Hi all, I just want to thank you for your support as I finish my third year of this tarotcast. A few shouts outs: to D for cheering me on instead of me cooking or hanging with him on some nights when the writing muse has a hard time meeting with me. For my Mom, coven of ladies and dude who are my life support system. To all of my subscribers thank you for reading, especially those that write back to me saying that one or another tarotcast has had some meaning in your life and those of you that have shared my blog with others. You all have validated that this is an avenue that is part of my service to the soul.
The artist for this week is Taylor White. She works in the streets as well as the studio. Many of her pieces are inspired by dance, which she tries to capture, quite well in my opinion, the emotive essence of the human spirit. When asked if her art had a specific meaning she answered: I hope my work invites the viewer to connect with themselves in some deeper way, creating questions and answers in the way they respond to the piece – whether they’re drawn to it or turned off by it. My work is as much a celebration of you as it is of me; it’s a celebration of the spirit. I speak to an experience which is universal; we all occupy this coalescence of matter, roughly the same shape and configuration, and move through space by the same physical laws.
That is also the essences of why I write this blog. The first half is to convey cool things I find interesting and their interconnectedness in art, history, and science. A place for us to reflect, learn and see the commonalities of our existence. The second part, the forecast, I hope helps you move through your life with a bit of reflection and guidance to ease your journey. Thanks again for all of your support, and now on to another year. Light and Love XO.
P.S. Please share.
Aries – Ace of Swords
Last week you were scavenging data from your dreams. This week the Ace of Swords wants you to figure out how to use what you have gathered into your daily life. This week will inspire you to new thoughts and expand your mind.
Taurus – Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups has asked you to have fun yet again. Last week it was with a joy and sense of innocence of a child. This week the Queen of Cups knows that emotions, good or bad can be triggered, but it is through the lens of the positive that you will ease not only your journey but also those you support.
*Gemini – Devil
The Devil comes when you are tested about your resolves. This can look as simple as being tempted by pastry in your break room or can be as complicated as being beguiled by that person who has harmed you from the past. Now is the time to harden your resolve.
Cancer – Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords asks you to examine your logic and look for new ways of thought. This is a time were open-mindedness and new information will create more ease during your decision-making this week.
*Leo – World
The World is the card of opportunities. This week many doors open for you. Your only challenge is walking out your door so you can walk through new ones. Enjoy the variety of life.
Virgo – Eight of Pentacles
The Eight of Pentacles is the card of mastery. The challenge this week is not to start anything new but to become better at what you are in the midst of doing right now.
Libra – Three of Wands
This is your second three in a row so let’s look at 3s more closely. Threes investigate the areas we need to stabilize. Last week you were advice to hanging with good friends to stabilize your emotions. This week the Three of Wands would like you to examine your foundation in how you interact with your life purpose. Are you hiding from your true purpose? Or feel that your true purpose is out of your reach, or you are inadequate? Even if you are feeling great with were you are at. The answers to your success or failure lies in what are you calling in and who or what is influencing you.
Scorpio – Five of Cups
This week has the potential of you feeling overwhelmed. Your emotional waters are meant to be dealt with not to lie in. There are at least two pretty fantastic joys for you this week. You will see them if you let go of negative emotion that are drag you under the water.
*Sagittarius – High Priestess
Interesting the mate to the Moon is your card this week. Last week, the Moon wanted you to understand that emotions feel as if they rule your life, but in actuality they are just signposts of where your life is at. The High Priestess, the Queen of patterns, cycles and knowledge arrives to help you navigate not only your emotions of the past and your subconscious but to help you connect the dots so you can change karmic patterns. This in its simplest form can be lowering your carbon foot print or in its more complex form mean changing generational karmic patterns (think big patterns in your family or your generation) so not to pass it on to the next.
*Capricorn – Strength
The Strength card would like you to strengthen your inner core. This can look as simple as doing core stomach exercises to help your back, or as complex as creating mantras that keep the negative thought patterns at bay. The challenge is seeing that inner strength is not as complicated as you think.
Aquarius – Ace of Pentacles
It is time to take on a new project this week. The Ace of Pentacles foretells this is an auspicious week to start something new, and if do it this week, it is more likely to come to fruition. Also this will help you not feel as if you are in a rut or dull.
*Pisces – Chariot
The Chariot continues the theme of the last two weeks – keep moving to create change. This card is the karmic card of momentum and its challenge, it is all in your hands. In its simple form it can look like you wanting to take a vacation – ask your boss for time off and then book it. This card in a more complex form would be something like changing your location or job; you will have to go physically check out places whether that is a new house, a new city or a new place of employment to hand in your resume. The challenge with this card is the Universe is not going to drop something in your lap. You will need to jump in your chariot and go look for or at it yourself. You get this card when the Universe sees you are now ready and able to make this change happen for the positive. It is saying: I’m taking of the training wheels; you got this.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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