Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 26, 2021

Sikander, Shahzia

This week’s artist is Shahzia Sikander.  She has a show touring called Extraordinary Realities and will be at the Rhoda Island School of Design Museum from November 12, 2021 through Jan 30th, 2022.  She brings the traditional art form of Indo-Persian miniature painting into a modern-day art practice with animation, installations as well as 2-D.  Her works explore history, class, gender, the immigrant, the Muslim, and LGBTQ.  Sikander shines a light on the feelings around being the outsider or “otherness.”  She directs the viewer to examine how culture and society shapes our imaginations and the way we can clash or how we try to conform within those intersections.

As we move through this planetary time where relationships are being brought to the forefront, this idea of otherness becomes vivid.  We either belong within a relationship or community or we are outside.  Sikander’s art nudges us to relate to our otherness. By finding even aspects of her art relatable we create a new community where we find sameness, “normalness”  from difference or “the other.”  Your pondering for the week:  What if we entered community from the perspective that we all are other?

Solar System highlights:  This week the Moon starts in Gemini – great time to putting forth your voice.  Then on Sept. 29st it goes into Cancer – self-care and home is highlighted.  Then by nighttime on the 30th it goes into Leo – your time to shine just watch you don’t step on anyone’s toes. And we are still in a time where the good and bad of our relationships are highlighted.  Mercury is turning retrograde in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends. Remember when Mercury is retro not a great time to start projects but a great time to Review, Reflect and Revise, and of course back -up your technology.   Venus is in Scorpio – a great time to feed your pleasures and passions but in general watch overindulgences.   Mars is Libra too – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words?  This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves into Scorpio Nov. 7th.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Shahzia Sikander
Shahzia Sikander

Six of Coins – Conscious connections and moral dilemmas were the themes last week.  Those themes continue with a smattering of cosmic karma. This week your actions ripple out farther then you might realize.  So, the challenge is seeing the subtle differences and nuances of treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself versus care for your neighbor as you would like to be cared for.


Shahzia Sikander
Shahzia Sikander

*Magician – Ok another big karmic week.  Three weeks ago, Muse of Structure came to help you build a schedule with the flexibility and spaciousness to create freely.  Then the Muse of Flow came to help you equalize the consumption and release of energy, and the Muse of Opportunity provided openings to up your game.  And now you have the Muse of Manifestation.  Time to utilize the structures you built, the energy you have tapped, and the opportunities that have been provided to DO.  Yep, this week get in the ring and fight for your creativity and purpose for being here and then do the work.


Shahzia Sikander
Shahzia Sikander

Two of Coins – As a sign you will always work around the concept of balance, but this week has the potential to knock you off kilter.  This energy is an exercise in doing one thing well before you add another ball to your juggling mix.


Shahzia Sikander
Shahzia Sikander

*Hanged Man – This week the Muse of Stagnation has you in a hover pattern.  Think of this time like a rest stop in your life.  A time to refuel, find your bearings and readjust your game plan.  This perfectly concedes with Mercury going into retrograde a great time to review, reflect and revise.   This stop can also provide a download from the Universe, so mind open.


Shahzia Sikander
Shahzia Sikander

*Justice – If only this week’s energy could be as obvious as yes or no.  But true Justice is slow and complex.  This week you need to be honest with yourself about the truth of a situation.  The beauty behind this energy is it also provides fairness in the end.  Though you may not see it this week, what you do during this time if done with integrity will come out justly for you.


Shahzia Sikander

Queen of Coins – Last week the Muse of Manifestation came to aid you in your creations, tuning you into the Universes power source.  This week the Muse of Luxury wants to remind you that all work and no play can make you a bit dull.  Why work so hard if you do not reap the benefits, she asks.  So, make sure your vision and goals for the coming year include enjoyment. And try to indulge in a good meal or soft sheets this week to start that ball rolling.


Shahzia Sikander

Nine of Coins – The first energy to work with for this coming year is Muse of Material Success.  She asks what do you have to show for all the work you have been doing since your last birthday?  If you have at least nine successes that have brought you a sense of accomplishment or material gain, great. Time to line up some new opportunities to work with for the coming year.   However, if you don’t now is the time figure out why it didn’t happen.  Success awaits you this year so tweak what isn’t working.


Shahzia Sikander

*World – The Muse of Opportunity is here to open doors for you.  This week is a week of saying yes.  You don’t have to commit if you end up not liking it, but you need to try new things.  Give the Universe the chance to open new portals and the World to you.  Great time to travel this week even if it’s a small trip.



Eight of Wands – Last week you needed to hone your skills in riding with the waves of Life.  This energy went about rebalancing karmic debts, but as you will discover things are beginning to work in your favor this week.  The Muse of Momentum is pushing you to the next level.  The challenge is, are you ready?

Shahzia Sikander

King of Cups – The Muse of Mastering Emotions has come to help clean up after last week.  The emotional plane is not your favorite place, you all are doers.  If it doesn’t have a reason, then you challenge it.  Well, this week this Muse wants to show that sometimes it is just about immersing yourself into your heart for no reason other than getting better at riding the waves of being.


Shahzia Sikander

*Star – Last week the Muse of the Shadow Self triggered and tested you on behavior patterns that no longer serve you.  Having you watch your reactions, to see if they are representations of the new or old you.  Luckily the energy has shifted to healing.  Take time out to be with yourself and re-discover your hope.  This Muse reminds you that every scar represents the wound of the past, the healing of the present and the potentials of the future.   Your song: When you wish upon a star.


Shahzia Sikander

Three of Coins – The Muse of Collaboration has come with company.  This week’s energy is all about getting help and listening to others’ ideas.  The more heads and hands you invite into problem solving the more collective experience you have to work with and less likely in redoing old mistakes.  Your Motto:  I do not h

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 19, 2021

In honor of the Sun going into Libra a time we can focus on balance and relationships in our disordered world, this week’s artist is Glendalys Medina @glendalysmedina. Medina uses a few geometric shapes to create abstract paintings and in some cases portraits.  This sounds simplistic but how she uses color and overlays them shows the viewer that even in what seems chaotic can be balanced, ordered and with her choices calming, regal and joyful.  Medina’s pieces have us wondering about our own interactions with the complexities of “humaning” and how we try to order our world.  Are they confining?  Can we use what we know/have though simply in design complex in use.  That we are singularly human but diverse as our cultures.

In her words: “My practice is inspired by how humans learn, create order out of chaos and make sense of the world; how previous knowledge is essential for learning and perceiving; how the ambiguity of the world increases our reliance on that previous knowledge; how we project that knowledge when we don’t understand; and how we see with our brains recognizing patterns of information. I create work that amplifies marginalized voices, deconstructs and reconstructs image, language and systems to insight a change in cognitive structures that occur as a result of an experience. I am interested in creating moments when previous knowledge gets an upgrade and new perspectives are formed to establish cultural inclusivity. My work exhibits Taíno (indigenous carribeans) culture, Hip- hop and Latinx culture and music, and explores personal development as an empowering tool to re-identify societal and personal value structures to gain cultural equity in a transcultural global society.”

Solar System highlights:  The sun moves into Libra on the 22nd.  Happy birthday Libra.  This week the Moon starts in Pisces – time to get dreamy.  Then on Sept. 21st goes into Aries – don’t rush but start moving.  Then on the 24th it goes into Taurus time to balance work and play. And over the next couple of weeks all aspects of your relationships good and not so good are highlighted.  Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Venus is in Scorpio – a great time to feed your pleasures and passions but in general watch overindulgences.   Mars moves into Libra – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words?  This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves Scorpio Nov. 7th.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Glendalys Medina
Glendalys Medina

*Lovers – Conscious connections are the theme this week.  You may be facing a moral dilemma.  Now is the time to think through all the consequences before you act.  And to help you navigate this, make sure your choice results in love for yourself, others, and the universe at large.


Glendalys Medina
Glendalys Medina

*World – Wow three big energy weeks for you. First Muse of Structure came to help you build a sense of a schedule with the flexibility and spaciousness to create freely.  Then the Muse of Flow came to help you equalize the consumption and release of energy within them.  And now the Muse of Opportunity is knocking to provide openings to up your game with these upgraded talents.  The challenge with this energy is to realize that you can try out one opportunity without the other doors closing.  I know you all are loyal, but you are allowed to try things out before you commit.


Glendalys Medina
Glendalys Medina

Nine of Coins – You have worked hard to get where you are at.  This week the Muse of Abundance advises you to take some time to enjoy your accomplishments instead of moving to the next thing or thinking about next week or farther.  Take this week to treat yourself because you have earned it.


Glendalys Medina
Glendalys Medina

Nine of Cups – This week the Muse of Contentment has come to sprinkle abundance and ease into your life.  This week things just come together.  Even the not-so-great stuff has a silver lining to it.  Your homework, start each day with a blessing and end with these three prompts for that day’s experiences: 1) gratitude for a living thing that you encountered 2) identify a pleasure that happened, and 3) something that provides a promise into the future.


Glendalys Medina
Glendalys Medina

Six of Swords – Transitions are highlighted this week.  This energy is pushing you to change something.  This is not about big changes; these are tweaks that once done make larger shifts occur. This can look as simple as you are bored/listless- take a small trip someplace.  Your work or home space feels off – rearrange the layout.  Even switching the items in your drawers around will subtly shift your mental space.


Glendalys Medina

*Magician – Just like you all to squeeze in another big energy card to work with in the coming year. This week the Muse of Manifestation is here to aid you in creating.  This Muse tunes you into the Universe’s power source.  This is the year to manifest your goals.  The challenge is maintaining a clear focus on your vision.  Create a vision statement and tack it to your fridge.  And then take the first step this week to manifest it on this tangible plane.


Glendalys Medina
Glendalys Medina

Ace of Wands – Your second Ace.  This Muse also begins your forecast of what energies to work with in the coming year. So just a quick dive into Aces.  Aces are new beginnings.  Last week was about forming a new thought pattern or identifying and possible figuring out a big obstacle.  This week’s new beginning is pushing you to start a project around something that inspires you or start an adventure.  Your passions and intuitions are the keys to not only this week but your coming birth year.


Glendalys Medina

Two of Coins – The name of the game this week is balance in all that you do.  Work and play, Wake and Sleep, Movement and Rest, Carb and Proteins…  Now balance does not mean equal with this energy.  Weigh your options on how you physically feel.  For example, you can have a 7 hours’ sleep or 11 hours.  Which one has you waking up without an alarm and feeling rested?


Glendalys Medina
Glendalys Medina

*Wheel of Fortune – Last week the Muse of Healing advised rest and recuperation, so you could heal the body to support the mind and soul.  Where last week was quiet, this week has the potential to be chaotic.  Life is continuously changing and this week you will need to hone your skills in riding with the waves of it.  This Muse is rebalancing karmic debts.  Have faith in the Universe, go with the flow, for it has your back and everything is happening as it should.


Glendalys Medina

Three of Swords – The Muse of Deep Wounds is here to trigger what still needs to be healed.  This week watch what causes disparity in how you work and how you feel.  This energy is trying to point out what is missing or what still needs to be tweaked around feelings/thoughts and how they effect your work.


Glendalys Medina

*Devil – The Muse of the Shadow Self has come to lighten up the darker recesses of your mind and soul.  This place week can trigger some behavior patterns that no longer serve you.    You might have thought you have outgrown or learned this lesson.  Well, this Muse likes to test you on them.  So, watch your reactions, are they representations of the new you or the old you?


Glendalys Medina

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum has arrived at your front door to help you get going.  This is a great time to do work on the material plane.  However, the challenge is it is all up to you to decide the destination, goal and do the driving.  This Muse just supplies the fuel.  If you don’t give it a direction you will find that you are just doing donuts in the parking lot.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 12, 2021

Sweden Mona Caron
Sweden Mona Caron

This week’s artist is Mona Caron, @mona.caron.  Her main art form are murals, beautiful, majestic, but sublime in image and message.  She has a series where she paints weeds larger than life, like side of a building large. The definition of weed is – a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.  Weeds are often considered a nuisance.  Something to pull out. Or life barely noticed but eking out an existence in a landscape of urban concrete.  However, Caron utilizes them to show their beauty and resilience.  (Please watch her stop-motion animation, as they sprout out on urban landscapes.)

Often weeds are more native than the plants chosen to be planted in a garden.  Alexis Nikole Nelson known as the “Black Forager” on TikTok shows us that what is considered a weed can be used as an urban food source.  Or Sean Sherman and Dana Thompson’s cook book The Sious Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen highlights native food as foundations of amazingly tasty recipes.  These people are reconnecting us to a lost knowledge base in our society and a broader perspective on what is a weed.

So, the pondering for this week: where in your life do you try to pull out your weeds?  By eradicating them are you missing their beauty, contribution to your resilience, and them as a resource?  Possibly, that your weeds are more native and useful to your actual being than what you are cultivating?

Solar System highlights:  This week the Moon starts in Sagittarius – great for excursions and adventuring through the 13th.  Then the Moon goes into Capricorn a great time to focus on work and getting things done. Then on 17th it goes into Aquarius – time for innovating and tweaking what you did on the previous days.  Also, a great time for deep intellectual conversation and experimentation over the weekend.    Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.

Venus is now in Scorpio – time to up your game in actions in your intimate relationships.  And a great time to feed your pleasures and passions in general just watch overindulgences.   Mars moves into Libra – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words?  This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves Scorpio Nov. 7th.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Mona Caron
San Pabulo Mona Caron

Knight of Coins – Last week’s energy was pushing you to evolve into a new you.  Having you investigate the best qualities of your peers and mentors that you want to add to you.  The Muse of Getting Things Done is asking you to start this process with actions steps.  It is time to walk your talk.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron Taiwan

*Temperance – Last week, the Muse of Structure came to help you build a sense of a schedule with the flexibility and spaciousness to create freely.  Hopefully you have placed some of those flexible structures, for now the Muse of Flow has come to help you equalize the consumption and release of energy with in them.  This can look as simple as mediating with breath work at the opening and close your day or creating better but flexible eating habits with your only rule is eating 100 different things a week (that includes spices).  How do your rules and structures work with to promote flow? The key is broadening your rules.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron San Francisco

King of Coins – The Muse of Experienced Wisdom has come to remind that you are a source of inspiration.  This week you will be called on for your expertise.  The challenge is how you give it.  You audience needs inspiration as well as a sense of security and hospitality.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron Jersey City

Eight of Coins – Last week the Muse of Co-Creation recommended bringing into your life and working with the people, things and ideas that make you a better you.  You get another week to do that with the Muse of Mastery.  This Muse wants you to practice with these co-creating elements to produce or at least deepen the your understanding and applicability of your work.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron Brooklyn

Two of Swords – The Muse of Decisions is here to help you decided.  This week will require a lot of what feels like monumental decisions; however, the individual decisions are not as consequential as the reason behind your decisions. Make sure the why behind what you decided is more tangible then the possibly the decision itself.

San Francisco Mona Caron

Seven of Swords – This is your last week of your birth month and gives you your final theme to the year.  Let’s review.  So far, the Muses to work with in your coming year are Muse of Teamwork, Muse of Transitions, and the Muse of Healing.  So whatever you are working on it is more fortuitous or more likely of having success with more sets of eyes, minds, and hands then just yours.  Your second energy advise for the first part of your journey to travel light.  Do this by physical lightening your load and simplicity are key.  Your third and Big Karmic energy is magic is flowing around you to help heal and reset you on your purpose.   And lastly the Muse of Victory with Small Battles gives you the key to ease.  Break your work processes down to bitesize chunks and any challenge is surmountable.


Mona Caron Portland

Ace of Swords – The Muse of the Intellect will accompany you this week.  Cool logic and defined truths are the keys.  Your mind is your biggest asset.  And with it and this Muse’s help you find new innovated solutions to old problems.

Mona Caron
Mona Caron

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Dissatisfaction has come to help you see and release things that no longer work for you.  This can be as simple as releasing the plethora of plastic tops that have no mates or memorabilia that no longer resonates or a job that sucks at your soul.  This week begin to release what no longer works for you.

Mona Caron Switzerland

*Star – The Muse of Healing has come with her first aid kit and tea.  You need some rest and recuperation.  This week might identify some deep wounds that need mending or a deeper contemplation on emotions you are having to succor.  Take advantage of any time you have space to just be with your body and listen.  Ask it what it needs.  Long Bath?  Massage?  Sweat Lodge?  Multiple nights of 8-hour sleeps?  This week is a perfect time to heal the body so it can support the mind and soul.


Mona Caron Lisbon

Seven of Swords – Last week, the Muse of Hermitage has called you back to the cave to gain perspective.  Now the Muse of Cunning has joined to help you figure out how to come back into society with your refreshed perspective without succumbing to societies whims and obligations.  Again, these muses remind you at times the chase or hidden discovery brings more pleasure than something easily won.  You don’t have to hoard your gifts, but you don’t need to give them out like Halloween candy either.

Mona Caron San Francisco

Five of Coins – Last week the Muse of Truth came to help align you to your purpose or to help you find a solution to a problem.  This week brings with it a bit of chaos that can leave you feeling drained of your resources.  However, your newly focused purpose, or the skills you used last week to solve problems will come in handy with this energy.  This Muse reminds you the universe has your back.  The help you need is there is you reach for it.

Mona Caron Union City

Four of Cups – The Muse of Inner Wisdom has come with your mediation pillow and yoga mat.  This week belly button gazing is needed.  Your soul/body/mind have some information to disentangle with you.  So, whether you mediate, journal, or doddle.   Tune out the outside so you can tune inward.  Because this inner work has answers so you can tune outward with more ease.  The only challenge you can’t stay in this state past this week.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 5, 2021

Hung Lui Wings

This week’s artist is Hung Lui  @hungluiartist who just passed in August.  She is a painter and often created mixed-media installations around her paintings.  Hung’s style is layered not only technically but also in context.  She uses layered brushstrokes combined with washes of linseed oil to create her paintings.  Her portraits are of refuges, prisoners, prostitutes and the forgotten.  Her installations might have one piece, a broom, clock, or cup paired with the painting.  Or be a mountain of railroad tracks surrounded and leading to a pile of fortune cookies.

These items bring us into her pieces like a smell leads us to memory or an object starts a dream.  Then as we awaken and remember, we hold on to an aspect that is vivid and punctuated but the whole is blurred.  Hung’s art feels as if she is summoning ghosts.  As she says  “When I moved to the West, exactly half a lifetime ago, I carried my ghosts with me. The ghosts I carry are a burden, but also a blessing.”  Your pondering for this week:  seeing your ghosts as blessings.

Solar System highlights:  This week the Moon starts in Virgo– it’s all about organizing and cleaning until the 8th.  Then the Moon goes into Libra and a focus on relationships.  And finally, into Scorpio for the weekend- time for finding some fun.  Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Venus is in Libra until the September 10th – enjoy your relationships and work with the energy around equity.  And then it moves into Scorpio to add more positive energy to the weekend vibe.  Mars is in its last week in Virgo – clean and tidy up anything your gaze goes to.  Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Hung Lui
Blue Boy Hung Lui

*Judgment – Last week’s energy was about co-creation, and the Muse of Evolution takes it to the next level.  Time to push your self out of the same old – same old and evolve into a new you.  If you could become any type of chimerical creature, what would you be?  A Merlion? A Catantram?  Your challenge this week to answer – What are the best qualities of your peers and mentors that you want to add to you?

Hung Lui
Mirror Hung Lui

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structure is here to help you with your Achilles heel, over- doing.  If you make a structure so airtight, you make the building and its inhabitants unable to breathe.  Or so impenetrable, you stifle creativity.  Your work this week is about balancing work with play.  All work kills creativity.  All play ends up not getting you to the goals you have set.  So, how can you build a sense of a schedule with the flexibility and spaciousness to create freely?

Hung Lui
Dry Well Hung Lui

Five of Coins – This week’s energy can highlight a sense of lack in your life.  So, the Helper Muse has come to highlight you are not alone nor totally lacking.  Though this week is hard it is not doomed.  There are gifts to this week.  But you must reach out to acquire them.  This Muse reminds you that focusing energy on only the negative feeds it.  Her advice, starve the worry and feed the hope.

Hung Lui
Crane Dance Hung Lui

*Lovers – The Muse of Co-Creation recommends looking at who and/or what you are partnering with to create this part of your life.  She advises call on your likeminded friends and do some deep imagining. Or ingest some literature or music that inspires you.  Spend some time with your favorite material or tool and make something.  Bring into your life the people, things and ideas that make you a better you.

Hung Lui
Dragonflies Hung Lui

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Family is highlighted this week.  She reminds you that family are the people that support you.  They can be the ones you are born with but are also the ones you have gathered.  Time to connect with your peeps and deepen your roots.

Hung Lui
Polly Bemis Hung Lui

*Star – Your third and Big Karmic energy to work with this year is the Muse of Healing. This year, magic is flowing around you to help restore and rediscover your purpose.   As you leave behind the past, pick up the lessons and move into a brighter future.  The lesson this Muse has is that wounds leave scar tissue, and these areas must still be tended to and stretched often.  You have all year to work with this energy, but this week spend time with your bruises and wounds and see which ones still need mending.


Visage VII Hung Lui

Two of Wands – The Muse of the Future is here to activate your imagination and set some goals for you to work on into 2022.  If nothing was in your way, would your goals change?  This Muse wants you to ponder obtainable and seemly unattainable goals.  She then asks you what is in your way to get to these seemly inaccessible aspirations.  Compare them to the strengths that make your obtainable goals possible.  Work on areas where there is crossover.

Hung Lui
America Hung Lui

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Nature is calling to you.  Animals and plants are calling you to impart their wisdom. Whether it is the resilience of a dandelion growing in sidewalk, the focus of a dog finding a scent, the joyous song of a bird, the fragile beauty of a butterfly or the contentment of a cat finding the perfect spot to rest.   Nature is giving you clues on aspects in your life that you need to work on.

Refugees Woman and Children Hung Lui

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love is here.  Whether you are in a relationship or not this energy advises you to share some part of you.  The more you joyfully fill another’s cup the more your cup will be filled with joy.  The challenge is if it does not bring the joy then you are sharing that negative energy in a loop, so try something new or quit and move on.


Chinese in Idaho Portrait II Hung Lui

*Hermit – The Muse of Hermitage has called you back to the cave.  This energy comes when you need to gain perspective by pulling back from society.  But the challenge is you can not completely withdraw.  So, your pondering becomes: How can you hang out your open sign without being bombarded by the crowds?  Think about the paradox of honesty and stealth.  Like being that spooky shop that is on some back alley.  You know it is open but it hard to get to its exact location.

Jongzhe- First Spring Thunder Hung Lui

*Justice – The Muse of Truth has come to help align you to your purpose or to help you find a solution to a problem.  However, this energy holds you accountable for your actions and words.  If you are aligned with your divine or searching for a truth to aid, then no worries.  However, is you are not aligned or hunting up a “good story” then be careful, for Justice is swift.

Hung Lui
Strange Fruit Comfort Women Hung Lui

Three of Swords – The Muse of Heartache is here with tissues and a shoulder if you need one.  This week can be rough and triggering.  First be kind to yourself.  And secondly, be aware you are being triggered because something is not aligned to your heart purpose.  Either it is an old hurt or hole that needs mending.  Tend to it this week.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 29, 2021

Shaman Hassani
Shaman Hassani

This week’s artist is Shaman Hassani @shamsiahassani.  The first words on her site are “Art changes people’s minds and people change the world.”  Hassani is the first Afghan female graffiti/street artist.  She does what street art does best.  Her work brings art into the everyday life of the everyday person showing a unique perspective of our collective experience.

Hassani has a series called Bird No Nation which resonates so much as to what is happening in Afghanistan and something for all of us to consider. In her words: “Lately what bothers me the most is people migrating as refugees to other countries. Afghans do not want to carry their nationality anymore, they leave their country and travel to other countries, most of them die along the way, lose their families, nobody welcomes them to their country, and people look at them with pity, it really bothers me. 

Keeping the above in mind I started a series called Birds of No Nation. This series is about those Afghans who migrate to other countries, Afghans who don’t have a nationality anymore, who are from nowhere, and those Afghan who seek security and peace.  While working on my last artworks, almost 80% of the time I think about my people who are seeking peace.”

So, the pondering for this week:  for all of us welcoming any refugee into our communities, know that we all are looking for a place of peace, and these refugees have picked our countries to find it.  That is a compliment on who we are and what our country represents.  Peace.  Freedom.  Who doesn’t deserve that chance?

Solar System highlights:  This week the Moon starts in Gemini – great for communication though watch words can trigger so be concise about your framings.  Speak how you would like to be spoken to.  It then moves to Cancer- Sept. 1st– time for family and home.  Then ends the week in Leo – time to shine and extra luster if you share that light.  Mercury moves into Libra on Monday – great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Venus is in Libra- enjoy your relationships and work with the energy around equity.  Mars is in Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything your gaze goes to.  Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Shaman Hassani
Shaman Hassani

*Lovers – The energy this week is about co-creation.  This Muse reminds you that anything one creates is influenced by another.  So, she asks you to check who or what you are co-building with.  Are those choices making you and/or your co-product better?  Is this partnership beneficial? If it is, time to put your heads together and make something new.  If not, this is the week to choose someone or something new to create with.


Shaman Hassani
Shaman Hassani

Three of Swords – The Muse of Heartbreak has come with tissues in hand. For this week’s energy can highlight where you are hurt.  This energy wants you to do some deep healing by letting go of a grief, sorrow, rejection, or disappointment. These feelings are tied to old hurts, possible expectations that were never met. The challenge: Where those expectations accomplishable?


Shaman Hassani
Shaman Hassani

Four of Swords – Last week the Muse of Hermitage advised you to pull away from society to gain perspective.  Now, the Muse of Healing advises you need another week away from society to regain your strength.  Find pockets of time that you can relax and restore your energy.


Shaman Hassani
Shaman Hassani

Six of Coins – The Muse of Being Bound arrived last week to help in the process of letting go of the material.  Reminding you the material plane is here to help you grow, not hold you to a past you no longer vibrate with.  The Muse of Redistributing Karma continues with this energy.  By reallocating material wealth, you are also rebalancing karmic debt.  This can be as simple as giving up material items to your local charity, giving a monetary donation, or doing a kind deed.


Shaman Hassani
Shaman Hassani

Queen of Coins – Last week the Muse of Creation challenged you to be honest with yourself about the choices in how you will tend to your future.  Either by committing to 10 months of focused tending or flinging your seeds into the wind to see what grows in in that time.  Now this Muse’s baby sister has come to start you on your journey.  This energy advises pick one seed off your list and plant it into existence.  An exercise for this is take one idea from your board imbue a potted plant with that idea. You can even write it on the pot.  And then get to tending both the planet and the idea.  If you are choosing the flinging action, get a package of seeds, ask the universe to grow what you need and then spread them in the nearest plot of land.



Shaman Hassani
Shaman Hassani

Six of Swords – Your second energy for the coming year is the Muse of Transitions.  This year is transformative.  You will be leaving behind what is familiar and moving into the unknown.  This Muse advise for the first part of your journey to travel light.  Do this by physical lightening your load.  And to help that process she advises that simplicity is key to ease.


Shaman Hassani

Three of Cups – People still are your focus this week with the Muse of Friendship at your door with beverages.  This muse advises you to hang out with friends.  Your emotional cups are running on empty, so visiting with good friends will help you re-fill your emotional coffers with laughter and good times.


Shaman Hassani

Three of Wands – The Muse of Preparation has come to help you sort through this week’s work.  She advises to start each day with forethought.  What do you need to make it through this day with ease?  Pack lunches in the evening, lay out your clothes, make a to-do list.  The challenge, this is not a great week to start anything new.  Prepare for it yes, but if you must begin, then start slowly.


Shaman Hassani

Four of Pentacles – Last week the Muse of Inertia advise you to alter your perception to find a solution to a lingering problem.  This week whether the problem still exist or not this Muse of Stability advises that you are looking to much at goals or being too stingy with resources.  (These resources can be money, time, space, energy, or a thing).  This feeling of scarcity is part of the problem. There is enough.  This is just an issue about redistribution.


Shaman Hassani

Four of Cups – The Muse of Pondering has asked you to sit under a tree and go within.  Alone time with your emotions is required to sort through and do some integration as well as releasing.  Find time this week to do so and you will come away refreshed and more stable.


Shaman Hassani

Page of Cups and Seven of Wands – Last week, the Muse of Intuition and Higher Purpose reminded you that there is a plan though you may not see the whole picture, but by following your intuition you will end up in the right place at the right time.  This energy continues with the Muse of Play and the Muse of Holding Your Ground.  This week your challenge will be in competing to play in the playground.  Don’t give into bullies.  You have every right to have fun and relax as anyone else.


Shaman Hassani

Page of Coins – The Muse of Studies has arrived with your homework.  This week you need to up your ante by upping your skillset.  Remember we are lifelong learners.  So put your ego in the back seat and be open to learning something new.  The more skills you have the more dreams you can accomplish.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 22, 2021

Happy Birthday Virgos!

Can this tiny caterpillar be the origin of dragon mythology?  There are over 400 species of the dragon-headed caterpillar, genus Charaxes.  They live in the Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Australia and one species found in Europe, so far.  The butterflies’ colors vary from white, brown, yellow, clay-red, black and can differ with spots of blue or light green.

But the dragon-headed caterpillars all have green wide bodies in the middle and narrow behind with a flat head and these horn-like process with barbs.  The caterpillars’ markings and size can vary from season to season and year to year. Be careful when handling them, for the barbs exude a toxin similar to a bee sting. The eggs hatch within three days from being laid and then go through 5 stages of growth called instarts.  Most grow from 5 mm up to 30 mm (about an inch) by end of cycle.

Solar System highlights:  The Moon starts in Aquarius.  This is the second full moon in a month under the same sign so is also called a Blue Moon – this moon is great at opening portals and downloading innovations with the Sun in its last day of Leo.  It then moves to Pisces on the 23rd – time to deal with paradoxes.  Then into Aries on the 24th– back down to earth and actions.  And ends this week in Taurus on the August 27th– focus on things that need exaltation.

Mercury is in its final week in Virgo.  Finish cleaning out your email and when conversing be clear, simple, and precise.  Venus is in Libra- enjoy your relationships and energy around equity.  Mars is in Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything your gaze goes to.  Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,





dragon headed caterpillarSeven of Cups – The Muse of Dreaming and Wishes suggests your mantra to be I seize the opportunity to dream. This week push the realms of practicality and dream outside your comfort zone.


dragon headed caterpillarAce of Coins – You are surrounded by the energy of prosperity.  This is a great week to start a new project, launch or relaunch a product/service, invest and plant seeds.  What you plant/focus on now will grow.  Your mantra this week is I create abundance with the resources I already have at my fingertips.



dragon headed caterpillar*Hermit – The Muse of Hermitage is directing you to pull away from society.  Gaining perspective is needed this week.  By retreating from civilization, you calm your mind and see your next steps to journey back into humanity with more mindfulness.  The challenge is informing people of your boundaries while keeping your ringer on for emergencies. Your mantra this week:  When I step back, I regroup and renew.  



*Devil – The Muse of Being Bound arrives continuing to help in the process of letting go of the material.  The challenge is this week is also full of distractions and temptations to not deal with your emotional or obligational bindings.  The key is to start small and work your way up or deeper depending on the case.  Remember, the material plane is here to help you grow, not hold you to a past you no longer vibrate with.  Your mantra:  I let go of the old to welcome the new.



dragon headed caterpillar*Empress – If you didn’t do your vison board/lists for where you want to be in 2026 you have another week to start it. Remember you are supposed to tweak it for the rest of 2021.  If you did, then you can jump right in and start creating.  The Muse of Creation is here with ideas and supplies. However, she has a challenge about being honest with yourself about the choices in how you will tend to your future.  Either you can commit to tending to your creativity for the next 10 months, or you can fling your seeds into the wind to see what grows 10 months from now.  You have a choice whether to specifically grow what you want or forage what you need in the wild.  So, pick your mantra:  My life is rich and ripe with possibilities that I can manifest and create. Or My world has infinite possibilities that will manifest for the higher good. 




Three of Coins – Your first muse for the coming year is the Muse of Teamwork.  The energy has come to advise you to ask for help and bounce your ideas off others.  Whatever you are working on it is more fortuitous or more likely of having success with more sets of eyes, minds, and hands then just yours.  Your mantra:  Collaboration is key to learning and growing.



dragon headed caterpillarQueen of Cups – Last week the Muse of Relationships reminded you to treat people how you would like to be treated.  The challenge was it is not always reciprocated.  But she had you ponder does it matter to who you want to be in the world?  Now the Muse of Fun is at your door with games and outings into nature.  This is another week where relationships are important but where last week it could be draining this week it fills your cup.  Your mantra: My relationship with others reflects that I am worthy of love and respect.



Eight of Cups – The Muse of Simplicity has come to help you clean out your physical and emotional closets.  This energy wants you to discern your needs from your wants, and then make sure what surrounds you and resonates within you fulfill those needs. This focus guides you this week in all your decisions.  Your mantra:  I will no longer hold onto what isn’t right for me.



Hanged Man – The Muse of Inertia comes when you need to alter your perception of something in your life.  This energy stops you from moving forward until you find a solution to a lingering problem.  And her advise is to look at it from other angles.  Like a painter does when they are stuck, they turn the canvas upside down to see what is needed to balance the composition.   Your mantra: I let go of my attachment to how I think things should be so I can open my mind to what it can be.



Nine of Coins – The Muse of Success has come to help you build upon what you have successfully obtain thus far. This is not a time to add more to your plate, but to work on what you need to make the coming months move with more ease.  Your mantra:  I am solidifying my security in the world.





*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition and Higher Purpose has come to fine tune your instincts.  This Muse likes to play with metaphors, signs, and synchronicities. This energy reminds you that there is a plan though you may not see the whole picture, but by following your intuition you will end up in the right place at the right time.  Your mantra:  When I tune into and trust the vibes, I will obtain higher wisdom.  



dragon headed caterpillarPage of Cups – The Muse of Optimism has come to help you see that the world can have beautiful and joyous moments.  She does this by reminding you to take the perspective of a child where everything is a wonder and new.  By perceiving the cup half full, this week becomes easier and a bit more fun.  Your mantra:  I open my heart allowing wonder and virtue to lead me on my path.  

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 15, 2021

Sonia Delaunay
Sonia Delaunay playing cards

abLast week we investigated a working artist that so far has not made it into the Louvre, and this week we view the artist Sonia Delaunay.  The first living woman to have a show in the Louvre,1964, after six decades of work as a renowned painter, textualist, illustrator, and designer.  She and her husband founded the Orphism Art movement which used strong colors and geometric shapes.

She first thought of it while making a quilt for her son.  “When it was finished, the arrangement of the pieces of material seemed to me to evoke cubist conceptions and we then tried to apply the same process to other objects and paintings.”  Their experimentations they called simultaneous, which combined the geometric elements of Cubism and the color theory of Pointillism.  There for making a more flowing vibrant paintings that lead them to abstraction.  As she said “Abstract art is only important if it is the endless rhythm where the very ancient and the distant future meet.”

Solar System highlights:  The Moon starts in Sagittarius – step out into the world.  It moves to Capricorn on the 18th – time to work and fortify structures.  Then Aquarius on the 20th – innovation is key.  Mercury is in Virgo.  Great time to clean out your email and when conversing be clear, simple, and precise.  Venus is in Libra spend energy enjoying your relationships. Mars is in Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything your gaze goes to.  Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius so back to the drawing board innovating and upping your game for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Sonia Delaunay
Sonia Delaunay

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is bringing the party over to your house.  Take this week to promote enjoyment in your life.  Watch comedies, laugh with friends, and relax in a water element.  These are the final weeks in summer make the most of it.

Sonia Delaunay

Three of Coins – The Muse of Teamwork has come again.  This week it is important to ask for help and advice.  This Muse reminds you that three heads are better than one, and that collaboration is key to the innovations you need to manifest your creations this year.

Sonia Delaunay 

Three of Wands – Last week the Muse of Creation asked what you would like to develop and grow in the next 10 months. This Muse reminded to cultivate something you need to tend to it.  And if you cannot commit you could cast your seeds to the wind, so that either a desire or a surprise will be born.  Now the Muse of Preparation enters and gives you more time to manifest your seeds and prep your soil.  The challenge this week requires patience and an acute sense of timing.

Sonia Delaunay
Sonia Delaunay

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Letting go has come to help you release old stuff.  Whether this is a de-cluttering of your physical space or your emotional space, it is time to let go of items that no longer fit who you are now and hold no joy in keeping around.

Sonia Delaunay
Sonia Delaunay

King of Swords – This is your last week of your birth month.  The Muses to work with until next summer are Organic Change, Resilience, Inner Strength, and the Past.  These Muses will help you create change and navigate challenges that will help your will power by highlighting past experiences lessons.  And finally, this week the Muse of Long-term Planning has come with her vision board to pull it all together.  She asks you what, where, who you want to be in 2026?  This energy asks you to cast your soul into the future to see what visions you are inspiring to create.  This is not a good week for figuring out details.  It is all big picture planning.  Like literally make lists and create a vision board.  And remember you have all year to tweak them.

Sonia Delaunay
Sonia Delaunay

Knight of Coins – This Muse of Pace has come to tell you to take things slowly and steadily this week.  You are in the right place at the right time if you do not rush it.


Sonia Delaunay bathing suits

*Lovers – The Muse of Relationships is calling.  Investing energy into people is important this week, as is conscious conversations. There is a need for you to be truthful and clear in your choices.  Ultimately this energy reminds you to treat people how you would like to be treated.  The challenge is it is not always reciprocated.  But does it matter to who you want to be in the world?

Sonia Delaunay
Sonia Delaunay

Four of Coins – Last week the Muse of Exams tested your resolve and boundaries.  This depleted your energy resources.  So, the Muse of Savings is having you pull in, regroup, and restock.   Whether this is literally restocking your cupboards, balancing your books, or energetically withdrawing, take this week to refill what is lacking.

Sonia Delaunay
Sonia Delaunay

Ace of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration has come to inspire you.  The world is brimming with inspirational signs and synchronicities to ignite your imagination.  If you can’t not sense your guides, time for a hike into nature or visit a space that has music/art to reboot your intuition.



Ace of Cups – The Muse of Abundance is here to make your cup runneth over. Yep your are surrounded by bounty of love, friendship, and stuff that brings you joy.  Get off your work horse and enjoy.

Sonia Delaunay

King of Coins – The Muse of Construction has come to help you build whatever you want.  This is a great week for business, money, building and anything hands on that increase your wealth or feeds your senses.

Sonia Delaunay

Five of Cups – The Muse of Spilled Milk is here to help you let go of grievances, bad feelings, insecurities, blame and/or not “enoughness.”    She reminds you that what is gone is no longer needed, what you have is enough and to continue your journey with a lighter load.

intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny