The artist this week is Aida Muluneh. I usually pull art from the artist’s entire work but today I am homing in on one series, The World is 9. It centers around a phrase her grandmother would say, “The world is 9, it is never complete and it’s never perfect.” The concept in Muluneh’s words: In this world, we are idealists seeking perfection but living in a reality which does not afford us that balance. Life is unpredictable and imperfect – we must conquer these challenges with strength and endurance because the world within us and the world knocking on our door, bears the unknown future.
So far, this year has felt like that – unpredictable and showing all its imperfections. And dang we have been challenged personally and socially. But that is the beauty of grokking the world is 9. By seeing the world’s and our imperfection, we can continue to strive – creating a better world, and at the same time let our growth be infinite. Thus, not binding us or our world to and ending, a completion nor perfection.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Page of Swords – The key to this week’s energy is to use your mind like a sharp tool. Information is available for you, but it is either hidden or lock away by sphinx-like energy. Pieces of information will be given if you ask the right questions to decipher the riddles in front of you this week.

Eight of Swords – Last week the devil was in the details and details had the potential to be your biggest foe. This energy seeps into this week as well with a “bonus” feeling of an overwhelming or a closing in. Thus, you feel choices/decisions are demanded of you. The key to this is again is either committing to a choice and see how it goes or saying f#$% it and go with the flow. The goal is to stop thinking you have no choice in the matter, or there is only one right path. This leads to circular thinking and a sense of inescapable inertia.

King of Cups – The intensity of the energies finally recedes for you this week. Though the themes stay the same. The last two weeks were challenging you to follow the breadcrumbs of synchronicities and reimagining yourself as the beautiful spark of inspiration with flaws exposed making you shine more brightly. This week’s energy helps guide you in an alchemization of your all your feelings happy, sad, anger, lonely etc… You need to see that all your emotions make you who you are. Your motto the Rumi poem The Guest House.

Six of Swords – The energy surrounding you might feel a bit muddy and unclear but also has a sense of lightness. This week is full of small transitions helped by small miracles. Following the willow wisps will not lead you to danger but safely to a new shore. Your motto: Follow hope.

Knight of Wands – The energy this week is wanting you to answer what truly inspires you in nature? The sand between your toes, staring at fire, smelling a storm on the way, or watching the power of a lion/cat on the hunt… Now replicate these feelings/inspirations by doing something artistic, experiencing an art form that resonates it, or mediate on it. Embed that inspiration into your life.

Nine of Pentacles – The energy this week wants you to sift your successes and see their worth as a collection. Find contentment in the positive things you have done. You have just one more chapter to complete this cycle. You are on the verge of a transition. Spend this week in moments of solitude and contemplation of your past and the last steps for this birth years conclusion. By doing this exercise you will be prepared to move forward with solider foundation.

King of Wands – Last week’s energy wanted you to pull away from society as much as possible, grounding and gaining some perspective. Hopefully, you got to do this, can put this insight into action. If not, luckily this energy still allows time for gaining perspective. For this week is full of visionary thoughts and advises to look at the bigger picture for solutions.

Two of Wands – Last week’s energy was highly active and best used in building what is already started. However, this week wants you to turn your gaze to the future. This is a great week to let your imagination ponder where and what you will be wanting to do in 2021. Imagining now will set the universe working behind the scenes to prep some of the roads ahead.

*Moon – This is a perfect time to dive into your fears and emotions. Yep the energy this week would like to test your emotional waters. In practical matters aspects are hidden from you. You can wait until this phase passes by the weekend (Tuesday is a Full Moon in Pisces so things will start to clear up after that). Or you can dive into your shadow side. The latter is harder but more productive.

Queen of Wands – This energy is best used in the act of creation and self-expression. This muse comes to embolden you to see your courage and power. You are the creator of your life. Are you creating your desires or societies? If so, this is a great week to set intentions. If not, then time to do some heavy mirror gazing and reconnecting to your power source and intuition.

Eight of Wands – Last week was about balancing multiple elements into a cohesive path of ease. Hopefully, you worked on your balancing act, for this week the energy level is still busy. So, going in with a balanced mind-set will help you navigate all the information coming at you. This energy also recommends a game plan, while keeping your eyes and mind open as better paths come quickly into your foreground. If you are good at racing video games, then this week you will do great. If not, peripheral vision is vital.

*Hierophant – The energy this week is about deconstructing your environment or systems and then creating new paradigms. This can look as simple as pulling everything out of your closet and reorganizing. Or as complicated as doing this with a work project or relationships. The strategy is pulling everything apart to see its working and non-working parts, fix and then reassemble.
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