Welcome to the first Mercury in retrograde of 2016. Mercury retrograde started January 5th and goes till January 25. Mercury in retrograde is related to snafus in communication, interaction with our surroundings and mixed messages. But in some way I love Mercury in retrograde because it gives us the opportunity for a cosmic redo. For example: Terrible time to start projects- great time to revise, re-consider plans for said projects and a great time to finish up old projects. Terrible time for buying new things- great time to find things that are lost. Bad time for communicating new ideas – great time for reconnecting with people from your past. So though you are having trouble moving forward with Mercury in retrograde, it does give us a time to tie up loses ends and reconnect with our past.
.P.S. Remember signs that have * itβs a big week for you.
Aries – Page of Rods- So Pages are part of the Court cards in the tarot deck, which can represent actual people. The Page of Rods can mean that a youthful enthusiastic creative person will arrive in your life and you should “hang” with them. Some of their joy will rub off on you. It can also mean that this is what you should bring into to your own life. I bet, if you do become youthful enthusiastic and creative, people will want to hang with you too.
Taurus – Eight of Swords- OK, Taurus Eight of Swords is pretty straight forward. You are binding yourself with your own thoughts. The best remedy for this card is do something. Preferably something that gets you into “the flow”- you know that space where you are so in the moment that you loss time. The more you stay in the moment the less likely you will limit yourself with your own thoughts. And one other thing – they are just thoughts- not reality. And especially not the reality you would actually want to happen so don’t give them anymore energy.
Gemini – Nine of Swords- So the Devil continues challenging you with where you loss focus. Last week, King of Cups challenge your resolve to focus by showing you how your emotions get in the way. The Nine of Swords are reminding you another way you lose focus – worrying. Now this happens with everyone. We all lose focus because we worry. But Gemini the Nine of Swords comes in to help you discern the worries you can do something about and the ones you can’t. So make a list and categorize your worries on to two pieces of paper – Can Do and Can’t Control. Then burn the Can’t Control and make the Can Do into your To Do list for this month.
Cancer – Seven of Rods- So last week I hope you got your ducks in a row with The Hierophant. This week the Seven of Rods challenges you to keep your focus and make sure you are doing what you truly believe you should be doing. Because, especially with Mercury in retrograde, there will be lots of forces trying to take you off track. So our challenge is to keep your head down and your eye on the prize.
Leo – Page of Pentacles- So Pages are part of the Court cards in the tarot deck which can represent actual people. The Page of Pentacles can mean that a youthful practical person will arrive in your life and you should “hang” with them. They are great helpers. It can also mean that this is what you should bring into to your own life. So your challenges is that more practical you are and the more dependable help you get, the more you will get done.
*Virgo – The World- So you got the Ace of Pentacles two weeks ago with new projects beginning, and then last week The Queen of Swords do some strategizing. And now The World card which means you have graduated to the next phase of your life and will have lots of opportunities to expand your horizons. However with the Mercury in retrograde remember sometimes things don’t seem like they are working in your favor. So with the World card and Mercury’s movements you must remember three things: You can’t control everything. You have enough. And you are enough.
Libra – Two of Swords- Last week I hope you all gave yourself that gold star you so deserve. This week with Mercury in retrograde and the Two of Swords there is going to be a lot of chaos and decision making going on. I know you all are like “yea what’s new”. Well the challenge with this paring is that it really is not which decision you make but that you make a decision. Because no matter if you choose left or right you will end up at the same destination.
*Scorpio – The Lovers- Wow this mental mantra must be a really important element for you all because you got another high arcane card. So the first pass was to create an mantra that focused you. The second pass was to revise it so you also felt centered and balanced. The third pass was to look at your failures as lessons and remind you of your possibilities. The Lovers are here to remind you that your love and heart need to be in this mantra too. The Lovers is here to remind you in your mantra’s creation that if your heart is aligned with your mind anything is possible.
Sagittarius – Seven of Cups- OK so just imagine me laughing so hard I fell of my chair after drawing this card for you. You all got the Seven of Cups again. And weirdly that works for this week with Mercury in retrograde. You all get a cosmic redo. So here you go again: “This week the Seven of Cups is asking you to use that amazing imagination that you all have. Take time to think up some new ideas, projects, ways to have fun for your new year. The challenge is to think outside the box. (Which for Sags – not so hard for you all to do).β I going to add one more challenge this week. Be careful your daydreaming doesn’t lead to procrastination.
Capricorn – Six of Swords- So it seems you all have done your homework last week and have found some solutions to your worries and fears. This week with the Six of Swords means that you are or need to gain some psychological distance from your issues. You can do this two ways. One is by diving into your subconscious and the other is pulling away (physical and/or emotional). Both will gain you a wider and more useful perspective.
Aquarius – Eight of Rods- So last week with The Ace Pentacles I ask you to look to your environment, there will be help and information there. The Eight of Rods is suggesting that you will be getting a lot of messages from your environment once again this week. These messages will have some important information for you to use in the near future so pay attention. The challenge being that Mercury is in retrograde but I do think these messages will come in loud and clear.
Pisces – Five of Pentacles- Last week The Lovers remind you at this time in your life you should follow your heart when prioritizing your list of “to dos”. This week the Five of Pentacles your to do list might be a bit harder to check off things due to the Mercury in retrograde. So The Five of Pentacles reminds us that you are not alone. Swallow some of your pride and ask for help.
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