The artist this week is Joan Fullerton @joanfullerton. Fullerton is a working artist. What I mean by that is she is not world-renowned artist hanging in the Louvre, but she does art. She teaches, shows, and paints. Fullerton does what she loves. I highlight working artists because it shows that you can do what you love and make a living doing it. Not everyone is going to be a Frieda Carlo, Maya Angelou, or Brad Pitt, but there is plenty of room for people to honor their passion. They all started off make a living and doing the work. During this Leonine week where we investigate how we shine ponder this: Do we sometimes by aiming for the goal, miss the point of the work? The work should bring you contentment not the goal. Goals are fleeting; where the everyday, the work, is steady and satisfying.
Solar System highlights: Moon starts in Leo – your time to shine and find joy. It moves to Virgo on the 9th – time to clean house and organize. Then Libra on the 11th – highlighting relationships. Ending in Scorpio – focus on your passion but watch the drama. Mercury goes into Virgo on the 11th. Great time to clean out your email and when conversing be clear, simple, and precise. Venus is in Virgo this can be a hard configuration around your relationships, so watch frustrations and critical talk – patience is key. On the positive side a great time to weed and fertilize anything you want to grow or create space for. Mars is in Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything. Jupiter is back in Aquarius so back to the drawing board innovating and upping your game for the rest of this year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

King of Cups – Last week the Muse of Empire Creation supported you in building onto anything you have already started. The challenge with this energy is being aware of your surroundings and the consequences of your actions. Now the Muse of Emotionality is here to continue the theme of what is good for all is good for the one. You maybe asked to be vulnerable this week to build better community and a better you.

*Strength – This week has its challenges, but it is just testing your ability to be flexible and open to other ways of doing things. Your Muse of Resilience and Inner Strength suggest you be less like an oak tree and more like bamboo. Oak trees are solo. Bamboo relies on each other for strength. Oaks grow slowly. Bamboo grows fast. The task is to be less stoic and set and more passionate and supple. Sometimes taming oneself weakens your passion. Your motto: I’m not in control of everything and that is okay.

*Empress – The Muse of Creation has come to help you birth something. She asks what would you like to develop and grow in the next 10 months? This energy will help you in this endeavor if you show up. This Muse reminds that to cultivate something you specifically need to tend to it. However, she also advises if you do not have the time to be present then cast your seeds to the wind and see what shows up a in the spring of 2022. Either a desire or a surprise wants to be born, so create and planet some seeds this week.

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future is here to get you dreaming of far away places and new adventures. Spend this week thinking of what 2022 could hold for you. What would you like to accomplish two birthdays from now? Markers, scissors, paint, and vision boards up.

Six of Cups – Last week the Muse of Resilience and Inner Strength is having you quest for subconscious release by the direction of cognizant realization. So simple that means how do you let your inner self comfortably show in the outer world? Your work this year is to create or work on healthy outlets so your inner “beast” can roar. To help you on this hunt is the Muse of the Past. Some of the answers lie in your childhood. This energy wants you to explore how the child you, 2-10, found outlets to express yourself.

*Magician – This Muse is here to help you finalize the last month of your birth year and prep the table for the coming year. The Muse of Divine Manifestation is asking you to connect with your celestial source to download information and action plans. She reminds you that you already possess all the tools you will need for this coming year, but asks what will you do with them? Spend this week experimenting with your tools and innovating your plans.

Three of Swords – The energy around you this week is heartache but within it is also healing. You may find you are easily triggered. Use these upsets to guide you to places that need healing. Be kind to yourself as you would for anyone else recovering from wounds or trauma.

*Devil – The Muse of Exams is here with a number two pencil and bubble sheets. This energy will test your resolve and boundaries. So, with every exam prep work is needed. Start off this week with a few goals and boundaries set. Then once you roll into Monday you will be less likely to be taken off track. Remember this energy is not to reteach you any lessons. This is about did you fully understand the knowledge gained from your life experiences.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is here to help you have some, well, fun. You all as a sign are fun-loving but when you get down in the dumps it can be like trying to drive on flat tires. This energy is here to remind you that one of your purposes for being here on Earth is to find the fun and bring others along for the ride. So, your homework is to do as many joyful things as possible for yourself this week and if you can include another – double the fun 😉

Queen of Swords – Last week the Muse of Long-term Planning came to calibrate your present plans to your future goals. Something has gotten out of kilter, and you need foresight to realign it back to the right path. And now her partner The Muse of Details has come to join the party. This energy helps you navigate the details needed to obtain your goals. Their motto: Work smarter not harder and Measure twice and cut once.

Ten of Coins – Last week the Wandering Muse was pushing you to start a new adventure, plan a vacation, start a new project, or wander without any set goals. Reminding you that your joy comes from discovering the new. Now the Muse of Success has joined to prompt you before you start on your new adventure take this week to relax and enjoy your success. This month signifies a new beginning but also an ending. Don’t rush the process to move on without patting yourself on the back and basking in your achievements.

King of Swords and Six of Cups – The Muse of Planning has partnered with the Muse of Memories this week. To create memories sometimes planning is involved. These energies not only want you to go down memory lane and pull up past joyful memories but also wants you to plan events in the future that can create new joyful memories. Your past has knowledge on the who, what, where, and how to future joy. They remind you now is the time to start new and fresh and be more positive energetically for your future.
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