Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov 14, 2021


The Fall night sky calls us to look up as eclipse season begins. On Friday November 19th we start with a Lunar eclipse in Taurus starting the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses that will last until 2023, and on December 4th a solar eclipse in Sagittarius ends the Gemini and Sagittarius eclipse pairings.  What does this mean?    By definition it means, an obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer or between it and its source of illumination. One can look at their natal chart and see if your planets or nodes are energized by being in these signs.  But for all of us its a dance of constancy and passion.  These eclipses illuminate aspects in our lives, so we may work on making our dreams come true.

This week art highlights Nasa’s library, of visual and audio files of plants, moons, nebulas, and universes.  @nasa The library spans 101 years of space exploration.  These visuals show us how amazing and vast the Space we live in is.

Solar System highlights:  The Moon starts this week Aries – great for tapping into energy to start projects.  Then moves into Taurus on the 16th– great time to grow anything you focus on. We have a lunar eclipse in Taurus on Friday the 19th and moves into Gemini by midnight.  So, through the weekend the focus switches to intellect, learning and conversations.  Mercury is in Scorpio – it focuses us on our passion and letting go of forms of communication that no longer work for us.  Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality.  Mars is in Scorpio – desire is in the air, and it is a great time to work on long term projects.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Helix Nebula Nasa

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Worry will be knocking on your door this week.  Yes, there is a lot to still worry over, but when is worry useful?  Worry is only positive when what you worry over has a solution.  So, for everything you can’t do anything about, let that go, and fix what you can.

New star Nasa
New star Nasa

*Sun – The Muse of Vitality has come to shine joy and abundance in your life.  This week’s energy not only highlights your successes and brings good luck, but it also gives you the strength to spread positivity to your community.  The challenge with this card is you need to let the Sun in.   So go out for a walk, smile at other people, and share your joy.

Earth NASA

*Empress – This is the second powerhouse divine feminine to lighten your doorway.  Last week, the Muse of Higher Purpose helped realign you with your path.  So now that you are more allied with your purpose – what needs to be planted?  This week the Muse of Creation is here to help seed any new endeavors you want to grow in the coming new year.  The challenge is if you are still at a loss for what to do.  If so, spend this week writing a list of what would you grow if you had no limitations, for this Muse is handy with creating something out of what seemly is nothing.

Baby star being born in Perseus Nasa

Eight of Cups – Finally a week to take a breath.  The Muse of Simplification is here to help you streamline your life.  Remember last week the Muse of Creation had you thinking on what you want to grow in 2022.  Well to do this you will need to par down what you are doing.  Spend this week sifting through items/thoughts/projects into two piles.  What needs to be done to create for 2022 and what you can let go off that stunts that creation.

Veil Nebula NASA

Five of Swords – Your second five so let’s look at fives for a sec.  Fives signify chaos.  Last week it was about which chaos are you actually responsible for and this week it’s about chaos of the Ego.  This Muse points out how you, at times, define your sense of self around other people’s ego.  This can look like getting into arguments you know won’t change people’s minds, or taking on another person’s mood, or believing you can harness the chaos.  The challenge is for you to sidestep the drama this week.

Saturn Moons Titan, Rhea and Mimas NASA

Four of Coins – The Muse of Fiscal Responsibility has come to help with your financial outlook.  This is a great week to balance your books, save money, pay off some debt, invest wisely, and even spend if you choose quality and long-term gains.  This Muse challenges your ideas of where and what you spend your resources on.


Jupiter NASA

Six of Wands – The Muse of Success is here.  This week’s energy is about highlighting your accomplishments.  Not only does it bring small victories, but it is also a week you can take some time to relax and celebrate.  This Muse reminds you that the war has not been won, but your success so far has given you some time to regroup and have some fun.

Canon of dust in Orion belt  Nasa
Canon of dust in Orion belt Nasa

Six of Swords – This is your final week of energies that will work with you in the coming year.  Let’s review.  First the Muse of Deconstruction and The Muse of Potential.  The first Muse comes to show you some aspect of your life is not working for you, and you have not been dealing with it or making excuses around it.  The second Muses will help re-divine a new you. Then the Muse of Education declares this coming year one of your roles is the student.  Next, the Muse of Financial Security will help you accumulate resources.  And the Muse of Relationships challenged you to let go of energy vampires and only fill the emotional cups of people who fill yours.  Lastly the Muse of Transitions is rippling back to your first karmic card of Deconstruction, 2022 is a year of change the challenge with these energies if you don’t do the deconstruction and move to the next realm the Universe will step in and make its own changes.

Black Hole Tsunami NASA

Six of Coins – The Muse of Karma has come to play with you this week.  So, as you do good in the world, she will make sure you are compensated for it.  The challenge is that this works for the bad you do too.   Motto: what goes around comes around.


Horse Head nebula NASA

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Competition is here to help you navigate challenges.  Lately it feels as if you are having to constantly prove yourself.  She asks to whom?  She reminds you, the truer you are to your self and purpose(s), the more self confidence and preservation you will have on your path.  Your soul came to live your life not the life that others have prescribed to you.


*Lovers – The Muse of Connection spends this week reminding you that a feeling of belong is as vital as having space.  This Muse comes when you have either lost connection to yourself and/or to parts of your chosen family.   Socializing this week is about balancing your time to reconnect with your self and time spent with loved ones.  Find time for both.

Saturn NASA

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Ethics has come to hold you to yours.  This can look like someone trying to get away with not telling the whole truth or possibly deceiving yourself.  The challenge is how you handle this dilemma. Deciphering the why behind the deception will get you a lot farther

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov. 7, 2021

Artemisia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi

The artist this week is Artemisia Gentileschi.  She lived in the 17th century mostly in Italy.  Gentileschi was one of the few woman painters of that time and was well known enough that she made a living with selling her paintings to nobles and royals like Charles I of England.  She is also known for being the daughter of Baroque painter Orazio Gentileschi and being raped and winning her case against her rapist when she was 17.

When men write about her, they note the power of her brushstroke likening it to men of her time, or her boldness of portraying strong women characters, unlike the men of her time.  Feminists write about her through a lens of a survivor and a woman who made her way in the patriarchal system.  When female art historians write about her, they see her in a broader context with a variety of aspects that contributed to what she painted and why.

As a viewer we do look through our personal lens.  Asking questions like did this feminine perspective become her selling point?  Or was it the subjects she chooses?  her “fame” of the rape?  Or did she exemplify Baroque art with its drama, rich and deep color and intense light and dark shadows?

All of these are pertinent questions, but also, maybe we just like her work, amazed at how she can capture candlelight.  As we view and relate to art or our lives, one must remember that a point in time resonates throughout our lifetime, but it does not solely define us or our actions.  We are a sum of all the things that makes us.  And at the same time, we are beautiful, amazing, and valid for just being alive as any other thing in nature.

Solar System highlights:  The Moon starts in Capricorn – focus on getting things done on material plan. Then on Tuesday it moves into Aquarius – use your intellect and thinking outside the box is needed.  The Moon then finishes in Pisces for the weekend – follow your dreams and soul’s desires. Mercury is in Scorpio – the focus is passion and letting go of forms of communication that no longer work for you.  Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality.  Mars is in Scorpio – desire is in the air, as well as, it is a great time to finish up projects.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Artemisia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi

Three of Swords – The Muse of Heartbreak has come to help you heal from a hurt you have been holding on too.  This hurt usually shows up as self-criticism.  These are deep wounds that keep cyclically happen in your life.  So, fill in the thought “I’m not lovable because….”  And heal that wound so you can accept the love that is already in your life or coming around the corner.


Artemisia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Self-binding Thoughts has come to trigger beliefs that no longer serve you.  Your challenge is to release yourself from these mind ghosts.  The keys to these emotional handcuffs are the upsets/traumas happened in the past, were put there by others, and you have made them your own.  Release and free yourself.


Artemisia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi

*High Priestess – Last week the Muse of Fortune calibrated your karma, good or bad, a debt has now been paid.  Now, the Muse of Higher Purpose has come to realign you with your path.  You are here for a variety of reasons: being a parent, sibling, work, your passion, etc.… If you listen to your inner voice or external synchronicities, this Muse will guide you to resources that help you gain traction on your path.


Artemisia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi

*Empress – Your third big energy week.  So, you may be feeling a bit tired, stressed, and/or overwhelmed.  Because you had the Muse of Destruction dismantling some aspect of your life that needed fixing. Then the Muse of Stabilization shored you back up.  Now it’s time to create with the Muse of Creation.  Ugh but your tired.  Breath.  This energy would like you to focus on a project that will take you through the New Year.  She asks, what will you birth into 2022?  Grow it slowly, and nurture yourself as you nurture it.


Artemisia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi

Five of Cups – The Muse of Spilled Milk is here to remind you that every mess you encounter this week is not your responsibility.  Yes, you have things that need cleaning, but this Muse reminds you that some problems are meant for others to deal with.  So, your challenge is to see why you are doing it.  Are you avoiding your own messes?  Do you like the attention even though it is co-dependent?  Or is it if not you then who?  Focus on your mess only this week.


Artemisia Gentileschi

Two of Swords – The Muse of Decisions is here to help you make more aligned choices. We all are making choices every day, but are they aligned with how we want to feel as we make them?  This muse suggests this week pick a feeling or word that you want to live by and then make choices from that feeling or word.


Artemisia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love has come to fill your emotional cup.  She suggests noting all the loving things that happen in this week.  Your pet greeting you, your kid’s hug, someone opening a door for you, or a smile.  But here is how she challenges you.  When someone does a wrong, mentally thank them for the reminder of how you don’t want to be or show them some compassion.  They may be having a shitty day.  You see, kindness fills the cup coming and going.


Artemisia Gentileschi

Two of Cups – Next energy up for your new year is the Muse of Relationships.  This year highlights relationships.  The challenge with this energy is by 2023 all your relationships should all be built on equality.  They fill your cup as you fill theirs.  Start this week cleaning out the emotional vampires.


Artemisia Gentileschi

Seven of Coins – The Muse of Work has come to help you further a project on the material plane.  This energy is like those people that give out water during marathons.  Look for moments to re-energize yourself, take small breaks like a walk if you are stuck, drink tea, or tiny 10-minute desk naps; and keep going.


Artemisia Gentileschi

Page of Coins – The Muse of Learning has come with books in tow.  This week is great for acquiring a new skill or useful bit of information.  You might have to hit the books, watch documentaries or informational podcasts.  Knowledge is power.


Artemisia Gentileschi

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Mastery comes when you need to focus on a project and move it to completion or tweak it to a more valuable form.  Art is taking the everyday and lifting to a place where we can see its beauty.  This week take something to the next level.


Artemisia Gentileschi

Three of Wands – The Muse of the Productive Waiting has arrived reminding you to use this time and space to prepare for what is about to happen.  For example, if you were going on vacation in 2 weeks, pack now and you might find that you need a new bathing suit.  Something needs to be done while you are waiting for the next thing to happen.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 31, 2021

Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

Happy Halloween. Blessed Samhain to all my Gaelic folk. And blessed Day of the Dead to my Mesoamericans.

The artist this week is Georgiana Houghton @georgianhoughton.  Houghton was a spiritualist medium in the 1860’s and 70s. She used watercolors to create vivid and complex abstract paintings.  Houghton declared that she was guided by various spirits including family members, Renaissance artists and angelic beings to create these works.  She used a color scheme to express characteristics of people and conditions. There is a list of what each color means at her website.

Houghton predates, by 50 years, the “declared” founder of Wassily Kandinsky who started dabbling in abstract painting in 1911, and Hilda Klimt who was painting abstractly five years before Kandinsky. Klimt also declared herself a spiritualist.  Does art history need a re-write?  Kandinsky even proclaimed in the essay “On the Spiritual in Art”, (paraphrased) that all forms of art can reach a level of spirituality.  He often argued that color could be used to paint something autonomous like music.  So why can’t the two women before him be seen as artist who paint the soul, the ultimate of abstraction?

Your pondering: As the veil thins tonight – what spirit would you call in to inspire you?

Solar System highlights:  On Monday the Moon starts in Libra – relationships and beauty are the focus. Then it moves into Scorpio on Nov 3rd focusing on passion and letting go.  The Moon then finishes in Sagittarius – go outside and enjoy the weekend. Mercury is in Libra until the 5th– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Then it moves into Scorpio switching the focus to passion and letting go of forms of communication that no longer work for you.  Venus is in Sagittarius also until the 5th then moves Capricorn where beauty goes from free spiritedness to practicality.  Mars is in Scorpio – desire is in the air as well as a great time to finish up projects.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

Five of Cups – The Muse of Optimism has come to help you see that your cup is half full.  Yeah, there are some not so great things this week, but overall, you have a lot to be content about.  People around you might also need this insight.


Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

Nine of Cups – Last week, the Muse of Structures arrived to check the constructs that support you in life, and something was off kilter.  If you fixed it awesome you have a week off.  Find your comfy spots and dig in.  If you didn’t, use this week to realign but take the weekend off.


Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

*Wheel of Fortune – The Muse of Fortune has come to calibrate your karma.  This week can either go good or bad.  But no matter where your wheel lands by the end of the week your karmic bank will be more balanced.   Have faith in the Universe everything is happening as it should.


Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

*Temperance – Last week the Muse of Destruction came to dismantle some aspect of your life that needed fixing. Your job was to fix the cracks to lessen or avoid the blow.  This week the Muse of Stabilization has come to shore you back up.  This energy is best in building back a more balanced world around you, so you can let your life force flow without resistance.  Moderation is key.


Georgiana Houghton
Georgiana Houghton

Queen of Coins – Final a week to settle in with the Muse of Luxury.  The last 3 weeks have been full of energy surrounding and demanding a lot out of you.  But this week there should be a balance of work and play.  The Muse of Luxury reminds you that for every bit of energy discharged there should be an equal amount of energy taken in.  So, for every minute you work your behind off, there should be an equal amount of time you spend luxuriating.  She challenges you with this pondering – why and what are you working so hard for if you are not also enjoying the process or the harvest?


Georgiana Houghton

Six of Coins – Last week the Muse of the Unconscious had you conversing with the darker hidden aspects of what you fear and seeing that they don’t have to protect you.  Now the Muse of Cause and Effect comes to ground you back into reality and your impact on it.  This week notice how your actions and words effect those around you.  This Muse reminds you “what goes around comes around.”  So, practice what you preach.


Georgiana Houghton

King of Coins – The Muse of Ambition has come to help you turn your visions into reality.  If you know what to do this is the week to get it rolling.  The only challenge is if you don’t know where to go next.  If you are floundering, start fixing the small things around you that are not working.  This will give you ideas or at least a cleaner platform to begin from.


Georgiana Houghton

Ten of Coins – Next energy up for your new year, you will be working with the Muse of Financial Security.  This year will be a bumper crop on your career front.  This is a year to accumulate wealth.  The challenge is what do you need that will sustain you and help you build into your future.  This can be as easy as creating a savings account and as hard as keeping it full.


Georgiana Houghton

Page of Cups – The Muse of Play has come to lighten up your week.  Her goal is to remind you to play each day.  Whether that means cards or crayons, play is best done with people you love.


Georgiana Houghton

Knight of Wands – The energy this week leads you to the right place at the right time.  No matter good or bad you are synced with the Universe, and it has gifts waiting around each corner.  This is not a week to be idle in mind, spirit and/or body. The challenge is moving patiently forward so you can receive your gifts and insights.


Georgiana Houghton

*Death – The Muse of Letting Go prompts you to do some recycling in your life.  She asks you what is no longer serving you?  What are you carrying that is holding you back?  Your challenge is to use the past like compost for the future.  Bury it, burn it and/or free it, so that something new can grow in your life.


Georgiana Houghton

Two of Wands – The Muse of the Present has come to firmly remind you that each day is important and to live in it to the fullest.  We average 31,755 days or 762,120 hours in a lifetime.  And only 508,080 hours of that are we awake.  For every year that you are alive subtract 5,800 hours.  So, if you are in your 20’s you have around 400,000 hours; if you’re in your 40’s that s 254,000 hours. Yes, she says, life is short and precious; use it wisely.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 24, 2021

Dorothea Tanning Self Portrait

The artist this week is Dorothea Tanning.  When you play the game Having a Dinner Party, where you pick 10 people alive or dead that you would have over, I would pick Dorothea Tanning as one of them.  She is a creative.  Tanning is well known for her surreal paintings, but her endeavors include drawing, painting, sculpting, installations, costume design, set design, writing poetry….

She published a book of poetry the year before her death in 2012 at 101 years old.  The span of her work in her words is “her enigmatic versions of life on the inside, looking out.” Tanning draws us into her mind as well as her physicality.  She also often paired her work with poems from other poets, to give even more depth into her painterly ponderings.  As we view her work one feels not only acquainted with her investigations of self but also, we identify ourselves in her.  For me, I would learn more about me by my conversations with her.

Your pondering, as the veil thins this week, who would you invite to your party, dining with the dead? And I have attached a line, bolded, of Tanning’s poem All Hallow’s Eve to each of your casts.  Start with the first 2 lines here and read down.


Be perfect, make it otherwise.
Yesterday is torn in shreds.

Solar System highlights:  On Monday the Moon starts in Cancer– get cuddly with a partner or pet and self-care should be on the agenda. Then it moves into Leo on Oct 28th – a time to shine.  The Moon then finishes in Virgo – so you can categorize your candy haul. Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Venus is in Sagittarius asking are we feeding and nurturing our relationships enough to keep them growing?    Mars is in Libra until Oct. 30th  – the last week investigating relationships around the question are your actions following your words?  Then it moves into Scorpio – passion is in the air and a great time to finish up projects.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

Page of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration has come this week.  You will find that she has hidden at least one “Easter egg” of insight in each day.  These small gifts are here to help you motivate or bring your work/life up a notch.    Lightning’s thousand sulfur eyes


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structures has arrived with rulers and T-squares.  This energy comes around when you need to check the structures that support you in life.  Something is off kilter.  Whether it is your schedule, eating habits, your rules/morals, or your boundaries one of these is not aligned with your way of life.  The challenge with this energy is making sure when you do this re-structuring that it remains flexible enough that you can still grow.  Rip apart the breathing beds.   


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

Five of Cups – The Muse of Clumsiness is here to spill liquids and disrupt emotions.  So, on a practical side, don’t put your fluids by electrical devices.  And on a heart side, be careful how you interpret emotional outburst- yours and others.  This week can also be full of fret.  Your challenge is to clean up your mess and leave others to clean up their own.  Hear bones crack and pulverize.


Dorothea Tanning Set design for Ballet Witches

*Tower – The Muse of Destruction has come with a sledgehammer to  dismantle some aspect of your life. You don’t really have any power in this deconstruction; except to lessen the chaos by finding what needs to be fix before this energy does it for you.  This can be as simple as your desk has been a mess for weeks – clean it up.  Or as challenging as leaving a job or relationship that is no longer working for you.  Look around and find out what you have pushed off for ages and know well and good that it needs to be done so do it.  Doom creeps in on rubber treads.


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

*High Priestess – The third high energy week for you.  The last two weeks advised you to pause and evaluate, then the Muses suggested remixing to balance your fabrication.  Now the Muse of Higher Purpose ask you to tap into your intuition and ask what’s next? Now this Muse is asking what the purpose is behind your next steps?  Are they leading you to where you want to go, who you want to be?  If not, time to take a hard look at your plan and re-do.  If so, you still have a few insights to round out the picture.  Intuition and asking your spirit guides are keys to unlock the secrets to the next steps.    Countless overwrought housewives,


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

*Moon – The Muse of Unconscious is here to help with your fears.  This energy wants you to investigate the darker hidden aspects of what you fear.  This Muse reminds you that interacting with your worries as if they are friends, allows you to see that they are like helicopter Moms.  Trying to keep you from harm, but also keeping you locked up.   So, this week converse with your fears, and coax them to see that they really don’t have to save you.  You are doing just fine.   Minds unraveling like threads,


Dorothea Tanning

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is all about work.  Time to get things done and off your to-do lists.  The challenge is you will not see the benefits from your labors for a couple of  weeks.  Try lipstick shades to tranquilize


Dorothea Tanning

Page of Coins – Last week you started off your birth month with the Muse of Deconstruction and The Muse of Potential.  They wanted you to strip away what is not working so you can re-divine a new you and your surroundings.  Now the Page of Coins joins this duo declaring that  one of your roles this coming year is being the student.  This is a year to learning new skills on the material plane.  This can look like going back to school, learning new skills for work, or trying on different hats in the workplace.  Fears of age and general dreads.


Dorothea Tanning

Two of Coins – The Muse of Juggling comes when you need to adjust at how you get things done.  This week is not made for multi-tasking.  This muse advises to take on one thing and do it well before adding a new something to your attention.  Sit tight, be perfect, swat the spies, 


Dorothea Tanning

Four of Cups – The Muse of Introspection has come to help you remove the metaphorical lint from your belly button. She advises that you spend ¾ of your time navel gazing, but you must spend the other fourth doing and being in the world.    Don’t take faucets for fountainheads.


Dorothea Tanning

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship comes when your emotional glass is empty.  She reminds you that friends can uplift your spirts the best.  Find time this week to just hang and talk shit with loved ones.  Drink tasty antidotes. Otherwise


Dorothea Tanning

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Keep Calm and Carry On is here to remind you to do just that.  She advises that practicality, down-to earthiness, and compassion are the elements to work with this week.  Also, a great week to invest in your future.  You and the werewolf: newlyweds.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 17, 2021

Laura Makabresku
Laura Makabresku

The artist this week is Laura Makabresku.  Makabresku works within the genre of surreal photography.  Surrealism was defined by Andre Breton in 1924 in the Manifesto of Surrealism.  He characterized the movement as “psychic automatism in its pure state.”  In other words, it is a genre that explores the unconscious, dreams, and emotions by putting together images that are chimerical and spark intellectual ponderings of what is real.  Makabresku’s photos uses symbolism, fairytales, but also seems to pry into the chaos of our dreamscapes.  Her photographs are often underexposed or show a hint of a scene.  Like when we wake from our dreams, her images leave us more with a feeling then with certainty of what we dreamt/seen.  Thus, with her work and our dreams, we investigate more of the why then the what.

Your pondering for the week as we enter Scorpio season of death, birth, transformation, sexuality and psychology:  When we wake from our nightly dreamscapes what do we consciously care into our days?

Solar System highlights:  On Monday the Moon starts in Aries– a time to start new projects. Then on Oct 20th the full Moon is in Taurus – a great time to move projects forward.  The Moon then finishes in Gemini – conversations and knowledge are the keys to enjoying the weekend. Mercury goes direct in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Venus is in Sagittarius and asks are we feeding and nurturing our relationships enough to keep them growing?    Mars is in Libra – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words?  This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves into Scorpio Nov. 7th.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Laura Makabresku
Laura Makabresku

Ten of Wands – Last week the Muse of Creation challenged you to begin a project.  This week the Muse of Burdens suggests you par down your workload into more doable chunks.  The way to ease this week is realism, by downsizing your schedule and prioritizing your to-do list.  Plan for things taking twice as long and using more of your resources faster.


Laura Makabresku
Laura Makabresku

Nine of Coins – The Muse of Fiscal Independence is here to help you plan on creating more wealth and sovereignty.   Her motto is “Work smarter not harder”.  Time to ask for compensation, a raise or raise your prices.


Laura Makabresku
Laura Makabresku

Six of Swords– The Muse of Transition has come to help you unblock and move into new landscapes.  Something is holding you back.  This week is the perfect time to identify, remove these obstructions and move on.  Though the future is foggy there is land on the other side.


Laura Makabresku
Laura Makabresku

Three of Coins – Last week the Muse of Truth came to help you make an important decision and/or search for your personal truth.  She asked are you aligned with your higher self and your credos?  Now the Muse of Implementation has come to help you plan your next steps.  She also reminds you to use your network to help in your preparations.


Laura Makabresku
Laura Makabresku

*Temperance – Last week the energy suggested a rest stop to do some needed reevaluation.  Now the Muse of Mixology has come to help you take your next steps.  This energy suggests that a remix of items will help in balancing your fabrication.  The challenge with this process is imbalance often shows the way to balance.  So, a material plane exercise is moving everything in an area to the center of the room and then put back the items in a different way/place/combination.  Keep doing this exercise and you will find the mundane items you have remixed bring a new flavor into your life.


Laura Makabresku
Laura Makabresku

King of Wands – The Muse of Growing Pains has come to push you on.  This week is challenging but all that you do is moving you to the next level.  The surer you are of your direction the faster the growth.


Laura Makabresku

Five of Swords –  A bit of a review of the energies to work with in your coming birth year.  First, the Muse of Adventure is pushing you out of the door this year to discover the new.  Then the Muse of Material Success has you reviewing last year’s successes and setting goals for the coming year with them as a foundation. And the Muse of Pace has you finding what tempo you work the most efficiently at.  Then the Muse of Creation’s goal is co-creating and growing more abundance and beauty into your life. Lastly the Muse of Discord reminds you that conflict cannot be avoided this year.  As much as you like Harmony to truly create something new you will have to work with some chaos and dissonance.  This is not a year to moderate but to push through.


Laura Makabresku

*Tower and the Ace of Wands – Not only did you finish the year with a bang, that was meant to create space, but you are starting your birth year with the Muse of Deconstruction and The Muse of Potential.  The first Muse comes to show you that you have some major cracks in your foundations.  This can be taken literally or in any area of your life.  Something is not working for you, and you have not been dealing with it or making excuses around it.  These Muses want you to strip away what is not working so you can re-divine a new you and surroundings.  The challenge with these energies if you don’t do the deconstruction the Universe will step in.


Laura Makabresku

Nine of Cups – The Muse of Contentment is here with a bag of cider donuts.  Yep, this energy wants you to find the little things that make life pretty darn good.  Whether that is apple picking, carving pumpkins, being out in nature, mulled wine or making pie.  This week enjoy the season.


Laura Makabresku

Knight of Wands – This week has you in the right place at the right time.  Whether that is waiting in a long line or it’s all green lights, the Universe and you are in the flow.  So don’t over think – just go with it.


Laura Makabresku

Ace of Swords – The Muse of New Ideas is here to help in decision making, organizing, ponderings and mental breakthroughs.  This energy helps you think.  This is a week where your mind is a better place to dwell then your heart.


Laura Makabresku

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss is here to help you engage in some joy.  This Muse comes when you must reengage with your heart.  Start this week by listing 10 things that make you happy.  Your assignment: do some form of al

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 10, 2021

Fanny Sanin
Fanny Sanin 2011

First I want to thank all of you for reading my ponderings.  I just finished my sixth year doing these tarotcasts and I am grateful to all of you.  Well here we go for another round….

The artist this week is Fanny Sanin.  Sanin explored many art forms, but eventually honed her eye to explore geometric abstraction.  She focuses on color and form, but all within boundaries of straight lines and arcs.  Her goal is for the viewer to perceive through symmetry and balance an almost “mystical experience.”  A place where the composition does not jar or distracts us but narrows our perception.   Her work eases the eye while heightening our natural intuition/response.   When you go to her website her paintings are grouped by decades and we can see how she went from non-form abstraction, 1962-1968, to this geometric play for the next 50 years.  (You can see partially the progress as you scroll down ).  In her scope of work the viewer can see not only her journey with color and form but also that this play is endless.  Where a lifetime of work does not complete this line of discovery.

Your pondering this week: is this true with all that we do?  Are there endless combinations to work with for lifetimes? And if so, what are yours?

Solar System highlights:  On Monday the Moon starts in Capricorn– a great time to get things done on the material plane. Then on Oct 13th it goes into Aquarius – a time of invention and innovation.  The Moon then finishes in Pisces – dreamy vibes for the weekend. Mercury is in its last week of retrograde in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Remember when Mercury is retro not a great time to start projects but perfect tie to Review, Reflect and Revise.

Venus is now in Sagittarius and asks are we feeding and nurturing our relationships enough to keep them growing?    Mars is Libra – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words?  This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves into Scorpio Nov. 7th.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Fanny Sanin 2 1973
Fanny Sanin 1973

*Empress – The Muse of Creation has come to help you grow anything you put your mind to.  Her challenge is this project may take up to 10 months of work to fully develop.  If you can not commit to this, then creation is still available to you, but you will have to let go of expectations of the outcome.  For example, you want to grow a zucchini then up to 10 months of focused attention will grow a bounty of zucchini.  However, if you can’t spend the time and focus, something will grow in its place, but you will not know it’s form until the summer of 2022.

Fanny Sanin 1976
Fanny Sanin 1976

Ten of Wands – The Muse of Burdens is here to help you in relieving some of yours.  This week there is no way you are going to accomplish all that you need to do.  So, this Muse suggest make a list of your todos, prioritize them two ways by ease and necessity, and see where those two lists overlap.  Then only do, at most, the top eight. The rest put off until next week.  The lesson with this card is not only to get things done but you may find that next week the leftovers might lose their significance.

Fanny Sanin 5 1977
Fanny Sanin 1977

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss Finding is here with brownies.  This energy comes when an emotional restoration is needed.  Find or create moments that create bliss each day.  Ex:  napping with your animal, sitting in a sunbeam, a beverage of choice while sitting still, read a book, stay in your PJs for a day etc….

Fanny Sanin 1980
Fanny Sanin 1980

*Justice – The Muse of Truth appears this week to help you make an important decision and/or search for your personal truth.  She asks are you aligned with your higher self and your credos.  Now this can go both ways, possibly you need to adjust your actions to align with beliefs or your beliefs need tweaking.  This is not a week of right versus wrong.  You need to see the grey behind the decisions and find a balanced compromise that does not dilute who you are.

Fanny Sanin 1986
Fanny Sanin 1986

*The Hanged Man– The last couple of weeks you have been working with lessons around fairness, decisions and how they affect your growth.  This week you are in a holding pattern.  This energy is aligned perfectly with the last week of Mercury’s retrograde.  Whether you spend that time revisiting the last two week’s lesson or decide to tune out, both are beneficial.  The challenge is around not being pushed forward when you know the timing, i.e. this week, is not right for moving forward.

Fanny Sanin 1992
Fanny Sanin 1992

Ace of Coins – You have the energy this week to start new projects; however, with Mercury in retrograde you are making your life harder if you do.  Yes, the early bird catches the worm.  But if you go before dawn, the worms aren’t up yet because it is too cold. Therefore, this week instead of jumping into doing, prepare and organize, so you can be the first one out of the gate next week.


Fanny Sanin 1994

*Empress – The third energy to work with for this coming year is the Muse of Creation.  This Muse is big karmic growth energy to work with however, it will take all year to see the fruits of your labors.  This Muse wants to co-create abundance and beauty into your life.  So first she asks to acknowledge the beauty that already surrounds you.  These you want to continue growing.  And then she has you ponder what is missing?  This year she will help you fill in voids of your garden.

Fanny Sanin 1996

*Strength – The third big energy week for you.  The past weeks had the Muse of Opportunity opening doors for you to dabble in new worlds.  The Muse of Patience and Moderation advising you to reduce your speed and rebalance.  And this week the Muse of Inner Strength has arrived to build your courage, determination, and compassion.  So, it is interesting that you can work with all these big energies in the final weeks of your birth cycle, and that they coincide with Mercury retrograde.  When this happens, the Muses are trying to get you to tie up loose ends and prep the ground for your coming year.  They ask you what do you want to finish up/let go of before your birthday?  By dealing with them now, you create space for creation in the coming year.

Fanny Sanin 2004

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Release has come to help you clean out your closets or send something/person off.  This can look like literally cleaning out your space or it can be releasing emotions, situations, persons that don’t jive with who you are.  This energy usually shows up to create space for new things, people or situations that will be arriving soon.


Fanny Sanin 2007

Four of Cups – Last week the Muse of Composting came to help review and recycle what no longer serves, by taking the nutrients from the past to grow the future.  The Muse of Contemplation continues this theme in the final week of Mercury’s retrograde.  Take this week to do ¾ internal work and ¼ external.  She advises that slowing down will speed up the process.

Fanny Sanin 2009

Six of Cups – The Muse of Remembering has come to swapp stories of youth and the past.  This energy comes around when the past has information for your present.  Pay special attention if you feel a Deja Vue or a familiarity.  Sit with it, notice all that is happening around you for clues to your download.

Fanny Sanin 2010

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Grit has come to help you make a stand or fortify your resolution. She helps by reminding you the why you are dealing with/through the challenges you have control over.  Is it for more ease?  Better Life? Sense of Security?   If you can stand behind why you are fighting, then what seems like a war becomes a quest for your desires

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 3, 2021

Hope Gangloff
Hope Gangloff

The artist this month is Hope Gangloff (@hopeloff).   The definition of vibrant is full of energy and enthusiasm.  Gangloff’s color palette is vibrant. She is known for her large portraits, but with Covid her subjects have changed to more landscapes and still lives. Her paintings are still color saturated.  A lesson in color theory, and possibly a nod to Edvard Munch’s exploration in vivid colors.  But her new exploration of our everyday surroundings sets us the viewer to see the world still full of energy and enthusiasm.  That possible with Covid, a divided world, injustices every day in the news, etc… that we can still see life and hope around us.

Solar System highlights:  This week the Moon starts in Virgo – a time for organizing. Then on Oct 5th it goes into Libra with the new Moon on the 6th – all about relationships.  October 7th it goes into Scorpio – feed your passions.  On October 9th it goes in Sagittarius- taking mini trips on the weekend.  Mercury is still retrograde in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Remember when Mercury is retro not a great time to start projects but a great time to Review, Reflect and Revise, and of course back -up your technology.

Venus is in Scorpio – a great time to feed your pleasures and passions but in general watch overindulgences.   Mars is Libra too – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words?  This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves into Scorpio Nov. 7th.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Hope Gangloff
Hope Gangloff

Six of Cups – This is your second six so a quick dive into this number.  Sixes are about balance and information.  Last week was about cause and effect and how far you ripple out into your world.  This week it is the balance of past and present.  There is some information from your childhood that needs to be either used and/or resolved this week.


Hope Gangloff
Hope Gangloff

Nine of Cups – Finally this week brings you a break from the past month’s big energies.  This week the Muse of Contentment has come to remind you that simple things like tea and toast, a cat’s purr or a bird song is as delightful and probably more sustaining then the big energies of last months.  Have gratitude for the humble moments this week.


Hope Gangloff

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Authenticity is here to help you with aspects of either your environment or yourself that have been hidden away because of guilt, fear, or mistrust.  Tread lightly to find the truth but it does need to see the light of day, so it doesn’t fester.


Hope Gangloff
Hope Gangloff

Seven of Cups – Last week the Muse of Stagnation had you in a hovering pattern.  Which perfectly concedes with Mercury in retrograde a great time to review, reflect and revise, and possibly a download from the Universe.  This energy continues as does the retrograde until October 18th.  Thus, this week the Muse of Dreams advises to take time to daydream as well as look to your night dreams for information and guidance.


Hope Gangloff
Hope Gangloff

*Judgment – Well the Big Sister of Justice continues the lesson around fairness and decisions, but she ups the ante by asking does this sense of Justice help you evolve?  So last week you dealt with the concept that true Justice is slow and complex.  And your actions around fairness should be reflecting not only the truth but how that truth is dealt.  Now this energy wants you to step back and see if you are dealing with or judging the world, possible yourself, and narrowing your possibilities with past mistakes or grievances.  When you should be broadening and building the new world and more evolved you. Motto:  Be the change you want to see in the world -Ghandi.


Hope Gangloff
Hope Gangloff

Seven of Coins – The Muse of the Harvest has come to help you muster all that needs to be done this week.  The challenge is choosing what will give you more bang for the buck.  She guides your energy with this question:  Does what you do this week contribute to what you will need in the coming months?


Hope Gangloff

Knight of Coins – The second energy to work with for this coming year is Muse of Pace.  She asks at what new pace do you want to move at.  Take this month to find the tempo in which you work at most efficiently.  Whether you excel as a marathoner or a sprinter, the goal for this coming year is to set up the schedules and systems to support you at the stride you choose.


Hope Gangloff
Hope Gangloff

*Temperance – Last week the Muse of Opportunity was opening doors for you to dabble in new worlds.  This week the energy slows with the Muse of Patience and Moderation.   Use this energy to reduce your speed and rebalance.  This is perfectly synced with Mercury’s retrograde this week.  Last week opened your eyes and mind to new things, this week take time to process that information to see it’s usefulness.


Hope Gangloff

Six of Wands – The Muse of the Laurel has come to celebrate with you.  This week reflect on past successes before moving ahead.  Not only will this review in successful strategies help you going forward, but it also allows you to take a break from the hustle and bustle to enjoy yourself.


Hope Gangloff
Hope Gangloff

*Death – The Muse of Composting has arrived to help review and recycle what no longer serves.  The challenge is your refuse is still useful in growing to the next level.  Take the nutrients from the past to grow the future.


Hope Gangloff

Queen of Cups – The past couple of weeks have had some complex and heavy energies.  First the Muse of the Shadow Self triggered and tested you on behavior patterns that no longer serve you.  Then Muse of Healing reminded you that every scar represents the wound of the past, the healing of the present and the potentials of the future.  Now, the Muse of Compassion comes to help guide you through this healing process.  She reminds you the best way to tend to yourself and others is to hold space.  Listen with your heart open.


Hope Gangloff
Hope Gangloff

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Luxury is taking you out on a shopping spree or a scrumptious dinner.  This energy advises you to spend some money on yourself.  You deserve it.  Though her practical side reminds you quality over quantity.

intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny