Tag Archives: Art Brut

Tarotcast for Week of September 17, 2017

Friedrich Schroder Sonnenstern Outsider Art

The definition of art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as a painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. The artwork above is by Friedrich Schroder Sonnenstern. He is a representative of Outsider Art or Art Brut. Outsider Art is art done by self taught art makers who have had no contact with the mainstream art world. Jean Dubuffet collected and brought this “raw art” into the mainstream art world and called it the Collection de l’art brut, which is now housed in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Outsider art now encompasses a variety of art forms like Folk Art, Visionary Art, Marginal Art, Naive Art, and Visionary Environments. It is interesting that even though the definition of art is all encompassing. We still try to categorize it, so we can push against the category that becomes the new form and to once again color outside the lines.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you. I have attached works of Friedrich which may or may not define your card.

Aries – Four of Wands – The Four of Wands’ lessons are around the paradox of feeling at home while feeling your freedom. This is the challenge of this card feeling at home with your decisions, your life, especially when they are unorthodox at least in the eyes of others. This week work on feeling comfortable and proud when you let your freak flag fly.


Taurus – Ace of Wands – The Ace of Wands proclaims this is a great week to start projects, explore new places, and follow your passions. The only challenge is to be aware that all this energy and enthusiasm you have could plow over the people around you. Remember to share your empathy along with your passion this week.
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