Tag Archives: art

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 19, 2020

April showers
Blue Mosque Istanbul

April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes.  But is it true?  The first time it is found in writing is in a poem from 1610, Sweet April showers, do spring May flowers.  Historians believe this proverb was born in areas either in or around the United Kingdom.  Because the month of April tends to be especially rainy due to the position of the jet stream.  However, the real reason for flowers blooming is the temperature.   As the temperature gets closer to spring like weather, flowers bloom no matter the amount of rain.  And why the temperature?  Well the insects that pollinate these flowers can only move when the temperature is above 45°F or 7.2°C.

So, take this drizzly season and be like the bee, relax.  These rainy days set the mood for tea, lazy afternoons, piddling or reading.   And enjoy these amazing raindrop pictures by photographer Duscan Stojancevic.  And remember to try and support the arts and artists if you can.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

P.P.S.  New moon in Taurus great time for grounding, starting a new project.  And if you do wishes, areas around money, sensual pleasure, perseverance, patience, self-worth, and releasing stubbornness.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




*World – At the last day of your birth month the karma card shows up – the World.  So, for this birth year the driving force will be the concept of completion and triumph versus incompletion and disappointment.  The big question for you is how much your personality is tied to completing projects and the success of them?  Why is the attainment of goals so important in your make up?  How can you feel complete when there is more to do?  Can you feel harmony in the emptiness of challenges or defeat?


Brooklyn Bridge

Two of Wands – What a great energy to start your birth month with!  The best way to use this week’s energy is through discovery.  You are in a place that holds both the past and the future in it.  And in this space, there is information for you to glean.  How does information from your past effect the planning of your future?  And does this process to get to the future holding you back?  Can you plan without knowing the outcome?  These are the questions to ponder this week.


Grand Central Station

Eight of Cups – Last week’s energy was about infinity growth.  And was to be used as a reset button, a time to make changes that will take you to your next phase, mission, and/or purpose.  That energy is still hanging around you this week.  This is not a time to avoid or walk away form this opportunity.  It is time to clean house and start anew.


April showers
Sagrada Familia Barcelona

Ten of Pentacles – The energy around you is tense with thoughts of financial security in the future.  Your wealth lies in more than monetary goods.  You are at an end of a fiscal cycle but that does not mean an end to economic security.  Look in the coming weeks for inspiration of where to or how to go next with all things green.  But be careful that you do not go on an emotional shopping spree this week.



Six of Cups – To get out of last week’s doldrums call upon the energy of innocence and playfulness.  This week find joy in the little things.  And there are hidden messages in your childhood to help you get there.  More crayons, more time with a lying on the floor perspective.


World Trade Center Hub NYC

Five of Swords – Last week your task was taking this time of stagnation as a moment for you to let go of resistance and pain.  To contemplate the future and find paths to a more enlightened way of being.  This energy continues with more lights to guide you to enlightenment – compassion, and reconciliation.  To truly let go of your pain you need to reconcile with it.  Be compassion with it, tame and love it.


National Assembly Belgrade

King of Cups – It is easy to see the world with the duality of right and wrong, but this time period calls for a balancing act of both.  You and the ones around you can be moody and your go-to is to create harmony.  However, trying to control harmonious outcomes may be impossible this week.  So, compassion is key to navigating this week’s energy.


April showers
Church of St Save Belgrade

*Empress – Motherhood and all it entails is a big theme this week for you.  The concepts surrounding and for you to ponder are nurturing versus smothering, codependence versus interdependence, and growth versus obstructions.  The areas of contemplation and hopefully solution are how to give yourself and others the space, time and energy to grow with just enough structure to feel rooted and secure.


National Library NYC

Six of Coins – Last week’s energy was about completion, creating more harmony, success, and forward momentum. The energy shifts a bit this week from endings to sharing.  The more positive energy you can emit the more positive energy you will gain back.  Of course, this works with negative energy too.  The only kink with this transfer is that the return usually comes back from a convoluted path.


ada bridge belgrade

Queen of Coins – This week is all about practicality while still indulging in your five senses.   The easy avenue for this is eating and enjoying healthy food.  But there is also a need for beauty, so what in your life can be practical and beautiful.  Arrange your fruit in a basket, invest in beautiful but good sheets, change the lighting in your rooms to match their use?  For example, cozy lights in the living room and bright lights in the kitchen or office.  These are the things and places to invest your energy in this week.


Empire State Building NYC

King of Wands – This week’s energy is around upping your game.  Doing things that enhance your skills, experimenting to find new ways of doing things, or finding some way to upgrade your business, presence and or leadership.  How can you re-energize your vision and intent for your future?


April showers
Flat iron bldg NYC

Four of Swords – Last week the energy was having you walk on the sunny side of the street.  Luckily, you can hide a bit this week, but you will still need to bring that sunny energy with you in the form of self-care. This time period has pulled more energy out of you then you realize.  No need to fear just schedule in daily times of solitude to recharge your batteries.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 12, 2020

Egg hunt
Salvador_dali_-Teatro Museo Dali 1974

The egg symbolizes new life.  It is used by many artists as a symbol of everyday life, birth, sexuality, hope, and nature.  The use of this oval subject dates to pagan’s rituals of Spring and was adopted by Christianity to represent Christ coming out of tomb. Some scholars hypothesize that the decorating of eggs started around the 13th century, for eggs were forbidden to eat during Lent.  Therefore, people decorating eggs was part of celebrating the ending of their fast.

In German they took it a bit farther with the tradition of making nests for the Osterhause, a hare who lays colorful eggs but only to good children.   This tarotcast is just for visual fun.  In each picture there is an egg some are hard to find and some not so much. I stole this idea from Google Art so for more click Happy hunting.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Egg huntTwo of Coins – Last week, change was in the air if you didn’t try forcing it. The energy wanted you to work with the ebbs and flows of natural cycles.   Sharing the job of creating movement with the universe continues this week.  If you share the burden, you will feel less like you are spinning plates and/or overwhelmed.  The part is to work on your balancing act and be flexible.

Henk Hofstra Art Eggcident 2008 phot Christian Tribert

Six of Coins – Finally a break in the heavy energy.  This is a time to rebalance and recoup some of your energy spent.  To get this week to work with ease, self-care is on the top of the list.  The more positive compassionate love, space and time you can pour into yourself the more you will be available to the outer world.  This is a time you can also call in some unpaid debts. Your energy cupboards are bare.  Find ways to re-stock them.

Still Life With Fried Egg and Avocados, Jose Oliver 1963

*Universe – The energy this week is about infinity growth.  This energy can be used as reset button.   The possibilities are endless.  A place and time to evolve to a higher level.  Time to make the changes that will take you to your next phase, mission, and/or purpose.

Leda and the Swan Francesco Bacchiacca 1515

Queen of Cups – The energy this week is about investigating your dependence.  You can see your interconnectedness as martyrdom or insecurity, or you can see that we are weave together with others to provide calm and compassion.  Dependence is not always a bad thing as long as your emotional cup is filled as much as those around you.

Egg hunt

Queen of Swords – This week’s energy can make your heart feel cold and bitter.  You are trying to logic a situation; where emotions are needed instead.  You are right that a bit of distance will help with envisaging the details of the problems. But pull too far away and you lose the picture and the people you will need to help you.

Egg hunt
Piero_della_Francesca Brera Madonna

*Hanged Man – This energy of stagnation has been hopping form sign to sign for the past month. Now it is your turn to deal with the concept of pause.  What to do in this place of inertia?  The best way to utilize this energy is to gain perspective of your life and path.  You are figuratively and literally be held in place.  This moment is a time for you to let go of resistance and pain. To contemplate the future and find paths to a more enlightened way of being.

Still Life Candido Portinari 1933

Three of Swords – The energy around you is heartbreak.  You are feeling the emotions not only within yourself but also those around you.  You are tuned into the emotional nature of where everyone is.  However, the suffering and sorrow you feel are places where the healing needs to start.  The best place is to begin is with yourself then move outward.

Egg hunt
Merrymakers at Shrovetide Frans Halsca 1616

Eight of Wands – This week energy is about slowing down.  There are a lot of messages in the air for you but if you are impatient or not in stillness you will not receive them.  Take this delay as a time and place to just observe.

Concert_in_the_Egg Bousch 1561

*World – The energy this week is about completion.  Spend your energy doing the projects that need this quieter time and space. Clean the garage, write your masterpiece, or finish painting the bathroom.  There is a lot of energy to use this week to.  By doing so, you are lessening the drag from past obligations and creating more harmony, success, and forward momentum.

Egg hunt

King of Swords –This is a great week for making long term plans, for this energy brings with it, clarity.  Now is the time to put some discipline and structure back into your life.  This lays out a solid foundation for your projects to grow. The farther out you look, the bigger the plans can be.

Egg hunt
Still Life with Fruit Severin Roesen

Page of Swords – So you might be a bit restless this week, but it is just that your brain needs stimulation.  This is a great time to let your curiosity go down rabbit holes of investigation.  The amazing thing about this sleuthing is this brings information that will be useful soon.

Landscape_with_egg_-_Goldsworth 2000

*Sun – The energy this week is very positive. This is not the time to let pessimism shade your outlook.  Your world still can bring you happiness and joy. Things will work out.  It is scary times, but the Sun is shining on you. Let yourself bask in the warmth of joy and hope.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 5, 2020

virtual museums

This time brings with it chaos and suffering.  It is highlighting the cracks of what people’s needs are not being met. It is also giving us time to ponder What is Essential?  The first on the list is health, a home over our heads, food on the table and possibly ironic or sad – toilet paper.  Then what is next?  What do you find you need or miss?  Purpose? Community?  Beauty? Nature? These are the things that we as a world-wide society need to start supporting once we are released back into the world.

I hope you all liked the live animal cams with last week’s forecast.  Now back to art and the places they inhabit, museums.  Everyone is doing a list of museums’ virtual tours. They usually include the Smithsonian, The Met, British Museum, Guggenheim, and of course Louvre. And I have even written about virtual museums tours back in May 2016 (go there for some museum history and more fun links). So, this week I have added to each of your forecasts more museums that you may not know or that are off the beaten path.

Again, this is another place for you parents doing home schooling. Some of these sites you can use as writing prompts.  Like for teenagers, the Museum of Broken Relationships have stories attached to the items.  They can write their own story attached to a childhood toy.  Or like the Woman’s Museum has a built-in history lesson for each entry.  And even the free form virtual walking tours you can go through and discuss your impressions and/or deep dive into that painting’s history.  Remember ultimately school is just a place where we learn how to learn.  So, you just showing them how you navigate, question and solve the world is the best lesson they can get.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




*Death – Change is in the air this week if you would just let go of trying to force it to happen. This energy wants you to work with the ebbs and flows of natural cycles.   Though this downturn in energy feels like stagnation, it is actually waiting for you to sort out what you fear will change. Take your hand off the wheel and let the universe drive. Machu Pichu Peru




*Judgement – Again big energy and I know you might be feeling wiped out. All of March was a roller coaster of forces guiding you through your triggers, compassion for the universe and yourself, challenged you to weed to find room for the new, and then asked you to connect deeply with your spirit to gain more information on how to lead by example. And now this week’s energy is about rebirth. Your challenge is to answer what has this past month taught you? What has awakened you to be closer to your calling and the understand of it? National Gallery of Art Washington DC USA




virtual museums*Hanged Man – You are resisting using this time as a moment to gain perspective.  You are percieving this energy delaying you, but it challenges you by asking delaying you from what? This is big energy and has the potential for you to stockpile this inert energy like a pulling back a rubber band. This time is just a pause a place to reset or to reimagine your destiny.  Take this time to gather your strength and gain perspective on where to you want to go after this pause.   The Vatican Rome, Italy





virtual museumsNine of Swords – Last week you were feeling the chaos like energy of the worldwide change.  And you had to wrestle with the idea of not having control over these big outside forces of change.  The forces advised controlling only your small sphere and then allowing the rest to wash over you like a wave. This week you are still grappling with letting go.  Worries still needle you like tiny gnats.  The energy this week advise you to focus on hope instead of hopelessness. Rijks Museum Netherlands




virtual museumsSix of Coins – Last week you needed to heed and hone your inner voice.  Looking for the hidden truths, the synchronicities and cycles.  Your discoveries have you feeling as if you do not have enough resources to deal with this week’s energy.  However, if you put selfcare first, you don’t have to be stingy with the rest of your energy.  So, heed the phrase put the air-mask on yourself first before helping others with theirs.  But keep in mind they do need help and you can expend yours. Le Gallerie Degli Uffizi Florence Italy




virtual museumsAce of Coins – The energy of grounded beginnings is rumbling under you.  This is a great week to start a new project. Do not loss this opportunity even though you may be staying at home.  All seeds are started in the dark.  This is a time to water some ideas and see what sprouts in the coming weeks. MASP Sao Paulo Brazil






Messenger – There are messages all around you this week.  Your spirit guides are in your midst, protecting and divining to you what is and isn’t important. You will get some straightforward clues but also look for hidden meanings in synchronicities.  Women’s history Museum Washington DC USA




virtual museumsNine of Coins – This week energy is about abundance and finding ways to reward yourself and others.  However, luxuries have a new meaning at this time.  What were you taking for grant that now this week has become a luxury? And how can you share and enjoy them with yourself and others? Museum Picasso Barcelona Spain




virtual museumsFour of Cups – The energy this week continues your need for mediation. Where last week you needed to pull away from the everyday to gain perspective, this week you will need to occasionally look to your outer sphere to gain a fuller picture.  Try to divide your time in to ¾ introvertive behavior and the last 1/4 as an extrovert.  The Museum of Broken Relationships Los Angles USA




virtual museumsThree of Coins – Relationships and creation are again the resonating energy this week.  However where last week your investigation where in the notions of contentment and choice respectively.  Putting energy into relationships that bring serenity and envisaging the implementation of creating is based in choice.  This week there is less contemplation and more active collaboration.  Even if you are stuck inside take time to zoom, skype or face time with others. You need people as bouncing boards and to challenge you to get to the next level, not to mention some playful banter to liven your spirits. Benaki Athens Greece





virtual museumsPage of Cups – This week’s energy is about looking for the brighter side of things.  Your sign is the one that inspires humanity and raise us up to the next level.  So, use your curiosity and rose-colored glass envisioning you and us a brighter future. The Courtland Institute of Art  London UK





Page of Wands – Pull out your paintbrushes, crayons, pencils, scissors, glue, wood tools and create. The challenge with this creative energy is not about having a goal but about investigating your mediums. This energy is best used in discovery and exploration.  Doing so will bring you closer to a place where movement can happen.  National Palace Museum Taipei City Taiwan




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 22, 2020

Miriam Schapiro
Miriam Schapiro Beauty of Summer

Miriam Schapiro was a painter, collage artist, and sculptor.  She was a forerunner in highlighting what was traditionally seen as woman’s craft is actually a form of “high art.”   By combing collage, painting, fabric, and other high and decorative art techniques, Schapiro created her most famous works.  She then named the technique femmage. Her use of fabric, what was at the time seen as a utilitarian and feminine material, alongside of paint and high art methods and styles elevated craft to Art.

We at this time are being shown that what is “basic”, possibly taken for granted, is vital to our existence.  That we need housing, family sick days, fiscal support that is equal to economic needs and basic health care, to name a few. But more important we are becoming aware of our neighbors and what they bring to our community.  How important our garbage people, postal workers, people in health care, teachers, and food workers who cook, stock and supply our food, etc…  My hope is that we start to see how each individual brings something to our collective community table, and that we see all of their/our work as high art.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Miriam SchapiroKing of Swords – See the broader picture of situations and champion those that are being bullied.  Watch for people taking advantage of or manipulating those that are more misfortunate around you.  You can solve these predicaments as simply as sharing your toilet paper or getting the elder down the street groceries, so they don’t have to go out.



Miriam Schapiro*Death – Another energy packed week.  The past couple of weeks have triggered your self-doubt and insecurities.  Then the energy shifted trying to guide you towards self and universal compassion, so you could believe in you and the world at large.  This week the energy embodies change and transitions. Things need to end so there is room for new projects/ideas/people.  Take this time to, figuratively and/or literally, weed and plant anew.



Miriam SchapiroQueen of Pentacles – Last week, the energy surrounding you was materializing the divine.  Advising that conjuring for the greater good brings more ease to finding solutions.  This energy continues through this week; however, you will have to let go of trying of controlling the entire materialization process.  Watch the line between nurturing and smothering people and projects this week.  Whatever you create needs to work without your constant guidance and support to succeed and not suck all the energy out of you.



Miriam SchapiroAce of Pentacles – Opportunities, abundance and prosperity are the energies to work with. This week has the potential of creation in it.  Think of this energy like a seed – this is a beginning.  What seed will you pick to plant and water as you go into this spring season.  What one thing can you hone your focus and energy into?



Miriam SchapiroTen of Swords – Normally this energy is harsh, but you seem to rise above the morass by getting out of your head and being there for others.  This week’s energy of regeneration and recovery lifts you above the banal and the suffering to a place that feels lighter and more hopeful.



Miriam SchapiroKnight of Swords – To be truly courageous and unstoppable it is best to slow down.  You can easily be triggered into impulsiveness.  So, take a breath and survey your surroundings before you step into any situation this week.



Miriam SchapiroNine of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was about walking into your destiny.  And, the lessons were about when your luck is favorable grab it and when it is unfavorable let it go. While realizing neither outcomes had anything to do with you.  This destiny energy continues this week and adds that while things may look advantageous or not, that you need to watch overextending and/or overcompensating.  So, take only what you need and let go of what doesn’t work.



Miriam SchapiroTwo of Swords – The mist that surrounds you is making decisions hard and/or is adding undue confusion to situations.   So come to terms you are at a stalemate this week and it is best just to sit and wait out the bad weather.  The fog will lift, and the road will be clear soon.  Just not this week.



Miriam SchapiroTwo of Pentacles – Take this week’s energy to slow down the spinning plates.   This is a time to look at what overwhelms you and where you are over committed.   You have the time to contemplate what are your true priorities and where can you be flexible in your commitments.  Life is a balancing act, and this is a good week to regain some of your balance and dexterity.



Four of Cups – Meditation and retreat are key elements to your week.  And the atomic structure of this energy lies within the concepts of apathy and acceptance.   How do you allow acceptance into your life without feeling apathetic?   Contemplating on that goatfish will lead to avenues of ease.



Miriam Schapiro*High Priestess – Listening to your intuition is vital this week. However, figure out what your subconscious is trying to convey is hard to hear through all the static of everyday life.  So, find moments of silence, synchronicities and moon beams to guide you to opportunities and solutions that are hidden in the light of day.   For example:  There is a new Moon in Aries March 24; it’s a great day to start things.



Three of Cups – The energy this week is about independence.  Your close ones and friends are important, but it must be balanced with some alone time.  And this energy whether with friends or alone is best utilized doing the activities you love to do.  This week is about filling your emotional cup.



Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 15, 2020

Harriet and Helena Scott

This is Spring/Fall Equinox week.  The ending and beginning of 2019/20 is showing the cracks we need to fix in our societal structures.  That climate change is real and that our world health care needs work.  However, let us not forget we are entering the time of rebirth and growth of spring for the northern hemisphere and a slowing down and consolidation of fall for the southern hemisphere.

This is a time to make change happen.  And these ordeals have shown us that like in South Korea people can calmly stand in line for masks and only take what they need so others can also have them.  That the non-profit organizations in Australia have tripled their expected donations from people around the world to help rebuild.  That our neighbors have said if you are quarantined that they will buy groceries for us.  That even when the worst shows up so does the best, with the Tower’s calamity the Star follows with its time of healing.  And that is what we could do as a world. We could metamorphize into a better beautifully holistic place to live. Where cause and effect are now seen as a world occurrence as much as a neighborhood one.

To represent this I picked the moth and butterfly illustrations of the Scott sister’s, Harriet and Helena.  They lived during the turn of the late 1800’s in New South Wales, Australia. Their most famous works were for the book Australian Lepidoptera and their Transformations written by their father. They depicted the life cycle, host plants of each species, detailed body parts and its habitat.  What made Harriet and Helena Scott  stand out from other illustrations was their use of live specimens, so the colors and shape are truer to form. And their landscapes where done in a black pen and ink wash, which made the colors of the insects stand out even more.  The lesson this art provides is in seeing not only the vivid detail but a holistic look at how we fit into and effect our landscapes and our societies.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.




Helena and Harriet ScottSix of Cups – Where last week had its sorrows, this week’s energy is much lighter.  The force that moves you forward is joy and playfulness.  The challenge is not being naïve about what is going on in your life, but to weather through this storm by touching base with your inner bliss finding the calmer path.



Helena and Harriet Scott*Strength – The past couple of weeks have triggered your self-doubt and insecurities.  But this week you have the energy to see your inner strength if you give yourself compassion.  None of us are perfect and learning from your mistakes only makes you stronger.  However, the true key is seeing your imperfections as strengths.  These warps are what make your perception, intuition and strength unique and valuable to the larger community.  Believe in you and the world.



Helena and Harriet Scott*Magician – The energy surrounding you this week is materializing the divine.  Your resourcefulness and concentration are needed to move things into action.  The challenge with this card is making your actions have altruistic components.  If you can conjure for the greater good, the work and solutions will come with ease.



Helena and Harriet ScottFour of Swords – The energy is all about relaxation. Take this week to rest and recuperate from the past retrograde.  Allow your mind to wander without a goal and see what pops up but don’t act on it.  The best use of this energy is in meditation and contemplation not engagement.



Helena and Harriet ScottNine of Swords – Last week’s energy was about shaking things up and paying attention to the cracks in your foundation.  This week there are still some after-shocks that need attending to.  They are triggering your worries and possible anxieties.  You must remember that your worries have some aspect of facts; however, this energy can blow things out of proportion.  This week is more about figure out what worries you can fix and what are out of your control. Let go of those that have no solution at this time, and fix the cracks you can with more innovative and adaptable ways.



Helena and Harriet ScottTen of Pentacles – This week’s energy is about endings on the material plane.  The challenge is that these endings give off a feeling of insecurity and instability. You will need to learn to let go of the old, so the new can come in with more ease and room.  Remember endings are also beginnings.



*Wheel – This week’s energy is about walking into your destiny.  Fate and luck are the aspects in play.  The definition of fate is the development of events beyond a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power and luck is success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.  This is an important lesson for you this week.  When your luck is favorable grab it and when it is unfavorable let it go. While realizing neither outcomes had anything to do with you.



Five of Wands – Compromise is key to the chaos produced this week.  The more that you find solutions that lead to agreement and harmony the easier the path.  This is not a week to stand on your principals alone.  Stand in the shoes of your “opponent” and see their side of the problem.  Doing so will not only produce solutions to your predicament but tap into your empathy for others.



King of Swords – The conundrum for you is skating between the concepts of discipline and authority juxtaposed to manipulation and callousness. The line is easily crossed by you and those around you.  So, your communication skills will be tested but your intellect and seeing the bigger picture will help you cross this thin iced land. Also, watch your ego that it doesn’t have an air of dominance and/or superiority that pokes the tiger in others.



Helena and Harriet ScottTen of Cups – This week’s energy is all about familial bliss.  This family does not have to be blood based but can be life acquired. This is about you enjoying to your fullest.  Remember that connection is not only to those people that make you happy but also to those activities/surroundings that do.  Enjoy the harmony of living.



Nine of Pentacles – The energy this week is about abundance.  Where can you receive and give?  How can you create luxury in your life, but do so with the essence of resourcefulness? By answering these questions, you can find more sustainable rewards then just through material gains.



Three of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was around the crossroads in relationships.  It had you making choices that involve, self-love, commitment and/or separation.  Now that you have either ended, adjusted and/or reignited those relationships, the energy this week is turned towards collaboration.  With the relationships you are continuing, now is the time to find common goals to work towards.  Also, it is a great time to find new kindred spirits that you can learn and collaborate with. Either way the energy this week builds towards more harmonious prospects.



Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 8, 2020

Emma Kunz was a healer and a reluctant artist.  She created these drawings by a process she called radiesthesia.  She used large pieces of graph paper, she would meditate visualizing a series of dots and lines and then with her pendulum beginning to draw the patterns with colored crayons and pencil.  Her drawings were not made as an artistic endeavor but to be used for medicinal purposes.  She often used them in her healing sessions.  Placing them between her and her patient as they visually walked through the designs.

Though now her work is seen as outsider minimalist art and has been displayed in galleries.  Her main body of work resides in a museum in Wurenlos, Germany.  She described her creative process as follows: Shape and form expressed as measurement, rhythm, symbol and transformation of figure and principle.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Emma KunzThree of Swords – Sorrow is in the air this week. This is the ups and downs of being human.  However, this kind of sadness brings with it an opportunity for forgiveness and a step to begin moving on.  There are three things to learn with this suffering.  Learn them and a begin the journey anew feeling lighter and enlightened.



Emma KunzSix of Swords – You have just gone through a rite of passage. However, the path still is in a misty haze but now is the time continue on.  Don’t get stuck in the miasma.  To move forward the energy suggests simplification.  Even though the future is not so easily seen, the lighter your load- the simpler the solutions -the easier your journey.



Emma KunzFive of Swords – The aftermath of this past Mercury in retrograde still has its tendrils of chaos in your communication land.  The energy this week is still full of disagreements and concealment.  The best way to disengage with this dynamism is surrender and compromise.  The disputes are really about ego, resentment and not worth your time.



Emma KunzAce of Swords – The energy in the beginning of this week has a sharp tone to it as we navigate out of this mercury retrograde.  This can lead to confusion and possible antagonism.  Situations cannot be dealt with by old ways of communicating.  Look for new ideas and ways to connect to bring clarity and eventually a breakthrough.



Emma Kunz*The Tower – The energy this week is about shaking things up.  Pay attention. There are some cracks in your foundation, and they need to be tended to.  This can look as simple as eating better, getting 8 hours of sleep, or being more efficient with your time because you are overly critical or trying to fit into “normal” work hours.  To build stronger does not always mean with stagnate forces like brick and concrete, bamboo is strong and flexible. To go through an earthquake buildings are now being built on springs.  Find new ways to shore up your foundations that are more innovative and adaptable.  For instance, work two days a week for 12 hours, 2 for 8 hours and then you can fit in a 3-day weekend or make a protein packed smoothie for that forgotten meal.



Emma KunzFive of Cups – This week’s energy has an air of regret and pessimism to it. The key to navigating this energy is realizing you can help solve the world’s problems by solving the ones in front of you first.  Clean up some mess around you and be grateful for what you have that is not in disarray. The lesson is you seeing the left-over cups are half full and ready to be filled to the brim.



Emma KunzSeven of Cups – When was the last time you laid around just daydreaming- letting your imagination flow?  The energy this week is allowing and advising you to do just that.   Your challenge is letting yourself dream big enough. To help with this process, instead of thinking of dreams as illusions and fantasy, see them as seeds spreading out in the wind planting mystery plants of unknown bounty.



Emma KunzEight of Swords – The energy this week highlights where you are being wronged.  Whether this is self-affliction or allowing others to entrap you, this is the time for self-compassion about you allowing the harassment and strength to walk away from it without engaging in anger.  The situation is like a Chinese Finger trap the more you struggle the more you are entrapped, but if you disengage in the fight you can get out of the bindings of it.



Two of Swords – Once Mercury goes out of retrograde on the 9th or 10th depending on where you are at, it will be time to make some choices. The challenge is thinking that the choice will solve the problem.  However, this week is about moving out of stagnation and avoidance and walking into the journey of discovery.



Knight of Wands – This week’s energy is all about adventure.  Take to the road, try new places, things to eat, look around for inspiration outside your normal environment.  The more you step out of the mundane the more you will get in touch with your passion, your joie de vie.



Queen of Swords – Last week change was in the air, but it was and is slow in coming. You were advised to take time to weed and till your soul’s soil.  Clearing blocks from your forward moment so the Universe has a clearer path to create the change that you are wanting and waiting for.  Well, lucky you this week’s energy gives you unbiased thoughts, clearer solutions and honest ideas to do just that.  The challenge is that it can come from not only your subconscious (look to your day and night dreams for clues), but it also can come from outside sources.  So, ears on and mind open Aquarius.  Focus on details not the big picture.



*Lovers – You are at a crossroads in a relationship.  The energy around this week is making choices that involve, self-love, commitment and/or separation.  To truly be harmonious in a relationship you must love yourself first and then work on being your best self.  This is also true of the other person in the relationship. But they have free will and it is their responsibility alone to do that growth.  So, this energy reminds you that relationships are work and advises love yourself and the other enough to see that creation and growth can happen, but it is up to both of you to decide whether that is together or apart.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 1, 2020

Marc-Le-Cornu_Infinity-Eight-Aerial photography
Marc LeCornu Infinity-Eight

This week I continue the theme of flying with a glimpse into aerial photography.  Aerial photography not only open ours eyes and mind to a unique perspective but it gives us a sense of awe of how we and our world are part of a bigger construct.

The highlight of this genre is the Drone Awards, which are now looking for submission for 2020.  This is a worldwide competition about aerial photography that is now on its third year.  This competition though called Drone Awards includes a variety of platforms, fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, balloons, blimps, rockets, kites, parachutes and drones.  The winners are showcased at the exhibition Above Us Only Sky held in Siena in October.

Aerial Photography has been around since the 1860’s when James Wallace Black photographed Boston from a hot-air balloon.  The first drone or at the time called quadcopter was created by Jacques and Louis Bregut in 1907.  However, its limitations of being unsteerable and requiring 4 men to steady it, it only lifted two feet off the ground.  The first pilotless winged craft came about 10 years later and of course was evolved for warfare.  However, by 1960 with the breakthroughs in transistor technology decreasing the size of RC planes, unmanned aircraft became big with hobbyists.  By 2010 the AR Drone released by the French company Parrot, where the drone is controlled via WIFI using a smart phone.  This breakthrough has created a boon in amazing aerial photographs and videos.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Aerial photography
whale sharks-by-Bachir Moukarze

King of Wands – This week’s energy is boosting your abilities of envisioning a brighter future and the intentions that you will need to lay the foundation to manifest it.  However, we are still not out of the woods with Mercury in retrograde which slows creation, but by the end of the week you can start moving your visions into manifestations.


Aerial photography
Benoit Stichelbaut Dourveil Beach

The Messenger – Where last week the world was harsh and unsupportive, this week the messenger comes with divine signs to guide your way through the chaos.  The other perk with this energy is it will protect you from the turmoil if you don’t jump into it.  Remember you always have choice, but at least the best choice will be well lit.


Tuan Nguyen Tan- Burden Salt Harvest

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is all about perseverance.  If you keep your nose to the grindstone and do your due diligence you will reap your just rewards.  However, if you don’t do the preparational work, you will increase your workload and cause delays throughout this week.


Yevhen Samuchenko 2 people-2 dogs and 4 shadows

Knight of Coins – Slow and steady is the energy to work with this week.  Go after your responsibilities one step at a time.  Patience is key.  Don’t rush; find a comfortable stride and continue on.


Khanh Phan – Flowers on the Water

Four of Cups – Well Mercury is still in retrograde until the 6th so last week’s Hanged Man, low or inert energy, is still hanging around with the Four of Cups – withdrawal and meditation. So, this is another week to catch up on anything already in progress or contemplate your next steps.  The skill you are honing is acceptance and utilization of the low energy weeks as much as those fiery energies you so love to dive into.


Aerial photography
Jacek Deneka_A Shoal of Colorful Fish

Seven of Swords – This week’s energy has a hazy deception in the air.  First you need to realize that Mercury is still in retrograde, so miscommunication and an inertia prosper during this time.   Second, this energy has nothing to do with you, if you don’t get involved in other’s drama or even let your own pessimism get in the way.  You do not have to be the moral police 24/7.  This energy is best dealt with by seeing the small victories instead of everything looking like a hundred-year war.


Aerial photography
Jeremiasz Gądek_ Island of Love

King of Cups – Compassion is key to this week’s energy.   And here are some key points to remember.  You can not control everything.  You and most people are doing the best they can.  Situations and problems do balance out in the long view. And finally go with the flow with an open heart.


Aerial photography
Ming Li_Waltz of Overpass

Page of Cups – This is your second page so let’s look closer at the page energy.  Pages represent learning or coming at situations with a more open viewpoint.  Last week your passion needed reigniting so finding new ways to light your soul was key.  This week the Page of Cups wants you to view the world with more curiosity and love.  Seeing the world with rose-colored glasses actually open up more opportunities for you this week.


Aerial photography
Dendrites by Branko Markovic

Seven of Cups – The energy this week is murky and full of illusions and misconceptions.  This is mostly due to Mercury still being in retrograde, so misinterpretation and self-misrepresentation still abounds.  This is not a week to make any decisions, but it is a great week do delve into fantasies and dreams. However, beware that you don’t try to bring your fantasies into the light of day.  These visions are just for enjoyment and expanding your mind to otherworldly possibilities.  They can plant seeds of potential for the future but not probability of the present.


Ningtai Yu_Love in the poem

Nine of Swords – This week’s energy is all about letting go.  Letting go of controlling every aspect of your life.  This is a hard one for you Capricorn especially because this year is so full of forward momentum.  But to cope with all the possibilities, all the positive energy, and all the hope, you must stop trying to control it all.  Worry will get you nowhere – not this week nor this year.


Aerial photography
Jie Zhang Game of The Earth TETRIS

*Death – Change is in the air, but it is slow in coming. Mercury is still in retrograde until the end of the week.  You cannot rush the universe, nor do you want to.  As they say there is a season… Take this time to weed and till your soul’s soil.  Trying to rush the change is due to a fear or a resistance on your part.  Take this week to look at your possible blocks and clear those from the road so the Universe has a clearer path to create the change that you are wanting and waiting for.


Aerial photography
Diana Buzoianu_Alone

Three of Swords – Mercury is still in retrograde until the end of the week.  This energy feels as if you are bound to the assignment of Sisyphus – rolling a rock up a hill to only see it roll down time after time.  This week feels as if you are in a seemingly endless cycle of triumph and sorrow.  The key to working with this energy, if you feel stuck, move on to the next task and come back to “the rock” another day.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
