Tarotcast week Of October 23, 2016




Happy Birthday Month Scorpios.

It is Sylvia Plath’s birthday this week, October 27.   She was part of the confessional poetry genre of the 1940-1960s. Also, she is a good representation of what Scorpios can be. Scorpios, in general, are very passionate people who push the boundaries of themselves and conventions of society. In their evolution, they help us to evolve. So to honor all Scorpios and Ms. Plath I am going to challenge you to stretch your comfort zone with an exercise.

A friend of mine is a brilliant and imaginative person, poet and teacher of poetry at university. (If you want to look her up- Marci Nelligan – Infinite Variations.) She gave out a fun, intriguing, and enlightening assignment in her poetry class. She sent her students a series of emojis to translate into their own poems. So in honor of Sylvia Plath and fun loving – boundary pushing Scorpios, I am challenge you to write your own poem from the emojis above. There are of course no rules – though everyone should have a “safe word” ;).

P.S. S. I have added some of Sylvia Plath’s poetry for each sign. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Eight of Wands – This is the second wand card in a row. So, let’s just step back and talk about wands as a suit. Wands are cards of spiritual growth. Last week, your growth was learning where the birthplace of chaos lies in your life. If you did your soul-work, you have gained the skill of untangling this chaos. This week will bring another onslaught of information but now you have the skill to discern what information is actually yours. Your challenge will now be prioritizing what to do with all this information. This can literally and metaphorically mean, it’s a great week to clean out and organize your inbox.  Purdah

Taurus – Two of Wands – Last week, your goal was to enjoy being in your skin. Now the Two of Wands has shown up at the beginning of the second half of your birth year. Yep, it has been six months for you all, and the Two of Wands is asking you – Are you where you want to be and doing what you wanted to do this year? Spend this week reflecting and evaluating your life and work. This is a week to make sure you are still on your desired path . If you are, then you just need to check your supplies. If it has changed, then you need to ask – Am I going in a new direction, is this a detour, or am I lost? Blackberrying

*Gemini – Temperance – I hope you spent time visiting the world through your senses and In-joying last week. Lucky for you either way because Temperance is here. It is advising you to spend more time learning how important it is to balance work and play. This concept is especially important to Gemini. You actually don’t enjoy or excel at your work if it doesn’t have a creative component to it. Matter of fact, if that creative element is missing you actually rebel by being distracted or noncommittal. Which leads you to feeling guilty about your work ethic and you play even less.   So, your challenge this week is to find a way to have fun while working. Bring in a creative component to work which can be as simple as changing the back ground on your computer or beautifying your workspace. Or as complex as realizing this is not the job for you to be happy and whole in. Then you need to commit to finding a job that highlights your creativity instead of smothering it. Two Sisters of Persephone

*Cancer – Hermit – Hopefully, last week you started creating a flexible plan for the next two years.   However, you came against a bump in the road last week with the flexible part. Lucky for you, you have another week to work on thinking, creating, and planning. The Hermit ask you to time and space that is yours alone so you can gain a new perspective. However, he challenges you to figure out how to do this without burying yourself in the sand. How can you get some quiet time without being inaccessible? This can be as simple as turn off the notification’s sound on your phone and then only checking your email, phone, social media every 2 hours instead of every two minutes. Metamorphosis

*Leo – Death – So you are really feeling this change of season. Leo is one of the most sensitive signs for seasonal change. Make tons of sense, your ruler is the Sun, so as the sunlight changes so do you. The Death card is all about this organic change that happens in our lives. So far, you all have had the most Higher Arcane cards from Jan-Oct. This means that there have been big physical changes, epiphanies and/or roadblocks for you this year. The Death card is reminding you that not every year is like this. There are little cycles within bigger cycles. However, it is asking you to make peace with the changes that have happened. The with every loss there is a gain – with every death there is growth. The Death of Myth-Making

Virgo – Ten of Wands – Last week, I hope you integrated the advice from Maya Angelou “Every person needs to take one day away.  A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future.” You are going to need that skill this week. The Ten of Wands’ lesson are around finish up something that has been weighing on you. Whether you are carrying other people’s responsibilities, you have taken on too much of your own or are being a martyr, you need to remember this is a choice. Make sure you want to carry the weight, but please remember last week’s advice lay the burden down at some point this week and make a conscious choice whether to pick it back up. Tulips

Libra – Ace of Wands – Holy Moly. You got the Ace of Wands again, so continue working with that vision board. The Ace of Wands is challenging you to take another vision and start to make it happen in your life. Which makes sense for you Libras, who can easily balance two projects at once. Hint: It is a 1 out of 5,184 chance that I would pull Ace of Wands two weeks in a row.   So if you don’t have a vision board up or didn’t pick a vision to start on from last week, you are betting against odds that are in your favor.   Stars Over the Dordogne

Scorpio – Seven of Wands – This week the Seven of Wands is shining a light on what things in your life don’t feel like they are harmonizing with your integrity. Integrity being defined as “the state of being whole and undivided.”  There is discord playing in the background of your life that is diverting your focus from what you should actually be working on. The challenge this week is to focus on what feels honest, fits within your morals, and ignore the rest. Fever 103

Sagittarius – Eight of Cups – I hope you let your guardian angel sweat the small stuff so you could create some harmony in your life and reconnect your conduit to your mojo. This week the Eight of Cups is here to help strength that mojo connection even more. The Eight is challenging you to let go of some emotional residue you have been carrying around. This can look as easy as cleaning out your closets or your junk drawer. I mean, do you really use those twisty ties? Or it can be as complex as you getting some emotional distance from the unhealthy relationship in your life. Elm

*Capricorn – High Priestess – The High Priestess’ lessons are all around knowledge, perspective, and intuition. This week spend some time doing research on things that you love. Her challenge is to gain insight not only with the information you find but also with the under pattern of how you got it. For instance, you are searching the web allowing yourself to go down the rabbit hole and letting your intuition find hidden information you unknowingly seek. Then take a moment after this chase to analysis the pattern and reason of your pursuit of the white rabbit. Ariel

Aquarius – Ace of Wands – This is a week to create something new. The only challenges are it has to be your choice, you have to create it, and it has to be around something that actually excites you. This can be as simple as, you love Thai food so try making a Thai meal. Or you want some color in your living room make some pillows out of the yummy fabric you’ve been saving. This week it is not about the end product it is about the process of creation. Epitaph for Fire and Flower

Pisces – Nine of Cups – Nine of Cups is all about enjoying yourself and not get lost in the “would of, should of, could of. ” Your lesson is to see all the amazing things that you are experiencing, and your challenge is when you finding yourself saying ” but” recite this rhyme my friend told me. “Shouldas and wouldas are words we don’t use. They hurt us, depress us, and gives us the blues.” On The Difficulty of Conjuring Up a Dryad

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
