Tarotcast for week of January 8, 2017

Above is a cool video art piece called order-from-chaos by Maxime Causeret. He combines art and science in a very beautiful way. The theme of art and science have always been dance partners in my life. My theory about these two disciplines is they have the same goal in mind. They both try to explain their environment. So even though they start out at other sides of the spectrum, they end up in the same place. And when the two come together you get things like this piece, fractals and quantum theory.

Aries – Four of Wands – You are on to the next card in the suit of Wands – the Four – happy home. The Universe is giving you the okay to spend time at home. This is a great week to put away your Christmas decorations if they are still out, clean house, and add some fresh flowers to your dining room. This exercise is a reminder that the days are getting longer, so bring a touch of spring into your home.

Taurus – Knight of Swords – Okay, after last week’s basking in the “yummy,” you are now feeling 2017’s responsibilities piling up. The Knight of Swords reminds you that decisions made in haste come back to bite you in the kester. The lesson learned from this Knight is don’t let the world’s fast pace become your own. Slow it down.

Gemini – Queen of Wands – Last week, the Strength card suggested that you take a deep breath and ground yourself. The Queen of Wands has invited herself into your life. This week she has you continue your exercises in keeping your feet on the ground, but she is wanting your head back in philosophical land. She is suggesting you spend some time being creative to get there.

Cancer – King of Swords and Ace of Pentacles – The King of Swords has teamed up with the Ace of Pentacles to get the wheels turning for the New Year. This week your mind is your weapon to start working on that new project you have been contemplating. Use that amazing mind of yours to get that venture off the ground.

*Leo – The Chariot – Another big card for you this week. Last week, The Fool had you take your imagination on a walk to explore the big questions. With some of those answers in hand, The Chariot adds a sense of determination and self discipline to continue on your path. It is time to grab the reins and yell “Giddy-up” or just roll down your car window and scream “Yes!”

Virgo – Six of Wands – The Universe’s next word for you is self-confidence. The Universe will give you a lot of messages around this issue this week. The difficult thing will be to notice them. They will come in the form you might consider as subtle therefore inconsequential. They will look like a smile from the girl at the grocery, a friend saying thank you for listening, or someone holding the door open for you. The point being these “subtle” nods are really the beautiful way that friends and strangers acknowledge your “subtle” greatness.

Libra – Three of Wands – The Three of Wands is the card of planning and patience. The goal this week is to plan, procure resources, and patiently wait for the world to catch up. The Three of Wands reminds you that you cannot control every aspect of life. You can only plan for the future the best you can with the resources at hand.

Scorpio – Page of Swords – Now that your imagination has been lit up, the Page of Swords is wanting you to do some investigation. This week is all about gathering information. It is not a week of doing. Take time to find out all you need to know before going ahead on any project.

*Sagittarius – The Fool – Last week Judgment asked you to be honest with yourself and your resolutions would be more solidly based. Now, with those more obtainable and candid resolutions in hand, The Fool cleans your slate and starts moving you into the new year. The only thing The Fool asks you to bring is your sense of humor. “Easy peasey lemon squeezey” because, as a Sagittarius, you love a good joke even if you directed it at yourself.

Capricorn – Five of Cups – You are moving on to the next number in the suit of cups. In your pondering last week, you have come to realize that it can be pretty easy walking away from the things that don’t work, but you are finding that it is still hard to figure out what you want to bring forward. Look at things that you don’t hate but are still useless. It is those neutral objects that you need to let go of this week.

*Aquarius – The Devil – The Devil brings another week of tests trying to get you to lose your focus on your TRUE goals. Last week, the environment tried to pull you in with its chaos. This week, The Devil will try to divert you with more tempting and tasteful treats. This can look like people bring in sweets to the office to entice you from your resolution of no sugar in January. Or, when your good friends come to town for the weekend, you imbed too much in the beverage department and the next day skip exercising. So, in all things, moderation and self discipline are the key.

*Pisces – Ten of Swords and The Emperor – Two card week for you all. The Ten of Swords warns you that shit can hit the fan this week if you do not listen to your intuition. The Emperor card is here to help you get out of this sticky wicket. First, these two cards tell you to check your hubris. A good ruler checks his ego at the door and listens to the people around him. Then, a good Emperor makes a plan and sticks to it. So, this week do not do anything on the fly. If you need to reassess – pull back, adjust, then start up again.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarotcast for week of Jan. 1, 2017

The Red Balloon

Happy New Year. This is a picture from one of my favorite movies, The Red Balloon. This is a must see for all ages. This story has a great message about love and surviving bullies.

May this year bless us that our growth is with easy and it takes us to new heights. And may we get there through love and cooperation.

Aries – Three of Wands – For your first week of 2017, you all got the Three of Wands – planning.  The Universe is giving you this week to do some planning before jumping into the new year. The Three of Wands’ image is a person waiting on a dock for his ship to come in. The lesson with this card is to be patient. Change is about to happen, so use this time wisely and get ready for it by organizing and planning. This is a great week for all of you who love to roam the aisles of Office Depot.

Taurus – Knight of Cups – Maybe you all didn’t get enough of the holiday love, because the Knight of Cups is here to give you another week to bask in the “Yummy.” This is a week to savor what you eat, the ones you love, and the warm home you are in. This is a week to indulge in the things you are grateful for.
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of Jan. 1, 2017

Tarotcast for week of Dec. 25, 2016

Many of the folklore around making wishes came from trying to communicate with the gods. For example, Ptolemy, Greco-Egyptian writer and astronomer, believed that shooting stars were a sign that the gods were looking down and listening to wishes. Medieval farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary to protect their crops. If ladybugs (they eat pests and their red and black mimicked the robe worn by the statues of Virgin Mary at the time) appeared, the crops would be saved. And the folklore, of a ladybug landing on you gives you luck and a wish, was born. Early European tribes believed that wells were a dwelling place of the gods, hence coins and wishes being sent down into wells.

Last week’s tarotcast was about looking backwards. This week’s tarotcast is about peering into the future. This tarotcast will come from you. I challenge you to write down 3 wishes. Though we all want peace and a better world, I want you all to hone in on what you want for yourself. Maybe it is more time to be creative, maybe it is a new car, or maybe love… Wishes come true but they take time and come in unique ways. So be patient, be open and have hope with 2017. No guilt – I am giving you permission to “dream a little dream” for you.

Aries – What are you going to wish for?

Taurus – What are you going to wish for?

Gemini – What are you going to wish for?

Cancer – What are you going to wish for?

Leo – What are you going to wish for?

Virgo – What are you going to wish for?

Libra – What are you going to wish for?

Scorpio – What are you going to wish for?

Sagittarius – What are you going to wish for?

Capricorn – What are you going to wish for?

Aquarius – What are you going to wish for?

Pisces – What are you going to wish for?

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. The month of January is a great time to get my Astrological Tarot Reading for a panoramic  look at your new year.

Tarotcast for Week of Dec. 18, 2016

From Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect back on what has been and plan for what is to be. So this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror view.

Not sure if everyone knows but I am a bit of a data geek. I have kept excel sheets on the tarotcast cards that each sign gets since I started this blog. I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I wanted to see if the data show some statistical difference. And it did. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average, (which is approximately 9 times) in a 12 month period. With this data I looked for general trends. Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years. But let’s see how this works out with the data I have so far.

Overall, the least pulled cards (2 times) this year were the Two of Cups – love and the Six of Pentacles – giving. So this year the world was not a very giving or loving place. As an example at least politically, we can see this with Brexit and the US election where open arms policies are changing to arms-crossed policies.

The card pulled the most was the Five of Wands (21 times) – confusion and chaos. The Ace of Wands (20 times), which had us asking ourselves the big philosophical questions of why we are here what we stand for. The Ace of Swords (16 times) challenged us to decipher truth and logic.

The most pulled Higher Arcane (karmic) cards were the Chariot (15 times)- balance while moving and Strength (14 times). In their higher forms we have persevered, tamed our “wild beast” and moved forward with balance and determination. In its lower form, we lost control and direction, which came out as aggression. Again I see an example of this in the aftermath of the US election. I think that how we all deal with Trump on either side of the table will require perseverance and “taming the beast” in our government and in ourselves.

Below are your tarotcasts from the past year with general trends for each sign. The pics are from a tarot deck, New Vision. This deck literally reverses the view of the regular Rider Waite deck.

I would love feedback on how true this kind of tarotcast reads for you.

P.S. Don’t forget, New Years is a great time to get my Astrological reading for a panoramic view of your coming year.

Aries – Your big trends: In May your challenge was around relationships either you broke up or you finally broke through. Then, in August and September, you were challenged with the death of old habits and strengthening of habits which make your environment run more smoothly. The cards that came up the most for you were 10s. This was a year where you finished up a lot of cycles of the heart, mind, body, and soul. Look in your rearview mirror and see all the things that you have accomplished.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Dec. 18, 2016

Tarotcast for week of Dec. 11, 2016

Photo by Lida Xing, courtesy National Geographic.

I like synchronicity in my life. It leads to my some pretty fantastical places and ponderings. This past week it has been around dinosaurs. Above is a picture of feathers that cover part of a dinosaur’s tail preserved in amber around 99 million years ago. Lida Xing found it in a market in Myanmar(Burma). A study done by Lida Xing and colleagues from Canada and the UK recently micro-CT scan on this piece to reveal how these delicate feathers cover a dinosaurs spine. Even though scientists have found other impressions of feathers in fossils and amber, this is the first time to find feathers attached to the spine they came from. (Current Biology)

Then I read an article in the August issue of the Smithsonian about notorious aristocrat from Transylvania, Baron Franz Nopsca von Felso-Szilvas. One of his many contributions at the turn of 1900’s was that he was the first to theorize that birds were descend from dinosaurs. Later while “rabbit holing” down the internet I found my favorite artist for this week, Darren Pearson. He uses long-exposure photography to get these light paintings of dinosaurs and other cool images.

Not sure if these synchronistic stumblings are profoundly connected, except in the fact that they are all real cool things that people do. And that life is a continuum that connects time and space.

P.S. If you need a stocking stuffer or “woo woo” holiday gift, I do gift certificates for my tarot readings. And, I have added links at the bottom for holiday gift ideas from a few artists and shops I love.

P.P.S Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you. I have added photos from artist Darren Pearson.

Aries – Ten of Cups – The Ten of Cups’ lessons are about celebrating and being joyful. This is a week to keep that energy flowing. Take in the joy by driving to see the neighbor’s Christmas lights. Then spread the love out by baking cookies and give them to your postman. This card is challenging you to enjoy this season and then spread it around. Remember, love is a multiplier not a divider.

Taurus – Page of Wands – The Page of Wands represents enthusiasm in the tarot deck. This week this Page is challenging you to do things that spark your passion. This is a week of experimentation and fun. Remember when you were a kid having a blast and spending most of the day building a fort, and then ended up playing in it for only an hour more because it stopped being fun? Enthusiasm is way more fun when you are building something. Have at it.
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of Dec. 11, 2016

Tarotcast for the week of Dec. 4, 2016

cvwnj3zxyaan1nVincent Bal is a Belgian filmmaker and illustrator who works in the shadows of everyday objects. I love this concept, of looking at the everyday to create a tiny hidden world. My love for the small and hidden started in my childhood with a book series called The Borrowers. Mary Norton, a Sagittarian born on December 10, 1903, created a fantasy world where tiny people lived in the walls of an English home. They borrowed everyday objects to make their tiny hidden world cozy. In their home a wooden spool became a seat, a thimble a vase, and a postage stamp a painting.

Imagination meeting the everyday is one of the lessons taught to us by Sagittarius. Sagittarians use their amazing imagination in a practical yet at the same time fantastical way. Try it sometime this week, take an everyday object and see what your imagination can do with it.

P.S. If you need a stocking stuffer or “woo woo” holiday gift, I do gift certificates for my tarot readings. And, I have added links at the bottom for holiday gift ideas from a few artists and shops I love.

P.P.S Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you. I have attached some pictures of Vincent that may or may not go with your tarotcast.

bal-1Aries – Seven of Wands – The Seven of Wands warns you that it will be difficult to stay focused this week. The best way to work with this card is to have a plan or a to do list and stick with it, but don’t be too hard on yourself if you keep getting taken off tasks. Sometimes dealing with the Seven of Wands can be an exercise of letting go of control and going with the flow.

cueofgrw8aaw0z4Taurus – Four of Wands – That’s two four cards in a row. Let’s step back and review what fours mean. Fours want you to focus on ways to create more stability in your life. Last week, your focus was aimed at work, this week your focus should turn towards your home.   Either your work and home-life are not balanced or something in your home is literally not working. This could look like you are spending too much time at work or like drippy faucets, hinges that squeak, or drawers that don’t close all the way. Whatever the reason, it seems you should be spending some time at home.
Continue reading Tarotcast for the week of Dec. 4, 2016

Tarotcast week of Nov. 27, 2016


Pauline Oliveros, composer, performer and teacher died this past week. She developed a theory called deep listening. She describes deep listening as a “way of listening in every possible way to everything possible to hear no matter what you are doing.”  Her love of sound came from listening to the sounds of nature in her youth. I love that one of my friends describes her music as “a soundtrack to a dream.”

I have listened to her Ted Talk on listening vs. hearing many times. She has so many deep thoughts about the difference between the two. And though she talks about deep listening to sound, I find that her theory resonates with me about listening to each other in conversation. Listening is filtered through our personal experiences and our culture. Listening is a paradox of consensus and subjectivity.  A quote of hers that goes beyond music is “Hear with your ears, listen with your heart.” It is something we all need to do –  especially around the holidays when we have a tendency to rush. There is more there then just words, conversation, sounds, and even Christmas carols. There are feelings and exchanges of energy. So try this week to slow down and know life by listening to its sounds and rhythms.

More links to Pauline Oliveros and listening:

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Page of Cups – The love-fest continues this week with the Page of Cups. Last week, you were advised to enjoy yourself in the company of others. The Page of Cups turns that love inwards and towards the past. The challenge this week is to do something that your younger self loved to do. For example, have breakfast for dinner, ice skate, or camp in your backyard.   The goal is to give something to that younger you, because that inner child needs to feel appreciated. He/she is where your imagination and hope lives, so feed it.

Taurus – Four of Pentacles – Last week, The Chariot was about noticing and then balancing the gain with the pain. This week that theme continues with the Four of Pentacles. This Four’s challenge is for you to look at how you are spending your time especially around work. There is some time, place, or thing that is not balanced in your favor.
Continue reading Tarotcast week of Nov. 27, 2016

intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny