the writer at Haute Macabre, to post Robin’s work now even without a website link.  (Once Isley gets a url I will edit this post).   So not only do you get to see these lovely eerie collages but you also gain a link to a great website Hautemacabre.com  where every day is Halloween.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Robin Isley digital collage*Sun –The Sun foretells this is a very positive week.  The Sun card lends its energy to make you and what you focus on grow and expand.  The challenge with this week is two-fold.  When focusing make sure you use the right intensity for each aspect of your life.  Your lessons are balancing your intensity with what you are working with.  This means laser focus with actions but not with people.  And a benevolent shine on people where that energy will not move projects forward.  Remember light can make things grow, cut things off and create deserts.  Shine wisely.


Six of Coins – The Six of Coins is the mini-karma card.  This week is especially important to mind your p’s and q’s.   The more positive you give out the more you receive, and the more negative out will attract negativity to you like a magnetic.  Your motto this week: Play nice.


Robin Isley digital collageSix of Wands – The Six of Wands advises to step back from projects and see your positive progress.  This is a week when wearing laurels is appropriate and justly due.  A great week to celebrate accomplishments and take a must needed rest.  The challenge with this card is though you have won the battle by the end of the week you will need to suit back up for round two.


Robin Isley digital collage

Two of Wands – The Two of Wands advises you to look towards the future.  Leave the past in the past and move forward.  This is a great week for planning and strategizing how to expand your horizons.


Robin Isley digital collage*Judgement and the Eight of Coins – Another power week for you all.  First, the Justice card came pointing out decisions that need to be made but you need more background information to make a justified decision.   Then the Devil card challenged your morality, integrity and purpose. Now that you have past your exams, Judgement pronounces it is time to act and evolve to the next level.  The Eight of Coins is the way.  This card advises you to up your game by honing your skills to mastery.  Practice makes perfect is your motto this week.


Seven of Cups – The Seven of Cups advise this a great week for daydreaming.  Take time to dream big outside of your normal imaginings.  The lesson with this card is dreaming activates the imagination which is vital for inspirations and intuitive thoughts.  The challenge is using this kind of dreaming for information and not taking it too literally.  For instance, you dream you are a Queen/King.  You (most likely) factually are not, but you do need to make sure that you are getting the respect you deserve.


Robin Isley digital collageQueen of Cups – The Queen of Cups is the perfect birthday month card.  She comes when you need to treat yourself with the kindness you give to others and have some fun.  This week, oxygen mask first on yourself then you can tend to others, and once the plane has landed time for some margaritas and dancing.  This week’s motto:  Life is short – have some fun.


Robin Isley digital collage*Hanged Man – The Hanged Man advises contemplating before moving forward. The challenged with this card is that your environment might help the process along if you don’t take the initiative first.  This week take heed when pauses arrive and try not to push anything through that isn’t easy. This can look as simple as getting stuck in traffic, or as complex as the project at work stalling out.  The importance of these pauses is utilizing these breaks to contemplate not act.


Robin Isley digital collageFour of Swords – The Four of Swords advises that this week is best utilized by you resting and building up your strength.  This card shows up when your immune system is getting drained.  So, take vitamins, eat well and get 8 hours of sleep.


Robin Isley digital collageFour of Coins – The Four of Coins recommends spending your money and time wisely this week.  Don’t be too stingy with it either.  If you really love something, buy it. If you are having a good time, stay and reschedule the next event. However, this card warns that your spending of money or time should be on things that are worthwhile.


Robin IsleyEight of Cups and Wands – Two cards this week and both eights.  Eights mean manifestation.  The Eight of Cups is the card of getting rid of things that no longer work and Eight of Wands is new information coming in. Your theme this week is metaphorically or literally cleaning out closets, so you have room for new stuff.  The challenge with getting rid of things is not hanging on to them for sentimental reasons.  If it doesn’t fit, toss it.  The second challenge is prioritizing for there will be lots of new information/things/people coming at you, so to help think: what do I really need to know this moment. Your motto: Out with the old and in with the new.


Robin IsleyPage of Coins – Fresh eyes are still important this week.  Last week Page of Cups said embodying hope changes your outlook and those around you.  Now, the Page of Coins challenges you to have the senses of a student.  This week learning is key.  Keep your eyes and mind open, for lessons come from a variety of source.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Sept. 29, 2019

John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes

As many of you know I love monsters.  As a kid the monster under the bed was a real thing until I bargained my socks for not grabbing me when I went to bed.  I then questioned maybe monsters were misunderstood and could be befriended.  This of course was supported by the books by my two favorite storytellers and illustrators Maurice Sendack and Edward Gorey.   One of my favorite monster artists John Kenn Mortensen   also has brought to life some of the monsters scenarios that I came up with as a kid.

