Tarotcast – October 11, 2015

So here are the readings for week two. I am doing it a little different this week by allowing for repeat draws for signs. I going to see how that feels and you all tell me what you think.  (Funny after doing it that way no repeats this week)

Remember signs that have * , it’s a big week for you all.

Aries– Page of Swords- Last week was a biggy. Did you all start to grow something?   This week it is all about finding out more information. Do not act or make big decisions this week. You do not have all the information you need. Go out and get it.

Taurus– Four of Swords- Last week was a big one for you. A lot of you had to deal with some big issues that tested your morals or convictions. So this week it about time to relax, pull into yourself . Reflect, Recoup, and Rest.
Continue reading Tarotcast – October 11, 2015

Tarotcast-October 4, 2015

Hi everyone,
My friend spurred me in the butt to try out something new for my tarot, so here it is. I am once a week, hopefully on Sundays, put out this week in tarot by signs. Tell me what ya think.
So the signs that are starred (*) this is a big week for those signs. For the rest, it a week to think about and/or tweak an aspect of your life.

*Aries- The Sun- This week it’s all about growing outside in your environment. Now is the time for you to shine out in the world: network, try out for that new play, send out that resume(s). Anything you do this week are seeds you are planting for the future.

*Taurus- Justice- This week it is about seeing things as black or white. You are spending too much time in your head debating what to do. You know what is the right action. And if you don’t start to make those pros and cons list. Remember when you get the Justice card all things end up fairly even if they don’t seem fair right now. It takes time for true and lasting justice to happen.
Continue reading Tarotcast-October 4, 2015

intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny