Well Scorpios, your birthday month is coming to a close. I would like to talk about your most known symbol (you have three: scorpion, eagle and phoenix). We know that scorpions fluoresce in the moonlight. Scientists have found that this blue-green glow comes from a substance in the thin coating of the scorpion’s exoskeleton. When scorpions molt, they loses their glow until the new hyaline layer hardens. Why a scorpion glows is still up for debate. The theories out there are: protection from sunlight, seeking out a mate or it might confuse prey. To humans and predators it is a warning to stay away.
This month Scorpion energies, just like the scorpion, illuminated the shadows of hurt and division that exist in the U.S. We cannot heal what we do not know is broken. We cannot see potential danger unless it’s lit. The shadow work we do in the Scorpio month is essential to see the reality of what is, so we can transform it into what we want it to be.
P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you. I have added some other pictures of animals that illuminate the dark.

Aries – Ten of Cups – Ten of Cups is the card of joy and festivity. This week create some lovely moments in your life and in the midst of a moment stop and really soak it in. Bask in each of your senses. This can look like Thanksgiving dinner – that perfect point when all is on the table, you have eaten about half your meal, and you relax into the communal chatter. Or for those who don’t celebrate T-day, take a break with a friend and chat over a nice cup of tea or a pint. This week, partake in the joys of being with others.

*Taurus – The Chariot – You will have to keep your work boots on for another week. However, The Chariot is about balancing work and whatever else motivates you for example family, friends, art, or food. You will need to balance out the “shit that’s got to get done” and “cool I have time to enjoy this process.” Use last week as a gauge of a “hard work” week. Then spend half the time this week doing the hard work and the other half doing the “I can’t believe I get do this” stuff. This week is about noticing and then balancing the gain with the pain.
Continue reading Tarotcast for the week of Nov. 20, 2016
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