Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Feb 19, 2023

Happy Birth-month Pisces.

This week’s artist is Kerry James Marshall. @kerryjamesmarshs Marshall is an artist and professor best known for his mix media portraits of Black America especially around themes and depictions that have been historically omitted from the American and Western Art history.  A mission he calls the “counter-archive” of the painting of black subjects.  ‘Part of what I’m doing in my work is about attending to this absence of black representation in the historical narrative.  But the question is always then, when you put black people in a picture, what should they be doing?’

Marshall answers this question in two ways ideologically and technically.  Ideologically he shows black people going about their day, creating “a sense of simple presence.” Part of my project is to escape this kind of imperative that everything you do as a black person is always about lack. That there’s never a moment in which you have simple pleasure – where you’re just there, where you’re just simply being. And your being is not fraught with all these other layers of historical meaning.’ Though in some of his paintings like The Garden Projects (see Aries and Pisces below) shows us the conundrum between the history of black people in America and his mission.

Technically,  he plays with the color black chromatically.  First in the choice of saturation and then his use of varying shades of black placed  masterfully next to each other.  ‘If you looked at the palette, I was using you’d think, “Well, that’s black, black and black next to each other.” And they don’t look so different. But when I use them in a painting next to each other, the differences become more apparent. Because the iron oxide black is inherently red.  And if you stack that on top of carbon black, it obviously looks red. Or I’ll mix in cobalt blue, a chrome oxide green, an earth tone like raw umber or yellow umber.  What I’m doing is changing the temperature, from cool to warm and warm to cool.”   Not only is his art a master class in color theory and painting but it also makes the viewer think about the color black and how we visually see it in the world.

Cite Apollo article.

Your pondering for the week:  What is color?  What does each color mean to you?  And then when you apply it to a person’s skin does that change its context or that person?

Solar System highlights

This week begins with a new moon in Pisces on Monday – perfect for daydreaming and wandering in the realms of the unconscious and spirit.   On Wednesday it moves into Aries – a great time to start projects.  Then on Friday through the weekend the moon is in Taurus – perfect for working or playing in the outdoors.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) has now moved into Aquarius (innovation and society) – a great time to talk about personal and social change. This should also help Mars in Gemini’s lessons.  For Mars (action) is still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.

Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Pisces until Wednesday, so we move from going with the flow to Aries firing up our passion and pushing us to action.  Jupiter (growth) is in Aries until May 16, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) spends its last weeks in Aquarius until March 7th – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.


PS.  Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. and I have a new tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.  Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.


Kerry James Marshall
Kerry James Marshall The Garden Projects series

Five of Fire – The unruly currents are still around this week.  Where last week was more anticipatory challenges, this week you are faced with known challenges.  However, you have the Muse of Chaos to guide you through this turbulent time.  Her advice is to take your ego out of the mix.  Some chaos you cannot control but what you can manage is your headspace and your ability to ride them out.  You have done these tasks before; they are more bothersome than detrimental.  So, get out your soul surfboard, calm your mind and ride the waves.


Kerry James Marshall
Kerry James Marshall, School of Beauty

Seven of Earth – This week is the perfect combination of work and rest.  The Muse of Satisfaction reminds you that the rest after labor can be more satisfying than lazy days’ rest.  She advises that after each focused exertion to equally attend to the blissful moments that that this work has gotten you to.


Kerry James Marshall

Seven of Air – The Muse of Small Steps advises you to simplify your projects into bite size pieces.  By seeing this week incrementally, you are more likely to gain success than by aiming for a broader goal.  Put on your metaphorical “reader glasses” and focus on the minutia.



Ace of Earth – This is a great week to start a project, plant something, look for a new way to make money, or learn a new skill.  The Muse of Material Beginnings is here to help organize and fertilize this new project or skillset.


Kerry James Marshall

King of Earth – Another productive energy week for you.  The Muse of Construction comes to help you move a project to the next phase.  However, this is not a fly by the seat of your pants kind of week.  The key to this energy is knowing the inventory of the resources needed to do so.  Take time at the beginning of the week to gather what is needed.


Kerry James Marshall Slow Dance

Queen of Earth – The Muse of the Senses would like you to enjoy yours this week.  Her assignment is to find ways to luxuriate in each sense.  So, indulge in saturating smells, sensualizing sight, enchanting your ears, and titillating your tastebuds and touch.



Queen of Fire – The Muse of Practicality advises that it is time to stop theorizing and go do it.  You may have been sitting on an idea or project and this energy is heralding that the time is ripe for action. Go make things happen.


Kerry James Marshall
Kerry James Marshall

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation would like you to conjure something from your imagination into reality.  You have all the tools necessary for this invocation.  The only caveats are that you will need a connection to the divine and the Force of Will to make it happen.  So, declutter your mind from the “what ifs” so you have a clear link to your imagination and begin creating.


Kerry James Marshall
Kerry James Marshall

Queen of Water – The Muse of Fun is here with you this week.  This energy usually comes when life has become mundane, and you are finding yourself in an endless repeating cycle of wake-work-sleep.  She recommends finding time to frolic throughout this week.   She wants you to reconnect with the real meaning of life – finding your joy.


Kerry James Marshall

*Chariot – The Muse of Movement is here to help you focus.  This week supplies tons of to-dos and luckily the universe is giving you the gas to make a run of it.  However, it is solely up to you to have a direction, route, and do all the driving.  So, before this week starts make sure you have mapped out what needs to be done and where you need to go, or you will be doing metaphorical donuts in the parking lot.  And she reminds you rest stops are necessary for any trip so plan those in too.


Kerry James Marshall

Six of Earth – The Muse of the Ripple Effect has come to visit this week. She comes when you need to be mindful of how you are treating people. As a sign, you all are uber-conscious of being respectful in society; however, this week it is important to bring that mindful kindness to the folks closer to you.  You might find it hard to connect because your mind is elsewhere.   But it would be beneficial to create moments of intimacy and connection not only for your people, but it will ground you too.


Kerry James Marshall The Garden Projects Series

Five of Earth – This week comes with some challenges, but the Muse of Refuge is here to help you.  First, she reminds you that you are not alone, but you will have to put some effort into connecting with people.  Secondly, she reminds you that all of humanity deals with challenges and hardships, so your difficulty is not unique.  She is not trying to  diminish your feelings.  But she just doesn’t want you to isolate yourself while you are having them.  The big lesson with the challenges you will face this week is seeing that people have your back if you let them.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Feb 12, 2023

Kayla Mahaffey
Kayla Mahaffey, Pure Intentions

This week highlights another artist from Chicago, Kayla Mahaffey, @kaylamay_art.  As one first comes to Mahaffey’s art, you see an explosion of color, the whimsy of cartoons and the optimism and hope of youth.   Then within that optimism she illustrates a “realism that tell(s) a story of inner thoughts and personal issues that sometimes go unheard.”  We realize that realism more when we add her paintings of older subjects which have a more muted palate and glazed eyes.  “When I painted the elderly, I wanted to share a narrative that was a bit on the somber side. My subject matter was focused on displaying how life can pass you by, about finding your happy place, appreciating life’s little gifts.” Mahaffey uses this contrast of the promise of youth versus the regret of age to highlight the concepts of hope, experience, optimism, realism and pessimism. 

The delicious beauty of Mahaffey’s colorful work is this reminder to nourish our inner child.  These aspects of our communal humanity:  joy, wonder, curiosity, and hopefulness should not stay only in our early years.  Her work inspires us to bring these perspectives into our daily adult lives.  To have a positive and hopeful outlook on life without ignoring the wisdom of our experiences.  In Mahaffey words:  “My paintings represent that internal warmth and colorful spirit we all contain, but sometimes forget to show.”

Cite: Article

Your pondering for the week:  How can you nourish the optimism and curiosity of youth in your daily life?

Solar System highlights

This week begins with a moon in Scorpio – engage and feed your passions.   On Tuesday it moves into Sagittarius – investigate your world.  Then on Thursday the moon is in Capricorn – you can finally really focus on work and getting things done.  And then for the weekend the moon is in Aquarius – innovation and society are the focus.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) has now moved into Aquarius (innovation and society) – a great time to talk about personal and social change. This should help Mars in Gemini’s lessons.  For Mars (action) is still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.

Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Pisces.  Helping us go with the flow especially around activities that we enjoy.  We will have two weeks to appreciate this configuration.   Jupiter (growth) is in Aries (action) until May 16, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.

PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer.  I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.

PPS.   Oh and I have a new tip jar if you want leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.


*****I have changed using the RWS version of the tarot names and now call the suits:  pentacles/coins is now Earth, cups is now Water, swords is now Air and wands is now Fire.  I did this because I want to work more closely with the elements that these suits represent.


Kayla Mahaffey
Kayla Mahaffey Bitter Ends

Nine of Air – Anxiety is in the atmosphere this week, so the Muse of Anticipation advises you to cast aside thoughts and worries that you have no control over.  And the rest of your thoughts tackle one workable worry at a time.  You only have so much brain power this week, so use what you have wisely.


Kayla Mahaffey Strange Fruit

Two of Fire – This week requires thoughtfulness and planning.  The Muse of the Future comes to help you envision solutions and steps to expand your horizons.  This energy works well with Mercury going into Aquarius helping you have a wide-angle view not only on the present but also on the future.


Kayla Mahaffey
Kayla Mahaffey Bloom

*World – You have a variety of prospects that arise this week.  The Muse of Integration is here to help you to reintegrate how connected you are not only in your own sphere, but by also getting opportunities to explore and assimilate new ideas from other worlds.  Keep your metaphorical doors and windows open.


Kayla Mahaffey
Kayla Mahaffey Detour

Knight of Fire – The Muse of Timing wants you to see that this week your timing is perfect.  You are in the right place at the right time.  Even if you stall, realize that this too fits into the plan.  By believing in your omnipotent timing not only do you gain insight, but it will also create momentum to move you closer to your ambitions and goals.


Kayla Mahaffey

Eight of Earth – The Muse of Productivity is here with her tool kit to help you accomplish what you set your sights on.  She reminds you this week you have all the tools and knowledge you need to get projects on their way.  The only things you need to bring are focus and your will to push it to the next level or to completion.


Kayla Mahaffey
Kayla Mahaffey, Silence is Golden

Seven of Air – The Muse of Stealth is here to help you gain momentum but to do so she reminds you to keep quiet about your activities.  This week work behind the scenes and choose simplicity to achieve your goals.


Kayla Mahaffey Picking up the Pieces

*Judgement – The Muse of Transformation is here to help in the evolution of something.  Whether you are called upon to uplift another or it is time to transform an aspect of your own life, now is the perfect time to make that leap into liberation and vitality.


Kayla Mahaffey Daily Distractions

Eight of Fire – This week is full of information, for you, others and then some spam.  The Muse of Messages advises there are two ways to work with this plethora of news.  One way is to collect it all and process it later.  The other is to find time to sift through it daily and only work with the high priority items.  The former choice brings surprises, and the latter helps you focus on known elements.  So, you pick – possible distractions but new knowledge or movement but in the same direction you are going now.


Kayla Mahaffey
Kayla Mahaffey, Stranded

*Hermit – Where last week the Muses were enticing you to explore, this week the Muse of Hermitage advises to stay home and spend time in contemplation.  This Muse comes when you need to disengage from society so you can gain perspective.  Also, to gain the proper solitude, inform your colleges and friends that you plan to have a mini staycation, so “don’t call unless it’s an emergency.”


Kayla Mahaffey And Away We Go

Page of Water – The Muse of Joy would like you to make Play your priority this week.  She advises coloring outside the lines, playing without a winner or purpose, finding ways to let go of goals and letting your inner child have a play date with your BFF.


Kayla Mahaffey Disjointed

Two of Earth – This week something is off balance.  The Muse of Juggling would like you to re-balance aspects of your life.  She asks is your work-play balanced, is your up-time equivalent to your down, how is your income versus your expenses, are you eating a balanced diet…?  Take this week to recalibrate and even out the inequity in your life.


Kayla Mahaffey
Kayla Mahaffey Prized Possession

*Temperance – The Muse of Prudence comes when you need to play with the volume buttons in your life.  An aspect of your life is overshadowing the rest, making you miss out on the good facets of the situation.  So, this issue needs to be reined in.  This Muse advises that though it feels overwhelming, if you highlighted it less and see it as a normal issue, you can realign it to the mundane and doable.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Feb 5, 2023

Margaret TG Burroughs
Black Venus, Margaret TG Burroughs

The artist this week is Margaret TG Burroughs, 1915-2010. Not only was she an artist, teacher, and writer, she also co-founded the DuSable Museum of African American History in Chicago, the South Side Community Art Center and Chicago’s Lake Meadows Art Fair.  Not only did these establish the first venues for African American art but also centered around the exploration of the Black experience and especially centered around children having a place to appreciate their cultural identity and grow their awareness of art.

Burroughs is best known for her linoleum block prints emphasizing family, community, and history.  Many of her characters are half black and white. These prints put forth her philosophy that “the color of skin is a minor difference among men which has been stretched beyond its importance.” Burroughs’ art prompts us to ponder diversity, how cultures intersect and the barriers that divide and prevent community.  Her goal, “I wish my art to speak not only for my people- but for all of humanity.” 

Your pondering for the week:  What is your definition and examples of community? Is it inclusive?

Solar System highlights

This week begins with a full moon in Leo – release insecurities and reinforce positive belief systems.   On Tuesday it moves into Virgo – great for organizing and getting work done.  Then on Thursday through the weekend the moon is in Libra – focus on your relationships and emotional equity within them.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in its last week in Capricorn (work and discipline) – compromising is key to grease your work wheels.  Mars (action) is still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.

Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Pisces.  Helping us go with the flow especially around activities that we enjoy.  We will have two weeks to appreciate this configuration.   Jupiter (growth) is in Aries (action) until May 24, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.

PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer.  I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.


May light be on you, around you, and within you.  Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.


*****I have changed using the RWS version of the tarot names and now call the suits:  pentacles/coins is now Earth, cups is now Water, swords is now Air and wands is now Fire.  I did this because I want to work more closely with the elements that these suits represent.


Margaret TG Burroughs
Birthday Part; Margaret TG Burroughs

*Sun – The Muse of Attainment has come to shine her blessings on you.  This week is all about following only the things, projects, relationships that have the aura of success.  By doing so you liberate yourself from the toils of the mundane and challenges that do not deserve your energy.


Girl Friends; Margaret TG Burroughs

Four of Earth – The Muse of the Miser comes to help you reallocate your resources.  Somewhere there is a leak, and this muse advises to plug it before it becomes a gusher.  So, look where you spend your energy, time, money, and space.  Find ways to make how you spend more efficient so that your resources’ balances are not in the red.


Margaret TG Burroughs
Mother of Africa Margaret TG Burroughs

King of Fire – This week you will be called to lead, advise, or mediate this week.  The Muse of Meaning has come to help you navigate these situations.  She asks you to focus on the concept of win-win.  Where both sides find a solution by caring about each other’s perspective and then partaking in reciprocity.


Margaret TG Burroughs
Margaret TG Burroughs

*Moon – The Muse of Reflection comes to you this week to help you cast light into the shadows.  Your unconscious has some information for you, and you will need to investigate your shadow side to find it.  You are repressing some thought or emotion which is rippling out into reality causing more disruption than necessary.  By allowing your emotions to rise and then reflect on them you can calm your emotional waters.


Margaret TG Burroughs
Margaret TG Burroughs

*Death – Change can be challenging but the Muse of Transformation would like you to usher in this needed shift.  She asks what weeding needs to happen in your life?  There is a need to create space and let go of negative aspects that have overgrown or outgrown its purpose.  This metamorphosis is a personal change, something you know hasn’t been working and now needs to be composted for new growth.  Time to let go, so you can grow.


Margaret TG Burroughs
Family; Margaret TG Burroughs

Ace of Earth – This is a great time to start a new project or adventure, especially if it has the potential to grow your resources.  You have all the tools needed.  This week is the fertile time to plant the seed, goal or idea.


Margaret TG Burroughs
At the Beach; Margaret TG Burroughs

Ten of Earth – This week you are supposed to bask in your successes.  This is not a time to start something new but to take advantage of and restitution of your hard work.  This Muse asks: Why do you work so hard if you don’t takt time to enjoy the product of that energy?


Margaret TG Burroughs
Margaret TG Burroughs

*Tower – This week will have moments where you have no control over a situation or two.  The Muse of Acceptance advises letting go of the ego and sense that you are not responsible for every outcome.  Sometimes there is nothing one can do other than deal with the aftermath of change.  However, she does remind you this is where your spirit shines.  Embody the calm after the storm.


Margaret TG Burroughs
Margaret TG Burroughs

*Fool – The Muse of the Wanderer entices you to investigate the world around you.  Take time this week to explore your surroundings.  Enjoy new sights, sounds and tastes.  Your environment has unbound potential waiting for you to discover it.


Margaret TG Burroughs

*Strength – This week you will confront a fear or two.  However, the Muse of Inner Strength is here to help you surmount any dread or doubt.  She reminds you that you have tamed wilder beasts than what you will confront this week.  These challenges are more kittens than lions.


Margaret TG Burroughs
Cotton Pickers; Margaret TG Burroughs

*Hierophant – You may be asked to conform to someone else’s idea of right or wrong or be asked to fit into a schedule or law that does not work with your timing or morals.  The Muse of Compliance reminds you that you should only agree with others if that action doesn’t work against your principles and standards.  Compliance does not mean submittal.  It should look more like a compromise or agreement.


Margaret TG Burroughs
Margaret TG Burroughs

Five of Air – The Muse of Privilege has you working on the concepts of deserving and owing.  She reminds you they both have aspects that include the ego and reciprocity.  When seen with the light, they can be generous and earnest; however their shadowy side holds na

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Jan. 29, 2023


After a valiant 3 years of avoiding Covid – Omicron got my partner and me (Mom is secluded and fine).  So no tarotcast for this week.  Just a ridiculously cute bunny picture and some rabbit facts.   I wish you all health, happiness and ease.

Rabbits along with hares comprise the family Leporidae.  A rabbit differs from a hare in a couple of ways.  Rabbits are born hairless and blind; hares are born with fur and good vision.  Hares live mostly solitary lives where rabbits live in social groups in burrows or warrens.  Hares are generally bigger than rabbits with longer ears and hind legs.  Rabbits are domesticated; hares are not.  There are over 300 breeds of domesticated rabbits and 13 breeds of wild rabbits.  Both have great eyesight.  They can see almost 360 degrees except for a blind spot right in front of their nose.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Jan. 22, 2023


Happy birth month Aquarians, and Happy Water Rabbit Chinese New Year.  Water Rabbit years are a symbol of gentle, peaceful, and patient energy.  The water element advises us to tap into our intuition and instincts.  This is also a great year to focus on relationships and diplomacy.  This year should provide ample opportunities to relax and spend time in contemplation.

The artist for this week is Asoboze @asoboze1life.  Asoboze means “Let’s play” in Japanese.  Taka, the artist, has taken on this name and its philosophy.  As he says art “has the ability to transmit certain information to someone who does not understand your language. That way, it can be said that it is a means of expression or, simply, you can entertain yourself with it as if it were a play…. this primitive game, free of rules… it is very spontaneous and intuitive.”

And then as a philosophy he considers how limited our time in this world is and how important it is to live it by doing what we love.  “One second, one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year, one life. I only have one life and I have a limited time. It is not a negative thing, but it can be a good thing to live each day.”  What a fantastic way to jump into this year with a goal of play, gentleness, tuning into what makes us happy and going with the flow.

Your pondering for the week:  How do you bring play into your life?


Solar System highlights

This week the moon starts in Aquarius – innovation is key.  On Tuesday it moves into Pisces – go with the flow.  Then on Thursday the moon moves into Aries – where you can gain friction being action oriented.  On Saturday the moon ends up in Taurus – great for grounding and working around the home.

No change from last week for most of the planets.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) compromising is key to grease your work wheels.  It is also still in retrograde until the 18th.  This is a perfect time to reflect, review and redo. After Wednesday we can finally start 2023.  Mars (action) is now direct but still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.

Venus (beauty and harmony) on Thursday moves to Pisces. Helping us go with the flow especially around activities that we enjoy.  We will have a lovely month to enjoy this configuration.   Jupiter (growth) is in Aries (action) until May 24, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.


P.S.  Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer.  I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.


May light be on you, around you, and within you.  Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.


*****I have changed using the RWS version of the tarot names and now call the suits:  pentacles/coins is now Earth, cups is now Water, swords is now Air and wands is now Fire.  I did this because I want to work more closely with the elements that these suits represent.



Three of Air – This week can trigger some past hurts.  The Muse of Depp Wounds advises you that these reminders are not to re-wound you but to trigger where you still need to do some healing.  Remember the amount of time you have carried the wound makes the healing process longer.  So be kind to yourself and don’t push the process.



Ace of Water – New beginnings are possible this week especially around affairs of the heart.  If you are in a relationship deep dive into the refreshing spring that feeds your love.    If you are not in a relationship and want one now is the time to get out there.  And lastly if those of you that do not want a romantic relationship that does not mean you can share the bounty of love you have in you.



Two of Earth – This week can knock you off balance. The Muse of Juggling advises not to juggle more than two things this week.  The focus is to enhance your rhythm and then hone the skill of dealing with bifurcation with more ease.



*Death – Last week was about manifestation.   To use your imagination and curiosity to play with ideas and projects that you would like to manifest in the coming months.   Now that you have set your intentions and experimented, this week begins the process of letting things go so others can grow. The Muse of Organic change reminds you that you must compost your leftovers to provide fertile ground for what you want to sprout.



Six of Earth – The Muse of Mini-Karma comes when you need to be as receptive as you are giving and vice versa.  This week holds many fortunate and beautiful surprises for you.  And this Muse would like you to enjoy them as well as share the bounty.  This is a great week to invite friends for food and beverages and/or be there for someone in need.



*Devil – Something will tempt you off your course this week, so the Muse of Compulsion has come to help.  She advises that you need a touchstone, a core value of what you hold scared or true to help you through this challenge.  Put that value into a word, symbol or phrase and keep it with you throughout the week for reference when you feel lost or challenged.



King of Fire – You will be called upon to lead, advise or mediate this week.  The Muse of Meaning has come to help you navigate the situation.  She asks you to focus on the concept of win-win.  Where both sides find a solution by caring about each other’s perspective and then partaking in reciprocity.



Two of Water– Relationships are the focus this week.  And the Muse of Love would like you to drink and share from waters of companionship.  The challenge is to make sure each of you feel the exchange and flow of it.  “A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.” – Kurt Vonnegut



Seven of Water – The Muse of Dreams would like you to dream bigger and make some wishes this week.   The challenge with this energy is both having a foot in reality even though your head is in the clouds.  This is an exercise of pragmatic imagining.



*Justice – The Muse of Grey Areas is here to remind you that, at least for this week, things are not black/white, yes/no, left/right…  This Muse challenges you to make decisions, judgements, and choices by thoroughly looking at the reason behind either option or judgement.   There is more information that needs to be pondered or discussed before ruling on a decision.



Knight of Water – The Muse of Vulnerability is here to help you navigate your and others’ emotions.  This is not always a comfortable place for you air signs, who like things to be clear cut or overly ephemeral.  However, this Muse would like you to take the time to dive into the emotional waters of not only yourself but those around you.  The more you open up about how you are feeling, the more others will feel comfortable sharing theirs.   And make sure you have your safe word so you can take a breather and gain the space you require to process.



Seven of Wands – This week you will need to hold your ground and stand up for what you believe in or need.  The Muse of Resolution is wanting to hone your skill of being firm in your beliefs and then carry them forth into the world.  Another lesson, similar to last week, not in guardedness or protectiveness but in confirming who you are and what you believe in.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Jan. 15, 2023


The artist this week is Juli, @juli_artwork.  She is just starting out, so there isn’t much about her that I could find.  She is a student studying illustration and her “art captures canids and otherworldly animals with a creative twist.”   I especially love her riffs off classic paintings see:  Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces .  Also check her on Patreon.   I love Patreon.  It is another way I choose to support artists, 5% of my profit goes to artists there.  A way to give back, what art gives to me.

And if you haven’t caught the theme yet, the month of January is in honor of this year being the Chinese year of the Water Rabbit.  Rabbits are represented in a variety of cultures.  Last week we looked at cultures where they are seen as tricksters.  However, in Chinese folklore, rabbits accompany Chang’e, the goddess of the moon, and is represented as one of the zodiacal animals.  In Japanese and Korean mythology, they also live on the moon, but they make mochi, a snack of sticky rice.  In Vietnam rabbits are seen as symbols of innocence and youthfulness, however, they have replaced the zodiacal rabbit for a zodiacal cat.

Your pondering for the week:  What is your favorite food that reminds you of your youth?  Why was that food experience special.  For fun, try to recreate that feeling.


Solar System highlights

This week the moon starts in Scorpio – follow your passions.  On Wednesday it moves into Sagittarius – you might want the weekend to start sooner, but if you have a defined goal this will help you stay on track.  And on Friday the moon is in Capricorn – try not to take your work home with you.  Hang your problems up with your coat.

No change from last week for the rest of the planets.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) compromising is key to grease your work wheels.  It is also still in retrograde until the 18th.  This is a perfect time to reflect, review and redo. After Wednesday we can finally start 2023.  Mars (action) is now direct but still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.

Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Aquarius (innovation) until January 26th – where we can focus on updating our environment and how we experience sensuality in our lives.  Jupiter (growth) is in Aries (action) until May 24, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.


PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer.  I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.  Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.


*****I have changed using the RWS version of the tarot names and now call the suits:  pentacles/coins is now Earth, cups is now Water, swords is now Air and wands is now Fire.  I did this because I want to work more closely with the elements that these suits represent.



*Chariot – Finally your planet Mars is moving forward and so the Muse of Movement would like you to take that energy and run with it.  This is a great week to start a project, set goals, move your body, and/or take a project to the next phase.  And if you don’t know where to start take the advice of Agnes Martin: “Your path is at your feet whether you realize it or not.”  The key to this week is just start moving.



Eight of Fire – This week has a plethora of messages from a variety of sources.  The problem is which one to focus on.  The Muse of Messages advises to either write them all down and sort them out next week.  Or prioritize the first 8 you receive and focus on working with them.   No matter which way you choose, eyes and ears open.



Nine of Earth – The Muse of Self Reliance is your cheerleader this week.  The path to ease is being confident that you can handle whatever is thrown at you.  That you will not only survive but thrive.  She reminds you if you are reading this you have endured way worse.  Use what you already know to tackle any challenges this week.  You got this.



*Magician – Where the past couple of weeks the muses have had you hold back, this week you are given a wand to conjure whatever you need.  The Muse of Manifestation is passing you the tools required to experiment and create.   This week use your imagination and curiosity to play with ideas and projects that you would like to manifest in the coming months.   She reminds you this is not about perfection or expectations.  This is about the actions that lead to discovery and materialization.



*High Priestess – The Muse of Wisdom is here to realign you to you.  This week is a deep dive into self-awareness and the rituals of sacredness.   Take this time to acknowledge your super-powers.   This Muse also questions are you using them wisely?   If so set up or create more support for your daily sacred rituals that bring you closer to the source.   If not, spend this week re-connecting with the celestial.





Queen of Fire – The Muse of Vibrancy is asking you to turn up your volume.  Whether that is to add vibrant colors to your wardrobe, show your art or raising your voice to be heard.  This Muse would like you to stand out.  To express your uniqueness for all the world to see.




Knight of Air – This week you need to slow down.  The Muses warns you to be careful of your extremities.  Like not running with scissors, be careful when chopping vegetables and watch where you step.  These missteps may happen on the material plane, but you also need to be careful of your words.  You can step into a situation with all good intentions but end up stepping on toes.  This week walk with more mindfulness.



Ten of Fire– The Muse of Burdens suggests relinquishing some of your tasks this week.  Be aware of not overextending your commitments and be realistic of what you can handle.  The lesson with working with this muse is to take responsibility for some things but not all things.  Others need to learn how to carry their load or learn to help you carry yours.



Three of Earth – The Muse of Collaboration advises you to work with others this week to create more efficiency and innovation.  As they say two heads are better than one, but three heads and six hands are better still.



Page of Earth – The Muse of Critical Thinking is your helper this week.  The basic elements of critical thinking are keeping an open mind, asking questions, gathering relevant information, having cognitive flexibility, thinking through to solutions and conclusions.  This week is about being reasonable.



Five of Air – This week holds the energy of tension.  You can be pulled taunt by the interactions of others.  The Muse of Tension advises how to navigate this stormy weather by doing these five things:  take a breath before entering a situation or conversation, let go of your ego, be still, let any chaos flow pass you not through you and use silence constructively.



Knight of Water – The Muse of Compassion is here to help you navigate the emotional waters within you and others.  Choice wisely who you open up to this week.  You need to practice your vulnerability but also to discern who is worthy of your heart.  This is not a lesson on guardedness but one on ask

Tarot and Art Forecast for week Jan. 8, 2023


The artist this week is Lily Seika Jones @rivuletpaper.  She works mostly with ink and watercolors.  What makes Jones’ work intriguing is she taps into our childhood imagination that is shaped by various culture myths, stories, and fairytales.  Stories like the Native American trickster rabbit tales, Peter Rabbit, Stuart Little, or The Tale of Despereaux.  Her art is an updated amalgamation of the illustrations of Beatrice Potter meeting the Lord of the Rings.  Jones portrays more vulnerable creatures but often arms them or shows them battle-worn.  Having us ponder, empathize with, and learn about our own vulnerabilities, courage, and resilience.   She tries “to depict something in a realistic natural way but also in a way that transports you and sparks your imagination… building a bridge between the fantastical and the actual.” An imaginary place where her amorphized animals connect their fantastical world to our  experiences, so we can walk in our world  with a more courageous and opened heart.

Your pondering for the week:  What childhood story still resonates in your life and why?

Cite: Arts Affairs podcast


Solar System highlights

This week the moon starts in Leo – pick one of your superpowers and use it.  On Wednesday it moves into Virgo – great for organizing and setting up structures.  On Friday the moon is in Libra – focus on relationships and rebalancing.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) compromising is key to grease your work wheels.  It is also still in retrograde.  This is a perfect time to reflect, review and redo. Mars (action) is still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  And it’s in retrograde until January 12th, so continue to walk into 2023 very slowly, mindfully, and calmly.

Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Aquarius (innovation) until January 26th – where we can focus on updating our environment and how we experience sensuality in our lives.  Jupiter (growth) is in Aries (action) until May 24, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.

PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer.  I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.  Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.


*****I have changed using the RWS version of the tarot names and now call the suits:  pentacles/coins is now Earth, cups is now Water, swords is now Air and wands is now Fire.  Because I want to work more closely with the elements that these suits represent.


 Lily Seika Jones
Lily Seika Jones

Page of Fire – The Muse of Creativity would like you to explore coloring outside the lines this week.  Find your interpersonal boundaries and push their edges.  Expand just a tiny bit outside of your comfort zone.  Whether choosing a piece of wardrobe that is outside the norm or trying a new hobby.  This Muse would like you to experiment and see where aspects of expansion and innovation can become part of the exploration of who you are.


Lily Seika Jones
Lily Seika Jones

Queen of Earth – The Muse of Senses would like you to indulge yours.  This week explore your world with each sense.  Your senses are the foundation and portals to your experience on the earthly plane.  She asks you to mindfully use them to explore and learn from.  Suggested exercise:  the raisin meditation.


Lily Seika Jones
Lily Seika Jones

*Wheel – The Muse of Fortune asks you to participate in the world this week, so you can gain experience.  This muse is unpredictable in that you never know what she will put at your feet (gold or p**p).  But she does guarantee that no matter what you experience this week, it will change your fortune for the better by participating in its tricks or treats.  Time to trust the universe and its willy ways.


 Lily Seika Jones
Lily Seika Jones

Six of Air – The nebulous air still surrounds you this week, so follow the retrograde’s advice:  review, revise and redo.  To add to this the Muse of Simplicity would like to ease your load.  She suggests prioritizing the most important aspect of this week and focusing on that.  Something is still in the works behind the scenes, so don’t push anything if you sense confusion or a bank of fog. This week pull back and find a simpler path.


 Lily Seika Jones
Lily Seika Jones

Five of Water – The Muse of Lost Things comes to help you find part of what you are looking for.  You may not be able to retrieve the entirety of what you have lost but the most important part needs to be found.  Whether this is a relationship or a resource there is something to be restored.  Let go of the negatives, find the positive and focus on what you have, instead of what you don’t.


Lily Seika Jones
Lily Seika Jones

Three of Air – Last week you were asked to highlight the positives of 2022.  This week you are asked to pick the three worst parts of last year, morn them, write them down and then burn them to heal the hurt.  The Muse of Wounds reminds us that not every injury or injustice needs a scar.  Some injuries are merely to show you that you can endure.


Lily Seika Jones
Lily Seika Jones

*Sun – The Muse of Light would like you to write out a list of things you would like to grow in 2023. Then she would like you to figure out approximately how much time it would take for them to generate a product.  Now using this last bit of retrograde review time, she asks is what you propose doable in the 3,520 daylight hours you have this year?  In other words, be realistic with your time and expectations, so you can grow something to its fullest potential.  This is the first week to practice aspects of this concept.


Lily Seika Jones

*High Priestess – Last week the muses advised you to outline your goals and aspirations for 2023.  The Muse of Purpose gives you another week to ponder and tweak them.  She asks do your goals align with what you truly want to do?  And then she questions you to review your superpowers, are you using them to their fullest and broadest sense while doing them?  She reminds you that you are you for a reason, not only for self-discovery but also to help others discover their own gifts and aspirations.


Lily Seika Jones
Lily Seika Jones

Nine of Fire – The Muse of Endurance is here to help you fish up leftover projects from 2022 and prepare for ones coming up in 2023.  You are doing double duty, so you will need all your strength.  This Muse prompts you to eat and sleep well.  Hard work must be balanced with restoration each day to maintain the energy needed to ease your path this week.


Lily Seika Jones

Seven of Earth – You get to jump start this year before the retrograde period ends. As they say, the early bird gets the worm, and this will resonate throughout the coming year for you dear goats.   To create ease, use the daylight hours wisely.  Day is for growth and night is for restoration.  If you stick to this pattern, 2023 will have an abundant harvest.


Lily Seika Jones

*Empress – As you prep for your new birth year, the Muse of Fertility would like you to ponder on what and how you want to create/grow.   You have two ways to work this year.  One, you can have multiple seeds/projects, but you will have to throw them to the wind and see what grows.  Or two, you can focus on one or two long-term projects, think 10 months.  Nurturing and protecting them with all your focus.   This year, when Saturn leaves Aquarius in March, will ask you more than any other sign, which way will you work:  through the known of commitment or the unknown of flow?


Lily Seika Jones

*Hanged One – The Muse of Inertia is wanting you to take advantage of this retrograde period and slow to an almost external stop.  For internal work is the focus this week.  Look at your intentions and goal for this year from all angels but especially in the inverted position.  This can be literally putting your head where your feet are when you sleep- to change your dream patterns, paint/draw on upside down canvas or turn off the inversion of your iPhone and take pictures upside down.  Meditation is also a key to this work.  The goal is to see the world from a different perspective which will lead you to a more mindful perception in 2023.

intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny