Category Archives: Tarotcast

Weekly Tarotcast

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 15, 2022

Debora Lombardi
Debora Lombardi

The artist this week is Debora Lombardi, @bibadesign.  During Covid she found herself with little work in the designing world, and she turned to the technique of visible fluorescence induced by ultraviolet light (UVIVF). Lombardi photographed the flowers that grew around her.  She has innovative her technique to create this beautiful series, unveiling the hidden beauty of flowers the way that insects can see them.

Our visible spectrum goes from red, orange, yellow, green, blue to purple.   Insects start seeing just a tiny bit into red not strongly in orange and yellow and then better into green, blue, and purple, but they have also evolved to see past purple well into ultra-violet range.  In 1879, John Lubbock, amateur biologist, was the first person to discover that ants were sensitive to light near the ultraviolet range.  A hundred years later and with better technology, scientists found ways to photograph flowers using UVIVF.  They found that flowers had patterns that guided the insects to not only their nectar but more importantly their pollen.  These findings cemented the theory that flowering plants and bees, butterflies, wasps, ants, and beetles co-evolved over 130 million years ago.

Your pondering this week is around this quote from Lombardi: “It is extraordinary how new possibilities arise from difficulties:  Making visible what is generally invisible to the naked eye, a new language of communication that opens infinite possibilities for me, who has always lived with images.” What new way of thinking or seeing has arisen around your challenges? 

Solar System Highlights

There is an lunar eclipse today in Scorpio.  Take things slow.  Then Monday the Moon moves into Sagittarius – promoting adventure.  On Wednesday it moves into Capricorn – the perfect sign to get things done during the work week.  On Friday it moves into Aquarius – where philosophy and deep talks work well for the weekend vibe.  Mercury is retrograde in Gemini, so review, reflect and revise until June 3rd.  If you must start a project or have a deep conversation, remember patience is key during this time.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Aries (action and chaos).   So, Mars and Venus stop working with each other again until the end of month.  Mars (action) is still in Piscesian dream land while Venus wants to get going and see action steps.  Lesson in patience and compromise are still big this week.  Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th.  So, it is all action and expansion over the summer months.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus for this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Debora Lombardi
Debora Lombardi

Knight of Swords – Be careful of rushing into or being rushed into any situation this week. Though the Muse of Risk-Taking is whispering in your ear, think before you act.   With Mercury in retrograde take this week more slowly.  Your motto:  Strategy before action.

Debora Lombardi
Debora Lombardi

*Moon- Your final Muse to work with in the coming year is the Muse of Subliminal.  So, this year on the material plane you are working with the Muses of Skill, Completion, Conjuring and Material Beginnings. This quad of advisors works with you to clear your decks and up your skill level, so you can conjure any new beginning into reality.  Where this last Muse works with all that is hidden or behind the scenes.  She when asks nicely will give you clues through dreams and the subconscious to help you navigate the unknowns on the material plane.  The challenge is, if you are not listening, she will use your emotions to get your attention.  This year you are provided with all the tools  and insights you need , but it is up to you to experiment with them and bring ideas to life.


Debora Lombardi
Debora Lombardi

Queen of Swords – The last two weeks you have been dealing with some karmic big shots.  First the Muse of Oneness had you connect with the world and then the Muse of Healing and Illumination came to unveil and soothe old wounds.  This week the Muse of Details switches the focus from big broad ideas to aspects that are specific and acute.  This Muse has you tweak your everyday life to support your connection with the world which produces a healthier mental state.  So, mind the minutia this week.  It helps with easing your everyday flow.

Debora Lombardi
Debora Lombardi

Four of Coins – The Muse of Resources comes to help you navigate what is needed versus wanted this week.  You only have so many resources and this week is it vital that you use them wisely.  So, save money where you can and if you must spend your money or time, remember quality over quantity.

Debora Lombardi
Debora Lombardi

Four of Swords – The Muse of Restoration comes when you have not realized how depleted your batteries are.  Find time this week to totally unplug.  Turn off your phone and find ways to unwind.  Cat naps in sunbeams are recommended.

Debora Lombardi
Debora Lombardi

Five of Swords – I hope you took time last week to make those smaller shifts to create more ease, because this week brings in chaotic energy.  The Muse of Self hopes to help but you must get your ego out of the way.  She asks, are you needing something that is not viable or as they say trying to squeeze blood from a stone?  Double check you intent and expectations going into situations this week.


Debora Lombardi

*Lovers – The Muse of Commitment is asking questions around all your relationships this week.  Her queries are:  Are you pushing your boundaries around intimacy, what exactly are you choosing in each of your relationships and what expectations do you have around love?   Remember it takes two to tango so these questions might be more of a discussion then a solo inquiry.

Debora Lombardi

Five of Coins – All fives are cards of chaotic energy.  This week your chaos is around the material plane i.e., work, money, physical space, and time. The Muse of Refuge helps by showing that you are not alone.  You have helpers.  Your challenge is you need to ask for help, and not every answer will be a yes.  The “no” tells you that resource is in its own chaos, and the “maybe” informs you who or what you cannot rely on.  So, ask and listen carefully for the answers.

Debora Lombardi

Two of Swords – The Muse of Decisions comes at points in your life where you are making crossroad-choices.  By taking care in both big and little decision making will help you define your principles, needs, and wants.  This Muse reminds you that it is not so much the destination or goal but the journey you take to during that choosing and the why behind the choice.  So, this is as simple as choosing an apple or a donut.  If you are wanting to be healthier, choose the apple, but if you are needing a bit of comfort choose the donut.

Debora Lombardi

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum arrives with a gassed-up car.  However, she challenges you to pick your destination and map out how to get there.  This week you will have a ton of energy, but if you do not have a focused plan and goal, you end up doing donuts in the parking lot or stuck in a loop of useless thoughts or actions.


Debora Lombardi

*Justice – The Muse of Accountability comes with scales in her hands.  This week your culpability and capability will be challenge.  It’s not so much that you can’t do the tasks you are asked to do, but the challenge is around you being honest about how long or how much it costs to do it?  By doing justice to your ETA, you not only come out looking competent, but it also helps your lower your stress level.

Debora Lombardi

Ten of Wands – Last week the Muse of Harmony asked how can you combine and arrange aspects to be more pleasing to your eye as well as your soul?  You will need those answers to navigate this week’s heavy load.  The Muse of Burdens challenges you to re-balance and prioritize your obligations.  Then with these two muses help, you can more efficiently do what needs to be done.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 8, 2022

Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt, Mother’s Kiss, 1890-1891; Drypoint and aquatint on paper, 13 3/4 x 9 in.; National Museum of Women in the Arts, Gift of John and Linda Comstock in loving memory of Abigail Pearson Van Vleck; Photo by Lee Stalsworth

This week I highlight the art of Mary Cassatt, painter and print maker.  She studied and showed her work in Europe in the late 1800’s.  And in 1877 was invited by Degas to join a group of independent artists, that became known as the Impressionists.  Cassatt was the only America to officially join the group.  During this time, she revised her technique, composition, and use of color.  She began to experiment with printmaking especially influenced by Japanese artisans.

Her subjects were taken from her life as a woman: her family, the theater and opera.  These were not the standard sitting portraits which she was also known for but showed her interest in figure compositions and movement.  However, her study of the relationship and everyday experiences of mother and child brought in an emotional quality to her paintings. She entices the viewer to reminisce our own experiences as a child and/or a caregiver.  A gentle touch, arms embracing you, sharing intimate moments of care.


Mother’s Day is not only a moment to honor our mothers, but also a day to honor nurturing.   Nurture is defined “as the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.”  Whether you have children, are a mother, have a mother or none of the above, nurturing is a verb that needs strengthening in this world right now.

Your Pondering: How do you nurture for yourself and in your world?


Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts this week in Virgo – clean and organize your workspace to begin the week.  Then it moves into Libra on the 12th – relationships and balance are highlighted.  Then on Saturday it moves into Scorpio – great for imbibing in your passions.  Mercury is in Gemini it home sign, so conversations and knowledge are highlighted.  However, it turns retrograde on May 10th so from then on review, reflect and revise until June 3rd.  If you must start a project or have a deep conversation, remember patience is key during this time.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Aries (action and chaos).   So, Mars and Venus stop working with each other again until the end of month.  Mars (action) is still in Piscesian dream land while Venus wants to get going and see action steps.  Lesson in patience and compromise are still big this week.  Also, Jupiter moves into Aries on May 10th.  So, expansion and growth go from dreams to reality.   And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus for this year.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt

Five of Coins – The Muse of Challenges is creating more chaos than ease this week.  Luckily you had the Muse of Core Strength last week reminding you that you are a powerhouse, a force to be reckon with.  And this week’s Muse to point out that you are not using your resources well or not asking for help.  So, call in the troops.


Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt

*Magician – Your fourth and so far, most powerful Muse is the Muse of Conjuring.   While the other Muses are helping you finish and release, this Muse is making you a conduit to the divine.  You will be provided all the tools you need this year, but it is up to you to experiment with them and bring ideas to life.


Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt

*Star – The Muse of Oneness had you connect with the world last week and now another powerful Muse steps in to illuminate you.  The Muse of Healing and Illumination comes to soothe and help you cure old wounds, and she does this with inspiration and hope.  Connection is still key for this week.  So, foster the good relationships with nurturing care and the bad, they are reminders how not to act.  Be grateful for both for the latter shows you your wounds and the former, heals them.


Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt

Eight of Swords – Boundaries and bindings abound this week.  This Muse of Captivity points out that you however hold the keys to your freedom.  You do not have to be bound to the social constructs around you.  You know that some of them are causing harm.  Take this week to unbind these negative thoughts that never served you.


Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt

*Tower – The Muse of Disruption is here again to point out what needs changing in your life.  You have two choices with this energy.  You can let her run havoc and tear down what isn’t working.  Or you can work with this kali like energy as motivation to make the changes yourself. The former can be easier but the later creates less dust and general mayhem.  And remember the choice is always yours.



Mary Cassatt

Six of Swords – The Muse of Transitions is here to move you to the next phase.  This can be adding one serving of a fruit or veggie to your diet or rearranging your space to be more feng shui.  Or, reordering your schedule so you can get in some exercise.  Little shifts need to happen this week so you can create more flow and ease.


Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt

Ace of Wands – The Muse of Vitality is pushing you to play with your creativity and ignite your imagination.   So, start that project you been thinking about.  Connect with your artistic side and play with paints or play in your garden.  Her point is to experiment and activate your mind with color and creativity.


Mary Cassatt

Seven of Coins – Last week the Muse of Construction came to help you expand your empire and build it better.   This week the Muse of Labor picked up the torch and is giving you the energy to continue the work.  She reminds you that, if you put in the work this week, accolades will follow.


Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt

Three of Wands – The Muse this week would like to help you lay the foundation to a project or relationship.  This is a great week to do research, check out sites and plans for viability.  Mercury going into retrograde will help this process.  As they say measure twice and cut once.


Mary Cassatt
Mary Cassatt

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Advantage is with you this week.  Though you may feel in the right or positioned to win, be careful how you play the scenario.  Winning is wonderful if it is done with humility and grace.


Mary Cassatt

Five of Cups – The Muse of Silver Linings has come to help you navigate this week’s chaos.  She comes when events do not always work in your favor.  But she points out that in all cases they are only partial losses.  The cup is half full, rain must happen for the rainbow etc.…


Mary Cassatt

*Temperance – The Muse of Harmony is here to help you sort through this week.  Harmony is defined “as pleasing arrangement of parts.” This can be as simple as playing with new spices in your food, working with different color combinations with your wardrobe, or as complicated as rearranging the priorities in your life.   So, this week as you view your surroundings how can you combine and arrange them to be more pleasing to your eye as well as your soul?




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 1, 2022

therapy and art
Agnus Richter

Art and therapy are vital for my mental health.  I first utilized them  in college for my test anxiety and then for the last 20 years helping me work through a bout of medically induced agoraphobia that evolved into general anxiety.  May is mental Health Awareness Month.  So, this tarotcast I am highlighting art and mental health.  Above is a jacket made by Agnus Richter.  She was a seamstress and at 49 was arrested for disturbing the peace and trespassing.  She was diagnosed for paranoia and admitted to Hubertusburg Asylum in 1895, where she remained for the last 26 years of her life. Throughout that time, she embroidered all her clothes with phrases.  The only piece that has survived is the above coat she made from pieces of women’s institutional clothing.  This and the pictures below are examples of Art Brut and housed in The Prinzhorn Collection Museum.

In the early 1900’s drawing, painting and clay-work had been used in psych-wards for years as an activity that calmed patients.  Hans Prinzhorn and Walter Morgenthaler both psychiatrists at that time were interested in the bridge between mental health and creativity.  Morgenthaler wrote a book on studying the art of schizophrenic, Adolf Wolfli, and a year later Prinzhorn published Artistry of the Mental Ill in 1922.  Where he collected thousands of artworks from various asylums in and around Heidelberg, Germany. These books caused ripples positively in the art world attracting artist like Klee and Kandinsky, but it also was used more ominously during the rise of Nazism as evidence of the “degenerate”.  However, Prinzhorn theorized through his work that image making is an innate desire to leave traces of our existence and gave a voice to the voiceless.

Your Pondering: to help all our general mental health, smile at a stranger.  So, they can know that today at the very least they have been seen.

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts this week in Gemini – the gift of gab shines on us.  Then it moves into Cancer on the 4th – self-care in the middle of the work week makes the week go by with more ease.  Then on Saturday it moves into Leo – get out in the sun and enjoy your people.  Mercury has moved into Gemini it home sign, so conversations and knowledge are highlighted.  However, get any projects started before Mercury turns retrograde on May 10th.

Venus (beauty and harmony) moves into Aries (action and chaos) on May 2nd.   So, Mars and Venus stop working with each other again until the end of month.  Mars (action) is still in Piscesian dream land while Venus wants to get going and see action steps.  Lesson in patience and compromise are big this week.  Also, Jupiter is in Pisces until May 10th.  It supports expanding opportunity, luck and to dream bigger.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus for this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


art and therapy
Josef Forster

*Strength – You are going to need your strength this week.  The Muse of Core strength is here to help.  She reminds you that are a powerhouse, a force to be reckon with.  First, on a physical level add core strengthening exercise to your regime to strength your back.  Then on an emotional level strengthening your boundaries and a spiritual level reconnect with your purpose and morals.  By doing these exercises your mental health will be able to handle any chaos or crisis, big or small.

art and therapy
Emma Hauck

Ten of Swords – Your third Muse to work with for the coming year is the Muse of Culmination.  This year will be full of cycles ending.  Do this by purging, project finishing, and releasing.  However, you will have to navigate it with more intuition then with logic.  So far, your Muses for the year are standing firmly in the present.  Experience each day to its fullest and let this Muse help you let go of or finish off what you do not want to carry into the future.


therapy and art*World – The Muse of Oneness is visiting to help you connect.  This Muse reminds you it is easy to connect to the woes of the world but harder the places to rejoice.  This week call old friends, hang with your family, take a walk into nature, stare at ant hill, smell the roses, have tea watching the world go by.  Connect into this amazing world you live in.

Karl Gustav Slevers

Page of Swords – Not everything this week is clear cut, so the Muse of Investigation has come to help.   She reminds you to read between the lines, ask more questions and listen deeply.  Knowledge not only brings more ease but is instructive and illuminating too.

art and therapy

Three of Wands – The Muse of Enterprise has come with the energy help you do what is needs to be done.  But the plan needs to be plotted out first and only by you.  Make your to-do list, plot out your actions steps and then start checking them off. The only challenge is you may not see the profit from your labors for weeks to come.

August Nater

*Lovers – People and relationships are highlighted this week.   The challenge is that it will take work for things to run smoothly.  So, the Muse of Intimacy reminds you to that being vulnerable, curious, and humble will help you solve communication and interaction challenges.   I.e.: you catch more flies with honey then vinegar.


Peter Moog

King of Cups – It seems like this week will be a roller-coaster of emotions around you and therefore can affect you.  Luckily the Muse of Emotions comes with the reminder that these outbursts are fleeting.  The challenge is that you will have to invite them in.  They will lose their steam and putter out if listen to but not acted on.

art and therapy

*Emperor – This week you have the energy to build upon anything you put your focus on.  The Muse of Construction has come with her T-square and power tools to help.  Your challenge is having a clear idea about what you want to build.  And for the extra points, does this formation improve upon what is already existing in your life?  Your motto:  Build better.

Johann Knopf

*Star – Last week had an evolutionary vibe to it, where your choices need to be an upgrade but also liberate you.  This evolution whether seen or under wraps has drained you.  So whatever choices you made the Muse of Healing Illumination has come to restore your energy and download some information.  Find time this week to do some deep relaxing.  This is beverages by water sources, nesting in with a good fiction book, or just getting a good night’s sleep.  You deserve some down time.

Paul Goesch

Four of Swords – The Muse of Rest comes when your batteries are low.  She advises you to unplug, take a social break and relax.  You need to realign with the serene.  So, find time to turn off the chatter.  Your motto:  Peace and Quiet.


art and therapy

Six of Wands – This week take time to celebrate your accomplishments.  No joke these past couple of years have been hard, but you have made it through.  You have achieved so much.  The Muse of Celebration reminds you to take the time to celebrate the small success as well as the bigger triumphs, before moving to the next set of challenges.

art and therapy
Jacob Mohr

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Bondage provides challenges this week for you to break from old thought patterns.  If something feels or sounds like a “broken record”, time to change the tune, i.e., your thought pattern.  Remember just like an “earworm” they are placed there by others, but you have made it one of your “top ten”.   So, now is the time to replace it with your own hit single.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 24, 2022

Mabel Allington Royds
Water Lilies Mabel Allington Royds

The artist this week is Mabel Allington Royds.  Royds is painter and printmaker.  She began creating color woodcuts using the traditional Japanese ukiyo-e printmaking process.  However, instead of a three-person collaboration on a print (artist, artisan, printer), she learned from Frank M. Fletcher how to do all three stages independently.  Royds innovated the technique further by applying pigment to the woodcuts by paintbrush rather than using a roller. And instead of using more expensive cherrywood blocks she bought six-penny pastry boards from Woolworth’s.  And as her technique evolved, in this multi-block process, she began omitting the key board (often the first step in the printing process that establishes and prints the outlines of the piece).  This allowed for the colors to merge in a more painterly fashion.  She preferred to produce prints as people wanted them, adding even more variation and uniqueness to each print.

The pondering for the week:  If you outline every aspect of your life are you missing the possibilities of spontaneous or experimental creation? So practice coloring without lines.


Solar System Highlights

There is a solar eclipse on April 30th in Taurus. Things can slow down around this time lucky it’s on the weekend.  The Moon starts this week in Pisces – daydreaming is easy but maybe not so great if you have a lot of work to get done.  Then it moves into Aries on the 27th – great time to power through the work week and make up for lost time at the beginning.  Then on Friday it moves into Taurus – great for family, gardening and getting out into nature.  Mercury is in Taurus until the weekend, so it moves from getting to the root of conversation and grounding relationships through dialogue to a freer flowing conversation.   Mars is in Pisces with Venus.  So, these two are working with each other again.  Mars by having you work with your intuition to create movement, and Venus wanting us to create more beauty and harmony in our environment and relationships.  Jupiter is in Pisces until May 10th; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Mabel Allington Royds
Trees on a slope Mabel Allington Royds

King of Coins – The Muse of Domain is advising you this week to metaphorical walk your perimeters and survey your land.   This week to create more ease you need to have a better understanding of what you have built so far and what your needs are to build going forward.  Do you need more space, better equipment, help?  And start working on checking off those action steps.


Mabel Allington Royds
White Lilies Mabel Allington Royds

Ace of Coins – Your second Muse to work with for the coming year is the Muse of Material Plane Beginnings.  Whether that is a new house, space, or project.  This year you are supported in creating new things on the material plane.  Think money, space, resources, and time.  Take this week to write lists of what you want to physically grow this year.


Grapes Mabel Allington Royds

Ten of Cups – Happiness is all around you this week.  It is up to you to tap into it and enjoy those moments.  These can be big causes for celebration like finishing a project or a gathering of friends and family.  Or it can be in those little moments of watching flowers grow from your porch, sitting and having a beverage with a friend or having the time to finally take a nap.  Enjoy these moments of bliss they don’t come often or as easily.


Mabel Allington Royds
Magnolia Mabel Allington Royds

Six of Coins – The Muse of Mini Karma sits on your porch this week. This muse reminds you that acts of kindness not only improve the world but also improve your mood.  But she also states to be aware that negativity spreads and rebounds just as easily.


Mabel Allington Royds
Dandelions Mabel Allington Royds

Four of Cups– The Muse of Saturation has come to warn that you are internalizing thoughts, actions, and emotions.   You have saturated yourself with too much news, tv, overthinking, comfort eating, etc…  Being overwhelmed has led you to state of vibrating numbness.  Time to get out of your bed, head, belly button, or emotions and go do something.  Preferably something that involves nature, kittens/puppies, or small children.


Mabel Allington Royds
Honeysuckle Mabel Allington Royds

Eight of Swords – Circumstances this week trigger you to feel bound or stagnate.  The Muse of Bondage has come with the keys to free you.  The issue is you are holding onto the locks of thought or work patterns.  Time to let go of old patterns put there by others and take your power back.


Mabel Allington Royds
Columbines Mabel Allington Royds

Queen of Swords – You are going to need your mind sharp this week, for the Muse of Details has arrived.  This energy comes when you need to magnify the small stuff.  It is important to deal with the specifics, for if that is sorted the larger picture falls into place more easily.  If by chance this week you are dealing with contracts, the law, or signing deals make sure you read the fine print.  It is not that it is essential bad, but it can be a place to negotiate aspects in your favor.


Tiger lilies Mabel Allington Royds

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is here to liven up the party.  She is nudging you go out have fun, laugh, and partake in the world.  Sometimes you water signs soak in too much emotionality of others, so this week is about letting go of some steam.  So, find a batting cage, break-room, dance floor, swimming hole or sweat lodge and transmute those hotheaded negative emotions of others into something more enjoyable.


Foxglove Mabel Allington Royds

*Judgment – This week has an evolutionary vibe to it.  You may be asked life changing questions, make decision that change your trajectory, or be challenged to evolve to the next level.  Remember you have a choice to stay where you are at or move on.  But no matter which choice you make this Muse advises the answer should liberate you in some way.


Artichoke Mabel Allington Royds

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future Casting calls for you to gaze out the window and imagine new plans and outcomes.  This week carve out some time to plan your garden, next project, or go big your life’s hope and dreams.  This Muse asks: What’s next?


Cyclamen Mabel Allington Royds

Three of Coins – Last week you needed personal insight.  This week is all about asking for advice and help from others.  The Muse of Collaboration comes when getting other people’s help or opinions is vital in creating more ease in your work and life.  You don’t need to know everything or do everything.  At the very least, use those second set of eyes and ears to check your work.


Cineraria Mabel Allington Royds

Two of Coins – The Muse of Equilibrium comes for two reasons.  One you need to focus on one thing at a time this week.  And something is off kilter that needs to be re-balanced.  This could be work and play, work and sleep, nutrition, or literally your balance sucks.  So, maintain a tight focus and practice standing on one foot.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 17, 2022

twilight zone coral reefs

Happy Birthday month Taurus!

So, I think we all need a bit of good news.  Since the beginning of 2022 there has been a lot of discoveries in ocean region called the twilight zone.  This is area is between the shallow reefs and the deep sea, 100-500 feet beneath the ocean surface.  Researchers have found off the coast of the Philippines, Maldives, Tahiti and Hawaii large coral reef systems that are thriving.

The picture above is from Tahiti a reef just found that they believe to be the 7th largest reef.  So far climate change has not affected this habitat thought they have found human garbage in Maldives and Hawaii. However, scientists believe that these might be a viable nursery for species from shallower reefs and are discovering new species of fish like Rose veiled Fairy Wrasse (see Aquarius) and the Super Mind-Blowing Rainbow Fish . (see Gemini. Yeah, that’s what scientist named it until they can figure out how to classify it lol).

Many of the fish in this zone are highly colored which seems counter intuitive.  But as one goes deeper in the ocean red, pink and orange colors become invisible and thus camouflages these fish. And the coral, unlike their shallower relatives that make food from sunlight, these coral grab plankton to eat.  They also use florescent pigment to reflect light acting like little mirrors scattering the light in the otherwise dark reef.

Your pondering for the week:  How can you add color into your life to lighten your darker days.

Support California Academy of Science’s Hope for Reefs project.  Pictures by L. Rocha and K. Whitney

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts this week in Sag – exploration and adventure.  Then it moves into Capricorn on the 20th – great time to power through the work week.  Then on Saturday it moves into Aquarius get into society or a philosophical conversation.  Mercury is in Taurus a good time to get to the root of conversation and ground relationships through dialogue.   Mars (action) is in Pisces with Venus.  So, these two will be working with each other again.  Mars by having you work with your intuition to create movement, and Venus wanting us to create more beauty and harmony in our environment and relationships.  Jupiter is in Pisces until May 10th; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



twilight zone coral reefsTwo of Coins – To finish out your themes for this birthday year, the Muse of Equilibrium joins the ranks.  Your energies so far are around simplifying, letting go of thought patterns that no longer work for you, syncing with your natural flow/pace, and you seeing a profit in all that you do.  So now this Muse comes in reminding you that though this is a work positive year, you still need to balance it out with playtime.  All work and no play make Jack or Jill bored.


twilight zone coral reefsEight of Coins – Your first Muse to work with for the coming year is the Muse of Skill.   This year is about honing the skillset you already have.  She reminds you that scheduled time to practice is key to up your game.  So, take this month to examine your skills and then plan a way to take them from a 9 to a 10 or 11.


twilight zone coral reefsPage of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration is downloading ideas to you this week.  However, this is not a time to start on these projects.   Take notes as they come and then let them marinate in your creative juices.  On a side note this muse does suggest you play with your wardrobe so that it shows more of your quirkier side.


twilight zone coral reefsEight of Cups – The Muse of Simplification advises to slow down and streamline your life.  It is a great time to clean out your closet, drawers, and heart with things and aspirations that no longer fit you or the lifestyle that you want.  These actions create space to move into the next stage of your life.


twilight zone coral reefsKing of Wands – The Muse of Superpowers is reminding you that you are a creative, intuitive, superhero.  So, her exercise for you is to list your top four superpowers and then do something with them this week.  Time to save and/or brighten the world, one metaphorical (or literally if you so desire) kitten at a time.


Nine of Coins – The Muse of Self Reliance has come to remind you that you are kicking booty, and by the weekend a little celebration is needed.  She advises working solo this week or only asking people that are reliable to come into your sphere.  Everyone else is just a distraction.



Queen of Coins – The Muse of Luxury is coaxing you to spend some of your hard-earned cash on you.  She asks why you are working so hard if you are not enjoying some of the benefits?  This week’s motto:  quality over quantity in all that you do and all that you spend your time and money on.



Seven of Cups – The Muse of Illusions and Dreams is visiting you this week.   Her purpose is twofold.  One she asks you to daydream this week for the Universe is needing a clear picture of what you want to come into your life.  But this energy also forewarns you will have a variety of choices being presented, and some of them are not realistic.  Stay grounded and choose wisely.


Page of Coins – The Muse of Study comes when you will need to be in a learner mind-frame.  She asks what skill do you need to add to your repertoire to up your game?   How can you expand your knowledge and use your brain in a new way?  Find a mentor, take a class, read a book outside of your regular genre, or play a game that works your brain.


*Magician – The Muse of Experimentation is here with her whole chemistry kit.  This energy shows up to create, to play, to research, but also to tap into the celestial and pull something into reality.  Whether that is an idea, a painting, a piece of writing or a project, the key is to materialize it and then experiment with it until you touch the divine.



High Priestess – Insight is key to navigating this week.  Luckily the Muse of Intuition is here to set out Easter eggs, white rabbits, and synchronicities for you to follow. This energy often comes when the future seems hidden or obscured.  Keep your mind and eyes open this week for the breadcrumbs and you will find your answers.


 *Devil – This week brings you trials and tribulations, like gnats buzzing around you.  This energy often comes to test your moral resolve, or do you walk your talk.  Hence, the Muse of Shadows is here to help you navigate the dark side.  She reminds you that you have gone through way worse and now is the time to show the world your best and more learned side.  Your reminder in Yoda’s voice:  “Anger, fear, aggression, the Dark Side of The Force are they.  Easily they flow.  Quick to join you in a fight.  If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.”

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 10, 2022

Evelyn De Morgan
The Storm Sprits Evelyn De Morgan

On April 12th we have an astrological occurrence, Jupiter conjuncts with Neptune in Pisces.  This is a once in a lifetime event, and it hasn’t occurred since 1856.  An aspect of this conjunction is tapping into our individual and collective spirituality.  In 1856 we were in the middle of a period of a spiritual enlightenment and the beginning of the Pre-Raphaelite movement in art.  This movement was a counter movement to Realism and where the concept of Aestheticism was re-born. Which is simply defined as “l’art pour l’art” (art for art’s sake).  A French slogan from that period that expresses the philosophy that the true intrinsic value of art is divorced from any educational, moral, political, or utilitarian function.  This dialogue of utilitarianism and egoism has been going on since the Greeks, and is a catalyst for art, poetry, literature, and philosophical debates.  

The artist this week is Evelyn De MorganMorgan was part of the Pre-Raphaelite movement.  Her paintings are a vivid, highly detailed and are often scenes from mythology, ancient texts, or spiritualism.  Though she played to the pictorial aspect of the Aesthetic movement she often hid her socio-political voice and her fixation of death in allegories and defiantly by some of the titles.  As in SOS which was a memento to the soldiers on the front in WWI, or Storm Spirits which was painted during the Boer War.  In both pictures she does portray hope in the midst of the chaos of war with a rainbow in the former and a calm centered background in the latter.  She also was a feminist which one can see in her subject manner and her pictorial representation of the strong woman figure.

Even though we are in a time that feels overwhelming with war, human atrocities, climate change and still dealing with a pandemic, look to the larger arc of history.  We as a collective are evolving to a brighter future.  So, in your pondering for this week, especially with April 12th conjunction:  Would you use this portal of expansion and dreams to wish for a brighter future for yourself and all things in and on this beautiful planet?   

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts this week in Leo – Your time to shine.  Then it moves into Virgo on the 12th – great for the work week, organize and tidy up your workspace.  On the 14th it moves into Libra – good time for conversations, date night and reconnecting with friends.  Then on Saturday it moves into Scorpio for a fun filled weekend.  Find your Joy.  Mercury moves into Taurus on the 11th – a time of clearer conversations, transmissions and moving projects forward. Mars (action) is in Aquarius (innovation, perspective, and long-term thinking) until Thursday then it moves into Pisces with Venus.  So, these two will be working with each other again.  Mars by having you work with your intuition to create movement, and Venus wanting us to create more beauty and harmony in our environment and relationships. 

Jupiter is in Pisces until May 10th; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck.  And from the 8th to the 18th (exactly on the 12th) Jupiter and Neptune are conjoined for the first time in 166 years. This a time for creativity, art, spirituality and hopefully will boost our collective spirit.  (Personally look at where Pisces is in your natal chart).  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.    

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.   

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Evelyn De Morgan
Evelyn De Morgan The Soul’s House Prison

Eight of Swords – A thought process or social incident can be vexing you this week.  The Muse of Bondage has come with a hacksaw to help release you from its bindings.  She reminds you that you cannot be held back by another unless you allow it.  There is always a way out and sometimes its as easy as rejecting or walking away from it or them.    


Evelyn De Morgan
Lux Evelyn De Morgan

Ace of Coins – Last week the Muses of Deconstruction and Bondage asked you to spend the weeks before your birthday getting your power back and equalize your goals with others’ aspirations.  And now the Muse of New Projects has come with Spring seeds to plant.  This week she asks you to list goals and/or projects (no more than ten) you would like to accomplish in the coming year and then take the first step to do one of them. 


Evelyn De Morgan
Mercury Evelyn De Morgan

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details has come with a magnifying glass to help you this week.  In everything you do make sure examine and work through the details, especially if it is the realm of law, justice, plans or finance. She also recommends direct conversations though be careful it does not come off as an interrogation.   


Evelyn De Morgan The Dryad

Six of Wands – The Muse of Good News comes this week.  This Muse shows ups with good information or when you have a victory or two to celebrate.  However, victory or not, jubilations are required for making it through past battles to where you are now. 


Daughters of the Mist Evelyn De Morgan

Seven of Cups – Aspirations and activating your imagination is required by the Muse of Dreams this week.  Find time to daydream about what you desire to do and become.  This muse would like you to push your boundaries and dream a tad bigger than what you would normally imagine.  Though watch treading near the line of sarcastic hubris in all that you do this week.    


Evelyn De Morgan
Evelyn De Morgan Moonbeams dipping into the sea

*Moon – The Muse of the Subconscious has some information for you to process this week.  This can come in the forms of dreams, visions, or synchronicities.  She reminds you that self-care is important during these illuminations and not to over think but feel your way through them.       


Hourglass Evelyn De Morgan

Two of Swords – Time to make some decisions.  The Muse of Choice has come to remind you it is not so much the decision or goal that you should worry about, but how you feel getting to that goal or decision.  Yes, a good pro and con list can help but ultimately these decisions lie within how you feel about them.


Earthbound Evelyn De Morgan

King of Cups – This week you maybe channeling deeper emotions.  How you traverse this watery plane is more the purpose then the actual emotion you are dealing with.  So, dive deep into your feelings but be careful to not be swept away in their currents.    


Cassandra Evelyn De Morgan

Page of Swords – The Detective Muse comes to help you unearth the information you will need, for it is partially hidden.  She reminds you to frame your questions careful in your inquiries.  You might have to read between the lines, ask a variety of sources and connect the dots to get the full picture of what is being presented. 


Evelyn De Morgan
Evelyn De Morgan SOS

Five of Wands – The Muse of Competition comes when you need to focus on your skill set more than winning the match.  By focusing on yourself instead of the chaos of others you create more ease in your days while enhance your survival skills.


Night and Sleep Evelyn De Morgan

Nine of Swords – Worry, anticipation and stress are in the air this week.  The Muse of Fretting advises the best way to work through this time is to work on only situations that you can control.  And for those you cannot control, breath them out and give them to the Universe to deal with.     


Cadmus and Harmony Evelyn De Morgan

Ace of Swords – The Muse of New Mind-Sets is here to help you see that this week is the beginning of a new beginning.  This new beginning is still a thought in process more than an action step.  But it is important that you think through you new beginning.  Lay out a plan and let it be flexible for variations. 



Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 3, 2022

Hegel’s Holiday Rene Magritte

As the saying goes April showers bring May flowers so this week, I wanted to focus on the umbrella.  Historically the first umbrella was actually a parasol. By definition, parasols are used for sun protection and umbrellas for rain. The earliest known parasols were in Egypt (2450 BCE).  They were shaped like a fan on a long handle often attached to chariots or carried over a person of the Egyptian elite while walking.  Usually, they were made with feathers or palm leaves.  The first apparent collapsible parasol appears in archaeological record in Persia around 100 years later.  The parasol spread to ancient Greece then Rome as status symbol mostly used by woman but for the first time referenced in shielding one from sun and rain.  These semi-umbrellas were made of leather.

The prototype of the modern-day umbrella was invented in China in the 11th century BCE.  Where the first silk and waterproof umbrellas were used by the nobility. After the fall of Rome, the umbrella disappeared from European fashion, until the mid-17th century and was reintroduced into Europe from China where now it was used by a wide variety of the social classes.  But the umbrella didn’t gain popularity until 1710.  Where a Persian merchant, Jean Marius, created the first light-weight umbrella, and 40 years later a French scientist, Navarre, invented the automatic push button designed umbrella we still use today.

This week is a variety of artist that use the umbrella.  Your pondering for the week:  what is your metaphorical umbrella that protects you from the harsher aspects of life?

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts this week in Gemini – conversations can run deep and healing if you spend the time.  Also, it is a great time for brainstorming.  Then it moves into Cancer on the 7th – in the workplace watch mood swings but by the time you are into the weekend things calm down.  Nestling at home, self-care and curling up with loved ones (movie night and a nice meal?) are recommended.  Mercury is in Aries until April 11th – great for hashing out ideas but watch bossy tones. Mars (action) is in Aquarius (innovation, perspective, and long-term thinking). This is a period to experiment with innovations, but if you are trying to get something done quickly, be aware that for the next couple of weeks there might be more talking then doing.

Venus moves into Pisces on Tuesday and for most of April.  So, we move from experimenting and long-term planning to dreaming and creating more beauty and harmony in our environment and relationships. Jupiter is in Pisces until May 10th; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck.  And from the 8th to the 18th (exactly on the 12th) Jupiter and Neptune are conjoined for the first time in 166 years. This a time for creativity, art, spirituality and hopefully will boost our collective spirit.  (Personally look at where Pisces is in your natal chart).  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Relief of Xerxes Persepolis, Iran

Seven of Coins – This is your third boots on the ground energy for your coming year.  The Muse of Satisfaction has come to join the ranks.  This energy is about putting in the work, but its real benefit is the harvest you achieve in doing so.  So, this year will be busy, but you will see positive profit in all that you do.





*Tower and Eight of Swords – The Muses of Deconstruction and Bondage has come in during your last month of your birth cycle.  Together these muses focus on fixing places where you give others power over your life.  This is about how you are not aligned to your truths like: your negative though patterns reinforced by others for their benefit or not seeing your self-worth as important as others.  Take time these next weeks, get your power back and equalize your goals with others’ aspirations before your birthday.


Angie’s Umbrella Pridgeon and Shaw

Five of Swords – This is your second five so a quick dive into this number.  Five represent disorder.  Last week it was the disorder of your emotions and this week it is chaos of the mind.  There is a situation in your environment this week that sends your mind and possible your voice spinning.  And this muse reminds you to remove your ego before you speak or act, for if you don’t you will add to the chaos.


Gustave Caillebotte Paris Street Rainy Day

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Craft comes when you need a reminder that you got this.  You have mastered an aspect of your life and this week is only about tweaking your skill set.  Her motto:  work smarter not harder.


Umbrella Project Cristo and Jeanne Claude

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-Term Planning comes with telescopes and star maps to help you plot your course.  Use this week’s energy by setting long-term goals (like next time this year and in 2025).  Engage with that Jupiter-Neptune energy and start planning for the next big thing.


Utagawa_ToyokuniIi The poetess Ono-no Komachi in the rain

Four of Coins – This week can drain your resources.   The Muse of Saving advises to spend your time and/or money only on the important things this week.  Save your resources if you can and if you must spend, do so wisely.





Pierre-Auguste Renoir, The Umbrellas

Six of Cups – The past is important this week to help you create ease.  The Muse of Memories comes when the answers you seek lie in past experiences and lessons. As she loves to quote W. Wordsworth – Life is divided into three terms – that which was, which is, and which will be.  Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present, to live better in the future.




Emile Bernard Breton Woman with Umbrellas

Four of Swords – Take this week to relax and catch your breath.  As the world whirls around you find a spot to sit back and just watch.  The Muse of Restoration comes when your tanks are nearing empty, so find time to nap, turn off electronics, stick to an early bedtime and/or stare out the window.    Don’t forget to hydrate and eat well too.


Georges Seurat woman with umbrella

King of Coins – All hands-on deck for the Muse of Building comes with her toolbox.  Use this energy to get things done on the material plane.  Whether that is actually building something or a project on your to-do list, this Muse helps you push it to the finish line.





Salvador Dali sewing machine with Umbrellas

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Worry visits when there is something niggling in the background of your mind.  She would like you to work it out in your conscious thoughts rather than it bubble in your sub-conscious. So, she suggests talking it through or writing copious stream of conscious notes until you no longer feel the itch.  In most cases you will find that the fuss was about paying a debt you never owed.


Bansky Grey Rain

Ten of Swords – This week will have its rough moments, but you will find that mostly it come from outside sources. So, your challenge is not to dive into the drama but skirt around it.  The bright side is that this cycle is coming to an end, healing and a new understanding is right around the corner.


Jack Vettraino The Singing Butler

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Happiness has come with sunshine and rainbows.  Something in your life is ending and it is setting you up for a new beginning.  This Muse advises enjoying the moments here at the end of this chapter before you jump to the next book.