Tarotcast for Week of April 16, 2017

Rabbits are associated with fertility, the moon and the spirit world in almost every ancient culture. In Egypt, Wennet a rabbit headed goddess guarded the pass to the Otherworld. The rabbits were the sacred animals of Artemis and Aphrodite in Greece. In Asia, the rabbit is the messenger for the moon goddess.

In a variety of myths the rabbit is a messenger between the spirit world and us. According to some cultures, this is the reasons they made burrows to easily talk to souls. Rabbits are a paradox in many myths. They can be harbingers of good luck, but can also be tricksters. I just think they are cute. So here are a bunch of bunnies for you . Happy Easter.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Two of Pentacles – Two of Pentacles continues your current theme of getting things done. The Two of Pentacles’ challenge is to learn how to balance the things that you have to do with the things that you want to do. My advice is to make two lists, have to and want to. Then as you go through the week make sure they are being checked off evenly.

Taurus – Ten of Pentacles – The Ten of Pentacles’ lesson is around prosperity. You have accomplished something really amazing in the past three months, and you need to take this week to celebrate and honor your hardwork. Also realize that your work is now bumped up to the next level. The appearance of this card doesn’t mean that you need to take this week off, but please take a moment to pat yourself on the back.
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Tarotcast for Week of April 9, 2017

Happy birthday Aries! Your sign’s mantra is “I am.” With that in mind I found the art from Group 42 seem to resonate or explore this idea also.

Group 42 was a Czech artistic group that existed from 1938-1948. During the WWII, many artists were having an existential crisis, and in Group 42 this took the form of depicting the individual within this new and mechanized civilization that threatened to overwhelm or include him. We all explore the paradox of “I am”, and the question – Do I create my environment or does it create me? – is but one lens.

The above picture is by Kamil Lhotak.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Ten of Pentacles – Last week, the Lovers card asked – What do you really desire? This week, the Ten of Pentacles challenges you to make those desires real. The energies surrounding you will bring more ease than you have seen in the last 3 months. So, make your to-do lists and start checking them off.

Taurus – Seven of Wands – Last week, Strength challenged you to take part in activities that were grounding and gave you strength. You needed that prep last week this week is going to be hectic. The Seven of Wands challenges you to stay focus while plowing through the chaos of the week.
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Tarotcast for week of April 2, 2017

If you like fun fantasy movies with your kung fu, I recommend Monkey King One and Two on Netflix. These movies are base on the Chinese classical novel The Journey to the West. Historians believe the Money King’s origins stem from the White Monkey legends from Chinese Chu kingdom (700-223 BC) and with the Hindu deity Hanuman. The Monkey King  stories are a fun filled journey of a monkey who becomes king, cause chaos in a variety of realms, and ultimately obtains enlightenment. These movies have sent my monkey mind a flutter.

A common phrase in meditation practice is mind monkey or monkey mind. It is a Buddhist term meaning “unsettled; restless; capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable.” It is intriguing to me that thousands of years before Darwin, ancient people have always seen the similarities of monkeys and apes to humans. Now we know that primates have a 1.6%-4% difference from our DNA, and this fact makes me wonder do monkeys, chimps and apes have a religion or a spiritual life? Do they have myths using humans as lessons on how not to act? How not to be one with nature? Maybe we are being a bit hard on our ancestor and are minds. Maybe we need to watch our monkey mind like a fantasy kung fu movie, take it as entertaining. As possibly the primates do with us, seeing us run around trying to control the uncontrollable.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

*Aries – Lovers – Don’t be surprised if you are having a hard time deciding this week; however, it is a decision making time. The Lovers card asks What do you really desire? What, Who , Where contributes to your life? Take your time and be aware of what your creative self is saying to you this week. And remember two heads are better than one, bounce ideas off of your friends.

*Taurus – Strength – What makes you strong? This week is great time to work on enhancing your core strength. Is your inner strength your family? making food? art? alone time? doing for others? Find the things that ground you and gives you strength and imbibed on them this week.
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Tarotcast for Week of March 26, 2017

William Morris

William Morris, born today 183 years ago, was a textile designer, poet, novelist, translator and socialist. He was a major contributor to the revival of British textile and the literary genre of the modern fantasy. I was first introduced to him at a exhibit in London on exhibit over 30 years ago. But I fell for him years later after I read this quote: I do not want art for a few any more than education for a few, or freedom for a few. I came across it again this week and thought wow this is still a statement that still needs to be heard.

P.S. I have added some of his designs to your signs cause they are pretty.  Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Page of Pentacles – During the last two weeks you have been lightening up some of your dark corners of thought. In so doing you have found that you need to polish up some of your thought processes. So, the Page of Pentacles’ challenge to you is that you learn new or expand on existing thought processes or skills this week. The more open you are to new ways of doing things, the better the outcome for you.

Taurus – Page of Swords – Your work continues this week. Take a pause on producing – right now you need to do some investigative work. This is a week to dig for information by asking questions, reading new articles or books, or having some probing conversations.
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Tarotcast for week of March 19, 2017

I often use the idiom waiting for the other shoe to drop. This saying comes from late 1800s tenement life. Because of the shoddy construction and floor layout of tenements, tenants below would hear one shoe hitting the floor then wait with baited breath for the other shoe to fall loudly above their head. I use this phrase by its definition to await a seemingly inevitable event, especially one that is not desirable. I use it to represent my anxiety and all of its negative connotations.

However, I have changed my idea around this saying after over 20 years of living in a variety of apartments. Good and bad things go along with apartment dwelling. One thing that always comes with it is noise. And I have come to love the noise. It makes me feel comfortable to hear the sounds of humanity around me. I now can tell which neighbor is coming up the stairs and sometimes depending on the steps I can tell if they have had a hard day. I have come to associate the sound of the other shoe dropping with a sense of comfort and kinship. Now when I hear that inevitable sound, I realize that my neighbor has gotten home safely and is about to relax. Instead of holding my breath and feeling dread waiting for the other shoe to drop, I now let out a sigh of relief.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Eight of Swords – The Moon’s lessons from last week – to lighten up the dark – continues with the Eight of Swords. This week look for thoughts and ideas that are binding you. It is time to bring those self-defeating thoughts out of the dark unconscious, so they are not so scary.

Taurus – King of Pentacles – Back to work with the King of Pentacles. The challenge with this King is procrastination, so your goal is to have some product to show off by the end of the week.
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Tarotcast for week of March 12, 2017

Today is National Plant a Flower Day. I love flowers and daisies are my favorite. I love daisies because they are simple, grow everywhere and have a long flowering span. And most importantly, every time I see them they make me smile.

Flowering planets emerged about 130 million years ago. The flower’s evolution is responsible for the burst of plant growth that changed the face of earth and the evolution many animals. Without flowers we would have no fruits or vegetables to eat, and for that matter no beer or wine to drink.

As botanist Luther Burbank said, “Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the soul. So take time out this week and plant a seed that will flower and spread the joy.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

*Aries – The Moon – The Moon’s lessons are around lightening up the dark. Put into action, this can look as complex as seeing how your subconscious is controlling your life because you are pushing down emotions that need illumination, or as simple as buying a battery light for your dark closet.

Taurus – Knight of Cups – Last week was all work. This week your heart is asking for a turn. The Knight of Cups wants to balance you out by reminding you to pay attention to your emotional needs. You all have a big heart, but sometimes you get too caught up in doing. So you need to make the first move, put on some Marvin Gaye and get your groove on.
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Tarotcast for week of March 5, 2017

I don’t know about you but I needed a little clever humor in my life when I stumbled upon Michael Pederson. He is a street artist who makes mundane spots into places for reflection and for smiles. (I do recommend going to his site to truly see the context of his art.)

I have a fondness for street art in general. It in its purest form it is made for the public. Art for the masses. I love it because it always surprises me when I see it. It becomes a gift from an unknown person. I feel special by seeing it – for paying attention – for looking up and around at my world – for finding a treasure left by a stranger.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Four of Pentacles – This week, you will need to navigate how to use your resources wisely. Try not to spend all your energy in the beginning of the week or on the first project you encounter. This week pace yourself, so that you don’t hurt someone’s feelings when you get frustrated about not having enough time or energy to spread around.

Taurus – Seven of Pentacles – Put on your gloves and get to work. If you keep a steady pace this week, you will get loads done. The challenge with the Seven of Pentacles is in dealing with feeling overwhelmed with all you have to do. The best way to tackle projects is to divide them up into small chunks. Instead of seeing the whole garden that needs to be tended to, just do the tomato row, then the lettuce row, then the carrots…
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of March 5, 2017

intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny