Happy Birth-month Sagittarius. The artist highlighted this art-cast is Mastura Abdul Rahman @mastura_abdul_rahman. She is a multimedia artist and painter.
To be forthright, Rahman’s account is in Malaysian, and I can’t not get my translator app to work on Instagram and Google is useless. I would love to read what she says, and then convey a part to you so you can hear the artist’s voice and ideas and not mine. So, this time you just have me and my impressions.
The reason I am drawn to her work is that she creates art that lifts the concept of ornate and can literally challenge the viewers’ perspective, as in her Interiors series. Ornate is defined as made in an intricate shape or decorated with complex patterns. The judgement of ornate like many things is cultural. It can be homy, soothing, interesting, chichi, rich, ostentatious, claustrophobic… But to me Rahman paints the kind of ornate garden I hope to grow in my life rich in color, full of cats, owls and hidden treasures and trinkets.
Your pondering: How does ornate make you feel?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Cancer self-care becomes the focus. On Thursday the moon moves into Leo – spotlight on our super-powers. And then for the weekend, it moves into Virgo – helping us get our surroundings clean and organized. On Monday November 25th the moon is in Libra – harmony is key. On November 28th it moves into Scorpio- watch overindulgences. And for the weekend the moon will be in Sagittarius – great for exploration.
Mercury is in Sagittarius until January 8th, 2025. This is due to its retrograde from November 26th to December 15th. This is a 9-week exploration of big ideas, truth seeking and growth in communication. The challenge is being blunt or soapboxing. And remember during the retrograde season it is the best time to recharge, reflect and redo.
Venus is in Sagittarius until December 7th. This is a time for exploration and growth around the concepts of love, beauty and harmony.
Mars is now in Leo until Jan 6th, 2025. This aspect is fiery – great for getting things done but be careful around egotism in yourself and others. This is not a time to start a fight!
Our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025. This placement is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits. However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness. And lastly Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.
Lastly, Pluto moves into Aquarius for the next 14 years on November 20th. So, where the last 15 years Pluto was in Capricorn we as society explored the shadowy side of karma, fame, authority, jobs, business, politics and status. Now we move to Aquarius’s shadowy side of luxury, groups and organizations, innovation, technology, and revolution. Look to where Aquarius is in your natal chart to see what aspects to focus on personally. It is not all “shadow” with Pluto; there are also jewels brought up from these deep excursions in the darker realms.
** Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.
*** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Knight of Earth – The Muse of Pace is with you for the next two weeks. She comes when you need to pace what you do appropriately for the situation and yourself. The key is if you must sprint then take a restorative break before starting up again. However, if you are doing a slow steady marathon, then hydration and a steady pace is vital to finish the race. She advises that before starting an endeavor decide what kind of pace you need and prepare accordingly. And do not rush unless necessary and especially if you are not sure where to go next.

Seven of Earth – The Muse of Harvest is with you the next two weeks. She advises that the easier path for now is to finish projects than start new ones. She is here as your cheerleader. So, look to what you have had on the back burners and bring them forward. You will have even more time to complete tasks during the coming retrograde. However, this muse foretells you will have a lot on your plate until the end of the year and the coming weeks are a good time to clean at least a portion of it.

Nine of Earth – The coming weeks are set up for successes. The Muse of Accomplishment advises to put your energy into the areas that have a 95% success rate. This is not a time to work on what isn’t working but on what is. Go with the flow instead of against.

Mind of Earth – The Muses would like you to ponder what grounds you. And then work to incorporate these aspects into your life regularly. Grounding your body these two weeks will give you the security and stability to let your mind wander on what to focus/build next.

King of Cups – The next couple of weeks have high tides of emotions washing into your shores. Some of these are yours and some others. So as these tides ebb and flow so should your attention to them. This is not a time to ruminate about feelings but to deal with the ones in front of you until they percolate in, if yours, or flow away on their own accord if someone else’s. Motto: levees up when dealing with other emotions and levees down to deal with yours.
*Chariot – The Muse of Self-Motivation comes when you need to work on finding a focus and direction for change. This Muse asks what are the three most important changes you need to happen in your life? Now plan a road map to get there and before the coming retrograde (Nov. 26th) put the pedal to the metal and put one of these changes in motion.

Six of Air – The Muse of Transitions is hanging with you these next two weeks. Her assignment is to help you simplify before you begin to move forward again. She reminds you to practice packing lightly for the coming days. This packing is in all areas of your life. So, with the body don’t physically carry too much. Make sure your heart does not take on too much emotional work but only what is necessary. With the mind don’t dive into the big whys of things, stay in the now. And with the spirit hope for the positives, instead of worrying about potential negatives.

Seven of Fire – For the next two weeks there will be a lot of distractions, so the Muse of Focus has come to the rescue. She advises spending the first few days prioritizing what is most important to you, with the “you” heavily underlined. For the projects, people and environment around you will be vying for your attention like the paparazzi around a celeb. If you prioritize yourself and your goals ahead of others you will actually get done what you need to do and have time to help after.

Page of Water – The Muse of Joy is hanging with you for the next two weeks. This Muse often comes when your emotional cups need filling, but you have forgotten how. She reminds you that you need to feed your inner child to therefore realign to your joy. This can be done with art: finger painting and crayons help to get there. Or playing in water or dirt or both. Riding a bike or skating. She suggests finding something to do that has no goals but is done just for the joy of it.

*Sun – Last week the Muse of the Inner Compass wanted you to ponder the Whys behind what you want to do. So hopefully you did some of this moral aligning and purpose work. For now, her sister the Muse of Growth adds her energy of abundance and shine. This muse would like you to take off you “practical hat” and put on your “dreamer cap”. She challenges you to make your goals reach a bit farther and broader. How can you step into the mover, shaker, influencer role? For some of you can play on a bigger stage but remember you also don’t have too. Beneficially shining on one other life is magic enough.
Three of Air – Sorrow hangs in the air for you but so does healing. There are three negative thoughts that you need to process in the coming weeks. They will be triggered to help you figure out which to work with. So, the Muse of Acupuncture will remind you though you are getting triggered you are not re-living the trauma. These are simply irritations to point out were you need healing. Beware of knee-jerk reactions for the coming weeks. This energy comes to help you prepare for the work of your Sun hanging with Pluto for the coming years. This is shadow-work area, but also it is a place where gems are made. Remember the lotus rises from the mud. Time to get a little dirty.

Spirit of Water – The Muse of Humor is here to remind you that laughter is the best medicine. For the next two weeks watch comedies, go to stand-up, hang out with friends that have the same humor as you. That can be puns, sarcasm, slapstick etc…. Now for some of you the simple path to humor may be harder. So, if you fall into that fishbowl, the muse suggests anger as your highway to humor. That exercise can be yelling into the wind until you are exhausted, smash rooms, working a punching bag, etc.
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