The artist this week is Alma Thomas. Thomas taught art for 38 years in public schools, while doing her own art on the side. Her earlier work was focused on realism though you can see her playing with color theory throughout her life. However, once she retired in 1960, she started to develop her own abstract style of seeing the world in vibrant color. And she is now regarded as one of the major painters in the Washington Color Field School. This group of painters chose color over structure to represent the world and ourselves. Thomas said Color is life. Light is the mother of color. Light reveals to us the spirit and living soul of the world through colors.
The past two years have been challenging: a pandemic, gender inequality, civil rights issues, environmental disasters, and now another war. It is not like humanity hasn’t experienced these before. We just haven’t experienced them in these modern times all at once. Thomas had seen many of these challenges in her lifetime too but she found an outlet in art. In one of her most famous paintings Snoopy Sees Earth Wrapped in Sunset, Thomas depicts what a space vehicle could see from the moon’s surface. Even through the turbulent times of the 1960’s she looked to humanities accomplishments instead of its atrocities. In her own words: Through color, I have sought to concentrate on beauty and happiness rather than on man’s inhumanity to man. So, for this week’s musing reconnect with the color of life.
Solar System highlights
The Moon starts in Taurus a lovely way to start the week finding stability and grounding. Then it moves into Gemini on Tuesday – a good time to talk through problems and find solutions. Then by Thursday the moon strolls into Cancer a great way to end the week centered around family and close friends. Mercury is in Aquarius until Thursday until then focus on perspective and finessing your communication style. Then it moves into Pisces until March 27th – great for talking through dreams with friends but not so great if you are trying to pin down action plans or solutions.
And today both Mars and Venus move to Aquarius. The best way to work with Mars (action) in Aquarius (innovation, perspective, and long-term thinking) is to use this time to experiment with innovations, but if you are trying to get something done fast beware that for the next couple of weeks there might be more talking then doing. And with Venus (beauty, relationships) going into Aquarius this can be a great time to do long term planning with your significant others or dabble in creative endeavors with them. But still remember not to push for solutions or set goals in stone – brainstorming is key. Jupiter is in Pisces until May; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Hermit – Three big energy weeks for you. The past two weeks you have been working with change, growth, and the patience to do it right. This week the Muse of Perspective comes to advise that you step back from your everyday life to gain a better view of the landscape you are working with. You need to see the bigger picture before making more plans. So, she asks you what is the goal of this project or next 10 months? And then what are the major steppingstones do you need to plan for to get there. Blueprints are recommended.

Two of Coins – Last week the Muse of Composting and the Muse of Downloads had you doing the hard tasks of clearing your decks to create space while get downloads of information. The lesson around these two energies was about completing what is already at hand then adding more to your pile. Luck for you the Muse of Balance is giving you another week to clear off your literally and/or metaphorical desk. Her advice is to do one task or approach one piece of information at a time. This is not a week to multi-task.

Nine of Wands – The Muse of Purpose came last week to help realign with the divine and your soul’s path. By aligning with your purpose, you essential reconnect with the energy that powers your life. If you did last week’s work, then the Muse of Resilience gives you the strength to carry on with your soul’s journey. And if not, this Muse gives you the space and time to reconnect with your purpose for another week.

Five of Swords – The Muse of Ego holds mirrors up to you this week. For the things that cause you strife this week have information about your own ego and how it plays into the chaos. So be humble and don’t stir the pot.

Knight of Wands – The Muse of Adventure has come to prod you out the door and go find something new to experience. By leaving the house you may find that you are in the right place and the right time to find insight and/or treasure.

Ace of Cups – Last week the Muse of Movement brought gas to fill your tanks, but it was up to you to supply the direction. This week continues the momentum. Again, The Muse of Joy prompts you to leave the house and do something that you love, that stirs the soul. And in so doing, you connect to new people and/or find your emotional-well being filled.

*Hanged man – Your third week working with the heavy hitting muses. First Muse of Destiny bring in opportunities and challenges and then Muse of Perspective to help you see the big picture. Well now the Muse of Stagnation has come to stop you in your tracks. You need to do some inner reflection on how you got here and where you want to go. This is not a week to move forward but to contemplate what you have learned – to inform how you should proceed.

*Chariot – Wow, you have been dealing with some big energies the past two weeks and this week is no different. First the Muse of Backbone reminded you that you are an amazing emotional conduit, and not to hide these emotions or hide behind them. Then the Muse of Structure pointed at some adjustments you needed to do with your structures that would better support you. And now the Muse of Self-Powered Change wants you to put the pedal to the metal and go. The challenges are if you did the last weeks’ work then you have a direction to put this energy into. If not spend time the first part of the week planning before starting your journey/project. Having a goal is key this week.

Seven of Swords – Last week the Muse of Optimism pointed out the silver linings in all that you do, have, and are experiencing right now. You are strong, vibrant, and we as a world need your light. The Muse of Small Victories continues this theme showing you that winning a series of little skirmishes gets you farther along, maybe not in glory but in winning the war.

Ten of Wands – Last week the Muse of Soothing came with bath salts and advise not to push things through but to take the Middle Path. You have another week around this lesson of taking on too much with the Muse of Burden. This Muse comes when one has a tendency to take on more than one should. Yes, you do some responsibilities at the forefront. But some of your obligations aren’t yours or can easily be passed on to someone else. So only tend to the top 5-6 priorities this week; the rest can wait.

Page of Coins – The Muse of Study comes when there is some skill learning that needs to happen so you can up your game. This week is great to discover how to do something new. This can be as simple as learning a new recipe, how to knit or a computer program. The key is keeping an open mind.

Six of Swords – The Muse of Transitions is here to help you navigate a change. This muse recommends when moving forward that simpler is better. If things feel chaotic this week, take a breath, slow down, and go for the simplest solution.
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