Tag Archives: art

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 25, 2021

Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Planets:  There is a Full Moon in Scorpio tomorrow which lights up our shadow side and since it squares off with Saturn and Uranus things can get harsh.  So, the next couple of days pull back, stay calm and work on yourself.  Also, Mars just went into Cancer.  That is not its favorite position, fire versus water, so things can get sensitive, but it is great configuration for anything that has to do with sprucing up your home, hanging out with family, or self-care.

This week’s artist is Pan YuLiang (Pan YuLin).  Pan was one of the first woman artists in China to paint in Western style.  However, until recently, her work was controversial for she painted or drew nudes instead of the traditional subjects for women at the time, florals, and still-life.  Often having to pose as her own model.  Even though she was appointed Dean of Western Art at the Shanghai Art Academy her nudes were often taken down at her shows in China. She permanently moved to Paris in late 1930’s and stayed until her death.   Posthumously, she is getting the notoriety due to her, not only in China but worldwide.

Pan’s paintings combine the traditional lines of Chinese ink drawings and the bold colors of Fauvism.  Her images much like Frida Kahlo’s show the strength and poetic gestures of women being woman.  Through art expressing the concepts of feminism, celebrating the strong female image without extinguishing our beauty.  She also worked in the disciplines of sculpture, watercolor and print making.  In each she pursued the adage Finding oneself through our forefathers, yet not forgetting oneself in the past.  So, I pose this pondering to you:  how do you use your past without getting tethered to it?


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Three of Wands- This week planning and preparation are the forces to work with.  Spend Sunday looking at the steps that need to be done for a project in the future.  The rest of the week set about working setting up and gather the materials so those steps can begin.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Two of Cups – The Muse of Relationships is here to help you work on intimacy in yours.  Take time this week to put energy into your close relationships.  The challenge is you must also ask for equity from your partners.  As you fill their cup so should they fill yours.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship is here to remind you that you need a solid hang with your friends.  Your emotional cup needs spilling and filling.  So, crying with grief or laughter is the prescription your heart requires, and only do it around those you can be vulnerable with.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

*Moon – Use this week’s full moon energy to its fullest.  Dive deep into your shadow self and lovingly cajole some of your monsters/protectors to vacate your subconscious or begin metamorphosing into champions of the light.  Remember, be kind to both yourself and them for neither of you like to be sternly confronted or pushed.


Pan YuLiang

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details is here to help you.  By drilling down and focus on the details you can create enough energy to push through any inertia or apathy.  One metaphorical or literal exercise is to clean your sink, groat in your shower, or the edge of baseboards with a toothbrush.  Before you know it, you will bring out the bigger tools and clean the whole bathroom.   By attacking one small to-do, it will start the domino effect needed to help you gain momentum to do more.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-term planning is here. This week is best to deal wit looking at the big picture of the whys.  Take time to make sure what you are planning is still consistent with what you are wanting.  Then spend time planning the how and when before working on the who and what.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum has come to help.  The only problem she has the metaphorical gas but no car or plan.  That is up to you to find.  The best way to use this energy wisely is plot your course before you move, or you will be driving in circles all week.


Pan YuLiang

*Sun– The Muse of Optimism and Success is here to shine on all the wonderful things and opportunities that are awaiting you, if you are wanting them.  Life is on the path of getting a whole lot better, your work is to allow yourself to glow and grow.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Three of Swords – The Muse this week reminds us with ever failure or loss comes a lesson, enhancing your resilience and sharpening your skills.  There are messages in your mistakes, sadness, or pain.  Do not turn away from these for there is a gem of truth and healing in each.


Pan YuLiang

Page of Wands– The Muse of Artistic Experimentation has come to break you out of some restraint or inertia.   Innovation is born out of trial and error.  Try new recipes, combine new mediums, color outside the lines.  The more you allow yourself the freedom to dabble with your mistakes the more you will revolutionize your paradigms.


Pan YuLiang

*Empress and Emperor– The Muse of Creation is here with her companion the Muse of Building.  So you can choose create things out of what seemingly is nothing or build on what is already there.  It is a great week to start projects or drill down or getting a project to the next level.  Either way this week is about using these energies for formation, moving forward and growing outward.


Pan YuLiang

Death – This Muse is here to aid you in letting go of something to enable growth this week.  Something on your lists of to-dos or wants is no longer serving what the new you needs. So, reexamine your desires something is not working and needs to be chucked.  This release allows new things you cannot even fathom the space to flourish.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 11, 2021

Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Tree Line

It is a New moon in Aries today. Since Aries starts the astrological wheel, this New Moon is about beginnings.   The Ram is all about action, launching and creating the new, this week set goals, start projects, plant seeds etc… Also, the Sun, Moon and Venus will parley with Pluto which can highlight power struggles but also can gives us the tenacity to solve them.

This week’s artist is Richard Whadcock.  Whadcock paints dream like landscapes.  They transport the viewer to the pastural dewy dawns, foggy aftermaths of a storm, the misty breath of a cold lake…  Having us ponder those times when we can see the potential, but nothing is yet fully in focus.  Where we question and contemplate what we are actually perceiving. Navigating our surroundings more with our emotions then with tactile knowledge. Pondering the unknown and times of transitions.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Evensong

Eight of Coins – So first let’s sum up your big energies to work with this coming year.  Your Muse energies are balancing excess, blending binaries, cultivate and assessing what intensity and focus to beam this energy with.  And by doing this you can make leaps that take advantage of places that others cannot reach.  And now this week’s Muse reminds you this will take work and you will be busy.   But do not fret for you already have the primary skills to obtain these new heights.  It is just about fine tuning your assets.



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock.
Taste the Air

Queen of Coins – Last week the Muse of Reflection reminded you of the cyclic nature of intention.  That your higher purpose connects to your emotions which in turn supports your energy flow to carry out your purpose.  This week’s Muse is more rooted in reality than the philosophical headspace of last week.  This week it is hands-on energy or really your five senses on.  You need some grounding after all that pondering, so this week use your five senses each day to integrate your ponderings into actions.



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Dawn Veils

Ace of Coins – Last week was creating plans, goals, and schedules for the next three months.  This week’s energy helps put those plans into action.  Remember this is just the beginning no need to rush.  It is vital to create grounded foundations so you can build higher and better.



Richard Whadcock
Richard Whadcock Shore to Shore

Three of Swords – The Muse this week helps you connect with the emotions of sorrow, grief, loss, and disappointment.  As a water sign you know that there are lessons and value in all emotions.  Take time to come to an understanding with at least one of these emotions.  Learn its lesson and then heal the wound.



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Silent Water

King of Cups – The Muse of Emotions is here to help you celebrate your emotional depth and width.  It is a great time to enrich your emotional IQ and befriend your emotional monsters.  Your challenge is when working with these entities not to get triggered and let them drive the car.  The poem Guest House by Rumi will aid with this skill.



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Shadow Tree

Nine of Wands – Preparation and defense is the name of the game this week.  The more you are prepared for the day the more you can pivot, weave and swat away any hindrances.  As they say the best defense is a good offense.  So, carry protein bars, fill your gas tank up, leave 10 minutes early, etc.…



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is visiting you this week.  Reminding you that all work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dreary person.  So, watch comedies or stand-up, tell bad dad jokes, dance in your room, share laughs as often as you can, for laughter is the best medicine.



Richard Whadcock Evening Lake

Two of Cups – This week the Muse of Loving Relationships is here to remind you to tend to yours.  Whether that relationship is with a plant, an animal, or a person, this week you need to feed that connection.  Relationship is key to grounding you and maintaining your momentum, as well as theirs.




Richard Whadcock Passage

Two of Wands – Last week the muses asked what metamorphosis you would like in your work, purpose, life, and/or relationships, and to choose your pace in that innovation.  Well luckily, you have another week to work on this pondering with the Muse of Future-gazing.   This muse challenges you not to just think of what you want to achieve in the coming year but what do you want to be doing in five, ten, twenty years from now.  You do not have to have a clear vision but at least a vague outline of the landscape will help.



Richard Whadcock Lake Edge

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is here.  This energy arises to give you information, but you will need to cull it from your memories.  Whether you go through old journals, photos, or allow it to seep into your dreamscape find a way to spark this download.




Richard Whadcock Back to Kerry

*Temperance – The Muse of Moderation is here to help you navigate this week’s surges.  She helps you blend desperation with patience, hopelessness with faith, and changes frustrating nothings and burdensome everythings into manageable somethings.  Your work is to get enough sleep and subsistence to keep you even keeled.



Richard Whadcock Broadwater

King of Coins – The Muse of Building Prosperity is here to do just that.  This is a great week to look over your finances and create some action steps to increase your fiscal wealth.  Whether that is increasing your payments to your savings, buying a home, investing in the stock market, or starting a side hustle, you are in a good place and time to fortify your fiscal foundations.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 14, 2021

Cecil Kemperink
Blue Rising Cecil Kemperink 50x40x40cm.

Happy Spring Equinox. The zodiac wheel completes another turn on Saturday March 20th.  The sun moves into Aries and all the planets are in direct motion until end of April so great time to get things done and started.  But remember relaxation should be part of your equation. The new norm is innovation that has us working smarter not harder.

This week’s artist is Cecil Kemperink @cecilkemperink.  One first comes to her work above as a minimalistic piece.  She uses one material clay and one shape a circle.  However, Kemperink then interlinks these clay circles and we begin to see how something as simple can become a complex “organism.”  That through connection these pieces can be reformed into a variety of shapes while emitting a soul-chorded sound.  We now see that this simple circle when linked to each other becomes more versatile, strong because of the connection.  Kemperink explains Motion is a key part of the expressiveness of my sculptures.  The movements show the importance of each circle of the object.  Every ring is essential and influences the other: because they are all connected.

Note:  this article will not do her pieces justice.  Please go to her Instagram page and watch not only her process but also the motion and sound of her pieces.

Your ponderings for the week:  As we move into a new season, see, and appreciate your connections, for they confirm your existence, purpose, and make you stronger.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

Cecil Kemperink
‘Big Hugs’ Cecil Kemperink

10 of Cups – The Muse of Bliss is here to help you step into your birth month with a gleeful stride.  This week enjoy by inserting some merriment into each day.  Swap stories that create chuckles, watch comedies that make you laugh, tell Dad jokes that get you giggling.  Don’t you think this is the perfect time to laugh out loud, big belly laughs or snort even?   Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. – Victor Hugo



Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams would like you to dream bigger.  She nods with all your counterarguments about being grounded, vigilant and staying in the here and now.  But she reminds you that taking a dream break feeds the soul, expands the heart, and is a place where innovation is born.





Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

Page of Cups – The Muse of Play is here to loosen you up.  Yep, your juices need a refresh and no better way to do this then to play.  Crayons/fingerpaints out, doodle during boring meetings, take pictures from a 5-year-olds perspective, or reinvent the PBJ.  This muse reminds you play is a gateway to imagination and creativity.




Cecil Kemperink

Nine of Coins – The Muse of Alone Time has left you a note.  Your solitude will be support and a home for you, even in the midst of unfamiliar circumstances and from it you will find all your paths – Rainer Maria Rilke. Find time this week for alone-time you will get more done then in the company of others.



Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

Five of Wands – The Muse of Chaos is here, and it is your choice whether to open the door and let her in or ignore her insistence this week.  This energy comes to remind you chaos is an aspect of creation though uncontrollable and transient.  So, you can do little about it, except sidestep its path or join in it’s dervish dance.





Cecil Kemperink.
threesome Cecil Kemperink.

Three of Cups – Connection is what you need.  Find ways to link up with your friends this week.  If you can mask up and social distance yourself a hang.  If not, then get on a phone and have a virtual beverage together.  You need a good chinwag with people who care about you.  One reason is to vent; the other to refill your emotional cups.



Cecil Kemperink
Souls Cecil Kemperink

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Closet Cleaning has come for a visit this week.  She comes when you have outgrown an emotion, purpose, copping mechanism, or your style.  There is something or someone that no longer is helpful in your life and it is time to shed it.  This muse recommends get you in the mood and thought pattern go through your closet or junk drawer.  Throw away all the items that are no longer useful or the style you are trying to convey. Motto: cleanse the trivia to get to the substance.



perpetuum orange

Knight of Swords – The energy is fast paced this week or at the very least feels as if you should be trying to keep up with something.  The Muse of Slowing Down has come to remind you to look both ways before you step out into the metaphorical and literal street. This week it is important to be mindful of your thoughts, words, and steps.  No rushing.



Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

King of Wands – Another good week for you all.  This is a week where that Sagittarian good luck is working in your favor.  Whether that is getting a parking space, a vaccine appointment, or following synchronicities like homemade sour dough breadcrumbs, it is all gold.  Also, by following your intuition, you can bring together many moving parts into a cohesive apparatus.  You are like Elizabeth in Queen’s Gambit. A step or two ahead of all that you do, once you are in the zone (If you haven’t seen it on Netflix – please do).



Cecil Kemperink

Knight of Coins – Last week the Muse of Leaps came to help you out of a rut you may not have realize you were in, by having you play around with your routines.  This week you get to implement some of the things you discovered back into your regular schedule.  The one key is making your pace appropriate to your path.  If the way is rocky slow down, but if it is open road you can put the pedal to the metal.



Cecil Kemperink

Four of Coins – This week your resources – energy, time, money and space – are limited.  The key to this week is quality over quantity.  Make sure ever minute is used wisely that includes getting enough sleep, putting good food in your belly, and taking some “me time” to relieve some of the push you-pull me stress.  Make sure your needs are dealt with first before your wants.



Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

Page of Wands – The last card for your birth month is innovation.  You already know that organic change is a big theme this coming year. Advising you to have something in the works to change every season.   But another essential is this cannot be the same old rodeo with new costumes.  You have this year to play around with trying new things/ways to innovate the who, what, how and where and possible why in your life.   Nothing must be written in stone this year, so have fun experimentLeave the beaten track behind occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before.  – Alexander Graham Bell.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 7, 2021

Bisa Butler
I know why the Caged Bird sings Bisa Butler

If you all have been with me for a while skip down to the 4th paragraph, I have ranted on this before.  But if you are new…… I was an elementary coach for teachers and I am not fond of the emphasis and exaltation of a “minority” history months in American public schools and on Google.  Before you get mad please read on.  Though I understand its necessity when this movement started, back in 1926 as Black History Week by historian Carter G. Woodson.    Where he saw little to none African American representation in the “white halls of history” and probably was seeing the whitewashing of the Red Summer.  History week has now grown to a month, added new months for other minorities and spreading outside of America.  But have we now fallen into Hallmarking ™ history? In our political correctness, lost the thread?

Textbooks and curriculum of American schools still teach basically the same history– white-male-centric – but now in February you teach about MLK, in March about Susan B. Anthony, and Native American Heritage Month in November, so you can get it close to Thanksgiving – UGH.   This does the “minority’s history” an injustice.  First it loses its context in history as a whole.  The “minority” becomes not part of our shared history but as a parallel thing happening alongside predominately white male history or is only seen for a month in bubble in and of itself.  We lose the why it came about and the reverberation of that action now.

Secondly, it supports instead of works against our biological perspective of tribalism.  And we lose the perspective of the history of the individual within the collective.  The acts of an individual echoing through time and space. Lastly, this undermines teaching the student not only Socratic thinking which hinges on contextual information, but also disempowers the student to see that they can change the course of the future in ways they would never imagine.

The artist this week is Bisa Butlers @bisabutler should be used as a history teaching tool. She takes everyday photos of African Americans throughout history and contextualizes them by using exquisite fabrics and an skilled illustrative thread.  Take for instance the art above I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, she uses a Vlisco fabric called “Michelle’s shoes” for the woman’s skirt on the far right.  The fabric is inspired by West African textiles, done with and Indonesian batik and made in the Netherlands.

She vividly leads us to see the complex connected thread of these woman’s history, African roots to Maya Angelo and Michelle Obama to our multi-cultural world.  She brings these “everyday” people into a contextual history.   In her words: …I am telling the story— this African American side— of the American life. History is the story of men and women, but the narrative is controlled by those who hold the pen. ……..My community has been marginalized for hundreds of years. While we have been right beside our white counterparts experiencing and creating history, our contributions and perspectives have been ignored, unrecorded, and lost. It is only a few years ago that it was acknowledged that the White House was built by slaves. Right there in the seat of power of our country African Americans were creating and contributing while their names were lost to history. ………My subjects are African Americans from ordinary walks of life who may have sat for a formal family portrait or may have been documented by a passing photographer. Like the builders of the White House, they have no names or captions to tell us who they were.

Your ponderings for the week:  Learn the why behind something in your own history, and see how it affects you now and would you tweak it to change the future?  And the Planets:  New Moon in Pisces on March 13th great day for daydreaming.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Bisa Butler
Bisa Butler

*Chariot – This is the week to make change happen.  The Muse of Movement is here to help grease the wheels.  Momentum is not problem.  The only challenge with this energy is you must drive it and have a destination to drive it to.  If you do not have a focus you may run around in circles this week.


Bisa Butler
Bisa Butler

Knight of Wands – This Muse comes to say you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.  You may not see it, but your timing is perfect. Whether you are standing still, trotting along or in full gallop allow your spirit to guide you.



Bisa Butler
Bisa Butler

King of Cups – The Muse of Emotional Acceptance has come to help you heal old wounds of the heart.   This muse celebrates the hardest emotion that we deal with as humans: grief.  There is something you need to grieve.  This energy wants you to dive deeply into this emotion of loss. When we grieve, we empty the cup fully and by doing so allow the cup to be refilled.



Bisa Butler
Bisa Butler The Princess

Ace of Coins – The Muse of Material Beginnings is here.  This is a perfect week to start a new project, re-plan your garden, buy something to fix up your house or start a savings account.  The key to this energy of sustainability is to create with the concept of quality over quantity.


Bisa Butler
Bisa Butler Asantewa

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details has come to help guide you through this week.  This energy comes when it is important to read the fine print, plan out a project in detail, and sweat the small stuff.  You can find pleasure if you pay attention to the details of your life.  Time to get out that metaphorical (or literally if you must) fine-toothed comb or cleaning toothbrush and tease out the specifics.


Bisa Butler
Bisa Butler

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-term Planning is here to set up your itinerary for the rest of the year and three- and five-year goals.  This week do not get caught in the morass of minutia.  Turn your gaze to the horizon and the dreams of tomorrow.  Vision boards out, daydreaming on, and no boundaries in vastness of your future.


Bisa Butler
Bisa Butler

Four of Cups – Last week the Muse of Divine energy was here to grow whatever you wanted to focus on.  You get another week to do just that.  But this week’s Muse ask you to go back and relook over what you are working on.  There is something that does not feel quite right.  That thing or idea needs some more introspection.  The challenge with this is after you have done a pass with your internal eye, turn outward to get another person’s opinion.  Though make sure it is with someone you trust with your dreaming.


Bisa Butler To God and Truth

Ten of Coins – The Muse of Finishing is here to help you complete a project.  Either find the oldest thing on your to-do list or finish up something that has been nagging at your subconscious.  This is a great week to move a project forward to completion or at least a big leap towards it.


Bisa Butler
Bisa Butler Broom Jumpers

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss is here to point out all the good things in your life. This week sit back and enjoy all that you have worked hard to get.  If you have a roof over your head start there, food on the table you are doing great; and a job that is getting your needs meet, Whoot.  And if you do not have these things, help is on the way.  You just need to ask and then open your door; you have friends that are wanting to pay you back some of the kindness you have given in the past.


Bisa Butler The Equestrian

*Fool – The Muse of Leaps is here to help you out of a rut you may not realize you are in.  The key to this is to do the non-routine.  Sleep late or get up with the sunrise, turn off all electronics after sunset for a night, eat for one day without cooking unless over an open fire, do not look at your emails for a 24-hour period.  I know you all love your routines, but this week shake it up and see what new ideas sprout from the cracks.


Bisa Butler Daughter of the Dust

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Physical Pleasures is here to help you through this week.  This muse comes when you need to ground yourself.  She reminds you to connect with your five senses if you can daily.  Eat good food, see beautiful things, feel something textural, smell some aromatherapy, and listen to your favorite music.   Enjoy the simple things in life.


Bisa Butler Africa The Land Of Hope

*Death – Ok so this rarely happens but the Muse of Organic Change arrives again during your birth month to remind you how important this year is to make big changes happen.  And to do so you need to release, release, and release some more.   And while you are doing all this releasing you are using this “stuff” to compost new soil to grow from.  The challenge with this energy is having the patience and attunement with your surroundings like a gardener.  You need to pay attention to the cycles of growth and harvesting.  This can be a year where you are planting and harvesting each season.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Feb 28, 2021

Nancy Fouts
Nancy Fouts

The artist this week is Nancy Fouts.  Fouts is a visual punster.  Her humor, imagination and mischief-making reconnects us to our own playfulness while challenging our conventional mindset. She has the viewer repurposing and expanding what is the traditional known.

Fouts reminds us that art and life can be lighthearted as well as thought provoking.  That is what humor does; it lightens our heart.  It relieves the burdensome mind of worry.   Prompting us that life can be fun without losing our hard-fought wisdom. In fact, humor when done well makes our minds sharper and more innovative, which is so needed at this time.   The pondering for this week – how can you sharpen your mind through your wit?

The planets:  Mars is in Taurus (great for getting things done but need to watch hard headedness) and Venus is in Pisces, (great for emotional work can be overly touchy).  Well, they square off this week.  This brings our relationships in focus – love and hate can be illuminated, and on a grander scale has us working on binary thinking in general.   Remember absolutes are great for stability but suck at innovation.  And they are rarely 100 percent true, so be careful that this or that thinking does not define you or your actions.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Nancy Fouts

Five of Swords – This is your second five card so let’s dive into that for a sec.  Fives signify that there is chaos in your life that either needs to be tamed or avoided.  Last week was to avoid and not take on responsibilities that was not yours.  This week the chaos is yours.  Your ego is causing turmoil.  This Muse is here to help you see that your ambition/social standing is making decisions not your integrity.

Nancy Fouts
Nancy Fouts

Two of Wands – The Muse of Adventure is guiding you this week to expand your horizons.   This energy is begging you to go out and experience other parts of the World.  This might be hard to do right now, but this Muse reminds you the internet can expose you to musings from all over.  Here is a fun link to get you started.

Nancy Fouts
Nancy Fouts

Ace of Wands – Last week the Muse of Suspension was holding the energies at bay, so you could take time for introspection and innovation.  I hope you could do this pondering so you can start this week dabbling with those innovations in the real world.  These is a great week to start anything new.  If you were not able, this energy still allows for ruminations, but make sure you have some plans drawn up by the end of the week.

Nancy Fouts
Nancy Fouts

Six of Coins – This week is all about the flow and movement of energy.  The more aware you are of this dance the more momentum you can obtain.  This Muse reminds you when all parties are served, seen, and appreciated the energy balances and flows with more ease.

Nancy Fouts
Nancy Fouts

Ten of Coins – This week signifies you are in the midst of a chapter closing within the material plane.  The Muse of Completions is here to help you be mindful of how hard it was for you to get here.  And before you move on to the next, enjoy being in this moment.   Be present this week to see and partake in your accomplishments.

Nancy Fouts
Nancy Fouts

Page of Cups – The Muse of Play is calling you to come out and enjoy the simple things in life.  Laying in a sunbeam and imagining you are a plant, fishing for Moby Dick, digging to China (or America depending on where you are at), air-conducting the London Philharmonic, or air-guitar/drums for your favorite band.  This Muse wants you to revisit when you thought anything was possible and you could be anyone you wanted.  This exercise is allowing you to stretch who you are today.


Nancy Fouts

Sun – Last week the Muse of Letting Go was here to help you release what is no longer working for you. Hopefully, this has now provided room for this week’s Muse.  The Muse of Divine energy is here to grow whatever you want to focus on.  This Muse asks you if all your needs were meet what would be the first thing you would want? Then she prompts you to put that on your mirror and repeat it every time you see it.


Nancy Fouts
Nancy Fouts

Nine of Cups – The Muse of Contentment has arrived to help you find a place of peacefulness.  She asks you to lay down your need or perception of perfection.  She reminds you that 75 percent is still passing.  This is not about being perfect but being ok with things being slight not okay.  She reminds you that contentment is easily obtained when not pushed to 10 (or 11 for you Spinal Tap peeps).

Nancy Fouts

Six of Wands – The Muse of Successes is here to remind you that small steps get you to the same goal as large leaps.  Look for these small successes to lead you to paths of ease this week.  Now is not the time to begin anything new or push something through.  If it is working, go with it, and if difficult, hold off.

Nancy Fouts
Nancy Fouts

Two of Swords – This week is a simple yes or no kind of week.  Your time is best spent doing then mulling.  If you come to a place of indecision, this Muse suggests pulling out a coin and flipping it.   Whatever lands will have a useful lesson in its answer and keep you moving forward.

Nancy Fouts

Knight of Cups – This week your emotions are on the surface or at least they should be.  Brenne Brown explains this energy well.  …We associate vulnerability with emotions we want to avoid such as fear, shame, and uncertainty.  Yet we too often lose sight of the fact that Vulnerability is the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity, and love.  Be open to your love ones.


Nancy Fouts
Nancy Fouts

Nine of Pentacles – The themes for this birth year are big (letting go and metamorphizing), and last week was about taking part in the world so you could find your place in it.  But this week you can put all that momentous stuff aside and just enjoy the simple things in life.  The Muse of Refuge reminds you to balance all that extrovert-ness with your innate introvert-ness.  This can be as simple as beautifying or tidying your personal space to make it into an oasis of calm, and then enjoy.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Feb 14, 2021

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Happy Love day!  Single or Partnered this day is meant to celebrate Love.  Love is desperately need in this world right now.  Self – Love as well as Love for Gaia and all her inhabitants.  When you step back, it’s pretty magical and amazing.

Onto the planets – Almost all of 2021 (except for mid-August to September) Saturn and Uranus are challenging each other.  However, on February 17th, the first of three, Saturn is exactly square with Uranus.  This is boundary loving Saturn challenging freedom loving Uranus.  But the intriguing thing is Saturn is in progressive Aquarius and Uranus is in conservative Taurus.

What this means is all of 2021 society as a whole and personally if it effects your natal chart will be dealing with testing our need to be free and innovative versus our habits, structures, and stability.  Ideally the best way to work with this energy is striking a balance between the old structures and the new innovations.  Setbacks are usually temporary and lead to new creative paths if you do not fall prey to frustration.   This year is not about revolution but reinvention.  Also, Mercury is still in retrograde until February 18th, so continued to Review, Reflect and Revise until then.

Now to this week’s artist, Brooke Didonato (@brookedidonato).  Didonato portraits feel incredible relevant as we deal with being homebound as a collective, and the push and pull of freedom and stability.  Her art is whimsical vignettes of self-exploration in the spaces we live and in our intimate relationships.  She has her viewers pondering about the trappings of societal self in our personal spaces as well as the entangling though life giving elements of our intimate relationships.

We spent 2020 facing who we are in a more intimate world.  We cannot travel, party, or socialize to escape ourselves.  In fact, many of us brought our outer world to our intimate space.  These interactions hopefully made you more aware of what makes you tick or have ticks.  Whether you have mastered baking or woodcraft, or now cannot eat another loaf of bread and have a partial constructed table.  This year has been a lesson on learning what our inner boundaries, needs and wants.   Where either we have run up against or finally feel comfortable in our nests.

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Four of Swords – Your well is near empty and you are not realizing it.  This week you need rest and relaxation.  Your muse advises you to pour a bath or a beer and listen to some soothing music.  Take time this week to tune out, so you can tune in with more ease.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Judgment – The Muse of Metamorphosis has come to help you with your itch for planting/harvesting off season.  She advises there is no time like the present to start this change.  However, this transformation takes time, for there is an internal transformation that needs to happen first.  Find moments where you can spend time with your “pupa.”  Ask it what new innovated form it wants to transform into.  How can you create a “you” or project that tells a new story, modernizes the world, lives a new life?  Patience is key this week.  Motto: Change happens from the inside out.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Ace of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration is here.  You can start any project this week especially creative ones.  Inspiration will gush if you can get yourself to sit down and let it flow.  Think, color and/or dance outside the box this week to connect with this muse.

Brooke Didonato

Ten of Wands – How much responsibility are you carrying?  The Muse of Burdens is here to help you with that load.  She advises to put down at least three items on your list and leave them for next week.  Prioritize the rest, and lastly do one thing to completion.  Unless you hit a roadblock, then put that item last on your to-do list.  You will find that the tasks you let go might be picked up by someone else or lose their urgency.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Three of Coins – Last week the Muse of Healing and Hope proved you some easter eggs of positivity.  They showed you the world is not totally lost, and you are not broken, a misfit or “an ugly duckling.”  This healing vibe continues this week with the Muse of Foundations.  Take this week to still re-coup but this energy also nudges you to feather your nest and set of some foundational work to maintain your health and heart.  Physically this means tend to your body like sorting out your diet/exercise, emotionally this could look like re-establish connections with friends and mentally creating space and time to rejuvenate.

Brooke Didonato

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-term planning is here with calendar in hand.  Take this week to do a check in with your plan for a year, 3 years, and 5 years from now.  Is what you doing today setting you up for where and who you want to be in 2026?


Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Lavishness is here.  Lavish is defined as to bestow in great amounts.  This Muse reminds you that life is meant to be lived with zest.  This week make sure you indulge all your senses.  Your motto:  Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death! So c’mon live! Rosalind Russell in Auntie Mame


Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Page of Wands – This week the muse of innovation is peeking over your shoulder egging you on to be more you.  To let your freak flag fly without censorship or guilty.    She reminds you that you are unique, and that uniqueness is need on Earth at present.  The World is creating new structures this year, this week it is vital you are part of that change.

Brooke Didonato

Ten of Swords – This week can be filled with nastiness, roadblocks, and failings.   The key to navigate this energy is to listen to your intuition.  If it is hard to get out the door, wait 15 minutes before leaving.  You feel the back of your neck hair’s raise up, don’t’ go down that street.   Or people are being rude, walk away. Think of these incursions as a boot camp for intuitive thought.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Five of Coins – This week’s energy could have you at a loss.  This can be a literal loss – like you cannot find your keys or you lose money, or it can be a metaphysical loss.   Either way the challenge is not to make it any loss an existential crisis.   Think of this more as a short lived pause and an exercise on asking for help.  Whether that help comes from outside or inside it will decrease the struggle if you ask for it.

Brooke Didonato
Brooke Didonato

Emperor–  Your second higher Arcane card for your birth year. The first was the Muse of Temptation testing your integrity and how you define yourself.   This correlates with Jupiter- planet of expansion and Saturn planet of structures interacting with your sun pretty much all year.  Think of it like your final exams for old structures and constructs – things you have already experienced but now are being tested on what you have learned.  Once you finish you can innovate into your next reincarnation with the Muse of Building and Expanding.  This second energy supports construction in the coming year.  The key to this energy is to have a good blueprint and budget for what you want to build.  Innovation grounded in reality.

Brooke Didonato

Death – Last week the Muse of Awakenings  wanted to image your goals and self going forward.  The challenge was not focusing solely  on the material plane wants, but what you want to metamorphize into.  She advised getting in touch with your spirit guide/animal and having a conversation on transformation.  Or creating a vison board composed of only colors and feelings.  Luckily, you can continue that exercise to support your first energy for this birth year – the Muse of Organic Change.  This year your Muses want you to start creating elements for goals/life/persona that you are metaphorizing in.  The keys to working with this energy are letting go of what is not working, planting seeds to what you want to happen, and then having the patience and tenacity of gardener.  This year is about being in tune with and working with natural cycles and seasons to make

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Feb 7, 2021

Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

The planets:  Mercury is retrograde until February 18th.    This is a great time to Review, Reflect and Revise. There is a new Moon in Aquarius on the 11th, a great time to daydream the future and innovatations.

Now to this week’s artist, Kilian Schoenberger  (@kilianschoenberger).  Schoenberger’s hashtag is fogpants and for good reason.  His portrait of this atmospheric phenomena is otherworldly.  Each photograph seems staged for a fairytale or period piece horror flick.  His artistic ability of capturing sunlight, fog and snow has us entering another world, where time and space extends into the ether.

Fog forms when something warm and moist meets something cold.  The most common is radiation fog when the Earth radiates stored heat into the night’s cool air.  This fog sits and doesn’t move.  Advection fog is driven by warm moist air across cold surfaces like snow or water, and it flows.   Ultimately fog is a cloud on the ground.  In Schoenberger’s depiction of this phenomena, it becomes less of an embodiment of the unknown.  A place where we can lose our way or where scary monsters lurk.  Instead, he invites us to enter a dimension where we can walk on clouds.

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Three of Wands – Last week’s energy was about reviewing if yourself and/or others were being unjust or not aligned with their integrity.  This exercise of tuning into integrity will help with this week’s energy of alignment.  This Muse helps you see that your timing/action-taking is perfect even if it seems you are not moving forward.  The world is behind the scenes aligning things while you wait to enter the into the act.  Motto: have patience until it is the right moment to pounce.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Four of Coins – The Muse of Thriftiness is here. Resources (time, money and/or space) are tight this week. She reminds you of ways you can be more frugal.   Whether that is only going out to shop once this week or stretching your food budget by going deep into the freezer and eating what is there.  The key is time and money is precious.  So, what do you want to spend your precious resources on?


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship is knocking.  She prompts that connection is important to keep up your spirits.  Take some time this week to reconnect with your BFFs.  Your emotional reserve is emptier than you think, and your friends are a quick refreshment in joy.



Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Six of Swords – The muse of small transitions is here to help move things along.    She reminds you that small simple movements forward are needed to move ahead.  So, take your to do list and break down each item into smaller chunks, or prioritize the simpler projects to create momentum.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Star – The Muse of Healing and Hope is here for you this week.  You may feel a bit war-torn, or not feeling like you or anything fits, kinda like the little the ugly duckling.  However, this muse is here to nestle you under her wings and show you that the world has some bright spots just for you. She will lead you to easter eggs of hope if only you open your heart and mind to them.  Whether that is someone opening a door for you, a sincere thank you, or someone giving you an eye-crinkle masked grin.  These glimpses of positivity are here to show you the world is not totally lost, and you are not broken, a misfit or “an ugly duckling.”


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Knight of Cups – This week’s energy migrates your heart from chest to sleeve.  This is not a totally bad thing.  It is great for flirting and for deep meaningful conversations with ones you love.  However, be aware you can be overly sensitive and take things too much to heart.  Remember Mercury is in retrograde and people can say things they do not mean or can hear incorrectly.  It is a bit of a telephone game, so act accordingly.


Kilian Schoenberger

Ten of Coins – The energy this week surrounds successes.  This is a great week to finish off projects and then indulge in the aura of your achievements.  Abundance is in the air, your work is to grab these brass rings and enjoy the gifts that come with your hard labor.


Kilian Schoenberger

Page of Swords – The Muse of Sleuthing is here to help you dig out the truth.  Things are not what they seem this week, so you will have to do some investigating.  Since the truths are not on the surface, you will have to ask questions in a variety of ways to find the facts.  So ears open and a nonjudgmental mind will help you discover the information you need.


Kilian Schoenberger

Seven of Coins – Work is the focus this week.  This is a terrific time to get done whatever you set your mind and hands to.  The challenge is getting started.  However, once you begin there is no stopping you.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Page of Coins – The Muse of Study is here to help you.  You have something to learn this week that will be extremely useful in the coming months.  So, time to don your student hat and open your mind to the new.  Motto:  Learning is fundamental to my growth.


Kilian Schoenberger
Kilian Schoenberger

Devil – This is your first higher arcane card for your birth year.  So, this is a theme to revisit throughout the year.   This Muse’s energy is about testing your integrity and how you define yourself.   This correlates with Jupiter- planet of expansion and Saturn planet of structures interacting with your sun pretty much all year.  In a way this year is like your final exams.  Old structures and constructs – things you have already learned will come up again.  Your challenge is enacting what you have learned.  Once you finish you can innovate into your next reincarnation.



Kilian Schoenberger

Judgment – During your final month before your new birth year the Muse of Awakenings has arrived.  This Muse wants you to start imagining what you want you to be in this coming year.  The challenge is this is not about what you can obtain on the material plane, but what you want to metamorphize into.  This can look as simple as getting in touch with your spirit guide/animal and having a conversation on transformation. Or as complex as a vison board composed of only colors and feelings.