Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 8, 2021

Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

The artist this week is Joan Fullerton @joanfullerton.  Fullerton is a working artist.  What I mean by that is she is not world-renowned artist hanging in the Louvre, but she does art.  She teaches, shows, and paints.  Fullerton does what she loves.  I highlight working artists because it shows that you can do what you love and make a living doing it.  Not everyone is going to be a Frieda Carlo, Maya Angelou, or Brad Pitt, but there is plenty of room for people to honor their passion.  They all started off make a living and doing the work. During this Leonine week where we investigate how we shine ponder this:  Do we sometimes by aiming for the goal, miss the point of the work?  The work should bring you contentment not the goal.  Goals are fleeting;  where the everyday, the work, is steady and satisfying.

Solar System highlights:  Moon starts in Leo – your time to shine and find joy.  It moves to Virgo on the 9th – time to clean house and organize.  Then Libra on the 11th – highlighting relationships.  Ending in Scorpio – focus on your passion but watch the drama.    Mercury goes into Virgo on the 11th.  Great time to clean out your email and when conversing be clear, simple, and precise.  Venus is in Virgo this can be a hard configuration around your relationships, so watch frustrations and critical talk – patience is key.  On the positive side a great time to weed and fertilize anything you want to grow or create space for.  Mars is in Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything.  Jupiter is back in Aquarius so back to the drawing board innovating and upping your game for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

King of Cups – Last week the Muse of Empire Creation supported you in building onto anything you have already started.  The challenge with this energy is being aware of your surroundings and the consequences of your actions.  Now the Muse of Emotionality is here to continue the theme of what is good for all is good for the one.  You maybe asked to be vulnerable this week to build better community and a better you.


Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

*Strength – This week has its challenges, but it is just testing your ability to be flexible and open to other ways of doing things. Your Muse of Resilience and Inner Strength suggest you be less like an oak tree and more like bamboo.  Oak trees are solo.  Bamboo relies on each other for strength.  Oaks grow slowly.   Bamboo grows fast.  The task is to be less stoic and set and more passionate and supple.  Sometimes taming oneself weakens your passion. Your motto:  I’m not in control of everything and that is okay.


Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

*Empress – The Muse of Creation has come to help you birth something.  She asks what would you like to develop and grow in the next 10 months?  This energy will help you in this endeavor if you show up.  This Muse reminds that to cultivate something you specifically need to tend to it.  However, she also advises if you do not have the time to be present then cast your seeds to the wind and see what shows up a in the spring of 2022.  Either a desire or a surprise wants to be born, so create and planet some seeds this week.


Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future is here to get you dreaming of far away places and new adventures.  Spend this week thinking of what 2022 could hold for you.  What would you like to accomplish two birthdays from now?  Markers, scissors, paint, and vision boards up.



Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

Six of Cups – Last week the Muse of Resilience and Inner Strength is having you quest for subconscious release by the direction of cognizant realization.  So simple that means how do you let your inner self comfortably show in the outer world?  Your work this year is to create or work on healthy outlets so your inner “beast” can roar.  To help you on this hunt is the Muse of the Past.  Some of the answers lie in your childhood.  This energy wants you to explore how the child you, 2-10, found outlets to express yourself.



Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

*Magician – This Muse is here to help you finalize the last month of your birth year and prep the table for the coming year.  The Muse of Divine Manifestation is asking you to connect with your celestial source to download information and action plans.  She reminds you that you already possess all the tools you will need for this coming year, but asks what will you do with them?  Spend this week experimenting with your tools and innovating your plans.


Joan Fullerton

Three of Swords – The energy around you this week is heartache but within it is also healing.  You may find you are easily triggered.  Use these upsets to guide you to places that need healing.  Be kind to yourself as you would for anyone else recovering from wounds or trauma.


Joan Fullerton

*Devil – The Muse of Exams is here with a number two pencil and bubble sheets.  This energy will test your resolve and boundaries.  So, with every exam prep work is needed.  Start off this week with a few goals and boundaries set.  Then once you roll into Monday you will be less likely to be taken off track.  Remember this energy is not to reteach you any lessons. This is about did you fully understand the knowledge gained from your life experiences.


Joan Fullerton

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is here to help you have some, well, fun.  You all as a sign are fun-loving but when you get down in the dumps it can be like trying to drive on flat tires.  This energy is here to remind you that one of your purposes for being here on Earth is to find the fun and bring others along for the ride.  So, your homework is to do as many joyful things as possible for yourself this week and if you can include another – double the fun 😉


Joan Fullerton

Queen of Swords – Last week the Muse of Long-term Planning came to calibrate your present plans to your future goals.  Something has gotten out of kilter, and you need foresight to realign it back to the right path. And now her partner The Muse of Details has come to join the party.  This energy helps you navigate the details needed to obtain your goals.  Their motto:  Work smarter not harder and Measure twice and cut once.


Joan Fullerton

Ten of Coins – Last week the Wandering Muse was pushing you to start a new adventure, plan a vacation, start a new project, or wander without any set goals.   Reminding you that your joy comes from discovering the new.  Now the Muse of Success has joined to prompt you before you start on your new adventure take this week to relax and enjoy your success.  This month signifies a new beginning but also an ending.  Don’t rush the process to move on without patting yourself on the back and basking in your achievements.


Joan Fullerton

King of Swords and Six of Cups – The Muse of Planning has partnered with the Muse of Memories this week.  To create memories sometimes planning is involved.  These energies not only want you to go down memory lane and pull up past joyful memories but also wants you to plan events in the future that can create new joyful memories.  Your past has knowledge on the who, what, where, and how to future joy.   They remind you now is the time to start new and fresh and be more positive energetically for your future.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 1, 2021

Calvin Seibert

As we enter the last month of summer, the artist this week is Calvin Seibert @calvinseibert.  Seibert’s is an architecture and shape enthusiast.  He photographs odd things and parts of buildings as the foundation of his work.  He either applies color, lines and dots to these images, or he combines these visual elements to create sand-defying sandcastles.

His photography and framing highlights what we walk by every day and bends it to eccentricity or kitsch.  Kitsch is defined as art, objects, or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way. As one views Seibert’s art one finds themselves smiling.  His “view finder”, artistic brain plus eye, makes the viewer look at the world around ourselves and appreciate the quirk by the accentuating the angle of the picture or by creating and applying new constructs on to old ones.

Solar System highlights:  Moon starts in Gemini – so watch your emotional communication.  Then moves to Cancer on the 4th – create spaces and time for the “comfy’.  It then ends in Leo on 7th – no time for shade, be kind, and share the wealth.  Mercury is in Leo great time for PR and making yourself shine.  Venus is in Virgo this can be a hard configuration around your relationships, so watch frustrations and critical talk – patience is key.  On the positive side a great time to weed and fertilize anything you want to grow or create space for.  Mars is in Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything.  And Jupiter is back in Aquarius so back to the drawing board innovating and upping your game for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,





Calvin Seibert
Calvin Seibert

*Emperor – The Muse of Empire Creation has come with blueprints.  This energy is great for building on anything you have already started.  This muse inspires you to get things done and off your lists.  The challenge with this energy is being aware of your surroundings and the consequences of your actions.  The more people that benefit from your constructions the better.



Calvin Seibert
Calvin Seibert

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past has come for beverages, reminiscing, and asking you to pull out your pictures to share.  This is a great week to hang with family and friends and exchange histories.  The past has some information that is useful for you this week.



Calvin Seibert
Calvin Seibert

King of Coins – Last week the Muse of New Beginnings came to divinely guide you to your next endeavor.  Now the Muse of Doing has come to help you move along any project you hopefully started last week. This energy brings with it experienced wisdom.  That means you have the skills even though this is a new frontier.  Rely on what you know.



Calvin Seibert
Calvin Seibert

King of Cups – The Muse of Deep Emotional Understanding has brought you cookies and emotional support.  This energy is about sitting down with all your emotions and making friends.  Every emotion has its good and bad side.  Each is helpful.  So, whatever emotions you are dealing with this week learn from them and be grateful for their gifts.



Calvin Seibert
Calvin Seibert

*Strength – The Muse of Resilience and Inner Strength has come to play with you this coming birth year.  This is one of your Karmic cards that you work and go deeper with for your entire life.  The quest for subconscious released and claimed by the direction of cognizant realization. So simple that means how do you let your inner self comfortably show in the outer world?  Do you do it through art, writing, music, running?  Where can you safely let your wild and creative side out? Your work this year is to create or work on healthy outlets so your inner “beast” can roar.




Calvin Seibert
Calvin Seibert

Ace of Swords – The last couple of weeks the Muse of Higher Purpose came to remind and/or deepen your commitment to the many reasons you are here on this plane at this time using synchronicities and cycles to help guide you.  Then her partner joined emphasizing that you need rituals and structures set up, so you doing your purpose comes with more ease.  Well lucky for you, you get another week to ponder, clarify and set up this new structural formats that support your desires and destiny.



Calvin Seibert
Calvin Seibert

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Mastery advises that this week’s focus is solo on your material plane work; however, she also reminds you that you have all the skills necessary to work on it. Your challenge is that it may take a few tweaks to get everything to line up correctly.



Calvin Seibert
Calvin Seibert

Three of Swords – The Muse of Heart Ache has come to help you navigate your heart around possible triggers this week.  She reminds you these are old wounds that need to be healed.  However, you do not have to re-live the trauma.  These triggers are just reminders on what you need to still work on.



Calvin Seibert

Four of Coins – The Muse of Frugality has come to advise you to spend your resources wisely this week.  She usually arrives when your structures are not supporting you and you are leaking energy because of it.  Not getting enough rest, not eating well, or overspending resources when it is not necessary.  This is also a great week to start or add to a savings account or invest for the long-term.



Calvin Seibert

King of Swords – Time to tweak your what you are working on.  The Muse of Long-term Planning is here to calibrate your present plans to your future goals.  Something has gotten out of kilter, and you need foresight to realign it back to the right path.



Calvin Seibert

*Fool – The Wandering Muse is pushing you to start on a new adventure.   This Muse reminds you that Aquarius is the sign of innovation and day dreamers.  Your joy comes from discovering the new. This is a great week to plan a vacation, or start a new project, or wander without any set goals.



Calvin Seibert

Eight of Swords – Last week, the Muse of Duality pointed out the paradoxes and conundrums in your life.  This energy wanted you to start dealing with double truths, or conflicting wants like stability/freedom, love/frustration, happy/sad etc.…You get another week on this work because you also discovered some major blockades to this way of thinking.  Take this week to pull back and identify what is blocking you, and then release what is no longer working.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 25, 2021

Peng Wei

Happy birthday month Leo!

This week’s artist is Peng Wei @pengwei_weipeng.  Wei uses classical ink and painting techniques on rice paper.  Though as the viewer examines more closely you see that there is always a twist.  She applies them on torsos, inside shoes or presents them in “playful combinations of harmony and discord”.  For instance, her shoes are titled a Beautiful Pair and show a couple in an intimate embrace but in the next insole another figure interacting with the woman.  Or she presented her landscapes on musical stands accompanied by calligraphed translations of Chopin letters to friends with erotica played in the background.   She has the viewer questioning our surface perceptions and therefore has us questioning who we are and what the world expects us to be. Your pondering for the week what are your assumptions and how do they guide you in your perception of reality?

Solar System highlights:  Moon starts in Pisces – keep on dreaming.  Then moves to Aries on the 28th – great time to start or finish tasks.  It then ends in Taurus on 30th – this is where it is exalted- good vibes wherever you focus.  Mercury is still in Cancerian a great time to express your emotions and have deep convos with your besties.  It then goes into Leo on 27th great time for PR and making yourself shine.

Venus is in Virgo this can be a hard configuration around your relationships, so watch frustrations and critical talk – patience is key.  On the positive side a great time to weed and fertilize anything you want to grow or create space for.  Mars is in Leo until the 29th, so continue manifesting your desires, then switch focus as it goes into Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything.  And I just want to remind everyone that Jupiter returns to Aquarius on the 28th, so until then it gives you a window into 2022, so if you do not like what you see, time to start making changes. After that it is back to the drawing board innovating and upping your game for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Peng Wei
Peng Wei

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Bondage has come to teach you a lesson of limiting beliefs.  You have allowed societal thought patterns to hold you back.  Now is the time to let go of those now self-restricting patterns and walk with autonomy to your true north.


Peng Wei
Peng Wei

Five of Swords – The Muse of Conflict has come to your door with boxing gloves in hand.  This week is full of conflict, but also the potential for resolution to situations that have bubbling under the surface.  The key is how and what you choose to fight for.  You are advised by this muse to come at each round with a deeper understanding of your opponent’s fighting style and navigate if it worth the fight for the long game?


Peng Wei
Peng Wei

*The Fool – The Muse of New Beginnings is here to divinely guide you to your next endeavor.  This is a great week to explore your surroundings, experience something new, start a class, start anything.  The challenge she poses in that you must have faith.  Even if things seem to not work out as you have planned, there is a divine scheme that is in place.   Trust.


Peng Wei
Peng Wei

Ten of Wands – Finally the Spotlight has moved off and you can go back to you doing you.  However, don’t forget this year’s theme is about creating structures that promote contentment, sustainability, and stability.   Your challenge is to remain flexible and innovative so as you grow so does your “shell.”   But this week the Muse of Burdens has come to try and knock you off course with obligations and responsibilities.  Your goal is to par down your workload to only things that are necessary to your themes above.  Let go of the obligations that society or your worrying is trying to put on you.


Peng Wei
Peng Wei

Three of Wands – Last week the Muse of Death had you cleaning your decks for the coming year.  Well, this week that energy continues with The Muse of Forethought.  Put your thinking cap on and start looking at the steps you will need to take to make this coming year all that it is meant to be. She also emphasis that you will need space to allow new things into your life.  So, the first step is setting up the space to think, so you can simplify your surroundings.



Peng Wei

*Hierophant – Last week the Muse of Higher Purpose has come to remind and/or deepen your commitment to the many reasons you are here on this plane at this time using synchronicities and cycles to help guide you.  Now her partner has joined the ranks emphasizing that you need rituals and structures set up, so you doing your purpose comes with more ease.  Your challenge is to set up the constructs that support your desires and destiny.    Look at your schedules, self-care regime, and workload.


Peng Wei
Peng Wei

Three of Cups – Last week the Muse of Bondage came to help you find freedom.  Asking what are you “wedded” to that just feels wrong?  This Muse lovingly reminded you that these bindings were beneficial for time to soothe yourself or make it through tough times.  But now you have learned healthier ways to combat these struggles. One of these ways is gathering good friends around you.  This week it is time to cull the herd if any of them do not support the new you.


Peng Wei

Four of Coins – The last couple of weeks you have been dealing with the Kali like energy of Deconstruction.   You needed to dismantle what was no longer working for you.  Now it is time to rebuild; however, your challenge is using your resources wisely.  This week is very much about quality versus quantity and working smarter not harder.


Peng Wei

Three of Coins – The Muse of Cooperation is here with two more friends.  This muse prophesizes that networking and bouncing ideas off colleagues will be vital to create ease on your work front or any other material plane concern. She reminds you that you do not need nor should do this week’s task alone. Also, look for triangles and threes as markers of good tidings.


Peng Wei

Page of Swords – The Muse of Investigation comes with notepad in hand.  This week nothing is clear cut.  You will need to ask questions to get to underlying issues. The challenge is crafting questions and ponderings that don’t shut down your investigation.  This week takes a lite touch and good listening skills to get at the truth.


Peng Wei

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-Term Planning asking you to ponder where you want to be in 10 years.  She does this not to get you to set things in stone, but to realign your actions to desires for your future self.  Finding what is off kilter in what you do today will ensure your tomorrow and taking the long view will help you recalibrate.


Peng Wei

*Lovers – The Muse of Duality has come to your backdoor and let herself in. Her favorite pastime is to point out the paradoxes and conundrums in your life.  Like Gemini, Pisces deals with duality all the time, but instead of feeling comfortable with them working at the same time, you try to deal with them separately.  However, this is the week to start dealing with double truths, or conflicting wants like: stability and freedom, love and frustration, happy and sad etc.…Try to think of these dualities like salt and pepper; if you use both, your cuisine becomes better flavored.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 18, 2021

Firelei Báez
Firelei Báez_Vessel of Geneologies

This week I highlight the artist Firelei Báez.  This summer she has installed a new piece at Boston’s ICA Watershed (see Scorpio’s forecast).  Báez has reimagined the ruins of Sans-Souci Palace in Hati arising within the gallery.  Which is in a working shipyard, a port of entry for immigrants as well as goods.  Like all her work, she shows the viewer the weaving, interrelations and influences between Europe, the African continent, and The Americas.  She populates these historically-loaded representations of space with change-making creatures—whose hybrid forms incorporate folkloric and literary references, textile pattern, plantlife, and wide-ranging emblems of healin and resistance—to present fictional alternative universes.

Her work has us imagining how our own powerful healing and resilient personas might represent within a diasporic landscape.  How our influences weave into our creation story. Her work immerses the viewer to honor where they came from but also has us see that the adding and broadening in our lives has the potential of making us more magical.   Each of us unique in the one but intertwined in the whole.

Solar System highlights:  Moon starts in Sagittarius – expand your boundaries and wander.  Then moves to Capricorn on the 21st – great time to work.  It then goes into Aquarius on 23rd – it’s all about innovation and ends in Pisces on the 25th – time to dream.  Mercury is still in Cancer a great time to express your emotions and have deep convos with your besties.  Venus goes into Virgo on 21st this can be a hard configuration around your relationships, so watch frustrations and critical talk – patience is key.  On the positive side a great time to weed and fertilize anything you want to grow or create space for.  Mars is still in Leo, so continue manifesting your desires.  And I just want to remind everyone that Jupiter is in Pisces until the 28th.  This gives us a window into 2022, so if you do not like what you see, time to start making changes.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Firelei Báez To-see-beyond-it-and-to-access the places that we know lie outside its walls

Two of Wands – Last week the Muse of Building was here to help you to expand projects already in motion.  By working on something is already started you create more stability and sovereignty in your life.  This week the Muse of Exploration has you stop on your building because you need to discover something outside your domain to continue the project.  Take time this week and explore new things to help you innovate old projects.

Firelei Báez
Firelei Báez Demetra

Nine of Wands – The past three weeks, the Muse of Structures asked you to investigate your constructs to see if they could sustain you for the long haul.  Then the Muse of Divine Manifestation came to help you either to fix the cracks you found or to totally create a 2.0 version.  Then the Muse of Divine Balance joined to help you find your flow and get to work.  You have more time to work this triad of energies.  However, it will be harder to defend your personal boundaries to do so.  This muse suggest you set your borders at the onset of the week.  But also recommends decreasing your focus to a couple of tasks, for the outside world is competing for your attention.

Firelei Báez
Firelei Báez Memory Board Listening

Page of Swords – The Muse of Detectives’ energy has come to help you investigate something that lies beneath the surface.  This week asking questions and digging for clues is what is needed to create ease, for there is more information that begs for deeper investigation.

Firelei Báez
Firelei Báez Ciguapa

*Hierophant – This is your last card for you birth year.  So far, the Muses have told you that you are on the right path but to stay on it you must follow the thought form of contentment.  This year is all about creating stability on the physical and emotional plane.  They advised you that the what, how and where you put effort into needs to profit sustainability.   And that you will need the time and the space in the coming year to pull away if you become overwhelmed.   However, your challenge is not to pull in completely.  The outside world still holds bountiful gifts.  And lastly the Muse of Stability and Structure has come to emphasis this is the year to work on steadiness and contentment.  You need traditions, schedules, and moral constructs to align with your true wants and needs.  Your challenge is to remain flexible and innovative so as you grow so does your “shell.”

Firelei Báez Voice After Memory

*Death – This is your last days of your old year and the beginning of your new birth year.  Of course, the Muse of Death has arrived to help you clean space out for the coming year.  This cleansing process will take at least 6 months, for this is a deep cleaning that includes your physical and spiritual plane. This Muse reminds you that as you release the old worn out, be grateful, for it is the fodder for your growth.  The process until the end of the year is composting. Be cognizant as you turn your “soil” to do so with intent and attention.  For there are gems and metaphorical mushrooms that provide sustenance, inspiration and building blocks for 2022.

Firelei Báez
Firelei Báez Becoming New (A tignon for Mami Wata)

*High Priestess – The Muse of Higher Purpose has come to remind and/or deepen your commitment to the many reasons you are here on this plane at this time.  This week you need to recommit to why you are here.  If you know your purpose, use this week to set up rituals in which you can access this energy.  If you are still seeking, look for synchronicities and cycles to help guide you.


Firelei Báez
Firelei Báez_Of Love Possessed

*Devil – The Muse of Bondage has come to help you find freedom.  What are you “wedded” to that just feels wrong?  Either because you are taking the easier road of apathy, distracted from your true path, or allowing old destructive behaviors to creep back into your life.  This Muse lovingly reminds you that these bindings at the time were beneficial for they were the only way you knew how to soothe yourself or make it through tough times.  And now you have learned healthier ways to combat these struggles.  This is just a transient test of boundaries, so do not re-live past afflictions.

Firelei Báez

*Tower – Last week the Muse of Deconstruction came inspecting your foundations and structures, and this week her big sister has come to tear down what no longer is working.  This Kali like energy is needed to wake you up if you did not do the work from last week.  But if you did, then she can huff and puff at your brick house and it will not fall.  Your song:  Brick House

Firelei Báez Trust Memory Over History

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is in your attic pulling out clues for you to use.  Your memories have information to help create ease this week for you.  Make time to go down memory lane.  If you are confronted with a struggle or problem, traversing memory lane will help find a solution.  And if not, it is a way to tap into the endorphins of joyful memories.


Firelei Báez
Firelei Báez Four of the sun (or the talking cure)

Page of Cups – Last week the Muse of Fairness entered the sandbox it could have been rough.  She kept testing your alignment with your true purpose and higher self. Now because you did the hard work the Muse of Joy has come to play.  This Muse reminds you that all work and no play makes Jill/Jack a dull person.  She knows this is hard for you goats, but she reminds you that to be in the game you also need to play a game.  Joy suggests that if you have forgotten this video will remind you:  Playful

Firelei Báez Sans Souci

*Strength – The Muse of Inner Strength has come to hold a mirror up to you, for you are taking yourself for granted. You don’t’ seem to remember all that you have survived.  You are resilient and have overcome so many trials and tribulations and are now in a good place because of your hard-earned work.  So, you got this.

Firelei Báez
Firelei Báez Chrono Dreamer

King of Swords – Last week the Muse of Long-Term Goals has come with a 2031 calendar.  Yep, they are asking where you want to be in 10 years.  Then they have you look at where you are now.  And asks, are you on the path to accomplish these extended goals?  If so great.  If not adjust.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 11, 2021

Tamara Natalie Madden
Conqueror by Tamara Natalie Madden

This week I highlight the art of Tamara Natalie Madden.  Madden’s art is richly in color and regal in tone.  Her subjects are “everyday folk” that surrounded her in her homeland of Jamaica.  Inspired by Klimt, Egyptian and West African depictions of royalty, she uses gold leaf and vibrant quilted fabrics to adorn and uplift the unseen.

In order to fully represent the intrinsic beauty of many of these individuals, I decided to emphasize society’s fascination with materialism and splendor by using bright colors, golden washes, silk fabrics, and bold patterns.  I found that the most powerful images of our time were those that demanded attention and admiration, and I wanted these individuals to have their moment to shine, thus many of my paintings feature singular portraits.”  In many of her paintings her subjects are accompanied by a bird.  This bird signifies freedom. “The birds in my paintings are symbolic of my personal struggle with illness, and a representation of my survival and freedom from it.”

Sadly, Tamara died from cancer in 2017.  But during her the 16 years, she painted she was prolific.  She lived her art.  However, almost all her interviewers at some point highlight her struggle with sickness.   And though it was pivotal to her art and life, have we missed the point of the birds?  Do we, as a society, underline the shadow-the struggle- and make it the hero?  Instead, like Tamara’s art, shouldn’t we  uplift and shine a light on our beauty, our divineness and the freedom we obtain when we do not chain ourselves to that struggle?

Solar System highlights:  Moon starts in Leo – good time to focus on what you want to grow.   Then moves to Virgo on the 13th, a great time to get organized and clean. It then goes into Libra on 15th – all about relationships and balance and ends in Scorpio on the 17th – time to play and have some fun.  Mercury is still in Cancer a great time to express your emotions and have deep convos with your besties.  Venus and Mars are in Leo, it is all about loving the things you have around you, so time to manifest your desires if you are not feeling the love.  And I just want to remind everyone that Jupiter is in Pisces until the 28th.  This gives us a window into 2022, so if you do not like what you see, time to start making changes.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tamara Natalie Madden
Tamara Natalie Madden

*Emperor – The Muse of Building is knocking with plans in hand.  Take this energy and apply it to anything you want to build upon.  This is not a week to start new projects but to expand ones already in motion.  By working on something that has already started you create more stability and sovereignty in your life.  The challenge is making sure that you are not the only one benefitting from this project.


Tamara Natalie Madden
Tamara Natalie Madden

*Temperance – Another big energy week for you.  The past two weeks, the Muse of Structures asked you to  investigate your constructs to see if they could sustain you for the long haul. Then the Muse of Divine Manifestation came to help you either to fix the cracks you found or to totally recreate a 2.0 version.  Now the Muse of Divine Balance has joined this holy triad to help you find your flow and get to work.  If you have done the past two weeks homework you will easily tap into your life force and flow.  However, if you have not done your work the past two weeks you will have no place or plan to use this energy wisely.  You can still tap in but narrow your focus.


Tamara Natalie Madden
Tamara Natalie Madden

Three of Coins – The Muse of Cooperation has come and invited some people with her.   This week any major actions/decisions require at least 2 more people to get the complete picture.  Yep, three heads and six hands are better than one and two.  Your challenge is asking or accepting the help.


Tamara Natalie Madden
Tamara Natalie Madden

Four of Cups – Your second four so just to highlight that.  Fours mean you are craving stability.  This is not only a theme this week but for the coming year.  Last week’s muse advised you that what, how and where you put effort into needs to profit sustainability.   And this week the Muse of Introversion adds her two-sense.  She foretells you will need the time and the space in the coming year to pull away if you become overwhelmed.   Specifically, to stabilize your emotional landscape, you will need introspection; however, your challenge is not to pull in completely.  The outside world still holds bountiful gifts.


Tamara Natalie Madden

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship comes when you need to connect to your pals.  This energy shows up when you need to fill your cup with laughter and companionship.  Find time to reconnect and share physical and emotional sustenance.



Tamara Natalie Madden
Tamara Natalie Madden

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Mastery has come to tell you it is time to up your ante.  You have skills and those need to be enhanced.  This will create more monetary sustenance and widen your influence.  Her motto is work smarter not harder.


Tamara Natalie Madden

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Moving-On invited herself over to help you realign with your goals.  You have an aspect in your life that is not longer working for you.  And it is time to pack it in and move on.  Simplification is key this week.


Tamara Natalie Madden

Five of Cups – Last week the Muse of Deconstruction came inspecting your foundations and structures, because you are not paying attention to what is not working in your environment.  Luckily, you have another week to hunt for messes and mistakes.  Time to fix what needs to be repaired, clean up the mess, and move on.


Tamara Natalie Madden

King of Wands – The Muse of the Visionary is asking you to see with holistic eyes. Events this week need a broader perspective.   The concept of  Seventh Generation should be consider in your everyday actions.  The muse asks you:  Is what you do today not only a good thing in the present, but does it resonate 140 years from now as still good?


Tamara Natalie Madden

*Justice – The Muse of Fairness has entered the sandbox this week.  If you are acting in alignment with your true purpose and higher self, then all is well; keep sifting sand and making castles.  However, if you are not aligned you will be called to make amends.  Starting with yourself and rippling out to those around you if needed.



Four of Coins – The Muse of Frugalness has come to tighten your flow of resources.  However, she also reminds you not to be pennywise and pound foolish.  She asks you to perceive how you spend your resources.  Are you too frugal that you miss profitable choices?  Or are you picking quantity over quality because you are too energy spent?  Spend wisely in all you do this week.



Six of Coins – Last week the Muse of Clean Slates came to remind you that this moment is a place of beginning.  A time where you can start on a new path.  You are divinely guided but need faith so you can step into this new unknown.  For there are gifts at every step.   Well, this is another week of wandering in the new; however, you need to be a bit careful on how you step.  If you are aligned with positive vibes then more gifts will be bestowed upon you; however, if you are carelessly, then retribution comes quickly.  So Be Nice.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 4th, 2021

1900s Daytona Beach Florida

Eighty percent of our world population lives within 60 miles of the coast.  Why do we like beaches?  Science has something to say about this.  Our brains like being able to see our environs well.  We natural like vistas like hills, savannahs, and coastal areas, so we can see the possibility of harm from a distance.  And specifically for beaches, our primitive mind feels secure because water predators do not typically come from the water onto land.

Also, there is an enormous amount of food and material resources that are provided in or near water.  Then that whooshing sound of a calm ocean sounds a lot like the beating of a tranquil heart mixed with a relaxed breath cycle.  This sound helps us go into a meditative state easily.  Lastly our brains are hard-wired to love the color of blue.  Clear skies equal no threat, again settling our brain waves into calmer frequencies.  Beaches and lakes allow our primitive brain, where anxiety and fear sit, feel happy and calm.  So, go find you some water this week and relax.

Solar System highlights:  Moon starts in Taurus but quickly moves to Gemini this week, so communication and getting the word out is highlighted.  It then goes into Cancer on 8th – great for self-care and nurturing, and then ends in Leo on July 10th – time to shine.  Mercury is still in Gemini until July 16th, so communication is emphasized.  Venus and Mars are in Leo, it is all about loving the things you have around you, so time to manifest your desires if you are not feeling the love.  Also, it is a great time to be with those you love.  However, if you find yourself solo it is a perfect time to make new friends or get a new plant (if humanity is driving you crazy). Whatever you shine your light on will grow.

*These are amateur and professional photographs from the decades  1890’s and going forward.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Page of Wands – Last week the Muse of Final Exams came to test your resolve.  It seems you passed for this week the Muse of Invention has come to spark new creation.  Your imagination is essential this week.  Time to tap into new ways of doing things, and the best way to do this is through experimentation or play.  Look less at your success or failures this week and more about what you learned getting there.


*Magician – Last week the Muse of Structures gave you guidance in investigating your constructs to see if they could sustain you for the long term.   Now the Muse of Divine Manifestation is here to help you either to fix the cracks you found or to totally recreate a 2.0 version.  Your ego alone will not sustain you to accomplish this manifestation.  You need to connect with the Divine and then be flexible to learn from your mistakes while experimenting with creation itself.  Remember 2021 and 2022 are all about innovation.  Do not recreate the wheel but build upon what has been, to create what needs to be.


Ace of Swords – This week’s energy is all about insight.  The definition of insight is the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing. By gaining insight into these deeper qualities of the things and people around you, allows beneficial breakthroughs and cognitive concord to occur.


Four of Coins – The Muse of Saving has come to tell you to hold back on extravagance.  She reminds you spending resources like money or energy needs to center around quality not quantity.  This is not only a theme this week but for the coming year.  And make sure, the what, how and where you put effort into, profits sustainability in the long-term.


Queen of Coins – The Muse of Luxury has come to help you redecorate.  Your birthday is coming up and you need to make a wish list of all the things you would like to materialize in the coming year.  Practicality is important to this Muse but so is healthy indulgence.  Have at least a few things on your list that make your mouth water, toes curl and create sighs of joy.


Nine of Swords – The Muse of Overthinking has asked herself over.  This energy is not the best guest, but it can still teach you where to be kinder to yourself.  Each worry that arises ask these three questions.  What is triggering the feeling of anxiety?  Is it a true right now?  If so, what can I do to fix it, and if not, how can I comfort myself healthfully?



Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship has come with beverages.  This week you need to hang out with your chosen family.  Those close friends that fill your cup with energy.  Find time to reconnect and share physical and emotional sustenance.


*Tower – The Muse of Deconstruction has come to inspect your foundations and structures.  You are not paying attention to what is not working in your environment.  So, follow this energy as it shows you cracks in your surroundings.  This can look as simple as literally needing to recalk your bathtub or as complex as finding a solution for that stressful thing you have been ignoring.  Now is the time for repair or your “house” will fall.


Eight of Pentacles – The Muse of Mastery has joined you at your worktable.  You are good at many things, but you have only a few things you are extremely talented at.  This week do at least one of those things and keep practicing until   you have upped your game.



Three of Wands – The last couple of weeks you have been working with big energies.  The Devil had you modulate your speed and assess how far you have come so you can readjust how you want to continue.  Then the Muse of Inner Strength came to help you locate your inner true north, aligning it to your outer manifestations, thus creating a path of ease to your guiding star.  Now the Muse of Foresight has come to help map that path and pack for the journey.  Take this week to collect what you need to start your work.


Five of Cups – This week will be filled with messes.  The Muse of Spilled Milk has come to help you decipher which ones are your responsibility.  Your lesson is choosing which to clean up and which you can walk away from.  However, with either choice do not let it waylay your course or your joy.


*Fool – The Muse of Clean Slates has come to remind you that this moment is a place of beginning.  A time where you can start on a new path.  You are divinely guided this week, but you need faith so you can step into this new unknown.  Trust where this Muse guides you, there are gifts at every step.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 27, 2021


The artist highlighted this week is la furie , Prisca Munkeni Monnier, @furiephotographe.  Her art is raw, hungry and has a gravitational weight that one can sink their teeth into, while lifting one’s mind.  It is like a helium balloon with a rock attached to its string holding it down.            La furie’s work speaks to the fleeting memory of cause and the day-to-day dealings of effect.  In her words… (This is translated from French by Google so please forgive the paraphrase.)

“Over time, places or people who had an impact in our identity disappear.  Buried in our everyday lives. Our memories, things, traditions we were once taught to be proud of are forgotten.  However, certain traumas remain. Leading room for unexplained frustration or anger. Day after day, we forget … why we cry, why we love or even what we live for.

My depictions want to express the traumas that we inherited that became part of our identities over the years and that we are continuously brushing off.  I want to bring them to life, give them a space, respecting all forms of otherness.  It is a battle against time, space and everything fading away. One last tribute before it all falls into oblivion.
One last attempt to keep a memory of – a trace of – I create because I am trying to remember … Maybe I will know why I am angry.  Maybe I’ll be free.”  

Solar System highlights:  Moon starts in Aquarius but quickly moves to Pisces this week, so be in touch with your higher self.  It then goes into Aries on 30nd – great for starting new projects, and then ends in Taurus on July 3rd – focusing on growth.  Mercury is out of retrograde but still in Gemini until July 16th, so communication is still emphasized.  And Venus joins Mars in Leo, so we switch from inner love and care to outer.  Time to manifest your feelings and desires.  Also a great time to be with those you love.  And if you find yourself solo it is a perfect time to make new friends or get a new plant (if humanity is driving you crazy).

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



*Devil – The Muse of Final Exams has come to test your resolve.  Be aware this week is full of diversions.     Something this week is going to try and derail you.  This muse reminds you that you have already learned this lesson, and now you need to apply your knowledge.


*Hierophant – The Muse of Structures is here to help you plan out this week and look if your structures are sustainable in the long term.  Look for cracks in your theories, schedules, food intake, etc…  This muse reminds you that your structures are supposed to not only create abundance but also ease.  So, mottos like – work smarter not harder or more money does not equal more work should be your go to in your restructuring.


Queen of Coins – The Muse of Comfort is here to update the way you are living.  This is a great week to refresh your space with flowers, throw pillows, a hammock, new kitchen appliance…  She asks, how can you update your living space to bring more comfort and ease?


Knight of Wands and Nine of Cups – These energies herald in your new year with this information- you are in the right place doing the right thing if you follow the thought form of contentment.  So, in the coming year if the path you are on does not imbue a sense of satisfaction it is time to change your route; however, if you are content, stay the course.


Eight of Wands – The energy this week is full of information useful for tying up loose ends and the planning of your new birthyear.  Watch for synchronicities, favorite numbers, or repeated phrases as signs to pay attention, for there is information there for you.  So, eyes, ears, and mind open.


Ace of Wands – The Muse of Innovation is here to help you conjure up inspired ideas.  She is calling you to create part of your legacy.  What do you want to say?  What do you want to remember for?  You are on this planet at this time to put forth your unique gifts.  Go



Page of Coins – The Muse of Education is here.  Reminding you that to remain relevant that you need to be opened to learning new skills.  And this week’s energy helps highlight where you need to up your skill set.  Your Motto:  I am a lifelong learner.


Queen of Cups – The Muse of Finding the True You is here.  You are an emotional creature, and this energy helps you connect to your deep waters.  Feel your way through this week.  Your heart tells the truth.  Follow it and your desires will rise for you to catch their wave.


Ten of Pentacles – It is the perfect time to complete at least one venture.  Go to your to-do list and find the project that is nearest completion and finish it.  Then this energy says take the rest of the week off.  Your motto:  Work hard, play hard.      



*Strength – Last week, The Devil card challenged you to modulate your speed and assess how far you have come so you can readjust how you want to continue.  Now the Muse of Inner Strength has come to help you navigate your internal space to match your readjusted outer space.  Use this energy to be still and listen to the feelings and desires that drive you.  By locating your inner true north, you can now align it to your outer manifestations, thus creating a path of ease to your guiding star.


Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance is here to test your ability to multi task.  Her main hint for you this week is to manage juggling only two balls before you add another another one to your work load.


Queen of Wands – The Muse of Deep Knowledge is here to help you navigate where you are in life right now.  First, she reminds you that you need to ground to align with your spiritual self.  Then she asks how you want to live on this plane and what impressions do you want to leave behind as you walk forward into your future.  These are deep questions that require deep thought.  If you are befuddled, she also scatters synchronicities to help guide your ponderings.  Or suggests walking meditations in nature or exercises like Tai Chi or Yoga to connect with your gravity.

intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny