Tarot and Art-cast for Jan 19 – Feb 1, 2025

Bernice Bing
Burney, Falls, Bernice Bing

The artist highlighted this tarotart-cast is Bernice Bing. Bing’s medium was paint and her mode was color and tone.  Her paintings are big and bold. The viewer can see her fascination of the duality of light and dark, whether that was her landscape paintings or her later explorations of the unconscious world, Zen Buddhism and Chinese calligraphy. Abstraction as a practice gave her the ability to investigate her faceted self.  Abstract art emerged primarily because artists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries wanted to break away from the traditional focus on realistically depicting the physical world, instead seeking to express emotions and ideas through color, line, and form, rather than recognizable imagery, leading to a movement that emphasized the inner experience and artistic interpretation over strict representation of reality.

Society and its constructs are often set in place to give us meaning and a sense of community.  It is very human characteristic to want to define, categorize, create structures to explain and predict outcomes.  But it also can constrain growth.  This is the beauty of abstraction when we or aspects don’t fit into just one box we can explore without constraints.

Your pondering: Bing once said about doing art. “It’s like the highest form of art becomes a vehicle, like a mantra.” What is your mantra this year? Can you apply it to take an action to the highest level? Can your action/mantra both hold structure and allow growth?

*to those new subscribers and a reminder – pondering is just a place to flex your critical thinking muscle.  You don’t have to find the answer – there can be right or wrong.  It is just a place to reflect.

Solar System highlights

We begin with the Moon in Libra – relationships are on the forefront.  On Wednesday it moves into Scorpio – time to let something go.   Then on Friday it moves into Sagittarius – spend the weekend exploring.  On Monday the 27th it moves into Capricorn – focus on work. Then on Wednesday the 29th the moon moves into Aquarius – work on innovating something to the next level.  And lastly for the weekend the lunation moves into Pisces – daydreaming and intuition is key.

Mercury is still in Capricorn until January 26th, having us working on being efficient and succent with our conversation.  Though be careful about coming off as too bossy or harsh.   Motto: “I know things, but I don’t know everything.” The it moves into Aquarius.  Mercury is now about socializing and innovating the way we communicate.  Mars is retrograde again in Cancer until February 23rd, 2025. So once again action moves sideways not in a straight line.   But this is our second opportunity to find new and better avenues then the obvious or easiest ones.

Venus is now in Pisces until Feb 3rd.  This aspect is lovely – a dreamy haze.  Though be careful with this stop and go energy of Mars that you don’t just daydream the month away.  There still is action needed but it is a meandering organic evolution of your concepts of beauty and harmony. And Venus will retrograde back into Pisces in the spring.  So don’t stress, once things get moving you will have a second chance to come back to this growth.

Our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025.   This placement is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures. And lastly Pluto in Aquarius is still feeling very new.  So is you are feeling wobbly, remember to take things slowly.  We have lots of time with this aspect.



*Signs with an * it is a big week for you.   Capricorn/Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer/Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.

*** Since it is a new year and I have some new subscribers, to explain my naming convention and experimentation with card titles.   I have switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Also, I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element). Or at least that is what I am playing with now.

**** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.




Bernice Bing
Vital Energy, Bernice Bing

Ace of Fire – All aces support beginnings and this ace’s realm is creativity, nature and spirituality.   The muses would like you to incorporate into your schedule for the next two weeks a ritual of awe.  Awe is defined as a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.  Yes, they want you to push your boundaries just a bit, so it feels a little intimidating, but the rewards are awesome.


Bernice Bing
Anderson Valley, Bernice Bing

Six of Earth – The Muse of Giving is challenging you to extend a helping hand.  She reminds you that little acts of kindness have a way of reverberating and multiplying in unique ways.  So, smile at a stranger, open the door for someone, pay for the coffee order behind you.  And since this energy is about both giving and receiving.   The bonus is that goodness will meander its way back to you.


Bernice Bing
Velasquez Family, Bernice Bing

*Magician – During the next two weeks the Muse of Manifestation would like to work with you.  This Muse reminds you that at this time you have all the tools you need; however you have two challenges.  One you will need to investigate new ways of using them.  And secondly focus, she advises that during these trials that you are clear on the why behind this manifestation.  You have the power, but if it is not focus or has a reason behind it, it can get out of hand.


Bernice Bing

Nine of Fire – The Muse of Resilience comes when you need to set boundaries and firmly ground yourself.  She reminds you that you have the strength to do what needs to be done and protect what you have fought hard to safeguard.   You can huddle into that crab shell if need be if the waves hit – remember you were built for the give and take of the tides.


Bernice Bing
Ideograph, Bernice Bing

Seven of Air – The Muse of Deception comes when you are not being truthful with yourself.  Now for most of you cats this comes out as you are not good enough, unsure or feeling like an impostor.  This muse reminds you that overall, this is not true you know things and are good at what you do, but there is a small truth in it.  She asks, “do you need to strengthen a skill?  Do you need to find more resources? Do you need help?  There is a lack though it is not in you innately.  The challenge is seeing it as something missing that needs to be found and fixed not as a lack that needs to be hidden or disguised.  Time to find out, fess up and fix it.


A lady and a road map, Bernice Bing

Spirit of Air – For the next two weeks details become vitally important.  The Muse of Specifics reminds you that the small stuff actually matters during this period.  So read the fine print.  When negotiating, do not assume.  Read the room before starting conversations.  Ask for clarification.  This muse is not a harbinger of doom, but she does advise that a “laissez faire” attitude will lead to more chaos then flow.


Bernice Bing
Lotus circle Lotus Goddess, Bernice Bing

Body of Water – The Muse of Flirting is hanging out with you for the next two weeks.  She wants you to strengthen your “charm muscles”.  Charm is defined as the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration.  These next two weeks smile at strangers, dole out compliments, and even wink at yourself when you walk by a mirror.  You have some “fine” qualities and now is the time to show off and remind yourself how irresistible you can be.


Mayacamas, Bernice Bing

Body of Earth – The Muse of Pace walks with you for the next few weeks.  This energy comes when you need to readjust your pace to be appropriate to the work that needs doing.  She advises to ground yourself in purpose, the why behind what you do, and examine your surroundings before moving forward.  And for some of you this is about moving your physical body in a new way.  So, if your old exercise regime is not working now is the perfect time for a change.


Map Forms #2, Bernice Bing

*Fool – The Muse of Journeys is roaming with you for at least the next two weeks.  She asks you to strengthen your exploration muscles.  Maybe some of you feel stuck or others on the precipice of new but haven’t taken the leap.  This energy wants you to jump into the unknown.  This can be as simple as taking a different way home or trying a new place to eat lunch.  Or as complex as starting a new relationship, project or job.  The key with working with this muse is to have faith not in the destination but in the journey itself.


Bernice Bing
Big, Sur, Bernice Bing

*Tower – Where the last two weeks were about seeding the new, these two weeks are about deconstructing what no longer works.   The Muse of Sudden Change forewarns that change is coming and there are parts of your structures that are not retrofitted for this evolution.  She advises spending the next two weeks clearing the decks of unnecessary clutter, making sure your resources are stocked, planning how you want to rebuild, etc…  This energy is not about fear but about preparation, so when change happens you can mitigate the chaos around it.


Generations, Bernice Bing

Heart of Earth – The Muse of Study is hanging with you for the coming weeks.  She shows up when you need to learn a new skill.  Now the key is putting energy into learning something that you actually want to do or grow.  She asks what do you need to know that will ground you in your purpose? And she reminds you not to get too philosophical with this question. This should be fairly simple and practical. Like learning how to file you own taxes, fix a squeaky door, keep your plants alive….

Healing, Bernice Bing

*Moon – The Muse of Emotional Literacy is hanging out with you these coming weeks.  She comes when emotional tides are high, and you need to work on navigating them.  The issue with you, fishy-folk is that you can be very susceptible to the influence of others’ emotions.  So, your work for the coming weeks is to decipher what you are feeling and what you are picking up from someone else. However, this muse does remind you that other people’s emotions can reflect areas needed for your personal healing.  If you still feel in the dark, an exercise she suggests is asking your subconscious for guidance before you go to sleep.   Dreams are gateways to information during this time.

Tarot and Art-cast for Jan 5- 18, 2025

Home Is a Foreign Place, Zarina

Happy Gregorian New Year!

The artist highlighted this tarotart-cast is Zarina.  She uses paper as her main medium.  She likened it to skin: “It can be stained, pierced and molded and it still has the capability of breathing and aging. It has a fragility and resilience.”   She used this pulpy instrument to express her travels through life.   Zarina traveled around the world and lived in Aligarh, Bangkok, Delhi, Paris, Bonn, Tokyo, Los Angeles, New York and London.  These movements became her art – an exploration/understanding of the concepts of home, displacement, borders, journey, and memory.  She states: “I do not feel at home anywhere, but the idea of home follows me wherever I go. In dreams and on sleepless nights, the fragrance of the garden, image of the sky, and sound of language returns. I go back to the roads I have crossed many times. They are my companions and my solace.”

Your pondering: What is home to you? What memories tie you to your understanding of home?

Solar System highlights

We begin with the Moon in Pisces – great for dreaming on what to conjure for 2025.  Then it moves into Aries – start something.  On Wednesday it moves into Taurus – supplies energy to what you focus on.   Then on Friday it moves into Gemini – hang out with friends and family.  On Sunday the 12th it moves into Cancer and it’s a full moon so self-care and a slow start to the week. Then into Leo – work on making yourself and others shine.  And lastly for the weekend the lunation moves into Virgo – you can finally spend time cleaning and sorting the odds and ends of 2024.

Mercury is still in Sagittarius until January 8th, 2025. So, we can keep exploring big ideas, truth seeking and growth in communication. The challenge is still being blunt or soapboxing. Then Mercury moves into Capricorn until January 26th, having us working on being efficient and succent with our conversation.  Though be careful about coming off as too bossy or harsh.   Motto: “I know things, but I don’t know everything.” Mars is retrograding again into Cancer until February 23rd, 2025. So once again action moves sideways not in a straight line.   So, it will feel like a very slow start to 2025.

Venus is now in Pisces until Feb 3rd.  This aspect is lovely – a dreamy haze.  Though be careful with this slow start that you don’t just daydream the month away.  There still is action needed but it is an meandering organic evolution of your concepts of beauty and harmony. And Venus will retrograde back into Pisces in the spring.  So don’t stress, once things get moving you will have a second chance to come back to this growth.

Our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025.   This placement is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures. And lastly Pluto in Aquarius is still feeling very new.  So is you are feeling wobbly, remember to take things slowly.  We have lots of time with this aspect.


** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.   Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.

*** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.




Beyond the Stars, Zarina

*Star – What a way to begin the year with the Muse of Hope.  This muse would like you to wish upon a star.  Ponder your hopes and dreams.  Are your choices set up for healing?  What can you do to bring more flow into your life without excess stress?  She also advises slowing down.  This is not a time to jump into anything.

Letters from Home, Zarina

Eight of Fire – The Muse of Messages comes bearing information from a variety of sources.  These messages are for you or can be passed on to another that may need a boost.  And you can ask for information from this muse too.  Just write or say it out loud and information with start coming in.  There are always gifts in this energy, so put on your bunny ears and start listening.

In the Woods, Zarina

Five of Air – The Muse of Ego is hanging out with you the next two weeks.  Fives are omens of chaos, and this one is chaos created by ego.  Whether that is your ego or someone else’s, this is not a time to prove you are right or they are wrong.  The challenge is just sticking to the facts and moving on if you hit a brick wall.  Remember Mars is in Cancer and retrograde, so things move more sideways then straightforward. This is an opportunity to find ways around instead of through.

Bird in Flight, Zarina

Mind of Fire – The Muse of Joie de vivre (exuberant enjoyment of life) would like you to focus on what makes you zing, love, laugh, smile…. The muses would like you to create space for the joy to enter.  The challenge may be feeling as if you don’t deserve it or making time for what you consider self-indulgence.  But the muse reminds you that one of your gifts is if you are truly fired up that fire spreads.   So, the more you zing the more your environment will follow suit.

Folding Homes, Zarina

*Star – So you all and Aries are vibing the same energy.  You are also being visited by the Muse of Hope.  This muse would like you to wish upon a star.  Spend this time pondering your hopes and dreams.  She asks, are your choices set up for healing?  What can you do to bring more flow into your life without excess stress?  And an added element – you need to make sure your home has a healing element to it as much as your actions.

Kiss, Zarina

*Lovers – The Muse of Relationships is your partner for the beginning of 2025.  This muse challenges you to call-in the people you need to help you accomplish what you want to do.  Now I know you all can be uber practical but also think about traveling partners, gaming companions, people or animal companions to have fun with.  This is about calling in support and fun.


Under the Dark Sky, Zarina

Ace of Air – The Muse of Thought is here to start off 2025.  She asks you to ponder what one thought do you need to change.  And by doing this work you have the potential to change your whole way of decision making.  For example:  You say you are not smart enough – switch it to I am exactly the person to solve this problem.  Or I don’t have enough money – switch to I always have enough to survive but now I want to have enough to feel safe.  Think about how to switch poverty or a “less than” mind set to abundance and can-do.

Junk, Zarina

*Death – Nothing like starting out the year with a life-muse (a muse you work with your whole life).  The Muse of Organic Change is asking you to start off 2025 with a bit of Swedish Death cleaning.  It’s not as bad as it sounds -just a mind-set of decluttering your life so more can grow into it.  Time to let things go.

Almost There, Zarina

Ten of Water – What a great way to start off 2025 with the Muse of Bliss by your side. This muse would like you to imagine what your world would look like if everything just worked out.  She would like you to take this outlook to start your year.  Tens signify completion.  And this energy is about completion in the emotional realm.  This is a moment to end things that do not work for your heart and prep the ground for new emotionally positive events to happen.


Travels with Rani, Zarina

Ace of Fire – Woot, what great energy for the new year.  All Aces signify new beginnings, and this energy is around creativity and spirituality.  The muses would like you to embark on a quest of spirit, vitality and creation.  They ask questions like: what is creativity without social bounds?  What is your soul curious about? What energizes your body?  This energy is not about doing but about growing.  And the muses suggest thinking more along a tree’s timeline then daylilies.


Shattering Sky, Zarina

*Wheel – The Muse of Surprises is your companion for the beginning of 2025.  She challenges you to go with the flow.  Take opportunities as they show up.  Work on being spontaneous. This is not a time to push through or make things happen.  The world has its own agenda and wants you to loosen up and roll with the surprises. If you do, you will end up in a better place then where you started.


Weaving Memory, Zarina

*Empress – To start 2025 the Muse of Sensuality would like you to work on yours.  Sensuality in the sense of – the condition of being pleasing or fulfilling to the senses.  And this muse challenges you to indulge your senses and by doing so you will find areas you need to grow in. Especially indulging in the sense you work with the least.  Like if you don’t normal work with your taste – go on a quest to find the best pie.    See this Gretchen Rubin video about happiness science and senses. (You can take her quiz too, but she wants your email).