Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 2, 2021

Betsey Batchelor
Betsey Batchelor

This week’s artist is Betsey Batchelor @betseybatchelor.  Batchelor is an artist’s artist. Some artists are meant to be followed not only for their art but because they are willing to show their process.  Batchelor, maybe because she is a teacher, lets us into her process.  She allows the viewer to see through her posts not only the finished piece, but a blank canvas, scraps of paper pinned to a wall, under sketches, daily practices, detailed parts of her work, and pieces in progress.  Batchelor reminds us that art is work.  That there are sketches, experimentation, and honing skills before an artist even gets to the white void.  Then it is honed, thought over, reworked, mulled again or even abandoned.

The humanity of Batchelor’s Instagram is worth you following her, whether her posts remind fellow artists that what we love to do is messy, not just the polished perfection of a gallery exhibit or even our feeds.  And for viewer in general that each piece we see takes hours of unseen work and adds another layer to the awe of art. As an artist or a viewer, it reminds us that the work itself is the life blood of the art and the artist. That the essence of art and life is the work, not just the goals and successes.  This week ponder this quote by Aristotle.  The aim of art (and Life) is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.

Planets:  Mercury enters Gemini on the 3rd and stays until July 11th .  This is a place where it loves to hang so lots of evolutionary conversations can happen.  And Venus enters Gemini on 8th to help with the good vibes.  The only challenge is being careful of over-promising or saying yes to everything.

*All pictures below are from Batchelor’s Instagram posts some are completed pieces some are just her “work.”

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Betsey Batchelor
Betsey Batchelor

Knight of Cups – The Muse of Sexuality is here to help you boost your libido.  Whether you go shopping for new toys, trying new ways to excite all your senses, solo or with a partner.  This week you should work on emotional switching on and stimulation of all kinds.

Betsey Batchelor

*Empress – Your first big energy for your coming year is Creation. This energy is best when it is used to generate anything that nurtures, consoles, and promotes growth.  The challenge is there is growing pains but there will also be compassion and comfort waiting in the wings to support you.   And with all things that are extraordinary, it will take time to grow.  So be patient with your self and whatever you begin growing in the coming year.

Betsey Batchelor
Betsey Batchelor

Knight of Wands – The Muse of Perfect Timing is working with you this week.  Good or bad you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing, if you do you.  Her only requirement is not to second guess yourself, for there is much to glean from this week.

Betsey Batchelor
Betsey Batchelor

*High Priestess – You get another week working with your Shadow side.  This Muse helps you see cycles and the bigger picture to work out old karmic patterns and snip their threads.  Use ritual, meditation, singing bowls… to connect with your inner knowledge and outer guides. There are breadcrumbs in synchronicities and patterns, so keep all your six senses open.

Betsey Batchelor
Betsey Batchelor

*Devil – The Muse of Distraction is here to challenge you.  She only shows up when you are near completion of a goal or learned lesson.  The key is to say no or walk away if something does not feel right or in some cases too right.  The positive consequence of this card is, if you renege this temptation, it will no longer have the hold it had before.

Betsey Batchelor
Betsey Batchelor

Nine of Coins – This Muse has come to help you maintain your workflow and energy by keeping to yourself or only allowing a few supporters in.  She advises that you create a sacred space and time so you can ponder your thoughts without any outside influences.


Betsey Batchelor

*Strength – Last week the Muse of Momentum asked you to use her energy to plot out your course for the coming month.  This week, the Muse of Strength has come to help start and maintain that route. Often this energy comes to help combat apathy, misdirection, or self-doubt.  She reminds you that you have come through trials before and are stronger and more resilient.  This week is not about things being hard but about you seeing you can accomplish anything you set your heart (not your mind) to.

Betsey Batchelor
Betsey Batchelor

Ten of Cups– Another good week in store for you.  Last week the Muse of Optimism and Success shone on all the wonderful things and opportunities that are awaiting you, if you want them and allow yourself to glow and grow. This week the Muse of Bliss reinforces that life has these beautiful moments of heaven on earth.  The challenge with this energy is realizing that these moments are fleeting.  It is important to thoroughly bath in their light when they come and recognize that you cannot maintain that ecstasy.  So, do not to fret their passing but know they will come again. Your motto:  Aloha and Mahalo

Betsey Batchelor

*Temperance – The Muse of Balance and Moderation has come to work with you.   She asks you to do a dive into what is not working and needs to be healed in both your inner and outer world.  The conduit for the energy flowing between them is clog.  So doing something like Tai chi, Feng Shu, balancing your nutrition, sweating, brainstorming, massage …will get you back into balance and a rhythm that is more suitable for you and your work.

Betsey Batchelor
Betsey Batchelor

Ace of Swords – The Muse of New Truths is calling on you this week.  She comes with bountiful information to help you shift or create new paradigms.  This week mind ON.

Betsey Batchelor

Nine of Wands – Last week the muses where all about creating things out of what seemingly is nothing or build on what already is.  Using these energies for formation, moving forward and growing outward.  This energy is still here this week to work with; however, you will need to pace yourself if you wish to accomplish anything.  So prioritize, prepare for, and only work with the items on the top of your list.

Betsey Batchelor
Betsey Batchelor

*Hierophant – Last week the muses were here to aid you in letting go of something to enable growth.  This energy continues this week; however, you also get the assistance of the Muse of Structure. She advises that you look at and rearrange your timing and/or your priorities.  When these two energies come together often your logic is off, like you are putting your cart in front of your horse or not realized the problem of contingencies.  Step back and look at the frame/goals before painting the picture.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 25, 2021

Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Planets:  There is a Full Moon in Scorpio tomorrow which lights up our shadow side and since it squares off with Saturn and Uranus things can get harsh.  So, the next couple of days pull back, stay calm and work on yourself.  Also, Mars just went into Cancer.  That is not its favorite position, fire versus water, so things can get sensitive, but it is great configuration for anything that has to do with sprucing up your home, hanging out with family, or self-care.

This week’s artist is Pan YuLiang (Pan YuLin).  Pan was one of the first woman artists in China to paint in Western style.  However, until recently, her work was controversial for she painted or drew nudes instead of the traditional subjects for women at the time, florals, and still-life.  Often having to pose as her own model.  Even though she was appointed Dean of Western Art at the Shanghai Art Academy her nudes were often taken down at her shows in China. She permanently moved to Paris in late 1930’s and stayed until her death.   Posthumously, she is getting the notoriety due to her, not only in China but worldwide.

Pan’s paintings combine the traditional lines of Chinese ink drawings and the bold colors of Fauvism.  Her images much like Frida Kahlo’s show the strength and poetic gestures of women being woman.  Through art expressing the concepts of feminism, celebrating the strong female image without extinguishing our beauty.  She also worked in the disciplines of sculpture, watercolor and print making.  In each she pursued the adage Finding oneself through our forefathers, yet not forgetting oneself in the past.  So, I pose this pondering to you:  how do you use your past without getting tethered to it?


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Three of Wands- This week planning and preparation are the forces to work with.  Spend Sunday looking at the steps that need to be done for a project in the future.  The rest of the week set about working setting up and gather the materials so those steps can begin.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Two of Cups – The Muse of Relationships is here to help you work on intimacy in yours.  Take time this week to put energy into your close relationships.  The challenge is you must also ask for equity from your partners.  As you fill their cup so should they fill yours.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship is here to remind you that you need a solid hang with your friends.  Your emotional cup needs spilling and filling.  So, crying with grief or laughter is the prescription your heart requires, and only do it around those you can be vulnerable with.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

*Moon – Use this week’s full moon energy to its fullest.  Dive deep into your shadow self and lovingly cajole some of your monsters/protectors to vacate your subconscious or begin metamorphosing into champions of the light.  Remember, be kind to both yourself and them for neither of you like to be sternly confronted or pushed.


Pan YuLiang

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details is here to help you.  By drilling down and focus on the details you can create enough energy to push through any inertia or apathy.  One metaphorical or literal exercise is to clean your sink, groat in your shower, or the edge of baseboards with a toothbrush.  Before you know it, you will bring out the bigger tools and clean the whole bathroom.   By attacking one small to-do, it will start the domino effect needed to help you gain momentum to do more.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-term planning is here. This week is best to deal wit looking at the big picture of the whys.  Take time to make sure what you are planning is still consistent with what you are wanting.  Then spend time planning the how and when before working on the who and what.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum has come to help.  The only problem she has the metaphorical gas but no car or plan.  That is up to you to find.  The best way to use this energy wisely is plot your course before you move, or you will be driving in circles all week.


Pan YuLiang

*Sun– The Muse of Optimism and Success is here to shine on all the wonderful things and opportunities that are awaiting you, if you are wanting them.  Life is on the path of getting a whole lot better, your work is to allow yourself to glow and grow.


Pan YuLiang
Pan YuLiang

Three of Swords – The Muse this week reminds us with ever failure or loss comes a lesson, enhancing your resilience and sharpening your skills.  There are messages in your mistakes, sadness, or pain.  Do not turn away from these for there is a gem of truth and healing in each.


Pan YuLiang

Page of Wands– The Muse of Artistic Experimentation has come to break you out of some restraint or inertia.   Innovation is born out of trial and error.  Try new recipes, combine new mediums, color outside the lines.  The more you allow yourself the freedom to dabble with your mistakes the more you will revolutionize your paradigms.


Pan YuLiang

*Empress and Emperor– The Muse of Creation is here with her companion the Muse of Building.  So you can choose create things out of what seemingly is nothing or build on what is already there.  It is a great week to start projects or drill down or getting a project to the next level.  Either way this week is about using these energies for formation, moving forward and growing outward.


Pan YuLiang

Death – This Muse is here to aid you in letting go of something to enable growth this week.  Something on your lists of to-dos or wants is no longer serving what the new you needs. So, reexamine your desires something is not working and needs to be chucked.  This release allows new things you cannot even fathom the space to flourish.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 18, 2021

My Dad died this week so this tarotcast will be a little different.

Above is my favorite picture of my Dad and I; however, it is also the summer we had two of our worst fights, one about a cat and the other about my schooling.  I did not really talk to him for a full year after that, only answering in monosyllabic sentences when he called.   Memories like these have been cascading into my conscious- some good many difficult.  A friend said to me this week that complex relationships have complicated completions.

However, one subject where my Dad and I did have deep discussions, and also harbor my fondest memories, were around spirituality.  These discussions started a year after this picture, the same year I started reading tarot cards.

Many people are drawn to tarot because of its visual presentation often its beauty.  However, the real work is complex as this picture of me and my Dad, where there are both ease and challenges to learn from each card.   The aim with tarot, discussions, life in general is being open to their lessons and learning the skill of exchange.   These experiences define who we are and strengthen our spiritual core.   So, I am not going to do my regular tarotcast this week, which is a bit of a monologue in this format.  The pictures are from some of my favorite tarot decks, and each sign will get two words that references that card.  And you choose which energy you want to exchange with this week.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Children of Litha tarot

*High Priestess – Perceptivity/Secrets

Dali tarot

*Justice – Equity/Prejudice


Two of Wands – Objective/Exasperation

Shadowscape tarot

Ace of Wands – Inspiration/Apathy


Six of Swords – Pilgrimage/Cornered

Housewives Tarot

Five of Wands – Competition/Reconciliation



Four of Swords – Recovery/Sickness

Muse Tarot

*Tower – Disaster/Rebuild

Tarot of The Divine

Queen of Cups – Nurturing/Manipulation

Tazama African

*Fool – Possibilities/Recklessness

Wombat Tarot

Page of Swords – Inquiry/Self-conscious

Light Seers Tarot

Ten of Wands – Burden/Reassessment

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 11, 2021

Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Tree Line

It is a New moon in Aries today. Since Aries starts the astrological wheel, this New Moon is about beginnings.   The Ram is all about action, launching and creating the new, this week set goals, start projects, plant seeds etc… Also, the Sun, Moon and Venus will parley with Pluto which can highlight power struggles but also can gives us the tenacity to solve them.

This week’s artist is Richard Whadcock.  Whadcock paints dream like landscapes.  They transport the viewer to the pastural dewy dawns, foggy aftermaths of a storm, the misty breath of a cold lake…  Having us ponder those times when we can see the potential, but nothing is yet fully in focus.  Where we question and contemplate what we are actually perceiving. Navigating our surroundings more with our emotions then with tactile knowledge. Pondering the unknown and times of transitions.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Evensong

Eight of Coins – So first let’s sum up your big energies to work with this coming year.  Your Muse energies are balancing excess, blending binaries, cultivate and assessing what intensity and focus to beam this energy with.  And by doing this you can make leaps that take advantage of places that others cannot reach.  And now this week’s Muse reminds you this will take work and you will be busy.   But do not fret for you already have the primary skills to obtain these new heights.  It is just about fine tuning your assets.



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock.
Taste the Air

Queen of Coins – Last week the Muse of Reflection reminded you of the cyclic nature of intention.  That your higher purpose connects to your emotions which in turn supports your energy flow to carry out your purpose.  This week’s Muse is more rooted in reality than the philosophical headspace of last week.  This week it is hands-on energy or really your five senses on.  You need some grounding after all that pondering, so this week use your five senses each day to integrate your ponderings into actions.



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Dawn Veils

Ace of Coins – Last week was creating plans, goals, and schedules for the next three months.  This week’s energy helps put those plans into action.  Remember this is just the beginning no need to rush.  It is vital to create grounded foundations so you can build higher and better.



Richard Whadcock
Richard Whadcock Shore to Shore

Three of Swords – The Muse this week helps you connect with the emotions of sorrow, grief, loss, and disappointment.  As a water sign you know that there are lessons and value in all emotions.  Take time to come to an understanding with at least one of these emotions.  Learn its lesson and then heal the wound.



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Silent Water

King of Cups – The Muse of Emotions is here to help you celebrate your emotional depth and width.  It is a great time to enrich your emotional IQ and befriend your emotional monsters.  Your challenge is when working with these entities not to get triggered and let them drive the car.  The poem Guest House by Rumi will aid with this skill.



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock Shadow Tree

Nine of Wands – Preparation and defense is the name of the game this week.  The more you are prepared for the day the more you can pivot, weave and swat away any hindrances.  As they say the best defense is a good offense.  So, carry protein bars, fill your gas tank up, leave 10 minutes early, etc.…



Richard Whadcock.
Richard Whadcock.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is visiting you this week.  Reminding you that all work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dreary person.  So, watch comedies or stand-up, tell bad dad jokes, dance in your room, share laughs as often as you can, for laughter is the best medicine.



Richard Whadcock Evening Lake

Two of Cups – This week the Muse of Loving Relationships is here to remind you to tend to yours.  Whether that relationship is with a plant, an animal, or a person, this week you need to feed that connection.  Relationship is key to grounding you and maintaining your momentum, as well as theirs.




Richard Whadcock Passage

Two of Wands – Last week the muses asked what metamorphosis you would like in your work, purpose, life, and/or relationships, and to choose your pace in that innovation.  Well luckily, you have another week to work on this pondering with the Muse of Future-gazing.   This muse challenges you not to just think of what you want to achieve in the coming year but what do you want to be doing in five, ten, twenty years from now.  You do not have to have a clear vision but at least a vague outline of the landscape will help.



Richard Whadcock Lake Edge

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is here.  This energy arises to give you information, but you will need to cull it from your memories.  Whether you go through old journals, photos, or allow it to seep into your dreamscape find a way to spark this download.




Richard Whadcock Back to Kerry

*Temperance – The Muse of Moderation is here to help you navigate this week’s surges.  She helps you blend desperation with patience, hopelessness with faith, and changes frustrating nothings and burdensome everythings into manageable somethings.  Your work is to get enough sleep and subsistence to keep you even keeled.



Richard Whadcock Broadwater

King of Coins – The Muse of Building Prosperity is here to do just that.  This is a great week to look over your finances and create some action steps to increase your fiscal wealth.  Whether that is increasing your payments to your savings, buying a home, investing in the stock market, or starting a side hustle, you are in a good place and time to fortify your fiscal foundations.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 4, 2021


It feels like spring this week, so it felt right for a sonnet. What is the difference between a poem and a sonnet.  A sonnet is a poem that is fourteen lines long that uses formal rhyme schemes.  A poem is a piece of writing that expresses feelings and ideas which are given power by using rhyme, rhythm and/or imaginary.   Below and in each sign’s tarotcast is a line from Sonnet 98: From you have I been absent in spring by The Bard, William Shakespeare.

From you have I been absent in the spring,

When proud-pied April, dressed in all his trim,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



*Fool– Another birth year Muses, so you all will have a lot of energies and muses to with from now until next April.  The last two weeks Muse energies were about balancing excess, blending binaries, cultivate and assessing at what intensity and focus to beam this energy at.  And now the Muse of Leaps of Faith is asking you to make that jump into the unknown.    This coming year you spirit animal is the Bighorn sheep of the western mountain of North America.  Who traverse ledges sometimes two inches in width. They are not as agile as mountains goats, but their vision, focus and feet are more specialized.  Enabling them to traverse areas that seem untraversable.  So, if you enhance your balancing, blending and vison you too can jump and take advantage of places that others can not reach.

Hath put a spirit of youth in everything,


*Moon – More time to dive into the subconscious either through dreams, meditation, or aimless ponderings to connect to information about your higher purpose.  This Muse of Reflection is the light for last week’s higher purpose information gathering.  Again, look for clues in synchronicities and cycles. Take this Muse’s advise to be soft with your reflections and expectations.  She reminds you of the cycle where your higher purpose connects to your emotions which in turn supports your energy flow to do your purpose.

That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him.


Three of Wands – This is a great week to create plans, goals, and schedules for the next three months.  The more preparation you do this week the more ready for action you will be for the coming weeks’ momentum.

Yet nor the lays of birds, nor the sweet smell



Nine of Cups – The Muse of Contentment has shown up this week.  She asks you to ponder what is enough?  Where are you pushing yourself to give 100% or strive for the unobtainable goal of perfection?  This week pull back at least 10% and you will find that almost brings more realistic and obtainable gratifications.

Of different flowers in odour and in hue,


Four of Cups – The Muse of Introspection arrives this week.  She advises you that deep pondering and philosophizing is needed before going forward.  However, she also challenges you to turn outward when you find yourself either to deep in the rabbit hole or feeling stuck.  The outside world has information to help you readjust so you can go back musing with a fresh perspective.

Could make me any summer’s story tell,


*Chariot – The Muse of Self-Propelled Momentum is honking outside in her convertible to take you for a ride.  This energy challenges you to create momentum in your life.  Take the next steps towards your dreams and destiny.  If you find yourself unable, then get outside and move, walk, ride your bike, skate, or drive with the windows down.   Focus on the wind on your face and imagine moving forward.  Go.

Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew:


Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance is having you practice multi-tasking but with only two components at a time.  If you find yourself unsteady this week, stop put everything down and then pick one thing to work on until you regain your equilibrium.  Only then can you add another item to your list.

Nor did I wonder at the lily’s white,



Three of Wands – Last week the Muse of Tying up Loose Ends came to help you complete something, so you could create space and time for the new to take root. Well, this week’s Muse is the little sister to that.  This energy is that space between breathes or the task that needs to be set up before making a move.  So, if you could not finish things up last week, you got another week.  And if you have completed your tasks, then tidy your space and mind in preparation for your next move.

Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;


Evolution/Judgment – It is time to up your ante and start anew.  This muse asks you what are you not achieving?    What metamorphosis would you like in your work, purpose, life, and/or relationships?  Now is the time to work on making that transformation happen.  No more same old- same old.  This is a perfect energy for these seasons of Spring/Fall.  You choose, are you ready to spring forward or do you need another season to simmer and wind down before moving on?  Either way this energy is about re-invention.

They were but sweet, but figures of delight


Two of Swords – Your Muse this week is the Muse of Choice.  In some places in your life, you may not have the privilege of choice, and in these places, you need to let go and go with the flow.  In other places though you do, and this is where your energy needs to be spent.  Though she reminds you when making your choices, the path you decide to travel is more important than the goal.

Drawn after you, – you pattern of all those.


Knight of Cups – The Muse this week prompts you that having emotions and being vulnerable leads to understanding and intimacy.  This week you may find yourself in a miasma of emotions.  Invite them in.  Have a cup of Tea with each, for they give you information that is useful in the weeks to come.

Yet seem’d it winter still, and, you away,


Three of Coins – The Muse of the Collaboration is visiting this week.  That means your teamworking skills need to well oiled.  She reminds you three heads are better than one. So not only is your opinion needed but also your listening skills.      

As with your shadow I with these did play.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 28, 2021


Yep, it is time for another round of cute animal pictures to raise our spirits.  The end of March is the also the end of the yearly migration of the Emperor Penguin and the beginning of a new generation of penguins.  If you have not seen the March of the Penguins, please do it’s an amazing documentary about Emperor Penguins and their breeding season.  There are 17 to 20 species of penguins (the debate is still on with scientists).   So far, the biggest known species is extinct and stood at the height of 1.77m/5’ 10” and weighed over 91kg/200 lbs.

The above is the tiniest, lesser know and only blue feathered penguin, the Little Blue Penguin, Fairy Penguin or kororā in Māori. It is found on the coastlines of Australia and New Zealand.  They are 33cm/13in in height and weigh about 1.5 kg /3 lbs compared to the Emperor who can reach almost 1.1m (3ft 7 in) tall and weigh 35kg (77 lbs).  Most penguin species eat krill, squids, and small fish.  Ten of the species are considered endangered from varying reasons of weather pattern, climate change, declining food sources, or increase in predation.

Planets and Ponderings: Full Moon in Libra.  This moon is about harmony, peace and love however, for the next couple of days Venus planet of love and Chiron the wounded healer are in the opposing warrior and action sign, Aries.  So be aware relationships and communication can be a bit at odds, old wounds can re-open so try not to push anything to fast into action.  The best way to navigate this time is to be patient, listen with compassion and speak from a place of love.   And if you are feeling angst do something active with your body.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Mutation of a King Penguin

*Sun and Knight of Swords – Last week your first energy for the coming year was about balancing excess and blending binaries.  This week you have two Muses to aid in that balancing act.  The first is the Muse of Energy.  This year is full of growth and light.  You will be able to cultivate anything you aim your energy at.  However, the second energy the Muse of Slowing Down warns that you need to buffer your intensity and slow your pace so you can think things through.  This is a year to actively expand but balance and moderation are your prim directives.

Chin Strap Penguin

*High Priestess – The Muse this week is the partner to last week’s energy.  Last week was a time for reflection- to dive into the subconscious either through dreams, meditation, or aimless ponderings to connect with the flow of energies and emotions that need tending to.   By softening your gaze, you see the periphery with more clarity. That peripheral vison while be needed again this week.   When this muse shows up, she is calling you to dive into the information around and about your higher purpose.  Last week was a modification of self this week is a tuning of why you are here.  Look for clues in synchronicities and cycles.

Magellenic Penguin

Nine of Coins – This is a great week for working on anything on the material plane. However, to maintain your focus you need more time alone then in the company of others.  Take moments to go into airplane mode and put out the do not disturb sign, and only let in people who have your back.

Gentoo Penguin

Page of Cups – Last week a shift happened, the pendulum is on a new swing cycle.  And you were advised to seek the seeds of serendipity, knowing that there are lessons and gifts in each swing.  This week that energy is still in motion.  However, The Muse of Innocence is here to help guide you with a fresh set of eyes.  Though that vision is rosed color in tint, it is more adept at seeing the silver linings in your week.

Macaroni Penguin

Five of Wands – You are going to need last week’s lesson in balancing this week, for it is full of chaotic energies.  And harder for you because what cat isn’t attracted to the flicker and flutter of something in motion or distress.  It is your choice to jump into the game of cat and mouse.  But if you do, know it will be hard to keep your focus and goal in mind with all that movement.  Conscious focus and innovative side-stepping will be the key to success.

King penguin chicks

Knight of Wands – Last week the Muse of Justice came to work with you around the concepts of fairness as well as inequity.  Challenging you that for true justice to happen so must deliberation.  This week is a whole lot smoother with the Muse of Perfect Timing at your side.  If you follow your integrity, you will be in the right place and the right time.  So good or bad there are hidden gems for you at ever turn.


Gentoo Penguin

Knight of Coins – Learning the right pace for the right job are the lessons this week.  If slow and steady is your speed, then work like you are running a marathon.  Hydration and nutrition are key.   If you work better in short quick sprints, then make your workflow mimic that pace.

Rock Hopper Penguin

*World – The Muse of Tying up Loose Ends is here to help you complete something.  This is a great week to tackle anything that has been on your to-do list the longest and/or has just one more step to completion.  This Muse is the forebearer to new beginnings, so she is here to help you create space and time for that new thing to take root.

Adelie Penguin

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Living is here to help you combine getting things done with enjoyment.  Her first lesson is if you are not having fun while you are working then you are not doing it right.  And her second is if you are not savoring all your senses each day then you are not enjoying this time you have on Earth in this body.   If you do the second lesson the first becomes easier.

Emperor Baby

Four of Cups – Last week the Hermit Muse advised you to take yourself out of the world to gain perspective and regroup.  You get another week with this energy with her younger sister the Muse of Introspection.  Again, your best thinking is done in seclusion from the hustle and bustle of the world.   However, if you find yourself having circular thoughts then it is time to turn outward for clues and inspirations.  Which you can take back to your reverie.

Emperor penguin

Six of Coins – Last week the muses advised patience to gain a new perspective.  This week the energy shifts to more action.  The only caveat is that what you give out will reverberate back to you.  So, this is great if you are emitting positive energy.  But if you are being judgmental or just plan mean this will also echo back to you.  So, watch your P’s and Q’s.

Rock Hopper baby penguin

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is wanting to go through photo albums and/or your attic/basement with you.   Why?  Because your past has answers and hidden treasures that will be useful in your near future.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 21, 2021

Leilah Babirye
Nansamba Owe Ngabi from the Kuchu Antelope Leilah Babirye

The artist this week is Leilah Babirye.  Babirye’s art guides us into ponderings about ancestors, history, and societal groups.  Her sculptures are constructions of wood or ceramic adorned with found objects.  Part new, part past and part the living history around her.  Her titles and inspirations come from her personal story where ancestral lineages are essential though her ancestral present does not serve her.  Babriye comes from Buganda a kingdom of Uganda however, she had to leave six years ago because of homophobic death threats.

In Uganda members of a clan create kinships.  They consider themselves siblings or an interconnected family inconsequential to their bloodline. Babriye incites us to see that we can reestablish kinship when our historical structures fail us.  With this series she creates ancestors from Kuchu ClanKuchu being a secret endearment used within the queer community in her native land.  We classical define clans as the principal social unit of a tribal organization which is descended from a common ancestor.  Babriye’s art shows us our need for connection, and if the system or social construct cannot support us, we can make our own.

Ponderings for the week:  With the Pope and therefore the Catholic Church again condemning same sex relationships as a sin.  We still have a lot of prejudice to weed out of our institutional systems.  Where do your belief systems support biases?    How can we honor our heritage but also allow it to evolve with our collective conscious? Who would your chosen ancestor be?  Is it time to re-cite your story?

Planets: Venus goes into Aries today.  This can be a very playful and action filled week, however; on Tuesday, March 23 there are some funky planet configurations.  Be kind and watch that you don’t jump into situations that cause more trouble then good.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Leilah Babirye, Omumbejja Sangalyabongo (The Only Daughter of Nagginda, The Wedded Queen of Buganda

*Temperance – The first card of your birth month is The Muse of the Middle Path.  This year is a lesson in balancing excess and blending binaries.  There will be no absolutes this year which is hard for your sign in general.  You like definitives.  However, cooperation, blending, and balance is essential to create forward movement that does not look like a zig zag pattern. You are also challenge this year not to over-do, over-exert, and over-emote.  Harmonizing opposites by going back to their source is the distinctive quality of the Zen attitude, the Middle Way:  embracing contradictions, making synthesis of them, achieving balance- Taisen Deshimaru



Leilah Babirye
Leilah Babirye Senga Bisilikirwa Special Auntie

*Moon – The Muse of the Moon is here to remind you softness is needed this week.  A time for reflection- to dive into the subconscious either through dreams, meditation, or aimless ponderings.  You might feel slightly disconnected and not as grounded, but this allows you to connect with the flow of energies and emotions that need tending to.   By softening your gaze, you will see the periphery with more clarity.



Leilah Babirye
Leilah Babirye

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Attentiveness reminds you to focus on one thing at a time.  This week’s energy will be bombarding you with inquires and attention seeking people.  Your challenge is to push all that aside and focus on what needs to be done.   She suggests you write your goals down before you walk out the door each day.  Or even better if you pull out a sharpie and write the one item with the highest priority on your hand.



Leilah Babirye
Leilah Babirye

*Wheel – This week is a moment when you will feel a major energy shift.  You understand acutely what goes up must go down, for you are in tune with the cycles of not only the moon but also life.  Your challenge this week whether the fate is fortuities or failure, is the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction again.  So, it is valuable to seek the seeds of serendipity.  There are lessons and gifts in each swing.


Leilah Babirye Omugole omukyala namirembe kaddulubale peaceful bride of mwanga

Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance has come to help you sort through this week.  First, she advises you do some grounding exercises:  yoga, bury your feet in sand, or visualizing growing roots into the ground.  Next, she has you practice balancing on one foot while figuring out what your two top priorities are this week.  Then she suggests you take on only those two objectives until they are complete or as complete as they can get.  Of course, the trick is doing the above while eating balanced meals, drinking eight glass of water, and sleeping at least 8 hours.  It takes concentration but you can do it.


Leilah Babirye
Leilah Babirye Queen Lakwena

*Justice – The Muse of Justice has come to work with you around the concepts of fairness as well as inequity.  The challenge with this week and these energies are that the answers are not an easy yes/no, good/bad kind of ruling.  For true justice to happen a thorough deliberation must be done.  So in all decisions you must look at the why things happen and then align that to your integrity before you can come to a verdict.


Leilah Babirye  Queen in Love

Ace of Cups – Love is in the Air.  Connect to the people you love, engage in activities that you love, and share the love.  Plant seeds of affection wherever you go this week.  Open doors, smile with your eyes, and savor good food and good company.  Love is one of the elixirs of life – Fill your cup.


Leilah Babirye
Leilah Babirye

Two of Wands – Time to future gaze.  This week’s energy is all about planning the next steps of your destiny.  This Muse asks you to include at least one of your passions and one adventure into the next phase of your plans.  By the end of the week, you might feel her urging you to also make the first step.


Leilah Babirye Omulangila Jjunju (Prince of The Buganda Kingdome)

Five of Cups – The Muse of Spilled Milk is here to tweak your concepts of mistakes.  Look around you and see areas where you are floundering or making missteps.  These areas need to be re-done.  You need to sift out what is working.  This is not a totally re-do but it is a restart.  Work with what is working and leave the rest of the mess behind.


Leilah-Babirye-Namakula The Mother of All Artists

*Hermit – This week take time to pull yourself out of the world to gain some perspective and regroup.  This Muse comes to guide you to higher ground so you can see the bigger picture.  If you remain in the entanglements of the now, you will be swallowed by its urgency and complexity.  By stepping back, you begin to see the pattern of the dance so when you rejoin you do so with ease and joy.


Leilah Babirye Namasole Nakatya Queen Mother of Ssekababka Mwanga II

*Hanged Muse – This Muse advises to come at this week with patience and a new perspective.  The patience part is that this week time is just not on your side or at least you are dealing with it as an enemy instead of a beloved friend to hang with.  Thank the delays you encounter.  They are lining you up to be more in sync with the natural order.  And while you are in idle take this time to ponder a new perspective on an aspect of your life that feels as if it is roadblocked.  It is, but that does not mean you cannot figure out a new way around it.  The key is new.


Leilah Babirye

Five of Coins – The Muse of Lost Things is knocking at your door.  She would like to come in and sort out that feeling that something just is not right.  She asks can you be helped preferably from a professional?  Part of that feeling un-rightness is not having the resources or knowledge to solve it, but help is there if you just look for it.

intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny