Tag Archives: art

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 31, 2020

Selma Burke
Selma Burke Booker T. Washington

The artist this week is Selma Burke.  Her pieces express an overall emotionality and truthfulness created from her interesting nuanced choices.  Selma’s subject with a furrowed brow conveying the rawness of intention, or the curiosity of raised eyebrows, or the tilt of a child’s head expressing innocence.  With her more experimental pieces like The Torso her choice of figure and tilt articulating a more realistic view of a women’s form, or the tenderness of a mother holding a child.  This is a lesson in the subtleness of choice conveying powerful emotional content.  Each of us effect change in our lives and maybe the more subtle, more nuanced may just have a more lasting a broader effect then we think.

She started her education by becoming a nurse in Raleigh, N.C. and moved to NYC after graduation.  There she became associated with the Harlem Renaissance and began teaching art appreciation and education to New York youth.  Then during the 1930’s she traveled across Europe honing her own artist skills.  By 1940 she opened the Selma Burke School of Sculpture in NYC while graduating from Columbia with her own arts degree.

In 1942 she joined the Navy become one of the first African American women to enroll and worked in the shipyard during the war.  During that time, she won a competition to do a bronze relief of FDR.  Historically this is her most famous and controversial piece.  Many say her piece was the inspiration for the dime; however, it is detested by the artist who designed it.  She returned to roots and from 1968 to 1981 she founded and ran the Selma Burke Art Center in Pittsburgh, continuing to provide art to the youth of the undeserved communities there.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Selma BurkeQueen of Wands – This week the energy can invigorate anything you put your focus to.  It also supplies you with the courage and fierceness to take charge of all that you survey.  The challenge is doing it alone.  It is not necessary, but you can if you must.



PhotoCredit: John Wilson White

*World – The world is your oyster this week.  But it is up to you prying it open to reveal its’ pearls.  This is big energy for moving outcomes into triumphant directions.  The challenge with this card for you Taurus is that you do have the work ethic and commitment to move things to completion.  But are you flexible enough to know when to let it go if it isn’t working or allowing it to evolve into an unknown ending?  To utilize this energy, go for the feeling of a job well done without attaching it to a material completion.



PhotoCredit: John Wilson White

Two of Swords – Confusion flies through the lines of communication and thought.  This causes stalemates and indecision not only for you but for those around you.  The best way to work with this energy is either flipping a coin or waiting until next week to decide if you can.



Selma BurkeEight of Swords – Self acceptance is key this week.  You might be feeling entrapped, but this time is meant for healing.  Sometimes the inertia of life has nothing to do with you as long as you don’t take it on as your story.  Let go of the collective thought patterns.  They are not part of your narrative.



Selma BurkeQueen of Cups – Last week your brain was taxed.  The energy takes a 180 degree turn to your heart this week.  Compassion, calm and comfort are the keys to ease.  Find time daily to invite in the 3 Cs.  This is no time for martyrdom – take time off and have some fun.



Ten of Wands – Another week spending energy in completing old projects and cleaning your desk/mind/spirit.  The challenge is being responsible for your obligations to those close to you but also to yourself.  This week is setting you up for new beginnings once your plate is cleared from the old.



Four of Swords – This energy shows up when you need to recuperate and relax.  You are being drained and are not aware of the source or how much it is taking out of you.  The best way of finding the leaks is by walking away from all your responsibilities for a small amount of time.  Then once you return the seepage will be more obvious and easier to fix.



Selma Burke*Temperance – The energy that surrounds you this week is excessive.  This overload unbalances you, so emotional outburst may be necessary to vent and re-calibrate.  However, be careful, impatience can trigger more negative and unworthy outpourings.  The key is purposely vent before the pressure makes you burst.



*Sun – The sun will come out tomorrow and shine on you all week.  So that is great if you are ready to play in the sunlight.  However, there is a distinct possibility you may also want to hide in the shadows of pessimism.  The challenge is that more you try to be happy the less you accomplish it.  In other words, you are thinking to much.  Sag your free spirit is needing airing, a drive in the car with windows down, a picnic in the woods, or anything outdoorsy without any goal setting is required.  Try spotlighting your focus on things you want to do – not things you have to do.



*Justice – Last week organic change was asking you to not resist or fear transformation.  Letting things end so others can begin.  You are hopefully now moving with a more natural pace and to a more comfortable place.   Luckily, you get another week to work on this shift by focusing on cause and effect.  For each decision you are making imagine the possible or impossible outcomes.  Why focus on the impossible?  Because your mind wants to think of the what ifs and this is the week to let it.  Those out-there worst-case scenarios need airing.  Not to bring them in to being but to see the truth of their outlandishness.



Selma Burke*Chariot – Wow four weeks in a row with big energy.  It started with summoning you to take a bit of control over your destiny by showing up.  Then Temperance energy suggested creating your life like a refined meal that has many notes to balance in the creation of a delectable dining experience.  Then Justice had you looking for the grey areas to find a true sense of fairness and harmony.  Now self-determining change has arrived.  This energy is giving you control.  The good side is that you have more sway then you think.  The bad side is it is all in your hands.  This week if you want movement to happen you will need to take the reins.  If you look at all of May/June’s forecast now is the time to be flexible and delicate when applying energy but continue moving forward.



Selma BurkeTwo of Wands – Discovery is the name of the game this week.  The challenge is that you are still in a place that is neither the past nor the future; however, you are not inert.  You are just taking a moment finding needed items and planning for the move forward.  The only challenge is while you are doing this be mindful of the precious moments this pause has given you.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 17, 2020

Beth Cavener

This week’s art is the incredible sculptures of Beth Cavener.  The exquisite lines of these sculptures are like Japanese calligraphy strokes in clay. The sculpting style feels loose in appearance but tight in emotion. In her own words: Primitive animal instincts lurk in our own depths, waiting for the chance to slide past a conscious moment. The sculptures I create focus on human psychology, stripped of context and rationalization, and articulated through animal and human forms. On the surface, these figures are simply feral and domestic individuals suspended in a moment of tension. Beneath the surface, they embody the consequences of human fear, apathy, aggression, and misunderstanding.

Many people are seeing their and others’ worse sides right now.  Wanting to be free but fearful and aggressive in obtaining that freedom.  We must try to calm our primal emotions of flight, fight, or freeze, and enhance our innate capacity for empathy and compassion.  But to do that, we must face our underlying fears.  We must stare at them even though uncomfortable, possible wrestle with them, but ultimately, if we are truthful with where they are rooted, they will not overcome us.  And for others’ feelings, empathy is necessary, for they are as scared of something as you are.

Please check out her website especially check out her process. It is amazing!

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Eight of Coins– This week is all about work.  You got skills and you need to use them. So, now is the time to get things done.  The challenge is being humble enough to know you always have something more to learn



Two of Cups – It is all about partnerships this week.  This time holds possibilities of unity and connection, but if emotions are not attended to, it can also hold tension and disharmony.  Be aware it takes two to tango or waltz. One can lead but the other must agree to follow.



beth cavener Ten of Cups – This week’s energy is around family bliss.  Spend these coming days cultivating harmony and happiness.  Find ways to enjoy the company of others, whether that is with a web wine meet up or a virtual game of cards.  Companionship is key this week.



Beth Cavener*Star – Last week’s energy is about bring the divine down into practical applications.  Using your resourcefulness and skills to create action.  Now the card of healing joins the mix.  For last week’s energy was a mix bag of actions.  This week you can step back and see why your creative fires did not light or burn as brightly as you intended.  Do not be discouraged.  This is part of the process of action you need to learn before your new birth year starts.  Understanding and mending is needed as much as action to create a healthier future.



beth cavener Eight of Swords – Ok week two of moody thoughts and feelings surrounding you.  The key to this week’s feeling of being trapped is again around self-acceptance.  You are allowed to have feelings, but overthinking those feelings is where the trap gets triggered.  Take this time to discern and disengage from the entwinement of your heart and your mind.



*Empress – Creativity is calling to you.  But something is holding you back.  This week find out how to mother and not smother that creativity.  It is natural for you to nurture others but when it comes to yourself you stop.  Why?   Let loose of the structure and cultivate organic expression.



Ace of Wands – Last week’s energy was about creating new beginnings if you are not reckless or naïve in its undertaking.  The energy continues this week.  However, so does the energy of distraction.  Why are you hesitating on moving to the next level, beginning a new project, or just being creative without any goals?  Again, the key and conundrum is around planning.  You do have to plan the whole project.  This energy is about taking one step at a time and enjoying the process hopefully as much as or more than the result.



Knight of Swords – You are unstoppable this week, and that has two potential outcomes.  Either you can impulsively rush in without thinking and either bruise yourself or another.  Or you can swoop in with heroic and selfless actions and save the day.   The key is thinking before you act.



beth cavener Four of Coins – Conservation is the energy you will need to work with this week.  Your resources are limited, so use them wisely.  This isn’t about being miserly but being frugal.  Frugal in the sense of simplifying and focusing your energy, within the context of what you feed grows.



Ace of Swords – The energy this week is about breakthroughs.  There is clarity in the air which brings new ideas and thoughts into your mix.  The challenge is deciding either surfing the chaos like a Zen wave rider or diving into the depths letting the waves roll above the contemplative stillness you have found.  The choice is yours.



beth cavener *Temperance – Last week, it was time to take a bit of control over your destiny by just showing up.  The high energy continues this week but with less of a roller coaster feel.  This energy asks you what is your purpose?  The keys to finding these answers is patience and balance.  Your life is complex, so balancing out different aspects and aspirations is important to moving forward in the year to come.  Think of your life like a refined meal that has many notes to balance its tastes into a delectable dining experience.



Beth CavenerTwo of Swords – Decision making time.  There is a stalemate that is about to happen but just being decisive about what you want and how you want to feel will avoid later confusion.   Do not avoid what you know needs to be done.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 10, 2020

Today is Mother’s Day. By taking the gender out of the day, this is about recognizing the nurturers in our lives.  Nurturing is the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.  They can be your mother, a nurse, a partner, teacher, Mother Earth, a friend, a gardener, or your child… to name a few.   

This week’s artist is Uemura Shoen (Uemura Tsune).  She is considered a major innovator in the bijin-ga style.  Shoen grew up in a time when women were admired for painting but only behind closed doors.  Her mother, a widow, nurtured Shoen’s desire to become a painter by defying cultural norms. She let her paint in the corner of her tea shop, were Uemura soon became recognized for her painting skills. At age 12, Shoen’s mother sent her to study under Suzuki Shonen a famous Chinese landscape artist. By 15, Uemura became famous for the purchasing of her painting The Beauty of Four Seasons by the son of Queen Victoria.

Shoen was drawn to the bijin-ga style of painting. Bijin-ga, beautiful woman pictures, were produced from the 17th century to the 19th century and were exceedingly popular with the middle class. They traditionally depicted courtesans or “women” Noh performer (all the woman roles were played by men).  However, Shoen chose celebrating ordinary woman and often portraying them doing domestic chores or dressing up in their finery.  This elevated the women cultural, from lower-class citizens to beautiful and unique. Shoen paid forward the nurturing of her mother to all women.   

Thank you, nurturers for giving us space to grow!

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.   

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Dattatraya Thombare
Dattatraya Thombare

Four of Cups – This is your second four, so let us dive just a bit into fours.  Four is the number of stability.  Last week you needed to relax to increase your stability.  This week is you need to withdraw.  A retreat is needed.  A time for reworking what is necessary to maintain your strength in the coming months.  With that idea in hand you will feel less apathetic and more apt to action.

Sonya Boyce

Five of Coins – Some weeks are harder than others, so do not be shock if this week comes at you relentlessly.  The best way to work with this energy is to ask for help.  Assistance is there though you will need to exchange coinage in some form.  This can be as easy as baking cookies for your helper or picking up milk for them when you run to the store. 

Diego Rivera

Two of Swords – This week’s energy is full of crossroads decisions, which you cannot avoid.  If you come to an impasse, remember make the decision based on how you would feel once you have started on this path.  Or another way to see this, the decision is more about the journey than the destination.   


*Magician – This week’s energy is about bring the divine down into practical applications.  Use your resourcefulness and skills to create action.  Now is a great time to conjure up next steps.  The challenge is that the product needs to not only benefit you but has components that benefit others. 


King of Cups – Careful this is a moody week for you.  The energy around you can set you off easily and you may come across as uncaring.  So, the challenge is finding balance by being compassionate with yourself.  This is not time apologizing for your behavior, but it is a perfect time being vulnerable and tell people how you are feeling.  And if they can’t take f@$% them.  Figuratively or literally. 

Midnight mother
Kitagawa Utamaro

Two of Coins – It is a balancing act this week.    It is essential that you figure out your priorities and then cut that list in half.  The key to this week’s energy is flexibility and avoiding overwhelming yourself.  This is not a week to multitask or jump from one project to the next. 

Beatien Yazz_mother_daughter_one
Beatien Yazz

*Fool – This week has the energy creating new beginnings if you are not reckless or naïve in its undertaking.  If you feel you do not have all that you need to begin a project, now is not the time to rely on seat of the pants logic or free-spirited spontaneity.  This week needs planning and preparation before embarking on a new project or direction.     

Helene Schjerfbeck

Page of Cups – The energy this week is full of possibilities if you can only be vulnerable and follow your heart.  Pull out your rose-colored glass and look for the good.  The more positive and open hearted you are the easier solutions will be found.  Open heart – Open mind. 

Ravsaheb Gurav

Nine of Swords – Last week you were dealing with the card of change and awakenings.  It wanted you to find your fissures, fix what is fixable, and if too broken then it is time for a significant change.  Luckily, you have another week to work on this.  The energy this week of letting go helps you cope with the strains and fractures of your structures. Worry only about the things you have control to change. 

Silva Manansala

Six of Coins – The energy this week is about investing and receiving.  Share and you receive in return, but be warned that goes for good and bad energy.  The challenge with this exchange is that it takes a serpentine and circuitous route coming back.  So, receiving the gold or the coal can be from surprise sources.

B. K. Lusk

*Wheel of Fortune – It is time to take a bit of control over your destiny by just showing up.  Yes karma, fate and luck all come into play this week and nothing is a guarantee.  But just indicating your wants will give you that bit of control you need and even the odds more in your favor.

Shijun Munns

Page of Swords – A piece to the puzzle is hidden that you will need to solve a conundrum(s). Using your charm will get you the needed information.  Be aware this hiding is not to undermine you. It is done out of ignorance.  Also be warned, your intuition is likely to miss some of the facts.  This week intellect is your ally.   

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 3, 2020

This painting, The Rainbow, is by George Inness.  Inness  was born May 1st, 1825 and became one of the most influential American artists of the 19th century.  He often used rainbows to convey the divine.  Inness attempted through his art to demonstrate the reality of the unseen by juxtaposing blurred elements to refined details intertwining the physical and spiritual nature of the object.  

The rainbow is symbolically thought of as a call for hope after a storm, a covenant, a bridge to the gods or a god/goddess itself.  Scientifically a rainbow is meteorological phenomena that is caused by reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets.  Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear directly opposite of the sun and observed at a 42-degree angle.  The color sequence starting from the top is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.  Ten degrees above, often not seen but always there, is a larger and fainter secondary rainbow where the color sequence is reversed. 

This is a unique time in history where many aspects of our lives are being reflected, refracted, and dispersed to us.  Covid has made the unseen seen and flipped our reality.  It has united us globally bringing out our divine side of grace, gratitude, and generosity.  And in contrast has brought to light the cracks in each country’s structures and culture were our basic needs are not met.  We can no longer not see the unseen of global interdependence, inequality between all our workforces, the disparity in health for races, our presence affecting climate change to name just a few.  Now is the time to acknowledge both reflections of our world, to bridge our gaps, and to create a covenant to do no harm. 

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.   

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Four of Swords – Relaxation is what you need this week.  The energy slows down around giving you time to recuperate and mediate on what needs to happen.  The more time you give your body to rest the better your outcomes will be next week.


Ace of Pentacles – The last two week’s energy had you ponder:  How does information from your past effect the planning of your future?  And does this process hold you back?  Can you plan without knowing the outcome?  If everything were possible and you had infinite energy, how and what would you grow?  This week’s energy is asking you to take your pondering to a plan.  Do not let this time of opportunity get away.  It is time to create.


Ace of Cups – Last week’s energy was pushing you to take a chance on yourself.  Karma, fate, and luck are all part of the cosmic design, but you can and do have some control of where the ball lands on the cosmic roulette table.  Your part is to show up and make the bet to change your destiny.  This week’s energy will help drive destiny if you let creativity have full reign.  Your only roadblock is not being compassionate with your drive for perfection. Do not repress your creative tenacity.


King of Cups – Last week the universal energy for your sign was helping taming your insecurities and self-doubt and making you more resilient.  You will need it for this week’s temperamental energy.  It easy for you to get swept up in this moody current to land on the shores of apathy.   However, you are not heartless just heart weary.  Allow yourself time to withdraw into you shell and regroup.  You will come back to the land of compassion and balance by the week’s end.   


Page of Pentacles – Manifestation is the energy to utilize this week.  Anything you set your drive and diligence towards will move at a steady pace.  However, this is not a week for bonfires or sparks.  Stoke the fires in a sensible and consistent way. 


Knight of Swords – This is not a week to rush into anything.  The energy around you is unpredictable and can lead you either aimless around in circles or impulsively drive you over a proverbial cliff.  A cool thoughtful mind is needed.  No superhero antics. 


Queen of Cups – Last week’s energy was about transitions – places in your life that need to end so others can begin.  You needed more space for harvesting the new, so something needed to give.  The energy continues this week with a dash of compassion.  Change is never really comfortable even when you and/or it has the best intentions.  Try to use this week’s calm and comforting energy to sooth the bruises in this very transitional period.    


Eight of Coins – The last couple of weeks had a heavier energy about them.  First, they asked you to ponder the concepts of nurturing versus smothering, codependence versus interdependence, and growth versus obstructions.  Giving yourself and others the space, time, and energy to grow with just enough structure to feel rooted and secure.  Which readied you for new beginnings and spontaneity.  If you did this work, then you can use this week’s energy of focusing and mastering the skills to get a jump on your new endeavor.  As long as you do not get caught up in perfectionism, for it will drain your inspiration.


*Tower – The energy this week is all about the awakening.  Every sign has been dealing with this card and now it is your turn.   Society as a whole is dealing with the Tower card. Covid has all of us seeing the cracks in our society. But when you get this card personally you need to take a closer look at where things are broken and where you are resisting change in your own life.  This week is a wake-up call. Find your fissures and fix what is fixable. If its too broken then it is time for a significant change. 


Seven of Cups – Time for pie in the sky dreaming.  Usually with this card I warn people to not be illusional with their dreams.  But Capricorns can get too practical, which can block your creativity, so just for this week dream without limits.


Eight of Swords – Self acceptance leads you to freedom this week.  Yes, there are places where you feel not in control, bound, and with legacies given unwillingly to you; however, do not let these entrap you.  The more you let go of commanding yourself and situations the freer you become and the broader the possibilities for you to step into.


Six of Cups – This week’s energy helps you see how much you have worked for your independence.  Your inner child feels more secure.  Through self-compassion and forgiveness, you are taking yourself and your decisions more seriously and now people are taking you more seriously too.  Congrats.  Now you are able to see that the past is now not in control of your future. 

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 19, 2020

April showers
Blue Mosque Istanbul

April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes.  But is it true?  The first time it is found in writing is in a poem from 1610, Sweet April showers, do spring May flowers.  Historians believe this proverb was born in areas either in or around the United Kingdom.  Because the month of April tends to be especially rainy due to the position of the jet stream.  However, the real reason for flowers blooming is the temperature.   As the temperature gets closer to spring like weather, flowers bloom no matter the amount of rain.  And why the temperature?  Well the insects that pollinate these flowers can only move when the temperature is above 45°F or 7.2°C.

So, take this drizzly season and be like the bee, relax.  These rainy days set the mood for tea, lazy afternoons, piddling or reading.   And enjoy these amazing raindrop pictures by photographer Duscan Stojancevic.  And remember to try and support the arts and artists if you can.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

P.P.S.  New moon in Taurus great time for grounding, starting a new project.  And if you do wishes, areas around money, sensual pleasure, perseverance, patience, self-worth, and releasing stubbornness.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,





*World – At the last day of your birth month the karma card shows up – the World.  So, for this birth year the driving force will be the concept of completion and triumph versus incompletion and disappointment.  The big question for you is how much your personality is tied to completing projects and the success of them?  Why is the attainment of goals so important in your make up?  How can you feel complete when there is more to do?  Can you feel harmony in the emptiness of challenges or defeat?



Brooklyn Bridge

Two of Wands – What a great energy to start your birth month with!  The best way to use this week’s energy is through discovery.  You are in a place that holds both the past and the future in it.  And in this space, there is information for you to glean.  How does information from your past effect the planning of your future?  And does this process to get to the future holding you back?  Can you plan without knowing the outcome?  These are the questions to ponder this week.



Grand Central Station

Eight of Cups – Last week’s energy was about infinity growth.  And was to be used as a reset button, a time to make changes that will take you to your next phase, mission, and/or purpose.  That energy is still hanging around you this week.  This is not a time to avoid or walk away form this opportunity.  It is time to clean house and start anew.



April showers
Sagrada Familia Barcelona

Ten of Pentacles – The energy around you is tense with thoughts of financial security in the future.  Your wealth lies in more than monetary goods.  You are at an end of a fiscal cycle but that does not mean an end to economic security.  Look in the coming weeks for inspiration of where to or how to go next with all things green.  But be careful that you do not go on an emotional shopping spree this week.




Six of Cups – To get out of last week’s doldrums call upon the energy of innocence and playfulness.  This week find joy in the little things.  And there are hidden messages in your childhood to help you get there.  More crayons, more time with a lying on the floor perspective.



World Trade Center Hub NYC

Five of Swords – Last week your task was taking this time of stagnation as a moment for you to let go of resistance and pain.  To contemplate the future and find paths to a more enlightened way of being.  This energy continues with more lights to guide you to enlightenment – compassion, and reconciliation.  To truly let go of your pain you need to reconcile with it.  Be compassion with it, tame and love it.



National Assembly Belgrade

King of Cups – It is easy to see the world with the duality of right and wrong, but this time period calls for a balancing act of both.  You and the ones around you can be moody and your go-to is to create harmony.  However, trying to control harmonious outcomes may be impossible this week.  So, compassion is key to navigating this week’s energy.



April showers
Church of St Save Belgrade

*Empress – Motherhood and all it entails is a big theme this week for you.  The concepts surrounding and for you to ponder are nurturing versus smothering, codependence versus interdependence, and growth versus obstructions.  The areas of contemplation and hopefully solution are how to give yourself and others the space, time and energy to grow with just enough structure to feel rooted and secure.



National Library NYC

Six of Coins – Last week’s energy was about completion, creating more harmony, success, and forward momentum. The energy shifts a bit this week from endings to sharing.  The more positive energy you can emit the more positive energy you will gain back.  Of course, this works with negative energy too.  The only kink with this transfer is that the return usually comes back from a convoluted path.



ada bridge belgrade

Queen of Coins – This week is all about practicality while still indulging in your five senses.   The easy avenue for this is eating and enjoying healthy food.  But there is also a need for beauty, so what in your life can be practical and beautiful.  Arrange your fruit in a basket, invest in beautiful but good sheets, change the lighting in your rooms to match their use?  For example, cozy lights in the living room and bright lights in the kitchen or office.  These are the things and places to invest your energy in this week.



Empire State Building NYC

King of Wands – This week’s energy is around upping your game.  Doing things that enhance your skills, experimenting to find new ways of doing things, or finding some way to upgrade your business, presence and or leadership.  How can you re-energize your vision and intent for your future?



April showers
Flat iron bldg NYC

Four of Swords – Last week the energy was having you walk on the sunny side of the street.  Luckily, you can hide a bit this week, but you will still need to bring that sunny energy with you in the form of self-care. This time period has pulled more energy out of you then you realize.  No need to fear just schedule in daily times of solitude to recharge your batteries.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 12, 2020

Egg hunt
Salvador_dali_-Teatro Museo Dali 1974

The egg symbolizes new life.  It is used by many artists as a symbol of everyday life, birth, sexuality, hope, and nature.  The use of this oval subject dates to pagan’s rituals of Spring and was adopted by Christianity to represent Christ coming out of tomb. Some scholars hypothesize that the decorating of eggs started around the 13th century, for eggs were forbidden to eat during Lent.  Therefore, people decorating eggs was part of celebrating the ending of their fast.

In German they took it a bit farther with the tradition of making nests for the Osterhause, a hare who lays colorful eggs but only to good children.   This tarotcast is just for visual fun.  In each picture there is an egg some are hard to find and some not so much. I stole this idea from Google Art so for more click Happy hunting.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Egg huntTwo of Coins – Last week, change was in the air if you didn’t try forcing it. The energy wanted you to work with the ebbs and flows of natural cycles.   Sharing the job of creating movement with the universe continues this week.  If you share the burden, you will feel less like you are spinning plates and/or overwhelmed.  The part is to work on your balancing act and be flexible.


Henk Hofstra Art Eggcident 2008 phot Christian Tribert

Six of Coins – Finally a break in the heavy energy.  This is a time to rebalance and recoup some of your energy spent.  To get this week to work with ease, self-care is on the top of the list.  The more positive compassionate love, space and time you can pour into yourself the more you will be available to the outer world.  This is a time you can also call in some unpaid debts. Your energy cupboards are bare.  Find ways to re-stock them.


Still Life With Fried Egg and Avocados, Jose Oliver 1963

*Universe – The energy this week is about infinity growth.  This energy can be used as reset button.   The possibilities are endless.  A place and time to evolve to a higher level.  Time to make the changes that will take you to your next phase, mission, and/or purpose.


Leda and the Swan Francesco Bacchiacca 1515

Queen of Cups – The energy this week is about investigating your dependence.  You can see your interconnectedness as martyrdom or insecurity, or you can see that we are weave together with others to provide calm and compassion.  Dependence is not always a bad thing as long as your emotional cup is filled as much as those around you.


Egg hunt

Queen of Swords – This week’s energy can make your heart feel cold and bitter.  You are trying to logic a situation; where emotions are needed instead.  You are right that a bit of distance will help with envisaging the details of the problems. But pull too far away and you lose the picture and the people you will need to help you.


Egg hunt
Piero_della_Francesca Brera Madonna

*Hanged Man – This energy of stagnation has been hopping form sign to sign for the past month. Now it is your turn to deal with the concept of pause.  What to do in this place of inertia?  The best way to utilize this energy is to gain perspective of your life and path.  You are figuratively and literally be held in place.  This moment is a time for you to let go of resistance and pain. To contemplate the future and find paths to a more enlightened way of being.


Still Life Candido Portinari 1933

Three of Swords – The energy around you is heartbreak.  You are feeling the emotions not only within yourself but also those around you.  You are tuned into the emotional nature of where everyone is.  However, the suffering and sorrow you feel are places where the healing needs to start.  The best place is to begin is with yourself then move outward.


Egg hunt
Merrymakers at Shrovetide Frans Halsca 1616

Eight of Wands – This week energy is about slowing down.  There are a lot of messages in the air for you but if you are impatient or not in stillness you will not receive them.  Take this delay as a time and place to just observe.


Concert_in_the_Egg Bousch 1561

*World – The energy this week is about completion.  Spend your energy doing the projects that need this quieter time and space. Clean the garage, write your masterpiece, or finish painting the bathroom.  There is a lot of energy to use this week to.  By doing so, you are lessening the drag from past obligations and creating more harmony, success, and forward momentum.


Egg hunt

King of Swords –This is a great week for making long term plans, for this energy brings with it, clarity.  Now is the time to put some discipline and structure back into your life.  This lays out a solid foundation for your projects to grow. The farther out you look, the bigger the plans can be.


Egg hunt
Still Life with Fruit Severin Roesen

Page of Swords – So you might be a bit restless this week, but it is just that your brain needs stimulation.  This is a great time to let your curiosity go down rabbit holes of investigation.  The amazing thing about this sleuthing is this brings information that will be useful soon.


Landscape_with_egg_-_Goldsworth 2000

*Sun – The energy this week is very positive. This is not the time to let pessimism shade your outlook.  Your world still can bring you happiness and joy. Things will work out.  It is scary times, but the Sun is shining on you. Let yourself bask in the warmth of joy and hope.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 5, 2020

virtual museums

This time brings with it chaos and suffering.  It is highlighting the cracks of what people’s needs are not being met. It is also giving us time to ponder What is Essential?  The first on the list is health, a home over our heads, food on the table and possibly ironic or sad – toilet paper.  Then what is next?  What do you find you need or miss?  Purpose? Community?  Beauty? Nature? These are the things that we as a world-wide society need to start supporting once we are released back into the world.

I hope you all liked the live animal cams with last week’s forecast.  Now back to art and the places they inhabit, museums.  Everyone is doing a list of museums’ virtual tours. They usually include the Smithsonian, The Met, British Museum, Guggenheim, and of course Louvre. And I have even written about virtual museums tours back in May 2016 (go there for some museum history and more fun links). So, this week I have added to each of your forecasts more museums that you may not know or that are off the beaten path.

Again, this is another place for you parents doing home schooling. Some of these sites you can use as writing prompts.  Like for teenagers, the Museum of Broken Relationships have stories attached to the items.  They can write their own story attached to a childhood toy.  Or like the Woman’s Museum has a built-in history lesson for each entry.  And even the free form virtual walking tours you can go through and discuss your impressions and/or deep dive into that painting’s history.  Remember ultimately school is just a place where we learn how to learn.  So, you just showing them how you navigate, question and solve the world is the best lesson they can get.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




*Death – Change is in the air this week if you would just let go of trying to force it to happen. This energy wants you to work with the ebbs and flows of natural cycles.   Though this downturn in energy feels like stagnation, it is actually waiting for you to sort out what you fear will change. Take your hand off the wheel and let the universe drive. Machu Pichu Peru




*Judgement – Again big energy and I know you might be feeling wiped out. All of March was a roller coaster of forces guiding you through your triggers, compassion for the universe and yourself, challenged you to weed to find room for the new, and then asked you to connect deeply with your spirit to gain more information on how to lead by example. And now this week’s energy is about rebirth. Your challenge is to answer what has this past month taught you? What has awakened you to be closer to your calling and the understand of it? National Gallery of Art Washington DC USA




virtual museums*Hanged Man – You are resisting using this time as a moment to gain perspective.  You are percieving this energy delaying you, but it challenges you by asking delaying you from what? This is big energy and has the potential for you to stockpile this inert energy like a pulling back a rubber band. This time is just a pause a place to reset or to reimagine your destiny.  Take this time to gather your strength and gain perspective on where to you want to go after this pause.   The Vatican Rome, Italy





virtual museumsNine of Swords – Last week you were feeling the chaos like energy of the worldwide change.  And you had to wrestle with the idea of not having control over these big outside forces of change.  The forces advised controlling only your small sphere and then allowing the rest to wash over you like a wave. This week you are still grappling with letting go.  Worries still needle you like tiny gnats.  The energy this week advise you to focus on hope instead of hopelessness. Rijks Museum Netherlands




virtual museumsSix of Coins – Last week you needed to heed and hone your inner voice.  Looking for the hidden truths, the synchronicities and cycles.  Your discoveries have you feeling as if you do not have enough resources to deal with this week’s energy.  However, if you put selfcare first, you don’t have to be stingy with the rest of your energy.  So, heed the phrase put the air-mask on yourself first before helping others with theirs.  But keep in mind they do need help and you can expend yours. Le Gallerie Degli Uffizi Florence Italy




virtual museumsAce of Coins – The energy of grounded beginnings is rumbling under you.  This is a great week to start a new project. Do not loss this opportunity even though you may be staying at home.  All seeds are started in the dark.  This is a time to water some ideas and see what sprouts in the coming weeks. MASP Sao Paulo Brazil






Messenger – There are messages all around you this week.  Your spirit guides are in your midst, protecting and divining to you what is and isn’t important. You will get some straightforward clues but also look for hidden meanings in synchronicities.  Women’s history Museum Washington DC USA




virtual museumsNine of Coins – This week energy is about abundance and finding ways to reward yourself and others.  However, luxuries have a new meaning at this time.  What were you taking for grant that now this week has become a luxury? And how can you share and enjoy them with yourself and others? Museum Picasso Barcelona Spain




virtual museumsFour of Cups – The energy this week continues your need for mediation. Where last week you needed to pull away from the everyday to gain perspective, this week you will need to occasionally look to your outer sphere to gain a fuller picture.  Try to divide your time in to ¾ introvertive behavior and the last 1/4 as an extrovert.  The Museum of Broken Relationships Los Angles USA




virtual museumsThree of Coins – Relationships and creation are again the resonating energy this week.  However where last week your investigation where in the notions of contentment and choice respectively.  Putting energy into relationships that bring serenity and envisaging the implementation of creating is based in choice.  This week there is less contemplation and more active collaboration.  Even if you are stuck inside take time to zoom, skype or face time with others. You need people as bouncing boards and to challenge you to get to the next level, not to mention some playful banter to liven your spirits. Benaki Athens Greece





virtual museumsPage of Cups – This week’s energy is about looking for the brighter side of things.  Your sign is the one that inspires humanity and raise us up to the next level.  So, use your curiosity and rose-colored glass envisioning you and us a brighter future. The Courtland Institute of Art  London UK





Page of Wands – Pull out your paintbrushes, crayons, pencils, scissors, glue, wood tools and create. The challenge with this creative energy is not about having a goal but about investigating your mediums. This energy is best used in discovery and exploration.  Doing so will bring you closer to a place where movement can happen.  National Palace Museum Taipei City Taiwan