The Reason
From Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets collecting data points from the tarotcast’s cards that each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror view of the 2019.
I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data shows some statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average (which this year is 8 times). Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years and I am only on year four, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see year in review for 2016 , 2017 & 2018). Also, some of you had asked why I include the tarot card’s name. I do this for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you all that just want the trends, skip over the card names.
The Trends
First, the look at general trends: Hint: Look at these trends not only for yourself but also at society in general. This year was the year of Eights, justice. The Eights (action, abandonment, constraints, diligence) were pulled more than any other card. Where the Major Arcane cards (karmic energy) were pulled the least. Though the one card that was pulled the most was the Ace of Swords.
This card’s domain is in thinking, new ideas, and calls for action. And when you add these two themes up, they correlate in the world as all the protests asking for a change in thought, for justice and economic reasons. Ex: world-wide climate change strikes with the youth leading the pack, Hong Kong students protest for democracy, Israel’s protest demanding Netanyahu’s resignation, Ethiopian Jews protest for killing by police, Chilean protest, Barcelona, Colombia, Iran, Ecuador indigenous and students protest, etc… (Most of these are from this summer to now).
Second, I look at the lowest pulls for the year, the Higher Arcane cards, as places where we did not have enough support from the universe. The Higher Arcane as a whole are the cards that support major change and karma. And then specifically drilling down the lowest cards were: Temperance (card of moderation and integration), the Tower (change created by an outside source) and the Star (healing).
These examples play out in society by bipartisanship of the political sphere in the US and UK, India’s anti-Muslim law, the UK leaving the EU. When Temperance is not present, we tend to swing either one way or the other and the middle path is hard to find. Also, one would think that not seeing the Tower card, the card of chaos and destruction would be a good thing. However, without the power of shaking down what isn’t working change takes a longer and more grueling path and one where we are in charge of creating change. Then when you add the card of Healing not lending a hand the feelings get stepped on and rifts widen.
Overall, when you add these card in combination, the universe is taking away its crutch of Fate and taking care of our messes. The universe is leaving it up to us to take action, to find new ways to communicate, and put forth new ideas to help with our constraints, feelings of abandonment and our differences. 2019 showed us, like no other year in the industrial era, how divided we are and that we all will need to participate, listen and find compromise to heal and evolve.
Lastly, for your individual signs I look at the card trends just within your sign’s tarotcast below.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. Need a last minute socking stuffer get the Quick Draw reading for only $5. For any gift reading I can email you a printable gift certificate.
This year compared to other signs was the bumpiest year energetically. (Average was 11 cards you got 18). Though the year started out slow, it gained speed by March and hasn’t stopped since. Your main theme this year, was change then build/create. You did this with 3 cycles of the Chariot card coming 3 times and the Empress or Emperor following. And since that change was solely in your hands, your Will to get things done created all the movement in your life. You had one respite in the months of July and August where you had time to catch your breath and focus on details instead of big picture. Though during that time you had 2 knight cards that continued the theme of change but with a more practical application. So in your reflection look back and see what places you made the change and progressed.

In looking back 2019 started out very slow with your head down in practical matters. Then comes you birth month and your karmic moments haven’t stop since. You like Aries above had the Chariot card dominate, the card of change directed solely by you, but where they had it a bit more spread out your change was clumped around the ending of summer and beginning of fall. You also had the Emperor card and 5 King cards thorough out the year. All these cards represent building on what is already there. So overall this was a year to focus on making change happen and build upon structures and projects that where already in motion. So in your reflection look for projects that you have made significant progress on.
Overall your year was average in big themes, people and beginings/endings. However, this year was literally the year of ups and downs. You would have two karmic cards, high energy, to deal with, and then a month or two with your head either in the sand or buried in detail. Even your karmic energy was supporting you to pull away from society with the Hermit card dispersed throughout 2019. Hopefully you spent some of this time gathering wool of a bigger perspective about how to live your life going forward and what is your purpose. In your reflection look to places you have gained a wider or more holistic perspective on.
This year overall was average in comparison to other signs. However, karmically you started out the year with a bang and since your birthday it has been karmic point after karmic point to deal with. Also, this year you had six “9” cards. Nines are cards of preparation and signs that change is coming for the better. So, though you see glimpses of a better future, 2019 was spent working towards it. In your reflection look at all the work you have done while pondering what can be produced from it.
This year started out pretty slow. With your focus on getting things completed and starting up new projects. When you look at the average number of karmic energy cards, your sign has one of the lowest. But this big theme energy started in July, and is cramming it all in until the end of the year. While you are still trying to create the new. As sun babies you all like to particularly hibernate in the winter, but winter is calling, and you are answering it. In your reflection see all that you have accomplished and all that you have begun.
This year’s theme was finding balance especially around your emotions. The Moon card (the card of the subconscious, things hidden and emotions) showed up evenly at each changing of the seasons. Then Temperance (card of moderation) followed quickly thereafter. So at least for the first two-thirds of the year your lessons of balance and moderation turned inward. Then in October the energy shifted from inward to outward. The World card (opportunities outside of one’s self) followed your last internal journey with the Moon. In between these big shifts you also had more “6s” than other signs. Sixes represent finding ways to harmonize your mind, heart and spirt, and that small acts of karma, good or bad, reverberated through out the year. In your reflection focus on where lie your balances and imbalances.
For Libras this was a particularly low energy year. Compared to the other signs you have a below average year for having to deal with Karma, people and change. However, you also had the most Aces (new beginnings). This year had the potential to be a place where you started new relationships, projects, ideas, and investigated your purpose. To help you plant you had the most Queens than any other sign. Which is like having a green thumb in all areas of life. Your theme for 2019 was seeding creation. In your reflection see the garden you have planted.

This year was a high energy year for you. You had above average Higher Arcane cards (karma energy) in comparison to the other signs. In 2019, you had a vast amount of energy to create change in a variety of aspects of your life. Except for January, there wasn’t one month that didn’t bring one or two big things for you to look at or deal with. The challenge and the blessing of that is you got to focus on aspects of the big questions of life. Who am I, and why am I here? Also, you all are the most gregarious of the water signs, but this year you let in few people. It was more about quality then quantity. In your reflection see the answers you have gathered in answering Who am I and Why am I here.
Unlike 2018 where you all had the highest number of karmic cards-big themes (17 the average was 13), you had an average amount of karmic energy, people, beginnings and endings throughout the year. The interesting trend is that you took on two big ideas each season and worked on them before moving to the next. And within that focus and season, you dealt with one of the “5” cards. They represent chaos in each suit (thought/communication, material/wealth, spirit/purpose, emotions/love). So, though it was an “average” feeling year the trend of 2019 was finding ways in which to work through chaos or with it. In your reflection see the ways that you have made your life have more ease.
You had an average year compared to other signs within the realms of big themes and beginnings. You were the only sign that had no “10s” which are the completion cards. To add, you had six queens showing up about every two months having you focus on creation and comfort. 2019 you seem more focus on creation the completion. And with that, out of all the signs, you also had the most court cards. This means this year was a people year. So, though it was “average” you spent your time wisely connecting with friends and family and creating a personal life that is full of fun, savory-ness and a sense of home. In your reflection see the people that you love.
Though you had the average amount of higher arcane cards (karmic or big energy themes), people, beginnings and endings. You had the pairing of Justice and Judgement three times. This means that this year’s big trends where about equality/fairness, epiphanies and rebirth. Also, you had the most knight cards out of the signs. So even though you had the average amount of karmic energy, you had a year where you didn’t stop moving. The challenge with 2019 was did you give yourself enough time to do some big thinking around fairness and the progress you have made towards your rebirth? Or is it possible, you learned that by keeping on the move and the air beneath your wings made the path easier towards your awakening? In your reflection see how far you have flown.
Where 2018 you had an average amount big trends, this year you are one of three signs that had the least. And they were evenly dispersed throughout the year. You also fell within the average of new beginnings, endings and people in your life. So this year might have had the feeling of being blah; however, you all had the most pages then any sign. They started marching in right after your birth-month. Pages are the cards of learning within each suit, and you covered each suit: emotions, work, ideas, and purpose. This was a learning experience year, or I would like to call it – Your Year of the Sponge. 2019 was about absorbing new information and seeing the world with a new set of eyes. In your reflection look back and seeing all that you have learned.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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