Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov. 29 2020

women artists

This week is commonly the height of the buying season for the holidays.  The goal with this post is to hopefully gently steer you to supporting the arts and therefore artists this holiday season.   Normally artists have galleries, coffee shops and art fairs to show off their art to you all; however, because of Covid that is not possible.  I know that many of you including myself do not have tons of cash floating out there right now.   But not only are you helping keep afloat a small business,  you also gain the added benefit that art brings light to your mind, body, and soul.

I put aside at least 5% of my profits and donate to organizations like Doctors without Borders, my local public television station, BTAC, and I started in 2020 (and will continue) Patreon-ing two artists each year.  This year it was Tyler Thrasher and Beth Cavener.  And on a more self-centered note, I also buy artwork from artists for myself and for gifts.  So, this week’s blog is focused on 12 women artists from the many out there on Instagram that are trying to make art for a living in these hard times.  At the very least I ask, can you search #art on your social media platforms then like, follow, comment with some love on the plethora of amazing stuff out there.  And if you can fiscally provide support to a few artists all the better.  #supportthearts

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


womenartistsTwo of Swords – The energy this week advises now is the time to make some decisions.  The challenge is that it feels like you are surrounded by mists of uncertainty.  Sadly, it is not going to get any better this week and stagnation might become an overlying issue.  So, this muse advises just make a choice left or right, move.  You can always retrace your steps or continue.  Have faith in yourself.   @diana.kirsten.szlaski


women artists*Tower – The Muse of the Tower is knocking, and you need to listen to her.  Something(s) is not working in your life.  This Muse of Kali is here to help you identify it.  What have you been trying that is not working because it is too dogmatic, strict, or rigid?  The challenge is you cannot blame this on others or your environment.   This is about how you are coming at something, and if you continue to go on this path, the Tower will shake your world to make the change for you.  Get ahead of this potential seismic downfall, be flexible, open and change things up.     @lordcowboy


women artistsTwo of Swords – Last week the Muse of Seclusion had you contemplating what needs to shift for the eclipsed full moon in your sign on November 30th.  I hope you did your homework because this week is primed for making decisions to start on the path of 2021 before the rest of the signs.  If you did your work, then then the challenge of choosing will come easily.  If you didn’t, you’ll have to make a leap of faith.  For the lesson either way is realizing the movement is more important than which direction you are heading.  @themodernisis


women artistsKnight of Cups – The energy this week is calling on your superpower of being in touch with your emotions.  If you can channel them into your creative work, you will gallop into this week.  The challenge is you will be wearing your heart on your sleeve, but no worries your emotions are like the rain – play in their puddles.   @jodibilske_photographics


women artistsFour of Wands – The energy this week centers in your home.  This is a great week to make your abode comfier, inviting, and/or flexible. This can look as simple as getting some good smelling candles, fresh flowers, a plant, getting that big TV you have been wanting or making an area a tech free zone. Make your lair a place that makes you purr when you come home.    @akiraamani


women artistsFour of Swords – This is a great week to find moments to relax.  Your “well” as been drained and this is the week to find space and time to unwind and pay a bit more attention to your health.  Take walks in nature, turn off the tech for half a day, or mediate.  The challenge is putting your thoughts down for a bit.   Your video/song this week:  Enjoy the Silence  @megan.george.art


women artistsSeven of Swords – Pay attention to your gut instincts and not your head this week.  Everything is not exactly as it seems.  There are some hidden objectives, but it is not for you to ferret it out.  A better course of action is to avoid it.  Or if you must interact follow your instincts instead of trying to follow or find logic in it.     @yeachintsai


women artistsTwo of Cups – Relationships are the focus this week.  Make time to spend with your people. You need to sort your emotions out and have a good laugh.  The only challenge is making sure you pick your companies that fill your cups as equally as you do theirs.     @juliette_illustration


*Magician – Your first big card for your birth year.  This is the energy of bring the divine down into the World, a card of manifestation.  You have lying before you the tools you will need to do so, but you need a focus.  Take this week to commune with your destiny, your purpose and then start to set your intentions.  You have all year to manifest so no rush but use the energy this week to start setting up your goals.     @kupper11


Nine of Cups – The energy to work with this week is contentment.  As a sign goes you do best if you have something to do.  You rest in the flow of work.  The challenge is you also need to find places of contentment in space, time, and the stillness within the doing and not doing.  For it is one in the same.      @midgenaylor


*Wheel – The Muse this week has left breadcrumbs of fate for you to follow.  Life has its ups and downs, as signs goes you all can see this very well.  The challenge is not being too grounded nor too head in the clouds to see these signs.  So, this muse suggests that you spend this time getting in touch with how you want to feel.  Your feelings will guide you like a fairy dust trail.  Do not worry the Willow Wisps will not lead you into the bog, this time.  @erinlouiseclancy


Knight of Wands – The energy to seek out this week is inspiration and awe.  You are needing a recharge.  Your spark of passion needs some fuel to keep the fire lit.  Listen to music, dance, experience art, and/or be in nature.  Do activities that make you zing.    @kimlayn.art

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov. 21 2020

Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen

Happy birth-month Sagittarius!

The artist this week is Claire Rosen.  Her photography styling leans heavily on the Renaissance and Dutch master painters.  This series Fantastical Feasts is a playful rendition of the DaVinci’s Last Supper and the Pierre Subleyras The Feast in the House of Simon.  Rosen nudges the human viewer to ponder on ecology and our similarities and difference as living beings.  Her subjects are animals from a variety of habitats which she juxtaposes into human lavish environments or situations.  This series of photographs focus on the banquet instead of a quaint meal.  Banquets are elaborate, colorful, lavish presentations.  Historically the concept of feasts goes back to the Homer’s Iliad where the Gods and kings entertained each other.  These lavish occasions are now the center focus to many holiday traditions for us common folk.

We are coming up to a variety of countries’ holidays and this week in the Americas we celebrate Thanksgiving.  This holiday season will be different for many of us.  We may not be able to create the lavish banquets of 2019.  But we can have exquisitely intimate gatherings.  That might be a bit more honest, joyful, and less stressful events.  For many of us this might be a first.  And what a wonderful anomaly this could be.  No stressful holiday travels, cooking or no rush buying for black Friday. If you are alive and have food on the table, you have something to be grateful for. So, ponder on what you are thankful for this week and somehow feed it.  Send nurses flowers, donuts to EMT facility, or write love letters to your friends and family.  A banquet of love can go a long way.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Claire Rosen

Four of Swords – Just a quick dive into fours since this is your second in a row.  Fours are the cards of stabilization.  Last week the energy was trying to get you steadied by focusing on the present.  This week’s the energy is asking you to take time off and recoup.  Take your vitamins, drink lots of water, get some well needed rest and take time out of the electronic stream.


Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen

Two of Coins – The energy and tasks this week can feel overwhelming.  The key to ease is to stay focus on one or two things to completion.  This is a balancing act of priorities.  The challenge is to define what is truly important and focus on that.


Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen

*Hermit – The Muse of Seclusion is calling you this week.  There is an eclipsed full moon in your sign on November 30th.  You will need this week before to contemplate what needs to shift, and to do so you need to distance yourself from your life to gain this over-viewing perspective.  However, this is not a long-term visitation.  You will be called out into the world soon, so take this coming week to rest and contemplate what are your next moves as you walk into 2021.


Claire Rosen

Six of Wands –The muse this week is asking you to bask in your successes.  See how far you have come in 2020 and give yourself a pat on the back for making it through such a crazy year.  You have a bit farther to go but this week is a rest for the battle weary.


Claire Rosen

Two of Swords – Last week the muse asked you to go behind the veil and find the connective tissue of your history and the history at large.  Answering the question Why are you here and re-ignite the work you still need to do.  If you did not do this work, this week will be full of indecision.  The challenge will be to sit down and do this contemplation now.  If you did do this work, then decisions will come more easily and you might get some time off to boot.



Claire Rosen

Nine of Cups – The Muse of Contentment is asking to hang with you this week.  This energy reminds you that perfection is not tangible, and completion is terminal. You do not have to do or be perfect to be content. She reminds you that your dreaming needs to be strong enough to light the way when its dark, but no so illuminating that it blinds you and others around you.  This muse reminds you that you do not need to live an “11” or constantly get the A+ to pass the class or be heard.   Sit with her and find peace and beauty in the imperfection of life.


Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen

King of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration is visiting you this week.  She nudges you to add a bit of flourishes to all that you do this week and get others to join you.  For example:  get the guest/kids to write name cards out for everyone, have a gratitude tree where family hang note cards what they are grateful for,  flowers for you house that others can see in your zoom meetings/gatherings, or add marshmallows/candy canes/turmeric to your hot cocoa. This is not about going all out; this muse just helps you put a dash of spice to each of your experiences this week.


Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen

Queen of Swords– The Muse this week is a truth seeker, speaker, and decision maker.  You will be called on to take leadership roles whether it is organizing T-day and how meals will come out of the oven or calling out bullshit at the table.  The challenge is that it may come off a bit sharp.  So the keys are to speak honestly with compassion, think before you speak, and motivate people with humor.  Your motto: You can catch more flies with honey then vinegar.


Claire Rosen

Page of Swords – This week you need to listen and align your actions with your words.  Do not promise anything that you even slightly feel hesitant about completing. The reason for this is that there is underling or hidden truths that need to be ferreted out.  So, ask lots of questions, listen to the words before you except tasks.  This can be as simple as asking one more time does anybody need anything, before I go to the store.


Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen

Seven of Coins – The energies this week are around doing the work.  The challenge is taking a breath before each action to make sure your “shoes laces” are tied before you step out of the door.  You will not trip if you have forgotten; however, the misstep will take you off your flow.  Once you are in your flow, you will have a blast.  Nothing like a Capricorn doing their thing.   So, this can look like, making sure your kitchen is clean before you cook or rechecking to make sure you have all the ingredients you need days before actually cooking.    

Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen

Six of Coins – Karma is the energy swirling around you this week.  The challenge is being grateful for the balance of giving and receiving that is taking place in your life.  And if you do not readily see it give some positivity out and you will see it return (though often it comes from another avenue then you sent it).  The challenge is that negativity if given can come back too.  Your song:  Be nice


Claire Rosen
Claire Rosen

Page of Cups – The Muse of Innocence and Fun is knocking at your door this week.  I hope you can come out and play with her for a bit.  Remember fun?  Well now is the time to get out the crayons, pillow fight, play catch with your dog or cat, make brownies, snowpeople or play charades on zoom.  You know, get in touch with your inner child and play.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov. 15 2020

Irving Penn
Penn – Truman Capote

This week’s artist is Irving Penn.  He was a photographer, painter, and inventor of the platinum printing process.  His style whether portraits or still life often leans towards minimalism and emotes a feeling of rawness.  At this unique point in time, our collective experience and personal emotions seem to directly resonate with his series Portraits in a Corner.  Where we all are having this vague feeling that something has changed but still finding ourselves isolated in our small section of life possibly feeling restricted. Our reptilian amygdala stressed and fearful.  Is it possible that we can switch our mindset to finding the space comforting, a place of intimacy, and a place to engage with ourselves?

Penn started this series in 1948.  He pushed two studio flats together to create a sharper than 90-degree angle.  The floor covering an old piece of carpet with the detritus of the photography process still on it.  As Penn says “a very rich series of pictures resulted. This confinement, surprisingly seemed to comfort people, soothing them.  The walls were a surface to lean on or push against.  For me, the picture possibilities were interesting: limiting the subjects’ movement seemed to relieve me of part of the problem of holding on to them.” The amazing thing the viewer can see in these portraits is the “character” of the portrayed becomes more defined.

Can we use this this time to lean into our severely defined space?  To find more intimacy and realness with our-selves?  Imagine if we were more aware and secure with who we are.  When it is time to turn the corner into the world again, we would be more prepared with our actions and interactions.  More grounded to who we are, more determined with what needs to be done, a better I to contribute to a better We.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Four of Cups – The energy this week can make it hard to see the beauty that surrounds you.  The fire signs more than others are feeling the miasma of the future.  The challenge for you is to see the beauty in the minor things in life, the here and now.  Appreciating and highlighting these smaller moments you will start to see the patterns and puzzle pieces of the bigger picture.


Irving Penn

Seven of Cups – The energy this week might be challenge for you all if you want to get things check off your list. Forward movement will feel like you are swimming up stream.   But if you can play and daydream this is the week for you.  Play or doing things for the joy of doing them without goals helps your mind and imagination create outside the lines.  While at the same time breaks down walls around intimacy with others and tunes you into your soul’s purpose.   Taurus has the kindest hearts if they can put aside their practicality and “I’m the only one that can keep things going” motto.  Find that fun persona you have hidden lately.  The world might get a bit messy while you are playing but you can tidy it up next week.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Six of Swords – Last week the muse of change was at your door.  Coaxing you to let go off the old to make room for the new.  Luckily, you have another week to get rid of what no longer works.  While you are unloading your “boat” be open to transitions or transactions that come from unexpected places.  Maybe its an invite to join an online class, going to a zoom dance party, talking to a friend you haven’t talked to in ages, or a new work project pops-up in your inbox.  These occurrences are the universe sending out flares of hope.   Though this transition can be hard, your too tired to do more or you cannot see into the future because of the mist, there are still new adventures to be had.


Irving Penn

Three of Wands and Three of Swords– The last couple of weeks have been big energy weeks.  The energy was best used tapping into your inner strength and cocooning as you metamorph into a new you.  This week will be a bit of a roller coaster ride of emotions and inspirations.  You got a set of threes.  These energies test the duality of stabilization and flexibility.  You will need to flow with your emotions to heal some heart wounds while at the same time be patient with prosperous possibilities that are on the horizon.  Your challenge is to stay with the down time to heal and strengthen your core and not jump into anything until it feels right.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

*High Priestess – This is last week’s energy of intuitive creation on “11.”  We have multiple reasons to be on Earth at this time and place.  This muse asks you to investigate purpose as you are in the act of creation.  Whether it is your reason for existence, others or more likely both, go behind the veil and find the connective tissue of your history and the history at large.  Answer the question Why are you here and re-ignite the work you still need to do.


Irving Penn

Ace of Wands – Mark this period in the sands of time.  This week is a place to start a wiser new beginning.  The challenge to light this fire is to imagine if you only had a year left to live and only could pick one thing to do.  What would you do? This is the universe trying to get you to take your laser pointer and focus on one thing fully.  Maybe it is focusing on your child, starting a business, or writing a novel.  Now is the time to focus on your legacy.  No more thinking this is inspirational doing.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Page of Swords – Things are not what they seem on the surface this week.  If you need information you are going to have to dig for it.  The challenge is asking the right questions the right way and then listening.  Listen to the nuances for the truth.  People are not trying to hide things from you.  It is more of a cause of ignorance than malice.



Irving Penn*Death– Your final birth month card and it is another big energy card.   So, you will have three muses to work with in the coming year.   First, the muse of dreams and synchronicities helping you intuit how 2021 and your purpose will unfold.  Then, the Muse of releasing old ideas, creating new story lines (remember new map – new ship) And finally, the Muse of Death or organic change. This is also your sign’s life card, which means this is your super-power, but you must do the work to make it so.   This muse helps you see that the old is fodder for new growth and helps you work with the cycles and seasons.  This is change that happens with some help from you and some from the universe.  Your challenge is to tune yourself to the ebbs and flow of your environment, find new ways to traverse it and slowly guiding change.  This coming year is a new chapter – What are you going to write?


Irving Penn

Eight of Wands – This is the last week of your birth year and it is full of information. The challenge is trying to sort it.  A better way to deal with all the incoming messages is to think of it as a brainstorming session with the universe.  Write it all down and do not judge it.  This week is about inspiration and possibilities.



King of Cups – The muse advises you to come at the days ahead quietly and calmly.  However, you may run through an array of emotions this week, but you will find you are also in control.  As a friend use to say You can let your emotions play with the radio, but they cannot drive the car.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Four of Wands – The energy this week is about the happy home.  Usually this comes up when you need to ground yourself and do some nesting behavior.  Take time to enjoy your home.  So, make your favorite meals, curl up on the couch with loved ones and watch movies, eat by candle light, tidy up areas of your house that you hang in the most, hang your Christmas lights early etc…  This week is about cozy and comfort.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Ace of Cups – The last couple of weeks have been high energy.  The muses had you looking at outdated systems that are no longer working.  In essence looking at your map for 2021 and assessing and adjusting structures, morals, rules, and regulations to get “your boat” to the next harbor.  This week the energy is around love and happiness.  They are what drives your mortal coil.  So, make sure love has a place in your intentions.  Now is time to focus on how your heart gets a say in the planning.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov. 8 2020

Tara Shakti Procession
Tara Shakti Procession

This week’s artist is Tara Shakti (@tarashakti_art). Shakti’s art conveys the resilience and power of women.  This is a time to take note and celebrate, that the first women of color will be in the second highest government position in the U.S.  Kamala Harris is also a first generation American.  Her mother, British-Indian, and her father, Jamaican, immigrated to the US 40 years ago.  Harris is also in an inter-racial marriage to a white Jewish man.  Let us just sit with all those “firsts” for a minute…

American women still have not broken the glass ceiling in government, as the press has been trying to say, but we are in kicking distance.  There is still work to be done.  America will need to catch up with other parts of the world with gender equality in high ranking positions. And then there is systematic racism to ferret out. BUT before we focus on what still needs to be done – let us rejoice in the “the firsts.”

Shakti’s art is usually portraits of women or herself.  Even though she centers around the struggle of empowerment and identity of women in a patriarchal society, most of her work has her subject staring straight at the viewer conveying an internal resilience and power.  Her choice of vibrant color has the viewer seeing the duality of struggle and strength in their stillness.  Shakrti’s provokes us to no longer sit in silence, but to stand up and continue the fight for equality and against injustice.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Seven of Swords – This week pay attention to anything that feels slightly off.  Hopefully, it is just a little tweak like balancing out your tire pressure or getting enough sleep. But for some of you it might be somebody pulling the wool over your eyes.   It may not be malicious. Maybe someone is not telling you the whole truth because they think they will hurt your feelings.  Follow your instincts, ask questions, look deeper into situations and pay attention to little misbalances.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Three of Coins – The energy this week is collaboration.  You are in synch weaving in and out of others’ work and needs.  Work in unison with those around you, picking out left-out strings, re-weaving, handing it off, filling in gaps.  Flowing from partner, teacher to student.  Attune yourself to the ebbs and flow of others. This week you are playing in the universes’ double-dutch game.  Have fun.  Be creative.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

*Death – The muse of change is at your door.  It is time to let go of the old to make room for the new.  This could look as simple of letting go of the clothes you will never wear again or as complex as letting go of a job or relationships that no longer works for you.  Yes, Trump is a Gemini, so your struggle does not have to be as dramatic as his, but it is a time to be real with what needs to change. And except the possibilities of the new.  There are  opportunities waiting for you if you just let go of the past and accept the change that is knocking at the door.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

*Judgement– Another big energy week for you, though you might need to cocoon to truly grok this vibe.  Last week, the muses asked you to tap into your inner strength and  heart to create ease both within and without.  This week with that understanding of heart you can see your history of beautiful and broken things has gotten you to this moment.  To see that your history refined your soul and heart to a lustrous beauty.  Your challenge is to accept and forgive the person in the mirror so she/he/they can evolve to the next level.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Queen of Wands – Intuitive creation is the muse this week to walk with.  People often see Leos as extroverts or extremely self-confident (psst- this is not true).  You all are constantly questioning and judging what you do, and this hinders your self-expression.  The task this muse beckons you to accomplish is – do you and then let the world see it.  This week’s energy is best used in expanding your boundaries of courage and confidence especially in place of creativity and/or spirituality.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

King of Swords – Last week the energies asked you to let go of the fear of feeling.  So that your open heart can make some dazzling creation with dashes of passion and a variety of emotions.  Hopefully, you cracked open your heart for your mind will need to draw on it’s wisdom this week.  Right now, you are amid (possibly opposing) dualities, your perceptions and those of the collective truth or agreed-upon reality.  Navigating both can be hard, but if you did your heart work you will come to place a place of honesty and integrity that will ring true with others.  The challenge is that Mars is still in retrograde so do not instigate in any fights or confrontations.  Listen and empathize before you speak.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Eight of Wands – Your second eight so a quick dive into that number.  Eights represent energy and action.  Last week was great for working on anything on the material plane.  This week is about external information.  There s a variety of messages coming to you that are informative for the coming months.  The key to navigating them is just write them down.  You do not need to act on all of them right now. Categorize and prioritize are the actions needed.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

*Hanged Man– Your second big energy card for the coming year.  Last week the muse gave you dreams and synchronicities to help you intuit how 2021 and your purpose will unfold.   Your purpose on earth will come in play in a big way in the coming year and the Universe is here to help, but you will need to suss-out an updated map and ship to sail in.  Spend the rest of your birth month making sure you are on the right ship to sail into 2021.  (I’m just going over this again, because Biden is also a Scorpio. Not that you have to become president but 2021 is a big year for you all.)   Ok and now the second card.  This muse wants you to let go of old expectations and take this month to get a bird’s eye view of your life timeline.  From this perspective you will see that your perceptions are malleable and therefore so is your narrative.  This coming birth year is the time to write a new story.


Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti

Knight of Swords – Logic and reason are key in navigating the energies this week.  You need to be careful that you think before you leap.  As always with this card, watch hurting your extremities: legs, arms, fingers, ankles, and toes. Be sure of your footing, look both ways and don’t jump into a situation without sussing-out what’s going on first.



Nine of Wands – Boundary setting is the issue this week.  To get things done and to find time to rest you are going to have to adhere to well set rules and regulations.  Planning is also key.  This is not a week to go with the flow.  Orderliness is imperative.


Tara Shakti

Two of Swords – Procrastination is your demon to fight this week.  The key is just to make a decision, right or left. It does not matter.  The main focus is moving forward.  You will reach your destination no matter the path you chose.


Tara Shakti

*Hierophant – Another big energy week for you.  So, the energy this week is about your structures, morals, rules, and regulations.  Time to look at outdated systems that are no longer working.  In essence last week was about looking at your map for 2021 and this week is about assessing and adjusting your ship, crew and the structures that need to happen to get “your boat” to the next harbor.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov. 1, 2020

Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

This week’s artist is Anna Agoston.  Her mode is macrophotography, but her eye leans towards design, form, and emotions.  Agoston takes the us on a Lilliputian trip into an intimate viewing of plant structure.

Much like O’Keefe by taking us close to the subject we lose the concept of the item and begin to see it with a new perspective.  We have now lost the common constructs of the subject and are left with our subconscious giving it a new thought form or emotion.  As Agoston says “What also compels me is the satisfaction of being able to say precisely what I am feeling. I took a picture of a gingko biloba leaf because I loved the simplicity in form, the shape, and the way it hung from the branch. I felt grace and sensuality and needed to convey that. I felt satisfied when I was able to express this with a picture.”

The world is feeling a lot right now, and a lot of it is in the form of suffering.  This might lead us to give up on hope and beauty.  Agoston’s art reminds us if we sit still, take time and focus more intimately, we can find all our emotions in these smaller moments.  And they all have a place or function in the grand design.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Two of Wands – Now is the time to take that Mars energy and point it towards the future. You get a jump start before the rest of the signs begin to hop on the bandwagon after November 12th.  Your challenge is to investigate and take those first steps onto new paths.  Mars the planet of action is in your sign until the first week in January 2021. You have until then to create the necessary energy to shoot into 2021.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Knight of Wands – This muse sprinkles inspiration all around you this week.  Your challenge is not speeding past the gifts.  You are in the right place at the right time.  There is fodder to feed your purpose.  So, soak in the good and the bad, for it will help you see more clearly why you are here and what still needs to be done.


Anna Agoston

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is best used for getting things done.  It is a great week to cross off items on your to-do list.  However, it is not a beneficial to start anything brand new.  So, head down and keep plugging along the path you are on right now.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

*Strength– Tapping into your inner strength this week helps create ease both within and without.  As the “feelers” of the signs you will have an array of feelings; however, you are also ok with all of them.  You have tamed your inner beast with compassion while allowing it to express itself without harming others.  Calmness is needed and you have the strength to radiate it.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Nine of Wands – Lets dip into nines for this is your second.  Nines are cards of preparation for completing a cycle.  Last week your muse advised you to assimilate what you have been working on since your birthday.  The challenge was working smarter not harder. This week you continue taking thoughts and projects to their next level.  The challenge is you will not get anything finished but you will be able to put a dent in it.  The challenge this week is prepping before starting the day and putting a do not disturb sign up when needed.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

*Lovers – This muse is asking you to re-commit to passion, love, and intimacy.  To take yourself to the next love level, or allow it back in.  Time to let go of the fear of feeling.  The challenge is you will get hurt along the way that is a given, being human.  But also, the things you can create when your heart is open, using passion and love as your main ingredients is dazzling.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Eight of Pentacles – The energy this week is great for working on anything on the material plane.  You need to keep grounded by doing things with your body and how you make your money. The goal is to work smarter not harder.  The challenge is staying out of your head as much as possible.  Therefore, the more you can lean on the rhythm of your day and tweak how you are working or the work itself the better you will feel.


Anna Agoston

*High Priestess– Your second big energy card for the coming year.  This muse will give you dreams and synchronicities to help you intuit how 2021 and your purpose will unfold.   The challenge with this energy is finding and navigating the information with only your intuition.  Your purpose on earth will come in play in a big way in the coming year and the Universe is here to help, but you will need to suss-out an updated map and ship to sail in.  Spend the rest of your birth month making sure you are on the right ship to sail into 2021.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

Four of Coins – Your resources are scarce this week.  Pay attention to where, when, and how you tire, get frustrated, resentful, envious and/or hungry.  The challenge is not thinking this is a permanent situation.   All these are signs that you need to pull back and restock soul, mind, bank account, or frig.




Anna Agoston

Five of Coins– The last two weeks have been big energy weeks.  First the muses had you working with balance and harmony.  Then they reminded you are to see your path and tasks like you are working with a blank canvas.  This week has a lot less energy.  It might feel like you are overwhelmed and depleted at the same time.  So the challenge is finding that place of balance two weeks ago and remembering that this moment in time is a blank canvas – no need to redo outdated horrors and fears of the past.


Anna Agostonn

Six of Cups and Eight of Wands – Ok three paths for you all this week.  You choose.  You can tie up loose ends of the past, run head long into the future gathering intel as you go, or a bit of both.  Either way there is a bunch of information for you to decipher.  You can find solutions to problems in the now either from past experiences or experimentation moving forward.  It is up to you which way to cast your gaze, backwards or forward, but either way work in the now.


Anna Agoston
Anna Agoston

*Chariot – Change is in the air.  The challenge is the oars/sails are in your hands this week.  You will need a solid plan to catch this energy and use it wisely. This week is a prequel to the winds of change that begin around November 13th.  Are you ready to catch the wave? Make this week a practice run for 2021.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 25, 2020

Peppa Potter
Peppa Potter -Baby Bat

First off, Happy Birth-month Scorpios!

Now to our last spooky artist.  Imagine if Margaret Keane (Big Eyes) and Dr. Seuss’s art had a goth child you would have this week’s artist Maria of Peppa Potter. I cannot tell you much about her other than I found her on Instagram awhile back and when her stuff pops up on my scroll I smile.  I need to smile right now and maybe so do you.  She takes what could be scary and turns it into something you would want to cuddle with all day.

And just a reminder the holiday season is starting, and lesser-known artists are needing our support.  So instead of heading to the virtual mall go look at Etsy or Instagram and support small business crafters and artists.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Peppa Potter
Peppa Potter – Meliazua

Five of Pentacles – Where last week you were asked to be aware of doling out your resources to unnecessary actions.  This week’s energy can continue to deplete and blur your vision and power.  Even though your planet, Mars is in your sign it is also in retrograde until November 11th, so the best use of your resources is focusing them down to a single area at a time.  Keep reviewing, reassessing, and readjusting.


Peppa Potter
Peppa Potter- spooky bog creature

Queen of Cups – Last week’s muse had you contemplate and adjust your purpose, passions, and creativity.  The muse this week adds to that – investigate your emotions. Do your emotions guide your actions or actions guide your emotions?  Do both align with your purpose and passions?  Has your compassion, empathy, and love buttons been exhausted?  This muse reminds you all emotions are important to flow through your life; however, be aware of emotional burnout, especially this week.  Your purposes, passions, and creativity should replenish not drain.   So, either they are off or how you are doing is.  Take this week to figure it out and find solutions.


Peppa Potter
Peppa Potter – The moment you realize you’re a ghost

Page of Pentacles – This muse advises that you work on new skills to manifest your future into being.  The best use of this energy is in exploration and increasing your knowledge.  Be the student of your life.  What is the world teaching you that you will need to implement or reinvent for a more prosperous future?


Peppa Potter- Furus

Eight of Wands– Your second eight let us reflect on eights energy.  Eights are the work horse cards, so these last 2 weeks are about getting things done.  Last week was doing physical things.  This week it is categorizing and integrating information.  Great week to clean out your email inbox.  But it also a week where information is coming at you fast and furious.  The challenges are finding your flow, prioritizing, and setting aside some space to integrate or rid any information that sticks out.


Peppa Potter – Exie

Nine of Pentacles – Finally you get to pull back this week a bit.  Time to assimilate some of the stuff you have been working on.  This is a great week to try out some of your ideas into real life situations.  Finding what fits comfortably and with ease.  The big challenge is working smarter not harder.


Peppa Potter
Peppa Potter -Elf

Page of Wands – Inspiration is the muse to play with this week.  The challenge is making time and space to let your creative juices flow without setting any goals.  A great exercise is to deliberately get out the crayons and color outside the lines.


Peppa Potter
Peppa Potter – Dorian and the Magical Forest

Four of Pentacles – Your second four so just to check in with 4 energy.  Fours are about grounding.  Last week it was about getting grounded physical and mentally.  This week’s energy is about grounding your resources.  Some examples would be getting your finances in order, create a savings account or add more than usual to it.  Suzie Orman the PBS money guru says with these times if you can sock away at least six months of expenses that is great.  And if you cannot try to find extra ways to cut your expenses by $10 a month and put that into a savings account.  On the other hand, your resources can be how you are spending your time.  If whatever you are doing is not gaining you space, time or wealth now is the time to readjust and revise what you are doing.


Peppa Potter – What is inside

Knight of Cups – Last week you started off your birth month with the Devil card. This energy is one of your karmic energies for your sign.  This coming year will have lots of distractions and temptations to take you off course.  So, the Devil muse had you write down your what you want to happen in 2021 so when diversions pop up you can pull out your map to stay on your path.  Continue this week pondering what you want to manifest.  However, the week’s muse advises to center on what your heart wants.  You are a romantic at heart so dream like one.


Peppa Potter
Peppa Potter – Misfit

Seven of Pentacles – Work is the focus this week.  You are one of the few signs that is not in full reflection mode with the retrogrades.  You are using this Aries energy to keep moving, and this week is spurring you on to do just that.  A great week to get things notched off your list.  The only challenge is not to get sidetracked from your plans.  Keep your head down and do your work one step at a time.


Peppa Potter – Tilius the garden creature

*Fool – Last week was about harmony.  By understanding that balance is not about equal it is about appropriate amounts for a harmonious flavor.  Now that you are in hopefully a place of Zen you can jump into a new beginning.  I know you all like some sense of order, but this week can test that.  If you have done your harmony work, you can now jump in without a plan.  If you have not, you will need to center yourself with each task.   But either way see your path and tasks with the concept that you are now working with a new blank canvas.


Peppa Potter – Dog

Queen of Swords – The best use of the energy this week is paying attention to the details, being strategic and be direct with your communication.   This can be a challenge for you will need to be in each moment to see its nuances.


Peppa Potter
Peppa Potter – Raven

Three of Wands – Whew last week is done and this week’s energy is sunnier if you keep your head space focus on the possibilities a brighter future can hold.  This week is about staying true to your vision and actions while the rest of the world gets its act together.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 18, 2020

Charles Addams
Charles Addams

Another spooky favorite is cartoonist Charles Addams.    He created the Addams family cartoon which later became a TV series, animations, live action movies, and a stage musical.  Addams brought the ghoulish and absurd into our everyday habitats, cities, and suburbs.   He started drawing cartoons in 1935 for the New Yorker and contributed to it for more than 50 years.  However, of his thousands of cartoons, the Addams family only appears in around 50.  His humor was subtle either in the wry captions or the characters’ juxtapositions within “normal” settings.  He brilliantly added to the definition of American Gothic.

American Gothic literature was born from puritanical ethos and anxiety of the unknow wilderness of the forming United States.  This ghoulish vision of condemnation reinforced by shame and guilt was fertile ground for Irving, Poe, and Hawthorne.  Later Darwinism adding to the gothic collective consciousness the ab-human, authors like Lovecraft and Shelly having us question what it is to be human.  These themes still resonate in modern literature like Interview with a Vampire and The Shining.   The beauty and twist with Addams are he knew how to traverse the line of the macabre and the “normal.”  Inverting the battle of good versus evil and coaxing the viewer to find common ground with our darker or absurd side of the psyche.  In essence he makes the viewer ponder the American Gothic that lies in all of us.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Charles Addams
Oh I couldn’t make it Friday …I’ve so many things to do. It’s the thirteenth you know

Four of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was pushing you to harness your emotions and start creating momentum.  Using this Mars energy to your advantage to get a head start on 2021. This week the energy lessens but still the goal is the same. Make sure you allocate your finite resources to continue laying down the foundation for 2021 projects.  And be careful this week not spending money or time in frivolous endeavors.

Charles Addams

Queen of Wands – The energy this week is about creation, inspiration, and leadership.  Your tasks are to reflect and revise your mission statement.  What is your purpose?  What are you trying to convey?  Use this retrograde energy to recalibrate your goals to your message.

Charles Addams

Ace of Wands – Fresh starts this week are in abundance.  This muse asks you what would you do if your slate was clean?  Your answers will help define your next steps.


Eight of Coins– The muse this week is here to help you hone your craft.  This can be how you make your money and/or what you do with your hands.  The more you focus on the details of your skills and tweak how you do things the easier your work begins to flow.

How many times have I told you…always read the labels

*Magician – You all are just banging out the karma and dharma cards the past 3 weeks.  So, you have been and will continue (if needed) working with energies about blocks, so you can jump with the elegance of a sleek black cat not knowing where exactly it will land.  If you have done the work, then you realize each jump lands you in the arms of the next Magical Muse.  This muse creates space for experimentation and creation.  She helps you pull the divine down into the material world.  This can look as simple as you taking your hobby to the next level, or as complicated as starting a new business/job.  The key is allowing and experiment with your tools to move you to the next stage of growth.

Charles Addams
I think you know everybody

Three of Coins – Collaboration and teamwork are the energies of ease this week.  Finding people with your common goal not only uplift you but also have vital information for you.  By fusing your energies, you create something more then you could attain this week on your own.

Charles Addams
Charles Addams

Four of Swords – Last week your year card of beginnings and endings foretold what 2021 will hold.  This week is about rest.  This is about spending your last week of your birth month, luxuriating.  Time for bubble baths, spa days, reading a novel, and lazing in the sun.  Your mind needs time to rest and reset for the coming year.  Turn off electronics for at least a day and relax.

Charles Addams
I give up Robert What does have two horns, one eye and creeps

*Devil – What an interesting card to start off your birth month. This energy is one of your karmic energies for your sign.  This coming birth year will have a lot of distractions and potholes.  However, if you use your incredible Spidey sense you can navigate it all with ease.   You can read a room well when you tune in, and you can see someone’s weakness and strengths in a glance.  These aspects will be tested this year, so one thing to do this month is have a mirror talk with yourself and ask what do you really want out of 2021? Write down your response so when a distraction pops up you can pull out your map to stay on your path.

Charles Addams
It’s the children, darling back from Camp

Five of Swords – Last week’s energy was about mortaring up holes in your physical realm’s foundations or dealing with an issue hanging around since May.  This week’s muse gives you another week to shore-up work.  The challenge can be your sensitivity is high with all the posturing that can is going on around you.  You cannot ignore the problems, but you also should not engage.  Your motto:  Not your monkeys, not your circus- Polish proverb.  But if they are your monkeys cleaning up after them is your responsibility.

Charles Addams
Dinner time, Webster

*Temperance – This week’s energy is about harmony.  The key to this energy is understanding that balance is not about equal it is about appropriate amounts for a harmonious flavor.  This week work on the components and amounts of  hardship, work, play, purpose, thriving, enjoying, and healing to blend into a savory dish of life.   Your song:  A Spoonful of Sugar.

Charles Addams
I think you know everybody

Nine of Wands – This energy is about meeting your goals and follow-through.  You might have to put on blinders and lock yourself in the room, for the world is very willing to distract you this week.  So, staying diligent and putting up strong boundaries is necessary to get things done.

Charles Addams

Seven of Wands – Ok time to fortify your defensives this week.  No joke this Mars and Mercury retro is making people just not a their best and this week you are ultra-sensitive to it.    The challenge is not taking it personally and protect your inner light from outer negativities.   This is a great time for pillow forts, ice cream, or anything lovely that can get you through this week’s negativity.

intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny