Arghavan Khosravi was raised in Tehran, Iran. In her art, she weaves historical and pop culture motifs into her personal and political experiences. Khosravi invites the viewer to traverse the threads that connect and possible bind culture to personal identity. She has us pondering how, who and what has helped construct the answer to who am I. Globally we are on seeing where aspects of institutions, historical constructs and political systems are dividing us, frightening us, and hindering our civilized evolution.
Our analysis can be painful in seeing where history and culture has bound our potential, but also productive in the fact that we can break and reweave our systems to become more humanitarian, united, and better humans individually. Khosarvi’s art is vital in this process for seeing cultural influence but also her art has the viewer seeing aspects of themselves in another. She gives us strands to weave a new global perspective where there is no other just us.
P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Eight of Coins – The last three weeks were high energy full of pondering, purpose, and cleansing. This week the energy drops down and becomes more practical. The time is ripe for doing things on the material plane. Focus on one project and take it to completion. The challenge is that you may have to fine tune your skills to complete the project, however that is easily within your reach.

Six of Coins – Cause and effect are big aspects of this week. For all the positive you do, positive will return to you three-fold. This however is true for negative energy you send out. The peculiarity of this energy is that the payback comes for seemingly illogical sources. Your motto: The road to success is never a straight-line.

Three of Swords – Interesting this is your 3rd week of threes, so a quick check in with that numerology again. Threes are stability through expansion. First you were advised to reach out to friends to fill your cups. Then you were asked to visualize your future and faith became your stabilizing force. Now you need to heal your heart to stabilize your mind. Take time this week to honor your sorrow while not dwelling in suffering.

Nine of Cups – This is your last birth card for the month, and it is a blessing. The past two years the eclipses have been moving and shaking in your sign causing havoc and change. The last energy for your birth month is contentment. So, your challenges for the coming year: build new structures that allow you to do you more authentically, let go of controlling everything by letting the Universe work behind the scenes in obtaining your dreams, and in your plans allowing this new life to bring you contentment.

*Strength – Strength is your power, your nemesis, and what to ponder as you finish your last week before moving into your birth month. There are paradoxes with your strength you need to be aware of. Your strength comes from dealing with your weakness. Your self-doubt comes from trying to control things that cannot be tamed. Your insecurity is also the root of your compassion. Once you allow these truths into your constructs of self – you will find and tap into your inner strength more easily.

Ten of Swords – This week is prickly but is also an ending of a perfidy. You are caring a pain of betrayal and the energy surrounding you is here to help you cleanse it. The challenge with this energy is not to allow the cycle to start again but rising above it. Your motto: When they go low, we go high. Michelle Obama

*Death – Where last week’s energy was manifestation: a time to build and expand your empire, this week’s energy is very organic and only partial in your control. Continue to put energy in the things you want to move on the material plane, but be aware that somethings are out of your influence. This does not mean that the project you are working on is rotten or erroneous, it is just you cannot control every aspect of it. Do what you can to move things along, but the Universe has the pace in which it will happen. Your motto this week: Go with the flow.
Ten of Cups – Last week’s energy asked you is your life-path aligning with your integrity and your goals for the year 2021. That challenge is still on, but this week’s vibe wants you to add an extra ingredient: bliss. Somehow you have disconnected or become dysfunctional with pleasure. Pleasure is defined as a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment. Your challenge is to adjust your plans, so they integrally aligned with you. The test is you find yourself enjoying the process, satiated by the outcome, and finding your bliss in the mix.

Knight of Wands – The last couple of weeks your muse asked you to do the work by exploring your physical, mental, or spiritual plane, and enhancing attributes and circumstance that bring you that sense of Ah. This week is more of the same, but it is not all on you. Now your muse is leading you to be in the right place and right mind to do what needs to be done. The challenge is believing that. Your metaphorical motto: Green means go, red means stop, and yellow play it mellow.

Six of Swords – You are moving to the next level this week. It is a small but significant rite of passage. The challenge is simplifying your thoughts to get through this allegorical eye of a needle. Side note: this card also signifies messages when around water. Look for synchronicities when you come across the element or visage of water.

Eight of Swords – Last week, you were asked to look for the keys to enlightenment in the daily simple things – finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. Though you had to pull away from society to do it. This week that space is still needed but do not be entrapped by it. Too much aloneness and/or to far into your thoughts untethers you from reality. Your challenge is finding ways to get out of your thought and its patterns.

*Universe – This week’s energy is a paradox wrapped up in enigma. This energy holds infinite growth with stagnation. It achieves evolution with regression. The challenge is not to try and figure it out or control it but ride the quantum wave. If any sign can do it is you my fish-friend.
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