This week’s artist is Betye Saar. Saar is an assemblage artist and print maker. As she says: I’m a person who walks looking down, because you can find lots of great things on the ground. I’m basically a recycler… I find other people’s stuff and junk and recycle it into my stuff and junk.’ But how she puts them together creates deeper more complex meaning, a story. Saar believes that that an object carries its past. Not only it’s physical past of where it has been and who held it, but also it mystical past why did someone make, buy, and then discard the object.
Saar by assembling these disparate items, they become reborn with a new voice. Her visual storytelling ranges from political like The Liberation of Aunt Jemima (1972) or delves into mysticism like Legends in Blue (2020). It her unique ability to combine items from society that can disparage and reimagining them to tell stories of freedom and spirit that makes her a remarkable artist.
We all create our own assemblages in our homes, souvenirs, knickknacks, photos, etc… Your pondering for the week: Look around your space and what things have you put together? What personal altars have you consciously or subconsciously created? What do these altars represent?
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Leo –time to shine into the world. Then moves into Virgo on the 20th – organize and clean. Onto Libra for the weekend- perfect timing for bonding with partners and friends. No major planetary changes from last week. Except Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius – not a great time for action but a great time for your mind: Review, Reflect, and Reassess. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality. Mars is in Sagittarius a lovely time to expand and explore not only your environment but your mind. Jupiter is in Pisces; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And Saturn is still in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is its focus for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Betye Saar
*Chariot – The Muse of Self Propulsion is handing you the keys to your future this week. However, the challenge is you need a direction/focus to apply this energy towards. If you do not, you will drive in circles. If you do then everything is within your reach. So ready, steady, go.
Betye Saar
*World – The Muse of Endings and Beginnings is here to help you tie up loose ends and clean your plate, so you may start anew. Take this week to tidy your desk, inbox, entry ways, etc.… Literally or metaphorically you need to clean your portals so “the new” can walk in unimpeded.
Betye Saar The Liberation of Aunt Jemima
*Strength – To get through the next couple of months with more ease you need to strengthen your core. This can be as simple as starting an exercise regime to work on your abdominals. Or it can be as complicated as re-working your life’s mission statement and/or goals. These exercises in inner strength will lead you to more ease not only this week but also well into your birth month.
Betye Saar The Phrenologer’s Window
King of Coins – The Muse of Fiscal Abundance has come to help you set goals for your finances. They ask what do you need to make yourself feel financial safe? It could be getting your taxes ready early, paying off your debt, having a larger savings goal, or buying a house. Take this week to review, reflect and reassess your finances.
Vanity Betye Saar
Six of Cups – This is your second six so a quick dive into six. Sixes in tarot represent the give and take that happens in the world. Last week it was about the balance of the cost and profit of success. This week it is about the balance of the past and future. The past has valid information for your future, but the lesson is not caring the pain or expecting repeated patterns. You bring the lesson and tools forward to use, so you do not have to relive past experiences.
Betye Saar Imitation of Life
Four of Swords – The Muse of Rest is here again after also coming two weeks ago. This is a divine week for you to pull back and work with the Mercurian energy of Review, Reflect, and Reassess. Pull in and ponder to your hearts content. Healthy food, plenty of rest and a comfy couch or chair are your friends this week.
Betye Saar Window of Sirens
Six of Swords – The Muse of Mini-Transitions has come to get you out of a rut. This week make little changes that will affect your life in big ways. Releasing the past and finding new paths are key. This can be done by rearranging your furniture, finding a new places to hang, and/or releasing things that no longer work for you.
Betye Saar, The Long Memory
King of Cups – The past two weeks had you update your prime directive, a past paradigm or thinking process. And gave you clues either through dreams or synchronicities. Well, that theme continues this week with the Muse of Emotions. This energy asks you to make friends with your emotions because each of them that arise this week do so with a message. And as always with this muse Rumi’s poem Guest House is a reminder of how to do this.
Betye Saar Black Girl’s window
*Fool– Ok so third big energy week. The past two weeks the muses asked you to use your intuition or spiritual practice to tap into the flow of information masked in synchronicities, riddles, and Fae energy. Then the Muse of Mixology had you honing the skill of spontaneity with knowledge by experimenting and combing different aspects of your life (ex: shadow/light, rest/action). And now with these skills and information the Muse of New Adventure is pushing you out the door to find new experiences. This can be as simple as finding new routes home or as complex as making a leap into a new job field or lifestyle.
Betye Saar Blackbird
Two of Swords – This week with each of your decisions you need to get in touch with how that decision feels with all your senses. This muse reminds you that it is not the goal but the journey that is important.
Betye Saar The Palmist Window
*Hierophant and Page of Swords – The muses this week want you to investigate your structures. This can look as simple as looking through Zillow for new places to live, finding a new way to organize your life (did someone say bullet journal), or health blogs for new workouts. Or it can look as complex as doing some research into how you prioritize the structures of your life. For example, you say family is important but spend most of your time at work?
Beyte Saar Legends in Blue
*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation is here to help you bring the divine into existence in your life. Even though Mercury is in retrograde you all can begin manifesting. The challenge is that with each item, wish, manifestation you conjure it must also have a broader divine aspect to it. That can be as simple as you want a raise, but you also give more to charity this year. Or as complex that your new path has a higher purpose then survival.
This week’s artist is Dextra Quotskuyva. She was a great-granddaughter of Hopi-Tewa potter Nampeyo of Hano. Nampeyo is famous for reviving protohistoric pottery from the 15th through 17th centuries by studying pottery shards from historical tribal site of Sikyatki. Quotskuyva learned her process from her mother who learned it from her mother. This tradition starts with gathering different clays from their environment. These clays vary when fired from yellow, orange, pink, red or maroon depending on their iron, manganese, and titanium oxide content.
She then uses tools made from gourds for scraping, sandstone for smoothing, river pebbles for polishing. Then onto the painting process, where Ouotskuyva gathers native plants and process them into a cake like substance which can take over a year to dry. She rehydrates this plant brick and adds hematite for dark brown or dilutes varies clays to create her free-hand intricate designs. Then the pots are fired, at most two at a time. outside using sheep’s dung or coal. This is art and technique handed down and improved upon for generations.
Last week I talked about connecting with the processes of our lives instead of solely goals. Dextra’s art highlights this theme that process can be so important and instructive in a world where at times we expect things to come easily and fast. With her work we, the viewer, can see the layers of labor and time, generations, gone into a piece of work. Convenience when not noted causes many of us in modern “first world” countries a form of suffering. If we could change our paradigm of faster is better and see waiting a year for one part of a goal hones our skills of resilience, persistence and a more realistic notion of what time is. Your musing for the week: Ponder your relationship with time.
Solar System highlights
The Moon starts this week in Taurus –a time to grow things. Then moves into Gemini on the 12th – communication is key. Onto Cancer for the weekend- perfect timing for home and self-care. No major planetary changes from last week. Mercury is in Aquarius – find new ways to communicate. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality. Mars is in Sagittarius a lovely time to expand and explore not only your environment but your mind. Jupiter is in Pisces; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And Saturn is still in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is its focus for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Dextra Quotskuyva
Knight of Swords – This week do not rush. Thought is needed at every step. Yes, you feel a sense of urgency but it is not a one based in logic it is a push from a place of dis-ease. Root out and cure what is bothering you before you run away or into a situation.
Dextra Quotskuyva
King of Cups – I hope you found your foundational cracks and filled them in. If you did then this week’s emotional challenge will be quiz like- a test but easy. However, if you didn’t then emotions will run high. The positive aspect is the cracks are easier to assess as their edges erode from the emotional strain.
Dextra Quotskuyva
Page of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration is knocking at your window this week. She wants to ignite your imagination and creativity. This is a great week to work with blank canvases and stream of consciousness.
Dextra Quotskuyva
Four of Swords – The Muse of Restoration has come to continue last week’s theme of working in the slow lane. She comes when you need to restore your stability in mind, body and/or spirit. No need to jump into 2022 just yet. Keep thinking about what you want to conjure in the coming year and give your body and spirt another week to heal from 2021.
Dextra Quotskuyva
Six of Wands – You will win a battle this week. Now this Muse of Success comes around when we don’t notice nor celebrate that we have accomplished something of worth/note. So, take a moment and celebrate your victories as they come this week. Though these victories are small in action, they are important in the war at large.
Dextra Quotskuyva
King of Wands – I hope you rested last week because this week is all about action. The Muse of Capacity has come to get you to push the button, step into a new phase with enthusiasm, and/or jolt you into the life you want. You could use this week’s energy like a shot of coffee. Your challenge is focus, so before you start the week find a aspect you want to aim for and then you can put the pedal to the metal.
Dextra Quotskuyva
Knight of Cups – The Muse of Love continues this week pushing you to be vulnerable. Yes, this energy wants you to wear your heart on your sleeve. This year is about emotional honesty. How can someone give you your heart’s desires without anyone but you knowing what they are?
Dextra Quotskuyva
*Moon – More insight and clarity this week. Last week the Muses asked you to update your prime directive, a past paradigm or thinking process. Now the Muse of Subconscious wants to add to the illuminations. Jot down aspects of your dreamscapes and look for synchronicities in waking reality. These confluent symbols will lead you to pertinent information.
Dextra Quotskuyva
*Temperance– Last week you were asked to use your intuition or spiritual practice to tap into the flow of information masked in synchronicities, riddles, and Fae energy. Now the Muse of Mixology has you honing the skill of spontaneity with knowledge. This can look as simple as find a new spice to add to your cooking or mixed drink. And it can be as complex as her having you experiment by combining the different aspects of your life. So how do you mix work and play, rest and action, shadow and light? By mixing components you will find out more information how to behave, move in the world with more ease, be more aligned with your personal truths and ultimately life “tastes” better because of it.
Dextra Quotskuyva
Queen of Coins – The Muse of Reassurance comes when you need to be retold that you know yourself. She prompts you to pull your strength from the magic of nature. This energy reminds you to believe in yourself for you are not only part of this world but find control in being in it.
Dextra Quotskuyva
Five of Swords – Your mind and words can clash against the outside world this week. The best way to deal with this energy is not to get into a skirmish with anyone. This is a week to watch your p’s and q’s and “take the high road”.
Dextra Quotskuyva
Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details is here with a fine-tooth comb and magnifying glass to help you navigate this week’s challenges. Before any decision or action step make sure you have dotted you i’s and crossed your t’s. Yes, double, and triple check your work this week.
This week’s artist is Lucia Heffernan@luciaheffernan. Heffernan paints animals in human situations. This anthropomorphic view is often used in comics, cartoons, and children’s books. We are all familiar with Cassius M Coolidge’s Dog’s Playing Poker paintings to advertise cigars in the early 1900’s or Bugs Bunny. Often animals are used to characterize and/or make fun of human behaviors.
The difference with Heffernan’s work is the animal is represented first and then the human characteristics are layered on top. As she says, “This collision between animal and human sensibilities creates a whimsical, theatrical, and often humorous world that viewers can relate to on an emotional level.” Heffernan allows us to see that we are animals too and that we can discover our own humor and innocence in the reflection of our fellow earthly companions.
I picked her Yoga Chick series because it resonates with how we all like to make goals for the coming year. A friend of mine (thanks Lou and @cynyassy) sent me this cartoon that asked when goal setting- are you committing to the outcome or the process? By committing to the just the goal you may not get there and if you do what next? But if you commit to the process then you are learning along the way. So, no setbacks, no failure just expansion. Just like in yoga (or any spiritual practice), you don’t go in thinking I will downward dog four times. The goal with the practice is the practice. So, your pondering for the week – what process are you willing to commit to?
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Capricorn – great time to start a practice, business, or project. Then moves into Aquarius on the 3rd – innovation is key. Then onto Pisces for the 5th – a great time for dreaming. And moon ends in Aries – spend the weekend in motion. Mercury is in Aquarius – find new ways to communicate. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality. Mars is in Sagittarius a lovely time to expand and explore not only your environment but your mind. Jupiter is in Pisces; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And Saturn is still in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Lucia Heffernan
King of Cups – Your typical MO is action. “Let’s get things done”, but this week you will need to get in touch with your emotions. Instead of making a to-do list. Make a to-feel list. What do you want to feel in the coming year?
Lucia Heffernan
*Tower – You need to start this year by doing a “building inspection” of your life. Something is making you off kilter, or there are cracks that need tending to before you start the year. Your foundations need stabilizing. So, start this year by doing some deconstruction before you start constructing.
Lucia Heffernan
Four of Cups – Introspection is the name of the game this week. Yep, some deep belly-button gazing is required before you start this year. By doing this you will find 3 wonderful gems of insight. However, keep one ear/eye open for messages from outside sources that will help you with your last bit of info.
Lucia Heffernan
*Temperance – You will need to start your year in the slow lane. This week is about honing your skills in balance, patience, and moderation. By not rushing into the year, you can stabilize your energy, so you can better unite with the flow instead of swimming against it.
Lucia Heffernan
Ten of Coins – The start of this year is around wealth. The challenge is that your wealth does not come from one source. Yes, the material plane cannot be denied, but you need to reassess your place on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. By changing your perspective from lack to a desire for growth, you see that some of your needs are met and which ones need to be boosted.
Lucia Heffernan
Four of Swords – The beginning of this year is centered around rest. Rest in its verb form is defined as cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. Your challenge is to still yourself – mind, body and spirit, so you can recharge your batteries. Do things like unplug, sweat lodges, deep water massage, stare out your window for hours…
Lucia Heffernan
Two of Cups – Love is the energy that starts off your new year. Love is defined as feeling deep affection for _____. Spend this week filling in the blank as many times as you can.
Lucia Heffernan
Ace of Swords – Insight and clarity are the themes to the start of this year. Take this week to modernize an old inspiration, motto, truth into this new decade. You are rewiring your brain to update your prime directive, a past paradigm or thinking process.
Lucia Heffernan
*High Priestess – Sacred knowledge is being delivered to you this week. Use your intuition or spiritual practice to tap into the flow of information masked in synchronicities, riddles, and Fae energy. Dance in the moonlight, follow willow wisps, do radio divination – find ways to tap into the source.
Lucia Heffernan
Knight of Cups – This year starts with the energy of the romance. For those that know you well, under your can-do practical personality lies a gushy romantic. It is time for you to turn on your charm and caring for ones closest to you. Connection and intimacy are key for the start of 2022.
Lucia Heffernan
Nine of Swords – As you start 2022 you need to deal with your pessimism. Yes, 2021 was harsh and frustrating for you, but it is also the beginning of a 20-year cycle where you are in your groove and the rest of us catches up with how you think, and problem solve. Let go of your worry and upgrade your natural gifts of flexibility and adaptability.
Lucia Heffernan
*Strength – Last year you faced and subdued many of your demons. So, this year starts with acknowledging them and checking on their leashes. You start this year much stronger than at the beginning of 2021, so 2022 will be easier. But the challenge is believing that you have done the hard stuff, that you are smarter and stronger. That you have and will endure.
It’s that time again. Every Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets collecting data points from the tarotcast’s cards that each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror of 2021.
I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data shows some statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average (which this year is 8 times). Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years. I am only on year six, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see a year in review for 2016 , 2017 , 20182019 & 2020). Also, some of you had asked why I include the tarot card’s name. I do this for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you all that just want the trends, skip over the card names.
First, the look at anomalies or card pulls outside the norm: This is a look through a societal lens. This year the most pulled cards were the Justice & Devil in the higher Arcane, all the court cards but especially Queen of Pentacles and Four of Pentacles in the lower Arcane.
The Justice card is energy around what is Justice and Truth. The lesson is about us wanting yes/no answers but to gain the truth we must attend to the complexity of why and how for each specific case. This also relies on us seeing the truth of ourselves and our lives. So, a direct correlation of this is we saw a lot of energy around our judicial system. Think about all the cases that came up this year: George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Trump varies cases in court ie: voting, executive privilege and his private cases, the insurrectionists’ cases, the supreme court cases…. Society is being challenged to stand behind it’s concept of Truth and Justice. Personal it is about living our truth and understanding cause and effect. As Racheal Pollack says: It is not enough to foresee a likely outcome for us to change or prevent an event. We must understand why it is coming, and we must work on the causes within ourselves for the things we do and the ways we react. Free will exist and this energy helps us learn how to do it with integrity through understanding the complexity of truth in each situation.
The Devil’s energy checks who we are as people. We have been tested as countries, society, democracy, workers, economics, health, and our sanity, to name a few. The list feels endless on what we have been tested on personal and as a world community the past two years. The lesson with the Devil is did we pass our tests. Are we choosing the higher path? Are we releasing the ego?
Even though Covid and lock downs started this year, people or humanity came to the forefront. We had the highest amount of court cards dealt since I started doing this 6 years ago. The Court cards in general mean that people were integral, good or bad, in our lives. People provided lessons on refining our skill sets, our pace, our creativity, how we nurture and how we establish authority or present ego in the world. We were being asked to define how we “human.”
The Queen of Pentacles represents not only our essential needs but also luxury, self-worth, and this energy holds quality of life first and foremost. An example how this played out is with people trying to navigate how to go back to work without sacrificing quality of life. This energy has us seeing our self-worth in what we do, asking for raises and better working conditions, moving out of urban areas, or finding a new career.
The Four of Pentacles, it also was a big energy in 2020. This card governs resources/frugality. An example is Covid highlighting the systems that distribute our resources locally and globally, equality in distribution, and how we support others. In some instance we learned from 2020 e. not buying out all the toilet paper. However, new sources of fuckery have arisen, like our supply chain being an issue and triggering inflation. And people being self-oriented and not societal driven is also a challenge we still are working on.
The lowest pulls for the year are places where we did not have enough support from the Universe. The lowest card was the Ten of Swords. This card’s energy is about drama – the universe didn’t give us any help in this area. This causes things like a divided country, insurrections, people beating up flight attendants, and choosing violence as the only means to an end. Another unsupported energy was the Hermit. Usually, this energy helps us stand back and see the big picture. But we were not supported by the Universe, so it was up to us to stand back and see the cycles to gain perspective. This is still a challenge that some of us face.
Below in the cast are the trends within each sign in comparison to the norm. With my favorite art from 2021.
Lastly our Solar System highlights until the end of the Year
On December 24th we have the last Saturn(restrictions/structure) squaring Uranus (freedom), so watch for structures somehow bumping against freedom. This could be a snowstorm or the new variant raising its head keeping us in our homes. The Moon starts this week in Cancer – self-care is important- get it while you can. Moves into Leo on the 21st – time to shine. Then onto Virgo for the 24thth – great for running a tight ship but it’s the holidays maybe let things go a bit. Slides into Libra on the 26th -relationships are highlighted. Scorpio on the 28th – watch you don’t start partying too early- maybe a better time to clean up and tidy your emotional closet. Then a Sagittarius moon guides us with a philosophical approach to the end the 2021.
Mercury is in Capricorn – great for working out difference but must have a practical side to all convos. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality. Mars is in Sagittarius – a lovely time to expand and explore not only your environment but your mind. And play is vital to let off some steam. And lastly, Jupiter moves into Pisces on the 28th, we saw a hint of what was ahead in the summer, and now we have until May to explore Jupiter (expansion) in Pisces- opportunities and broadening your horizons.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2022.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer. I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.
This year compared to other signs was a very energetically charged year for you all. You were one of the three signs that had the most karmic cards. Every month you had at least 2 highly charged weeks, until October and things kinda slowed down. If anything, this was a year of change for you. In some form or fashion, you were on the move. Your big themes for 2021 were building, action and learning to manage the pace of your life. And if you found your rhythm you got a lot done, even though it may have felt scattered. So, take the end of the year to relax. And if you didn’t then spend the last couple of weeks of 2021 figuring out what pace (follow your heart, follow inspiration, marathon, or sprint) you want to work at in 2022.
This year you had the highest karmic cards in comparison to other signs. 2021 started slow but by the beginning of March you were dealing with 2-3 big energies every month. And they varied from building, growing, nurturing, emotions, metamorphosis, relationships, structures… And even though these energies were all over the place, they also had a general theme of expansion. Try to spend this last part of the year reflecting on all that you have done and take a break! Consolidation and focus maybe required for the beginning of 2022.
Bisa Butler The Equestrian
Where 2020 you had the highest karmic energy to deal with this year you had the lowest compared to other signs. You had time to focus on a few themes: growth, a test from the past, your purpose, and structures. You did have the highest amount of Ace cards and threes. Aces pertain to new projects, ideas, and inspiration. The threes’ themes are around collaboration, planning the future and friendship. If you can, ponder what things you did start in 2021 that you would like to continue. Then make a sketch of what it would look like and who you would like to be there to experience it with.
This year you were one of the three signs that had the most karmic cards in comparison to the other signs. And April and may have been particularly hard. You also had to deal with at least two major tests from the past at the beginning and middle of the year. Then scattered in between those times you were investigating themes around healing, emotions, your purpose, being stuck, deconstruction, balance, metamorphosis, and creation. In many ways you have shed your shell numerous times in 2021. Take the last part of this year to applaud yourself for making it through this maze of karmic interactions and ending up better than you started.
You had slightly less than average amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. The year started off slow with some healing you needed to do, which you returned to in the summer. Though by September and into October karma was taking you on a roller coaster ride. Where your themes of justice, metamorphosis, wrestling with integrity, growing, letting go, stagnation, balance and life purpose were pushed into your field of vison week after week. And like most of the signs you also had a test from the past to make choices around. If you can, try to take the next couple of weeks off and tap back into that balance and healing aspect that started off your year.
Sabine Pigalle
You along with the world dealt with the big energy of Justice but you were one of the few that didn’t have to personally deal with the Devil – tests around morality. You had your tests in 2019 and 2020. So, this year was a year of learning especially on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes. Your first three months of 2021 were busy with checking items off your to-do list and then in March karma started to kick in. From then on, once a month, you dealt with a karmic theme. And they varied from luck, purpose, structure, subconscious, bring the divine down, and healing. Your biggest theme, which you revisited 3 times, is self-propelled change. So, take the next two weeks to tally all the things you have learned and how your life has changed from where you were in 2019.
Tamara Natalie Madden
You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy this year compared to the other signs. Like most of us, you were karmically tested at least once this year. But you are one of the few that personally did not have to deal with Justice- choices around balance, truth, and consequences. This is your life card, so you explore this theme all your life and can take off a year 😉. However, you kept busy with Karmic themes of healing, organic change, self-growth, self-propelled change, moderation, opportunities, relationships, growth and bring the divine down into the world. Overall, this was a year to explore possibilities and express your power creatively in the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual realms. The next two weeks think about how you have incorporated the divine feminine (creativity and nurturing) into different parts of your life.
Shaman Hassani
This year you all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy compared to the other signs. Like most of us, you were karmically tested at least once this year. But you are one of the few that personally did not have to deal with Justice- choices around balance, truth, and consequences. You did however deal with the Tower, deconstruction of what is not working in your world, four times. Usually, this deconstruction starts from an outside source that you cannot control. Hopefully you could navigate these earthquakes without too much unease. If you’re reading this then you have survived. YES you! Because that 4 Tower occurrences are no joke. However, the Universe did not just give you a bag of coal as a present for 2021. This year you were also dealt more helpful karmic themes of inner strength, recognition, freedom, healing, enlightenment, and opportunities. Take the next two weeks acknowledging how strong you are and how much you have learned. Then starting as early as Dec 28th taking advantage of Jupiter (luck) moving into a water sign and celebrate the amazing job you have done surviving 2021.
Crane Dance Hung Lui
This year you had one of the two the lowest karmic cards dealt this year to a sign, and the only sign to not personally do the year’s theme of the Devil and Justice (read intro) . Your karma gave you time to focus on finding your groove, metamorphosis, balance, healing, luck, and building up your “empire”. You also worked with the divine feminine (creation) on the physical, emotional, and intellectual planes. You did focus on the numerical six cards all year more than any other sign. This numerical group works with cause/effect, past/future and karmic balancing. So, take these next two weeks to ponder the scales in all parts of your life. Where do you want to expand balance in 2022 to create even more flow in your life?
Fanny Sanin
Happy Birthday Month! You all had an average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2021. Your themes were freedom, fortune, inner strength, structures, and organic change. And you were tested at least twice this year on a lesson from the past. However, the trend that stood out was having the most court cards dealt, specifically knights and pages. This means that people were flowing in and out of your life all year. They never stayed for long, but they are the map pins in 2021. Also, this year learning was emphasized, and this flow of people helped you define “pace” in your life. For the next two weeks contemplate who you surround yourself with. You have collected a vast variety of characters to enhance your life story. How have they influenced your life? And make sure you balance in some “me time” before the end of the year. Even if it is just a quick walk under the stars.
New star Nasa
You had an above average amount of karmic cards as compared to other signs. Not the worst hand dealt but you “came in” fourth. Meaning you were dealing with one or two karmic themes each month. You like most of us this year had personal tests from the past and dealt with the karmic theme of fairness and balance. Your personal karmic themes for 2021 were issues around structures, building or deconstructing your profession, purpose, healing, creativity, freedom along with stagnation, relationships, personally finding your shine, and learning to work with organic change. With all that 2021 has brought to your door, you have survived, healed, and even prospered. Saturn (restriction and structure) is still playing in your sign until 2023. So, the place of “freedom” where you flourish will be hinder, but you can take advantage of this time by grounding yourself in your work, your purpose and mooring to the structures that you will need as a foundation for jumping off in 2023. And remember you all are the Royals of daydreaming and innovation, and the next 20 years are yours. Take these two weeks to write a list of what you need on the physical plane to support your freedom going forward.
Richard Whadcock Passage
You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2021. Though you are one of the few signs that did not deal personally with tests from the past. The themes you did explore are transformation, structures, freedom, self-propelled, change, and emotions. And your big theme that you visited three times was organic change. You started this year explore how to work with the Universe more intuitively and continued that theme the rest of 2021. Jupiter on the 28th is going into your sign which means it joins your sun sign. So next year has huge potential for growth and expansion for you. Spend the final two weeks of 2021 writing an expansive and imaginative wish list for 2022.
One of my favorite ornaments are my great grandmother’s handblown glass balls. Somehow, they have survived packing, moving, and unpacking for over 150 years, and I ponder all the stories and lives they have reflected in their spherical surface. So, as I was decorated my tree, I turned on the Blown Away Christmas Special on Netflix. Coincidentally the series is also how I started 2021. So, I took the universe’s hint and picked the glass artist Janis Miltenberger @vitrovixen to highlight this week.
Glassblowing or the practice of blowing air into a tube with a mass of molten glass on the end was invented by Syrian craftsman in the 1st century BCE. These vessels were used for everyday containers or were luxury items where the glass was blown into molds like shells, clusters of grapes and human heads. Eventually the blowers discovered the skill of making natural spheres without molds working with two or more gaffers.
Instead of working with a team of people at a glass furnace, Miltenburger works alone using blow torches to build her structures adding elements to an internal framework. She creates stories made of glass. As she explains: “As curious creatures we attempt to make sense of our world connecting lines and creating stories based upon the images we see. We hold a vocabulary of common imagery that human experience has provided. It is the everyday images I seek out as elements of fables that can speak to each of us in symbolic language. A nest, wishbone and glass cage, those images have recognizable meanings and draw upon feelings and experiences of our shared humanity.” Your reflection as we head towards the end of 2021, look around your environment and what items reflect your life story?
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Aries – action and movement. Then moves into Taurus on the 14th – time to get grounded. Then onto Gemini for the 16th – a great time for conversations and exchange of ideas at all levels. Mercury is in Capricorn – great for working out difference but must have a practical side to all convos. Venus is in Capricorn until the end of the year – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality. Mars moves into Sagittarius on Monday until the end of the year– a lovely time to expand and explore not only your environment but your mind. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Janis Miltenberger
Nine of Coins – The Muse of the Individualism has come to retether you to You. She reminds you that working alone might be the way to go this week. You need the quiet of solitude to discern what are the next steps, without the opinion of others.
Janis Miltenberger
Two of Cups – The Muse of Romance is here to give your close relationships a booster shot. This week dine by candlelight, whisper sweet nothings, and engage in flirtatious play with the person that fills your cup. And if you’re not in a relationship this week stretch your flirt muscles, find ways to make strangers feel special and in turn their response will boost you.
Janis Miltenberger
Two of Wands – The Muse of Contemplation has come with tea and a comfy chair for you to thoughtful ponder your future. You are at a place of in between and this muse is advising to take this week to think about where you want to be at the end of 2022. Take time to meander down the boundless possibilities that you could traverse next year. Are their exotic lands you want to discover? Skills you have always wanted to tinker with?
Janis Miltenberger
Eight of Cups – The Muse of Minimalism is advising come at this week with simplicity. You may have to walk away from a situation or find a new course of action but insure this act does not come from a place of fear, but of strength. This Muse reminds you that not all things are under your control. These decisions are not about can or cannot but about should or shouldn’t. Humility is the key to seeing what you can handle and what is asking too much of you.
Janis Miltenberger
Seven of Swords – The Muse of Schemes has come to tell you something is a foot. The hard part about this week is this feeling of not rightness is hidden by a fog of uncertainty. The only way to work with this energy is to take the high road. Don’t be pulled into the schemes of others. Keep your moral integrity as you wander the unknown.
Janis Miltenberger
*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum is here to help you get things moving. The challenge with this energy is you must have a plan or destination. If you don’t have a focus or goal, you will be driving in circles. So, spend today planning on where you want to go and then check your GPS daily to make sure you are on track.
Janis Miltenberger
Seven of Cups – The Muse of Day Dreaming is asking you to do some poignant wishing this week. The best exercise to do is write down all you wishes: extravagant, useful, big and small. The Universe is wanting a wish list to see what it can line up for you in the coming year.
Janis Miltenberger
Five of Cups – The Muse of Processing has come with tissues and hot cocoa. This past year has asked you to sacrifice somethings. Take this week to mourn those losses, but she also reminds you with every loss there was also a gift. So, tally up the positives and take them with you into 2022 and leave the rest behind.
Janis Miltenberger
*Emperor – First let’s review what Muses you will be working with in your coming birth year. First the Muse of Details reminds you to pay attention to the little things. Then Muse of Small Kindnesses challenges you to consciously walk on this Earth and see that little decisions at times resonate more than the larger ones. Your third Muse has you pondering what is success, for 2022 will be full of achievements and positive outcomes, though it may not all be in places that you planned on. She also reminds you that to win the war, your game plans need to be innovative. So, make sure you are updating your metaphorical hardware and software as you go through the coming year. And lastly the Muse of Building helps you build durable facets to your life that help you prosper and enhance your physical domain.
Janis Miltenberger
*Lovers – The Muse of Choice has come at the end of your birth year to have you grade the choices you have made since your last birthday. What selections have you made that you would give yourself an A on? The interesting outcome with this exercise is discerning if you had a true choice or not. This Muse has you see that options are often finite but on the other hand if they were innumerable would you make a choice at all. This week is about seeing your collaboration with the Universe is really working in your best interest, as long as you chose with your heart.
Janis Miltenberger
Six of Coins – The past two weeks you have worked with stability and flexibility. This week the Muse of Giving has arrived bearing gifts, wrapping paper and bows. She reminds you for every kindness that is extended to you this week to give back three-fold. Charity and kindness are your keys to ease this week.
Janis Miltenberger
King of Swords – Last week the Muse of the Unconscious downloaded some information for you, but it was layered with metaphor. This week you will be able to continue unwrapping this information’s mysteries, for this week is all about decision making and logic. Hopefully your download will help because it is time to decide and act upon it. The Muse of Long-Term planning counsels you to make that first step and the rest will follow with ease.
The artist this week is Rachael Talibrat@rachaeltalibrat. Talibrat’s photography is powerful. Most of her photography has to do with the ocean. You can tell her love for its power and serenity. This series is called Sirens, photographs of the sea at its most tumultuous. The ocean wild with the weather. She has named most her of these pictures from mythology. Which adds to their power and reminds us of the strength and mythos of storm and water, bearer of life and destruction. As we view this series, we hear the crash and feel the spray on our face, eliciting both fear and awe of something bigger than us and out of our control.
Ocean storms are vital to feed the wildlife below and bring new life to distant shores, as do the storms in our lives. These past two years have been tumultuous for us, they have shown us the cracks in our systems. The places that don’t hold up when the weather whips up. But it has also highlighted what is most important in our lives: quality of life, companionship, time, our health, etc… This storm is creating a new shoreline, new and better ways to live, refocusing us on what truly feed us.
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Capricorn – focus on work and getting things done. Then moves into Aquarius on the 7th – look for innovation and inspiration. Then onto Pisces for the 9th – a time for future casting and daydreams. And ends the week, on the 11th in Aries – action and movement for the weekend. Mercury is in Sagittarius until December 12th – great for deep philosophical conversations with folks but watch for right vs. might attitudes. Venus is in Capricorn until the end of the year – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality. Mars is in Scorpio – desire is in the air, and it is a great time to work on long term projects that you care about. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Rachael Talibrat Harpy Winged wind spirit (Greek)
Three of Wands – The Muse of the Timing is here to remind you that things need to click into place before you can move forward. Having a goal and the steps to get there are important this week but so is timing. Do what comes easily and leave the parts that aren’t working for another day.
Rachael Talibrat Aphrogeneia
Queen of Cups – The Muse of Silliness has come with her lampshade on. You are taking life too seriously and she is here reminding you that laughter is the best medicine. Yes, you have obligations and there are snafus in the mix this week, but if you can’t laugh at these missteps then you can’t learn from them. So, smile at this week’s comedy of errors, for some of the most profound insights come from humor both light and dark.
Gemini Twins, Argonauts (Greek) Rachael Talibrat
Four of Cups – Your third four so more work on stability in your life. So far, the Muses had you stabilize your physical and mental health by laying low and stabilizing your home environment with some beautification. This week the Muses focus on stabilizing your emotions. A great exercise is doing this is creating emotion rooms in your mind or journal it. Each emotion gets a room and gets to decorate it, but only with stuff to help that emotion cope. So, say anger gets a bunch of pillows to punch and scream into and sadness gets a fireplace and comfy blanket. How you decorate will give you insight on what to do in the real world to help your emotions process, instead of stuffing them down.
Nyx Goddess of the night (Greek) Rachael Talibrat
Queen of Wands – The Muse of Awe wants you to engage in awe inspiring activities. You need to reconnect with the unconscious collective and your own spirit self. You can do this by spending time with art in any form and/or nature. And by doing so you reconnect with your higher purposes.
Erinyes Rachael Talibrat
Eight of Swords – The Muse of Bondage has come with a set of keys. This week can feel as if the world is closing in and/or you are stuck in a looping cycle. This energy comes to show you that you have options but only if you take off your blindfold and believe you have choice. Maybe not every choice you could wish for at this point, but you do have the choices of staying or leaving. This energy wants to remind you not to choose either because of fear. Especially the worry mindsets that have been placed in your brain by others, but you have now accepted as your own. This week release the hold the past has on you. Your song: Should I stay or should I go.
Etain Rachael Talibrat
Four of Coins – The Muse of Financial Stability has come with her calculator. This energy reminds you how you spend your energy or money is key to your near future ease. You should be focusing on quality not quantity or short-term gain. So be careful with what and how much you spend your money or energy on this week.
Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details comes when you need to pay attention to the particulars more than the big picture. Take your eyes off the horizon and become aware of the minutia of the present. Small gestures of compassion, empathy and everyday conversations are needed this week to create more ease and less missteps. If you have any agreements, legal items or contracts read the fine print and ask questions around anything you do not fully understand.
Makara Rachael Talibrat
Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship comes when your emotional cups need filling. Spend times with friends or your chosen family and refill your emotional cups with love and laughter this week.
Behemoth Creature of monstrous power (Hebrew) Rachael Talibrat
Six of Wands – Another six so this year the concept of positive karmic balancing will be taking place. Your third Muse to work with is success that build on each other. This year the energy of what is success for you will come to the forefront. You will find 2022 will be full of achievements and positive outcomes, though it may not all be in places that you planned on. She also reminds you that to win the war game plans need to be innovated, so make sure you are updating your metaphorical hardware and software as you go through the coming year.
Hippocamp Horse of the sea (Greek) Rachael Talibrat
Six of Coins – The Muse of mini-Karma comes to heighten your awareness of cause and effect in your life. The interesting thing with this energy is sometimes the energy exchange is immediate and with others it is convoluted. This week the more positive energy you spend the more you receive but it also works with negative energy, so tread lightly and kindly.
Apollo Rachael Talibrat
*Hierophant – Last week the Muse of Positivity shone on you. Working with you to shine a light on not only the good things in your life but also the shadow side so you could work with it. This week the Muse of Structures adds her energy. This Muse comes when something in your structures or goals is not aligned with your moral compass. Reading or listening to philosophical ponderings is helpful if you need guidance. And on practical levels readjusting your sleep cycle, health habitats, or work schedule will help create more ease this week. This muse reminds you more structure or more restrictive is not always the better route for you all. Stability and flexibility are the keys.
Goddess, Queen of the Sea (Greek) Rachael Talibrat
*Moon – The Muse of the Unconscious will be downloading information to you. They show up in your dreams and emotional states. Remember these are not to be taken personal or as reality but to be seen through the lens of metaphor. For example: if you have waves of sadness then you keep seeing plastic flamingos which relates to Florida and Florida has flamingos on its lottery tickets then you see a ten-dollar bill on the floor. Yeah, this week
The artist this week is Irene Febry @irenefebry. Her collage work reminds the viewer of coral reefs. Small bits of life clinging to one another and creating a larger ecosphere in which a variety of organisms can live and thrive and do so only because of this collaboration.
As Febry says her work does come from nature: “My inspiration comes from nature and the things around me, such as sand, stone, fungus, bacteria, insects, microorganisms, a pattern on the wall, etc. My collage always begins with a small size of paper scrap as it grows in size and detail. A growth which results in a kind of microcosm of colour and shapes on its own. They interact with one another as if forming a relationship or a new dynamic.” As a viewer this dynamic is what resonates with us. We see how our lives interconnect with others. That these relationships create families, friends, neighborhoods, businesses, countries and ultimately the World. The past 2 years has again proven we can no longer be just an individual organism. We are all part of this Ecosphere called Earth.
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Virgo – finish tidying up. Then moves into Libra on the 29th – to a focus on relationships. Then onto Scorpio for the 1st– lighting up our passions. And ends the week, on the 3rd, moving into Sagittarius -when personal freedom is key. Mercury is in Sagittarius until December 12th – great for deep philosophical conversations with folks but watch for right vs. might attitudes. Venus is in Capricorn until the end of the year – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality. Mars is in Scorpio – desire is in the air, and it is a great time to work on long term projects that you care about. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Irene Febry
King of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration’s energy surrounds you this week. Using innovation and thinking outside of the box is the way to success and ease. Your challenge is to make sure you don’t have unrealistic expectations around the implementation of these new avenues. Mistakes give more information then successes.
Irene Febry
Ten of Wands – The Muse of Obligations is here to help you navigate this week’s to-do list. You can get things done this week, but you are also easily overwhelmed. She has you prioritize your list either from old to new or least time to most time. Then tackle one task at a time, and if needed breaking those into even smaller steps.
Irene Febry
Four of Wands – This week and last week you got fours so a bit of a dive into this number. These Muses come when you need or want to create some stability in your life. Last week it was about stabilizing your physical and mental health by laying low. This week to stabilize put your energy into your making your home cozy. Whether that is setting up for the holidays or tidying up from the last one. Take time to care for your home and it will care for you.
Irene Febry
Ace of Cups – The Muse of Emotional Beginnings is here to help you tweak your keen emotional intelligence. This week gives you opportunities to up your game in compassion, relationship interactions and keys to handling your own emotions.
Irene Febry
Page of Wands – Last week the Muse of Sentimentality worked with nostalgia to help you gain insight into your emotional landscape. Now the Muse of Creativity wants you to materialize what you have learned through art, music, or anything creative. She asks: How do you manifest your sentimental legacy?
Irene Febry
Ten of Cups – Where last week had its downs, this week has it ups. The Muse of Happiness comes with rainbows, ice cream and dance. This energy bears small gifts of joy throughout your week. Look for flowers growing out of cement, bird songs, crickets, hugs, smiles, etc. Feed the aspects of your life that give you joy and both you and they will prosper.
Irene Febry
Seven of Wands – Last week the Muse of Experimentation suggested finding ways to bring magic and the unexpected to your life. This week the Muse of Focus adds to the energy mix by asking what are you using your energies on? Hopefully things are smooth sailing and if so, just keep putting coal in your engine. But if you are stagnating maybe, it is time you reevaluate what you are aiming at or how you are allotting your energy.
Irene Febry
Ace of Coins – The Muse of Material Beginnings is here. Growth is in the air and soil. This is a great week to start a venture, put out new inquires on expanding your career, or working on long-term projects.
Irene Febry
Six of Pentacles – Your second energy to work with this year is the Muse of Small Kindnesses. This year it is important that you see that many of your actions lead to reactions. This year is a study in this cosmic energy exchange. When this Muse shows up, she challenges you to consciously walk on this Earth and see that the little decisions at times resonate more than the larger ones.
Irene Febry
Queen of Swords – The Muse of Detail has come with her magnifying glass to help you sort through the finer elements of your life. You can easily see the big picture but the steps to get there might be elusive or overwhelming. Make you tasks bite size so you can get checks things off your lists. If you have any legal matters, contracts, or agreements read and discuss the fine print.
Irene Febry
*Sun – The Muse of Positivity is shining on you this week. This energy shows up to have you bask in literal sunlight (ie get outside) and to also see that you have a pretty good life. Not that this energy doesn’t also cast shadows, but the ones that show this week are amendable. And their contrast to the good things in your life make them feel less “shady”.
Irene Febry
Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance has you juggling work and play. If you are not doing both well, stop one to re-balance the other then start again. No matter where your weekend lies in the next seven days find the time to relax as hard as you work or vice versa.
intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny
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