The artist this week is Meghann Riepenhoff. Her process is cyanotype. Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. Engineers used the process well into the 20th century as a simple and low-cost way to produce copies of drawings, referred to as blueprints. She is not the first person to use it for art. Anna Atkins would be the first, using it to “photograph” seaweed. (Atkins will be highlighted soon.) Riepenhoff has taken Atkin’s process of creating static images to creating a dynamic photograph of an action or interaction. She collaborates with the elements of rain, snow, ocean, salt, and sediment. She drapes her “canvas” over objects in the environment which adds the aspect of the terrain that then collides with these elements. These interactions are recorded on the cyanotype.
The two series represented here and below are Ectone and Littoral Drift . Ectone is a region of transition between two biological communities. Litoral Drift is a geological term describing the action of wind-driven waves transporting sand and gravel. Riepenhoff is illuminating that these edges of water, air, and land blur in their interaction, becoming something new and occupy an everchanging space. Thus, having us as the viewer pondering where, when or if we begin or end.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Ten of Coins – Last week’s energy was cluing you into something being off in your life and you needed to gain perspective to find solutions. This week the energy shifts from contemplative to active. So, if you found solutions, now is the time to use them. If you found that everything is balanced and moving smoothly then do not dally, for now is the time to move things into the done box. This is a great week to finish projects and bask in your success.

Three of Coins – Last week the energy was asking you to look for cycles that need to be readjusted, and synchronicities to help move you forward, enlightening situations of inertia or chaos. This week wants you to take those enlightenments and utilize them in the world. The challenge is you need the help of others to lift what you are doing to a new level. Time to get your besties on the phone and brainstorm.

Ten of Cups – Last week’s energy wanted you to reignite optimism and hope in your being. Luckily, you get another week to find moments that give you the curative perspective that after each period of chaos comes a time for healing. You need to heal and bask in love, so this week engage in activities and people that fill your cups. Joy is key. Find or create it.

tidal pools dipped and buried
Ace of Swords – The energy this week is great for planning, research, philosophy, and problem solving. Your mind is your best tool. Your emotions can play with the radio, but your mind must do the driving.

Page of Coins – You got another active energy card. So, if you still need another week to finish up old projects do that. But if you did that work last week this is a great week to start a new project. The challenge is taking tiny steps, because big leaps will have you in a tangle of minutiae or chasing your own tail.

*Death – Your first big energy card for your coming birth year. This energy is about rebirth, regeneration, and metamorphosis. The energy this year is about rising from the ashes of old. The challenge is making sure that you are not holding on to dreams you have outgrown. This Muse has come to aid you in seeing the parts of you and your life that have been decaying and need to be buried. That the seeds of change are just below the surface being feed by the aspects you are now laying to rest. When you step back you will see that this burial ground is also a place of planting and future growth.

Knight of Swords – This is not a week to rush anything. Though you may feel antsy or anxious do not jump without thoroughly looking both ways and figuring out your plan before you step onto your path. This card can also mean to be careful of injuring your extremities. So cut your vegetables with care and watch where you step.

rain through a tree canopy
Queen of Swords – Last week’s muse asks you to dive into your subconscious, listen to your intuition, emotions, and dreams. The challenge was that emotions could run high. And you had to decipher which emotions were yours and what were others. Emotions are still riding high this week. To combat this, this muse suggests only taking in the logical details to see the correct channel through these emotional waters. Your motto: head over heart.

Knight of Coins – The last two weeks had you deep diving into your shadow side to find your vulnerabilities, strengths and testing your character and will. You can use this insight now to really dig into your work. The key is your pace. You are now less likely to be distracted and will find that slow and steady wins the race.

Queen of Coins – Last week’s energy was about building upon your empire. This week you can continue your construction, but you must add indulging in the finer aspects of your physical environment. This muse knows how to work hard but also can fully indulge in her bounty she has created. Your challenge is to follow her lead and realize play, comfort and pleasures are as important as work.

Seven of Coins – Last week’s muse wanted you to adjust your material and spirit goals, blending the need to survive with the need to enjoy life. This energy bleeds into the beginning of this week. The first few days are best used as a pause between the past and future. This is a moment where rethinking, reestablishing, and redirecting is need before you push forward. By the end of the week you will be in full nose to grindstone mode, but the challenge is a plan and adjustment is needed before going ahead.

*Judgment – The muse this week is pulling you above the clouds to a personal clarity. A reckoning is needed. You have made a mistake from the past which you have not forgiven yourself for. This week’s energy is implanting the clarity of self-compassion and forgiveness into your sight for self. This muse ask you to truly forgive yourself for this past transgression, so you can open yourself to a lighter and enlighten future that is more in tune with your divine nature.
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