He is a self-proclaimed outcast, father of twins and works in comics and television.  He “doodles” on sticky notes.  He doesn’t consider them illustrations because they don’t illustrate a narrative.  However, they do tell a story or maybe the beginnings of a visual one.  The sense of scary is so well balanced with his sense of wry humor – a nightmare with a tongue in cheek wit.  Not only is his imagination wickedly fun, it shows art doesn’t have to be big, can be done with things around your house  and can still create an emotion.

You can find more of his stuff on Instagram @johnkennmortensen)

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Five of Coins –Last week I hope you took advantage of the Emperor’s energy, building on the material plane.  The Five of Coins continues the Emperor’s advice on you focusing on projects already started; however, you will find little time or resources to do anything else.  Again, this is another week not to start on the new.  One challenge is you can easily lose things and time, so be careful where you lay your keys and how you spend your hours.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Page of Coins – The last couple of months you have had the Chariot with the Hanged Man giving you ample opportunity to get your show on the road.  Luckily the Page of Coins has shown up to assist in the process for another week.  The Page of Coins is the card of the student.  Your environment is trying to share some useful information to help in your progression.  The challenge is you keeping your mind open to new ideas while asking questions to deepen your knowledge.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Eight of Wands – Information comes at you in all directions this week with the Eight of Wands.  The challenge is only grabbing on to the information that you need.  The best way to handle this barge of data is focus.  Focusing on what you want betters the funneling of information.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Nine of Swords – The Nine of Swords is the card of worry.  The best way to deal with this is to give yourself time to worry and write them down.  Then circle the ones that you can do something about this week. And the best projects to work with this energy are ones that ground you, like working with your hands and/or body.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes *Devil – What a combination for the last week and this week.  Last week, the Justice card came pointing out decisions that need to be made but you need more background information to make a justified decision.   Reminding you to stay true to your truth throughout last week.  Well that hasn’t changed with the Devil card.  The added challenge this week is your morality, integrity and purpose will be tested.   The Devil comes not really to teach you anything but to test you if you are being true to yourself.  So, the more honest you are that your choices are compatible with who you are, the better you will do with the trials surfacing.  This can look as simple as standing up for somebody on the bus, or as complex as telling your truth.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Knight of Cups – The Knight of Cups energizes your emotions.  If you follow your heart this week you will gain momentum.  The challenge with this card is it tests your ability to be vulnerable.  The benefits you get in this vulnerability exercise is you get stronger and increase your compassion for yourself.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Two of Coins – The Two of Coins is the card of balancing in motion.  The challenge with this card is not trying to take on too much at once.  Learn to juggle one item before you add another to your schedule.   This is not a week where multi-tasking comes easily or productively.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Three of Cups – Nice card the Three of Cups.  It is the card of friendship.  This card comes when your emotional cup needs filling.  So, make hanging with friends your priority this week.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Six of Swords – The Six of Swords is the card of perspective and simplification.  When this card shows up it advises standing back from aspects of your life or work this week to gain perspective.   The goal is to help you streamline your thoughts, solutions, and/or processes.  Your motto:  Work smarter not harder.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Two of Wands – The Two of Wands come when you need to broaden your horizon.  It is a great week for travel or going to events.  Walk outside your normal circle of life.   There is inspiration, intriguing information, and new experiences waiting just over your horizon – go find it.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Ace of Swords – Another Ace so new beginning abound once again this week.  Though the material plane was the focus last week.  This week is about decisions, information and ideas.  The only challenge is trying to follow it all at once.  So, the key to ease this week is focus and no multi-tasking.


John Kenn Mortensen art on PostIt notes Page of Cups – Last week the Star Card had you making wishes, relaxing, healing and having faith in the Universe.  This week the Page of Cups continues pouring hope into your heart.  This Page challenges you that being kind to yourself and seeing the beauty that surrounds you with child-like eyes the more your emotional cup fills.  Embodying hope not only changes your outlook but those around you.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Sept 22, 2019

Bill Mayer Gouache painting

Happy Fall Equinox and Happy Birthday Libras.

This week’s artist is Bill Mayer.    I first saw his work on the cover of the Smithsonian magazine a year ago.  When I did more research on him, I feel in love with his gouache portraits.  The one above is an illustration for one of my favorite books Animal Farm.  Though when I first saw it, I thought it was the Three Little Pigs gone awry.  The aspect of the blood on the pig’s feet and snow are brilliant details in visual storytelling.  His work has a sense of humor along with a dark emotional quality.

Then that these are in gouache*  and look as if they are done in oil reminiscent of Dutch painters of the 17th century is a nod to his skills in technique and composition.  Gouache painting is similar to watercolors but is modified to be opaquer; therefore, it can have more reflective qualities.  However, the hard part with this medium is lighter tones general dry darker and darker tones dry lighter.  So, painting over multiple session can get very tricky.  These portraits are also small in size which again is a nod to 9th century Persian miniatures and their use of gouache. These portraits are a great start to the beautiful and spooky season of Fall and Halloween.

*Note: He says that some of his earlier pieces have been photo-shopped a bit.  When you look at his more recent portraits, Taurus and Gemini for example, you can see his manual technique outshines the computerized bits of his earlier work.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Bill Mayer Gouache painting*Emperor –The Emperor is the card of building on the material plane, and with the collaboration you hopeful built last week, construction will be easier.  To take advantage of this energy, continue building on projects in the works or finishing up projects.  The challenge is not to start new ventures.  The emperor suggest work with the now and leave the future for another week.


Bill Mayer Gouache painting*The Chariot – Last week the Hanged Man had you take a time out and work on piddlingthe art of just sitting or puttering around for no other reason than just because. And now the Chariot pulls up for the third time for you in the past 2 months.  Time to get back in the saddle, again.  I cannot emphasize enough if you have not taken advantage of making something happen or go to the next level in your life, this set of Chariot cards in such a short time frame just doesn’t happen. To get the card of movement that solely lays in your hand this many times is destiny calling.  You have no roadblocks but yourself.  Maybe you are not feeling as if your project is as important as other things that are in your life.  Don’t let your loyalty to others and your nurturing nature be in the way of making some ground on your own stuff.  Time for using some of that hard headedness in protect and taking care of others redirected towards you and your work in the world.  Take heed the world needs to hear your voice as much (or to be honest since you all got this card 3 times maybe more at this particular time) than the people you are supporting.


Bill Mayer Gouache paintingSeven of Swords –The choices you make this week demonstrate your moral make up.  You will be tested.  Which way are you going to choose?  The path of indiscretion or apathy or the action of righteous action. The choice is yours.


Bill Mayer Gouache paintingTen of Cups – The Ten of Cups is the card of bliss.   This week seek out the things/people that bring bliss into your life. This card gives you permission to enjoy a bubble bath, have an extra scoop of ice cream, garden, cuddle with your family/pets on the couch, go take a walk on the beach, etc… Statistically, this card has a chance of showing up 5 times in a year.  Your challenge is take advantage of it.  Don’t miss a chance to indulge in the good in your life.


Bill Mayer Gouache painting*Justice – The Justice card comes when decisions need to be made but you need more background information to make a justified decision.   So, the challenge comes after you do your investigative work, by the end of the week the choice needs to be made. If you stay true to the information and your heart, things will end up fair in the end no matter how the journey plays out.  This card reminds you to have faith and stay true to yourself.   Never lose faith in yourself, and never lose hope; remember, even when this world throws its worst and then turns its back, there is still always hope. -Pittacus Lore


Two of Wands – The Two of Wands advises you to step out of your comfort zone this week.  This card is a very positive card if you take the steps to expand your horizons.  This can be as simple as trying zip lining for the first time, reading a self-help book, or going to an event you never would.  The challenge with is expanding your horizons.  They can be small or big steps, but they must develop your mind/soul.


Ace of Coins – The last two weeks have been about completion, so it is appropriate that you all would get the Ace of Coins, a card of new beginnings and planting seeds (literally and metaphorically).  This is a great week to begin any projects, do anything with your hands, invest in something, increase your presence at work, and really anything on the material plan.  You will harvest more later the more you ground yourself into the material plane now.


Six of Wands – Last week was all about Justice – balancing right from wrong by looking behind the scenes.  With that information and perspective, you have an advantage to come out on the positive side of Justice this week.  The challenge with the Six of Wands is though you won this battle and bathe in positivity this week, you haven’t won the war. So, don’t take anything new on and enjoy this week.


Two of Pentacles – Last week, the Strength card flung you into situations that you felt you couldn’t handle or befuddled you.  However, that was not the case, this exercise helped you identify your strengths and weakness helping you navigate not only last week with more ease but the rest of the year. This week the Two of Pentacles advises you that even though you have found your superpowers don’t go multi-tasking just yet.  You need to take one or two items and try your superpowers on them.  This week is about balance, practice and restraint.


Eight of Swords – The Eight of Swords advises you that you need to look at how you are binding yourself.  This can be as simple as checking how you talk to yourself when you make a mistake, or as complex as finding old thought patterns put there in the past by others that you still hold on to.  Your motto: Let that sh*t go.


Ace of Pentacles and King of Wands – Last week, The Fool, card of new beginnings, challenged your thinking through new beginnings and being careful of naiveté when making decisions. Well the Ace of Pentacles continues the theme of new beginnings. All Aces are beginnings and Pentacles rule the material plane.  So any beginnings that have to do with work, money or material plane projects are great to start this week.  The King of Wands has also stepped in continuing the theme of the Fool’s advice.  You have gained the wisdom to think things through before acting on them. This card says you rule your destiny.   So this week is pretty much the same energy as last week without the intensity.


*Star – The Star Card is the card of hope and healing.  This is a great week to make wishes and realize you are on the other side of a major hardship.  This card advises you to relax and have faith in the Universe.  This is a great time to take healing baths, massages, eat well, get the sleep you need.  And it is a great time to ask the Universe for help for the next phase of your life.  Your challenges – Relaxing, asking for want you want now to happen and looking for synchronicities to help you move to the next level.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Sept. 15, 2019


Marcel Broodthaers  is an artist who danced with variety of muses.  He started off as a poet, and at age 40 he switched his focus to visual art.  His art like his poetry has a wry sense of humor, for he loved the turn of a phrase which he used in both. For example, his first piece, he took all his unsold copies of his poetry and created a sculpture calling it Memory Aid.  Or his cultural commentary on Belgium’s obsession with eggs, mussels and fries by using them in a variety of installations and sculptures.

Four years after his switch to visual arts, he declared he was no longer an artist and started the creation of a moveable museum, Musée d’Art Moderne, Département des Aigles (Museum of Modern Art, Department of Eagles).  Where he curated his work and added to it with vacuum-formed plastic signs that heavily reference what was going on around him. This is where he made his mark in Art.  For he created exhibitions of his old art, new work and borrowed objects.  This radically subverted the traditional chronology of museum retrospectives and how art was displayed.  His unconventional concept that a piece or pieces can evolve with each showing, and that the pieces can change context with the objects it is shown with has influenced artists and the process of exhibition ever since then.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Marcel Broodthaers visual artThree of Coins – Collaboration and cooperation are key this week.  The Three of Coins advises you to ask for help even if you don’t feel you need it.  This might be challenging for you head strong fire signs, but multiple hands, eyes and minds ease the path.  Motto:  Many hands make light work-John Heywood



The Hanged Man – You all have arrived back in the land of karmic movement or actual non-movement this week.  The Hanged Man is the card of inactivity on the material plane.  That means you will have times of idleness whether that is a traffic jams or things just not working out.  Take advantage of these time outs.  This inertia comes not to be fought against but gives you the space to do a much-needed internal inspection.  To work with this card try taking this week off or at the very least scheduling in moments of piddling, as Maya Angelou calls itShe describes it as the art of just sitting or puttering around for no other reason than just because. And lies the challenge with this card, introspection without a goal.  Think of it as pulling over to the rest stop of life.  You just came from a whirlwind of summer and now are heading into a productive fall.  Don’t you think, just for this week, you can and deserve practicing the art form of piddling?



Marcel Broodthaers visual artAce of Swords – So a message from the past last week can help you to see new avenues of thought this week.  Aces are always new beginnings, and swords are the realm of thought and intellect.  The Ace of Swords foretells it is a great week to solve problems, expand your brain with new information, do anything with legal issues or PR or forms of communication and decision making.  Your challenge taking in a account of the past to guide future choices.   Your motto: The mind is everything. What you think you become.Buddha



Marcel Broodthaers visual artEight of Wands – The Eight of Wands forecasts it is a great week to send out messages into the Universe.  Whatever you aim/focus on this week will gain momentum.  The challenge is picking the targets you truly want in your life.



Five of Swords – Last week the World card advised you to say yes to opportunities setting you up for exploration of your self and your surroundings.  This week the Five of Swords, the card of an overactive ego, has you questioning all that is around you.  Instead of seeing all the opportunities, you are seeing all the blocks.  But many of these blocks are just your ego getting in the way.  Whether that ego is low self-esteem or that you are overestimating your influence, you need to take a step back to really see what is really going on.



Marcel Broodthaers visual artTen of Coins – So just a reminder Virgo the Strength card is your birth year card and it will bring you situations that will ground you and help you acknowledge your resilience, self-compassion, and mental acuity.  So, by your 2020 birthday you will feel more comfortable in your skin.  This week’s card rounds out your birthyear readings with the Ten of Pentacles.  This card foretells this will also be a year to focus on finishing up projects, enjoying the planet and your place in it.  So not only will you feel more comfortable in your skin but also in your environment.



Marcel Broodthaers visual artTen of Wands – Your second ten so just a quick focus on the numerology – ten is the number of completion.  So last week and this week is a great time to finish up old projects.  But where last week things flowed a bit easier, this week can feel burdensome.  With this card responsibilities can feel overwhelming.  However, the goal of this card is to see that you are partly responsible for the feeling of being overwhelmed.  You have control over how many wands/projects you take on.  The challenge with this card is realizing you can put some of your obligations on hold to finish up what you consider the most pressing.  Don’t worry, the ones you let go of will either still be there next week or will magically go away.



Marcel Broodthaers visual art*Justice – The Justice card comes to help you balance right from wrong. The challenge is that things are not as black and white as one would like. As the Egyptians thought when weighing out a person’s heart for sins.  The sin of killing would weigh differently for a military person than for a baker.    The challenge is looking at the situations or circumstances around the decision or judgment.  This could be a simple as figuring out which child broke the remote or as complicated as figure out why your date hasn’t called in a week.  So, the work around this week is find out more before you make any decision.  There is more behind the scenes.



*Strength – The Strength card comes to help you with your fears and show you your superpowers.  This can play out by flinging you into situations that you feel you cannot handle.  However, that is not the case, you can handle everything that is thrown at you.  A fun exercise you can do is name your 3 superpowers, your kryptonite and your superhero name. This exercise of identifying your strengths and weakness will help you navigate not only this week with more ease but the rest of the year.   Your Motto this week:  I’ve got this.



Marcel Broodthaers visual artQueen of Wands – The Queen of Wands is the muse of arts and nature.  She stokes the fire of creation and inspirations.  She advises either that you create in these arenas or that you immerse yourself in them.  So, if you have the time take off to the forest/park, museum, studio, and/or concert hall.  And if your time is limited watch your favorite indie movie, listen to music, play in your garden or read a good book.  Your motto:  Inspiration.



*The Fool – The Fool is the card of new beginnings. This is a great week to start new projects and/or travel.  However, the challenge with this card is thinking through before starting on your new path. You must be very careful of naiveté when making decisions this week even small ones.   This can look as simple as rushing off to work and forgetting your lunch or paperwork for the day.  Or it can be as complicated as changing career paths like accountant to fisherman but forgetting you get seasick.  If you take in consideration your past lessons with situations this will help from mis-stepping on to an unwise path or worse off a cliff. Your challenge this week is eyes on the ground, be practical, and have foresight by using your hindsight.



Eight of Coins – The Eight of Coins is the card of mastery.  This week is about tweaking situations not starting over.  When this card shows up you got the skills to master all that comes your way.  The challenge is believing it.  Motto:  No one else is you and that is your power.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Sept.1, 2019

Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Lauren Hope RothTo all of you in the Bahamas and on the East Coast, may you find refuge and be safe.

The above piece is a clay pigeon hidden behind the crocheted plumage of the extinct bird, Cararcus of Guadalupe. Laurel Roth Hope is a former park ranger now turned artist.  She creates a variety of sculpture and fiber art that highlight our fellow earthlings that she calls Biodiversity Reclamation Suits.  With this series of scupltures, she started with the concept of how we ascribe value to things that are rare and denigrate things that are common and that effects how we see wildlife.  So, she chose the common pigeon, an icon of the successful adaptation though also known as the “flying rat” and disguised it in the rare and therefore perceived exotic plumage of extinct birds.   Try this week to see the exotic in the common and see how this changes your perspective.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Laurel Roth Hope
Bachman’s warbler Laurel Roth Hope

Eight of Wands – The Eight of Wands forecasts that what you aim with a true heart hits the mark.  This is a week to ask for what you want, send out messages, PR yourself…  Your question:  Are your goals truly fulfilling your hearts desires?


Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Laurel Roth Hope
Carolina parakeet Laurel Roth Hope

*Judgement – this is your third big card in a row.  So, time to take the bull by the horns Taurus.  The past 2 weeks Chariot, card of change that is totally in your control, pulled up to give you another chance to make transformations happen.  Then the High Priestess advised to do some deep reference work on the how and why of those alterations.  Helping you with signs from the heavens, dreams, synchronicities or in deep contemplation.  Now Judgment the card of evolution arrives.  This card heralds that you are prime for an ascension.  This week find ways to up your game.  This should be easier now that you have mapped out where to go with the Chariot and how and why you are doing it with the High Priestess.  This task is not a simple change with these three cards.  But it can look like, asking for promotion, expanding your business, quitting your job to work for yourself, retiring, etc..  By the end of the year you should be well on your way with a new ride into new lands.


Seychelles parakeet Laurel Roth Hope

Queen of Swords – The last two weeks the Devil card came to test you on who you are and what you stand for.  Then the Hanged Man kept you in a purgatory like state to let you contemplate how you were triggered.  Now, the Queen of Swords continues the focus on contemplation, but emphasizes focusing on the details to create movement.


Paradise parrot Laurel Roth Hope

Nine of Swords – The Nine of Swords is the card of worry. This week your worries will be highlighted.  The best way to deal with them is to first clearly seeing if you can do solve them.  If you can do something, then prioritize it with the other things in your life.  And for the things you can’t do anything about – write them down and literally throw them in the trash.


Heath hens Laurel Roth Hope

Ten of Swords – Last week, your thoughts got in the way of your success.  This week others are trying to pull you down into the morass.  This week is full of people cutting you off the literally and metaphorical road.  If you did last week’s work and casted away your demons, then others unintentional malice or thoughtless actions will not faze you.  If you didn’t do the work, then be well armored going outside.


Great Auk Laurel Roth Hope

Eight of Swords – The Eight of Swords has you examining how your thought process are stopping you this week.  The challenge is being compassionate with yourself for these thoughts.  They were put there by others.  Once you can see the chains clearly, you can let go and walk away.


Guadalupe caracara Laurel Roth Hope

Nine of Wands – The Nine of Wands forecast this is perfect time to stop and do some preparation before doing.  This looks like making sure you have a menu for the week, then creating a list and only getting what is on the list.  The more prep you do, the cheaper, healthier and faster the results.


Mauritius Blue pigeon Laurel Roth Hope

*Empress – This is a great week to plant seeds, start new projects and nurture what is already in the works.  The Empress energizes growing anything you want to this week.  The only challenge with this card is anything you start will take at least 9-10 months to full mature.  Oh, and another thing prioritize yourself care.  Be as kind to yourself as you would your own child.  Remember as they say on airplanes Oxygen masks on yourself before your children.


Ivory Billed woodpecker Laurel Roth Hope

Seven of Coins – Last week was a great time to create with the Magician card. The only challenge was that your creation must have meaning behind.  This week the Seven of Coins gives you another week to work on your project with gusto.  There is a stable and constant energy with this card’s energy.  You can tap into easily, so use it well.


Dodo Laurel Roth Hope

*Wheel of Fortune – The Wheel of Fortune is the card of chance and changing of fortunes. So, this is a great week to take a chance on something.  This can look like sending your resume to your dream job, asking out that special someone, and/or playing lotto.  The challenge is not in the success of wining but believing in yourself and giving your dreams a chance to manifest.


Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Laurel Roth Hope
Passenger Pigeon Laurel Roth Hope

Six of Cups – The Six of Cups foretells that something in your past will help you this week.  This can be an old friend, looking at old journals, or recalling an previous conversation.  This card is the card of deja vu.  They tell you that you are in the right place at the right time.


Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Laurel Roth Hope
Cuban Red Macaw Laurel Roth Hope

The Three of Wands – This is a great week to expand your horizons.  This can mean going to a place you have never been before but always wanted to, or just daydreaming about where you want to go next.  It is important that you refuel your passion and drive by seeing or imagining the path to where you are heading.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Aug 25, 2019

Above is the iconic photograph Glass Tears by Man Ray.  He was born on August 27, 1890, a Virgo.  Not only did he influence fashion photography, he was also a painter, film-maker, collagist and sculptor but as he said I have finally freed myself from the sticky medium of paint and am working directly with light itself.  His exploration of photography and film became the birthplace in making his dreams a reality.  I would photograph an idea rather than an object, a dream rather than an idea.

That freedom is seen in how he styles the photograph and plays with techniques.  Like his technique of rayographs, placing a variety of objects and parts of himself and models on sheets of photosensitive paper and then exposing them to light.  Where his image of a spring (see Sagittarius)  highlights the concept of movement and three dimensions in one still image.  He begs the viewer not to judge his work solely on technique or to just see the subject in one dimension but expand your awareness and curiosity by prompting you to ask the why within the image.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Man RayKnight of Swords – Last week the Page advised finding out more information before moving forward. Now with that information, the Knight of Swords pronounces moving ahead but taking your time thinking before action. This is a week to slow down in general for you will miss vital information or missteps.  This card’s practical application also warns, watch out that you don’t hurt your extremities.  Look both ways when you cross the street.  Curl your fingers in when you cut veggies and be careful when you are walking.


Man Ray*High Priestess – Last week the Chariot, card of change that you are sole responsible for, pulled up to give you another chance to make transformations happen around areas that you want to alter.  Now the High Priestess shows up advising that you need to do some deep reference work on the how and why of your changes.  The great thing about this card is, if you ask for signs from the heavens, she can scry you some answers either in your dreams, synchronicities or in deep contemplation.  This can look as simple as you need a new plumber for that drip in your bathroom sink, you see a black cat in the window, then you google a plumber near you and see one named Black Cat Plumbing.  Or as complex as doing dream work with your desires.  Motto: Insight and inspiration comes from many sources.


Man Ray*Hanged Man – Last week, the Devil card came to test you on who you are and what you stand for.  This week the Hanged Man keeps you in a purgatory like state to let you contemplate how you were triggered last week.  You need to see the patterns and/or places that are working against you.  You can blame your failure on others, or you can see that maybe the game you have willingly played is rigged.  Time to figure out what really is important in your life and how you want to be seen in the world.  Take this week to center back to who you really are.


Man Ray

Eight of Coins – The Eight of Coins is the card of mastery.  This week your focus should be around how to work smarter not harder.  This week do not start new projects but tweak and oil what is already in process.


Eight of Swords – Your thoughts get in your way this week.  The Eight of Swords advises to stop over analyzing a situation.  If you let old thought patterns go, you will make room for feelings that are more helpful then harmful.


Ace of Wands – Last week you all got your first big card for your birth-year, the Strength card.   This card comes to help you ground yourself and acknowledge your resilience, self-compassion, and mental acuity.  By 2020’s birthday you will feel more comfortable in you own skin.  This week, the Ace of Wands joins the Strength Card having you strike the match to create passion in your life.  This year has the potential for new beginnings.  The question for you to answer is what is your deep desire?   Then write it on a scrap of paper and burn it on the Virgo moon, August 28th or 29th.  And then let the Universe finds ways to gift it to you in the coming year.


Page of Cups – Time to get out your rose-colored glasses.  The Page of Cups advises to look at the events and people in your life this week with compassion and empathy.  Everyone needs a little love.  The challenge with this card is being vulnerable enough to receive the love back.


Six of Wands – The Six of Wands is the card of victory.  Take this week to see all that you have accomplished and pat yourself on the back.  The only challenge with this card is even though you deserve this break and win, be aware that the battle is not yet totally won.


Man Ray*The Magician – The Magician is the card of bringing the divine down into the material plane.  It is a great week to create! This can look as simple as making an exquisite meal that delights the senses.  Or as complex as writing the next great novel.  Then only challenge with this card is that your creation must have meaning behind.  This is not a week for mundane chores and to-do list.  If you reach with a higher purpose you will be able to grasp the brass ring.


Page of Wands – The Page of Wands comes when you need to create or live with a flourish of passion.  This card shows up to re-ignite your purpose and enhance your innovation. If you are not vibing with this energy or your muse has gone on vacation.  Time to immerse your self in the arts, music or nature to realign yourself with your passion.


Two of Coins – This week can get out of balance.  The challenge is figure out what you need to do to stop your internal and/or external vertigo.  This card suggests juggling one thing well before picking up another.  Or even better, don’t multitask at all this week.


Queen of Wands – Last week the Tower, card of change coming from an outside source, shook up something that was not working.  But if you were proactive in initiating the change, the Tower promised it would lessen the blow.  So, if you did nothing and shit hit the fan, the Queen of Wands advises to use your intuition to help clean up the mess this week.  If you did initiate the change, then she helps by staking out the easier path with the breadcrumbs of synchronicities. Making you surer of the path you are now on and more instinctive with every step.  Either way your Spidey Sense is key this week.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Aug 18, 2019

Helen Frankenthaler Color Field

This week’s artist is Helen Frankenthaler an abstract painter.  She is one of the artists who developed the Color Field painting style which emerged in the 40’s and 50’s.  Color Field painting is related to abstract expressionism and many people including Helen started in this style.  But Color Field artists started to move from color expressing feelings or emotions to color becoming the object itself.  This style is characterized by large fields of flat solid color spread or stained into the canvas.  Though many artists expanded upon this idea using a variety of methods and mediums like spray paint, oils, acrylics and in Helen’s case woodblock prints.

Frankenthaler’s goal was to have each piece look like it happened at once.  A really good picture looks as if it’s happened at once. It’s an immediate image. For my own work, when a picture looks labored and overworked, and you can read in it—well, she did this and then she did that, and then she did that—there is something in it that has not got to do with beautiful art to me. And I usually throw these out, though I think very often it takes ten of those over-labored efforts to produce one really beautiful wrist motion that is synchronized with your head and heart, and you have it, and therefore it looks as if it were born in a minute.

Above is her piece Madame Butterfly which is consider her masterpiece in technique, the print took 102 different colors and 46 woodblocks to make. Not only does it show her mastery of woodblock printing but also represents her idea of creating an image that looks as if it just appears like magic.  I find her goal much like the one we strive for in life.  When we look back at our lives, one should not just see it as a series of events, but a true life lived is seeing those actions as a whole – a soul’s journey.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Helen Frankenthaler Page of Swords – This week is about information gathering.  The Page of Swords is the card of truth.  Though to obtain that truth one will have to do some undercover work.  When this card shows up ask questions and listen closely to the answers.  The truth does not lie on the surface.




Helen Frankenthaler Color Field*Chariot – Lol, you all got the Chariot, card of change, two weeks ago.  This repeat of cards happens for two reasons. Either it has come by again picking up where you left off, or you didn’t take up the reins last time and you get a do-over.  The Chariot proclaims again that it is time to make transformations happen around areas that you want to alter, and it is your sole responsibility in powering that change.  I highly suggest you take up the reins and make stuff happen.  Life rarely gives us do-overs.  Motto:  Be the change you want to see in the world.  Ghandi



Helen Frankenthaler Color Field*Devil – The Devil card comes when one is getting tested around who you are and what you stand for.  This week plays out like finals week.  You have gone through all the hardships.  And now situations and people will test you around your resolves.  This can look as simple as a co-worker asking you out for lunch when you are trying to save cash, or boss asking you to work another long day or weekend when your child hasn’t had time with you all week.  Or this can be as complex as speaking up when you see/hear discrimination happening at the bus stop. You will have to walk your talk.



Helen Frankenthaler Color FieldSix of Swords – The last two weeks have been all work and no play.  This week the Six of Swords still has movement, but advises that you need to step back, gain some perspective and simplify your process/life.  You need this paring down so you can be more focused.   Also, this is a great week to hang in or around a water source.



Five of Wands – The Five of Wands ends your birth month with a bit of chaos.  This week is just a hint of some things you need to focus on and straighten out in the coming year.  On a positive note with all that isn’t working and bring chaos into your life this week, you have a whole year to lay the foundations and structures. By 2020 birthdate you can begin to create your empire on what you accomplish this year.



Helen Frankenthaler Color Field*Strength – Right out of the gate your first big card for the coming birth year.  The Strength card helps you ground yourself and acknowledge your resilience, self-compassion, and mental acuity.  This year you will have opportunities to show you how far you have come.  That though you have been bent you have never broken.  By 2020’s birthday you will feel more comfortable in you own skin.  And to do so the best exercises are ones that keep you in your body.  If you don’t have those practices this is the week to start them.  This can look like doing body scan meditations each night, learning how to rock climb, or start journaling.  Just find a way to notice how you walk and feel on the Earth in the day to day.



Helen Frankenthaler Color FieldEight of Pentacles – The Eight of Pentacles is the card of mastery or bettering your skills at how you make money.   This week is not about learning new things but more about tweaking, so you work smarter not harder.



Helen FrankenthalerThe Seven of Cups – Last week, the Hanged Man card of stagnation and inertia ruled the roost.  This week with the Seven of Cups movement is still on hold.  But where last week the goal was using the time-out enjoying whatever life brought you or listening in silence to your inner voice for some enlightened contemplation.  This week’s card suggests your contemplation focusing on your dreams.  The goal is to investigate if you are dreaming big enough while at the same time making sure you are not being delusional.  Motto: head in the clouds – feet on the ground.



Helen Frankenthaler Color FieldFive of Pentacles– Two fives in a row, so first lets stress fives represent chaos.  So last week it was looking at emotional chaos.  This week the Five of Pentacles are focusing on loss on the material plane.   This can be as simple as you misplace your keys or wallet. But it also can be complex as loosing time or losing confidence in your work.  The big way to work through this week is asking for help.  I know you all like to do things on your own, but four hands or eyes are better than two.



Nine of Cups – Last week, the Empress wanted you to start planting seeds for projects/relationships you want to produce in 10 months. While challenging you that you must commit to it for the next 10 months to get a well-formed outcome, and it must have a component of helping others.   Well the Nine of Cups continues that theme of growth and is begging you to drop your perfectionism down a half a notch this week.  Remember this “project/s” is supposed to represent how you want to grow and what you want to grow.  And no “baby” can grow without the freedom of learning from missteps.



King of Wands – The King of Wands comes to remind you how special you are.  You have gone through a lot this past year.  And this week you can build upon your successes. This is a week for you to take back some control you may have given away.



*Tower – The Tower is the card of change that comes from an outside source, to shake up something that is not working.  This is the energy of Kali, goddess of destruction and rebirth.  There are a couple ways to deal with this card.  One way is do nothing, let the shaking happen and deal with the aftermath.  The Second way is to say, “nope I would like not to deal with this”, some tiny shit will hit the fan and this card will come back around with more force next time.  Or lastly see what needs to be changed and initiate that change before an outside source does.  This is as simple as seeing that engine light on your dashboard lit up and then getting your car fixed this week.  Or as complex as seeing that your relationship is not based on equality and having a discussion about it.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
