This week I continue the theme of flying with a glimpse into aerial photography. Aerial photography not only open ours eyes and mind to a unique perspective but it gives us a sense of awe of how we and our world are part of a bigger construct.
The highlight of this genre is the Drone Awards, which are now looking for submission for 2020. This is a worldwide competition about aerial photography that is now on its third year. This competition though called Drone Awards includes a variety of platforms, fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, balloons, blimps, rockets, kites, parachutes and drones. The winners are showcased at the exhibition Above Us Only Sky held in Siena in October.
Aerial Photography has been around since the 1860’s when James Wallace Black photographed Boston from a hot-air balloon. The first drone or at the time called quadcopter was created by Jacques and Louis Bregut in 1907. However, its limitations of being unsteerable and requiring 4 men to steady it, it only lifted two feet off the ground. The first pilotless winged craft came about 10 years later and of course was evolved for warfare. However, by 1960 with the breakthroughs in transistor technology decreasing the size of RC planes, unmanned aircraft became big with hobbyists. By 2010 the AR Drone released by the French company Parrot, where the drone is controlled via WIFI using a smart phone. This breakthrough has created a boon in amazing aerial photographs and videos.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

King of Wands – This week’s energy is boosting your abilities of envisioning a brighter future and the intentions that you will need to lay the foundation to manifest it. However, we are still not out of the woods with Mercury in retrograde which slows creation, but by the end of the week you can start moving your visions into manifestations.

The Messenger – Where last week the world was harsh and unsupportive, this week the messenger comes with divine signs to guide your way through the chaos. The other perk with this energy is it will protect you from the turmoil if you don’t jump into it. Remember you always have choice, but at least the best choice will be well lit.

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is all about perseverance. If you keep your nose to the grindstone and do your due diligence you will reap your just rewards. However, if you don’t do the preparational work, you will increase your workload and cause delays throughout this week.

Knight of Coins – Slow and steady is the energy to work with this week. Go after your responsibilities one step at a time. Patience is key. Don’t rush; find a comfortable stride and continue on.

Four of Cups – Well Mercury is still in retrograde until the 6th so last week’s Hanged Man, low or inert energy, is still hanging around with the Four of Cups – withdrawal and meditation. So, this is another week to catch up on anything already in progress or contemplate your next steps. The skill you are honing is acceptance and utilization of the low energy weeks as much as those fiery energies you so love to dive into.

Seven of Swords – This week’s energy has a hazy deception in the air. First you need to realize that Mercury is still in retrograde, so miscommunication and an inertia prosper during this time. Second, this energy has nothing to do with you, if you don’t get involved in other’s drama or even let your own pessimism get in the way. You do not have to be the moral police 24/7. This energy is best dealt with by seeing the small victories instead of everything looking like a hundred-year war.

King of Cups – Compassion is key to this week’s energy. And here are some key points to remember. You can not control everything. You and most people are doing the best they can. Situations and problems do balance out in the long view. And finally go with the flow with an open heart.

Page of Cups – This is your second page so let’s look closer at the page energy. Pages represent learning or coming at situations with a more open viewpoint. Last week your passion needed reigniting so finding new ways to light your soul was key. This week the Page of Cups wants you to view the world with more curiosity and love. Seeing the world with rose-colored glasses actually open up more opportunities for you this week.

Seven of Cups – The energy this week is murky and full of illusions and misconceptions. This is mostly due to Mercury still being in retrograde, so misinterpretation and self-misrepresentation still abounds. This is not a week to make any decisions, but it is a great week do delve into fantasies and dreams. However, beware that you don’t try to bring your fantasies into the light of day. These visions are just for enjoyment and expanding your mind to otherworldly possibilities. They can plant seeds of potential for the future but not probability of the present.

Nine of Swords – This week’s energy is all about letting go. Letting go of controlling every aspect of your life. This is a hard one for you Capricorn especially because this year is so full of forward momentum. But to cope with all the possibilities, all the positive energy, and all the hope, you must stop trying to control it all. Worry will get you nowhere – not this week nor this year.

*Death – Change is in the air, but it is slow in coming. Mercury is still in retrograde until the end of the week. You cannot rush the universe, nor do you want to. As they say there is a season… Take this time to weed and till your soul’s soil. Trying to rush the change is due to a fear or a resistance on your part. Take this week to look at your possible blocks and clear those from the road so the Universe has a clearer path to create the change that you are wanting and waiting for.

Three of Swords – Mercury is still in retrograde until the end of the week. This energy feels as if you are bound to the assignment of Sisyphus – rolling a rock up a hill to only see it roll down time after time. This week feels as if you are in a seemingly endless cycle of triumph and sorrow. The key to working with this energy, if you feel stuck, move on to the next task and come back to “the rock” another day.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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