Happy birth-month Sagittarius!
The artist this week is Claire Rosen. Her photography styling leans heavily on the Renaissance and Dutch master painters. This series Fantastical Feasts is a playful rendition of the DaVinci’s Last Supper and the Pierre Subleyras The Feast in the House of Simon. Rosen nudges the human viewer to ponder on ecology and our similarities and difference as living beings. Her subjects are animals from a variety of habitats which she juxtaposes into human lavish environments or situations. This series of photographs focus on the banquet instead of a quaint meal. Banquets are elaborate, colorful, lavish presentations. Historically the concept of feasts goes back to the Homer’s Iliad where the Gods and kings entertained each other. These lavish occasions are now the center focus to many holiday traditions for us common folk.
We are coming up to a variety of countries’ holidays and this week in the Americas we celebrate Thanksgiving. This holiday season will be different for many of us. We may not be able to create the lavish banquets of 2019. But we can have exquisitely intimate gatherings. That might be a bit more honest, joyful, and less stressful events. For many of us this might be a first. And what a wonderful anomaly this could be. No stressful holiday travels, cooking or no rush buying for black Friday. If you are alive and have food on the table, you have something to be grateful for. So, ponder on what you are thankful for this week and somehow feed it. Send nurses flowers, donuts to EMT facility, or write love letters to your friends and family. A banquet of love can go a long way.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Four of Swords – Just a quick dive into fours since this is your second in a row. Fours are the cards of stabilization. Last week the energy was trying to get you steadied by focusing on the present. This week’s the energy is asking you to take time off and recoup. Take your vitamins, drink lots of water, get some well needed rest and take time out of the electronic stream.

Two of Coins – The energy and tasks this week can feel overwhelming. The key to ease is to stay focus on one or two things to completion. This is a balancing act of priorities. The challenge is to define what is truly important and focus on that.

*Hermit – The Muse of Seclusion is calling you this week. There is an eclipsed full moon in your sign on November 30th. You will need this week before to contemplate what needs to shift, and to do so you need to distance yourself from your life to gain this over-viewing perspective. However, this is not a long-term visitation. You will be called out into the world soon, so take this coming week to rest and contemplate what are your next moves as you walk into 2021.

Six of Wands –The muse this week is asking you to bask in your successes. See how far you have come in 2020 and give yourself a pat on the back for making it through such a crazy year. You have a bit farther to go but this week is a rest for the battle weary.

Two of Swords – Last week the muse asked you to go behind the veil and find the connective tissue of your history and the history at large. Answering the question Why are you here and re-ignite the work you still need to do. If you did not do this work, this week will be full of indecision. The challenge will be to sit down and do this contemplation now. If you did do this work, then decisions will come more easily and you might get some time off to boot.
Nine of Cups – The Muse of Contentment is asking to hang with you this week. This energy reminds you that perfection is not tangible, and completion is terminal. You do not have to do or be perfect to be content. She reminds you that your dreaming needs to be strong enough to light the way when its dark, but no so illuminating that it blinds you and others around you. This muse reminds you that you do not need to live an “11” or constantly get the A+ to pass the class or be heard. Sit with her and find peace and beauty in the imperfection of life.

King of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration is visiting you this week. She nudges you to add a bit of flourishes to all that you do this week and get others to join you. For example: get the guest/kids to write name cards out for everyone, have a gratitude tree where family hang note cards what they are grateful for, flowers for you house that others can see in your zoom meetings/gatherings, or add marshmallows/candy canes/turmeric to your hot cocoa. This is not about going all out; this muse just helps you put a dash of spice to each of your experiences this week.

Queen of Swords– The Muse this week is a truth seeker, speaker, and decision maker. You will be called on to take leadership roles whether it is organizing T-day and how meals will come out of the oven or calling out bullshit at the table. The challenge is that it may come off a bit sharp. So the keys are to speak honestly with compassion, think before you speak, and motivate people with humor. Your motto: You can catch more flies with honey then vinegar.

Page of Swords – This week you need to listen and align your actions with your words. Do not promise anything that you even slightly feel hesitant about completing. The reason for this is that there is underling or hidden truths that need to be ferreted out. So, ask lots of questions, listen to the words before you except tasks. This can be as simple as asking one more time does anybody need anything, before I go to the store.

Seven of Coins – The energies this week are around doing the work. The challenge is taking a breath before each action to make sure your “shoes laces” are tied before you step out of the door. You will not trip if you have forgotten; however, the misstep will take you off your flow. Once you are in your flow, you will have a blast. Nothing like a Capricorn doing their thing. So, this can look like, making sure your kitchen is clean before you cook or rechecking to make sure you have all the ingredients you need days before actually cooking.

Six of Coins – Karma is the energy swirling around you this week. The challenge is being grateful for the balance of giving and receiving that is taking place in your life. And if you do not readily see it give some positivity out and you will see it return (though often it comes from another avenue then you sent it). The challenge is that negativity if given can come back too. Your song: Be nice

Page of Cups – The Muse of Innocence and Fun is knocking at your door this week. I hope you can come out and play with her for a bit. Remember fun? Well now is the time to get out the crayons, pillow fight, play catch with your dog or cat, make brownies, snowpeople or play charades on zoom. You know, get in touch with your inner child and play.
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