Nina has been sharing her gift with me for almost two years and I am so thankful there is a site now that allows me to receive readings with her regardless of geographical location !
The first time I received a reading was at a gathering where she was pulling single cards for people who were interested. I stepped right up and when I pulled the card Nina looked at it, looked at me and said ‘Wait a minute’ . And she pulled two more cards, looked at me, looked at the crowd of people around us and even though she was clearly exhausted she asked if I would like to have a full reading because the cards she was pulling were very, very different from the happy-happy, joy-joy cards most people probably thought I’d get.
We found a quiet space, sat down and proceeded with a Celtic Cross reading. Nina explained what was coming through and walked me through the reading. Halfway through I broke down. What no one- literally no one outside of my children knew, was that my husband of 12 years had walked out on our family with no sign of discontent, no arguments, no warning. And there was no way Nina could have known this but the universe did and it worked through Nina to help me see so many aspects that had come into play and others that still could. That reading was SPOT ON. It was clear on the event, the circumstances, the characteristics of he and I. Even today, over a year later, there are aspects of it that filter through and shed light on an event or action.
Since that reading I have consulted Nina many times, sometimes just to make sure I’m on the right track, sometimes to help me find more clarification on where I am in my journey and what I need to focus on right now. And when I feel skeptical and a little alone in the universe, I make my logical brain stop and reflect on the very first reading, on how completely right on target it was in reference to a situation that Nina had no way of knowing about, and I tell my logical brain to hush and have faith.
(Love you Nins !!!)