Continuing with the theme of collaborators for the last two days in February, the artists are Allora and Calzadilla. They have been working together for over 20 years. They are multi-media artists and work in a variety of forms sculpture, photography, performance art, sound, and video. Allora and Calzadilla take on big concepts like art history, geo-political dynamics, colonialism, war, and culture. Often their work is the juxtaposition of metaphor and literalism. Thus, as viewers we are pulled into their creative process. We become co-creators with them. By interacting with the literal form, we manipulate the metaphor, or at the very least contextualize it to our own life experiences. At some level we do this with all art, but Allora and Cazadilla bring this dialogue to the forefront.
I find it’s interesting that all these artists consider their work in some part sculpture. Is it that the collaborate work leans towards the concept of a 3-D object? Something we can immerse ourselves in and experience with multiple senses. One of the reasons I do this blog is my belief that art and the tarot are linked on a variety of levels. The concept of the Lovers card in tarot is that of relationship and collaboration. And when its path is taken with the highest and purest intent, it represents the act of combining things/people to create something new and unique, even though it consists of the “DNA” of the original pairing. This new and distinctive thing often ends up becoming a dimensional object, something we can see, hear, feel, smell and touch.
Collaboration is a constant of nature, survival, and legacy. So again, I would like us to ponder this act by the question: In your partnerships what have you birthed?
Solar System highlights
The Moon starts in Aquarius and moves to Pisces by Tuesday. So, this week will start in a dreamy mode. Then it moves into Aries on Thursday – lots of energy and action for the weekend. This is the last week the inner planets will be in this configuration. Mercury is in Aquarius for some of us it is a time to pull back for perspective, for others working with communication styles that are more outside the box. We have two planets left in Capricorn until March 6th. Venus – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality. And Mars – where it provides momentum in our workplaces. After this week we will be more with our heads in the air then our feet on the ground, so getting things done will be easier than in the coming weeks. Jupiter is in Pisces until May; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Empress – Last week change was in the air but you needed to release or complete projects so you can move on. This week the Muse of Creation has come to help you start growing what you want to produce. The challenge with this Muse is she needs time to cultivate this project with you. So, what do you want to grow that you can commit to for the next 10 months?

*Death and Eight of Wands – The Muse of Composting and the Muse of Downloads are with you this week. First the Muse of Composting comes when change is about to happen, but you need to clear your decks to allow it space. So, whether that is cleaning your inbox and/or desk. You are needing to clean your workspaces. Then the Muse of Messages comes downloading information to distract you from create this very space. So, this is not a time to process the new, jot down ideas and inspirations if they come, and only work with emails of the highest priority this week. The lesson around these two energies is completing what is already on your table and not adding more to your pile.

*High Priestess – The Muse of Purpose comes to have you realign with why your soul has selected this time and place to be on Earth. We all have multiple purposes to be here, our family, job, friends, the kind of person we want to be. Take time to meditate. Are there any places you feel unfulfilled? Have you lost your sense of the divine? Now is the time to ask for help if you have. The Muses await to reconnect you, they just need your permission.

Knight of Cups – This week is emotional but in that good cleansing way that ends with laughter. Unless you don’t allow yourself to be vulnerable. Heart and arms open this week.

Five of Wands – Last week the Muses asked you to specify – why do you do what you do? And how does it better the world around you? The Muse of Competition and Chaos comes to add her two-sense by asking you to look how your ego may be diverting you from your higher self. Compassion is key for not only others, but it also unlocks it for yourself.

*Chariot – The Muse of Movement has brought gas to fill your tanks, but it is up to you to supply the direction. Find focus this week before you start it. For you will find yourself driving in circles without a destination. And remember road stops are allowed at certain intervals.

*Hermit – The Muse of Kismet walked with you last week and now the Muse of Contemplation comes with reservations for some quiet time to gain perspective. Maybe you need to ponder what you learned last week, and/or you need to stand back from life to gain insight that only distance can give you.

*Hierophant – Last week, the Muse of Backbone reminded you that you are an amazing emotional conduit, and not to hide these emotions or hide behind them. Hopefully you have seen some of your strengths, for this week you will need to look at your structures – how you live, work and play. Then do some adjustments so that they better support the real you. Fortify the ones that do and reconstruct the ones that don’t.

*Sun – Take time this week to count your blessings. The Muse of Optimism is here to point out the silver linings in all that you do, have, and are experiencing right now. Even if times are tough you have gone through worse. You are strong, vibrant, and we as a world need your light. Let the sunshine in by the Fifth Dimensions

*Temperance – This week’s focus is Harmony. The Muse of Soothing comes with bath salts, sounds of waves, chamomile tea, the loosing of muscle after a good workout, and blue skies with fluffy clouds. Even though the planets are very much in your work wheelhouse this week so is the time to relax. This is not a week to push things through but to take the Middle Path. Moderation in all things is key.

Three of Wands – Last week the Muses had you look at your structures and make sure they are modernized for supporting you. Luckily the Muse of Patience and Preparation has given you another week to clean up your act, diet, or environment, so you can fine tune your support structures and get on with your new year.

Ten of Swords – Your second ten so a quick dive into that number. Tens come when we are in a stage of endings or completions. There is still some work to be done to start new, but this is a cycle change. Last week the Muse of Responsibility came so you could lighten your load and whole-heartly commit to the responsibilities/goals that are truly yours. This week outside sources are diverting you from your path. This is not a time to listen to them or let your ego make decisions. This Muse asks: what needs to be finished up to allow the space to grow into this up-coming new cycle?
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