Tarot and Art-cast for June 30 – July 13, 2024

Gordon Cheung
Gardens of Perfect Brightness, Gordon Cheung

Happy birth month Cancerians.

The artist this week Gordon Cheung @gordoncheung.  (Please go to his sites  for the close up to these.)  Cheung is a contemporary multi-media artist that uses 3-D printing methods, AI generated flowers, financial newspapers, acrylic paint and sand to create 3-d features that intersect the real and the surreal.   His landscapes and still life paintings reflect on how global capitalism and colonialism affects us in history through modern times.

For example, his landscapes series uses Yuanmingyuan imperial scroll stolen by France during the looting and burning of the Summer Palace in Beijing during the Opium Wars.  That war was started to force China to trade opium that then lead to the colonization and annexing of Hong Kong.  And we can see how that has had consequences for the people in modern day Hong Kong. Or his still life flowers series he explains: “In part they are about the rise and fall of civilizations, as well as the romantic language of still-life painting:  futile materialism and fragile mortality reflected by the transient beauty of flowers.”

Your pondering: Colonialism, the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically, has had a long and sorted history in almost every part of the world.  Often, we believe that this practice doesn’t exist in modern times.  Though the situation in the Middle East we can see its repercussions in real time.  But also, this mindset still infiltrates our hivemind expressed in examples in politics, corporate takeovers, Apple’s “ecosystem”, and even in our justification of global expansion. How does colonization or its mindset impact your life?

Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Taurus – time to ground yourself.  Then on Wednesday it moves into Gemini – exchanges of information is highlighted.  Friday the moon moves into Cancer- self-care is your top priority for the weekend.  On Sunday the 7th it moves into Leo – focus on aspects that help you and others shine.  Then on Wednesday July 10th the moon moves into Virgo – great for organizing and clearing off your desk or checking off to-do lists.  And then it moves into Libra on Friday the 12th – spend time with friends and family this weekend.

Mercury moves into Leo on Monday – great for storytelling but the challenge is balancing talking with listening. Also, Venus is in Cancer until July 11th – wanting us to center in on making a home homier. Then moves into Leo switches our focus to from our homes to being generous in our relationships.  Mars is still in Taurus giving us the stamina to finish projects or bring something from the back-burner forward.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025.   This aspect is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects:   not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   And lastly Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.


*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.

**** I am experimenting.   I have switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Also, I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Gordon Cheung
Engraved Moon and Unfolding Clouds, Gordon Cheung

Queen of Earth – The last two weeks the muses had asked you to build.  Challenging you with questions of durability, realism and altruism.  Now the Muse of Luxury would like to ask you why do you build?  What is your motivation for working?  And are you able to enjoy the benefits of that work?  She challenges if you are not getting anything out of a focus why are you doing it?  And if you are getting what you need, spend time these next two weeks enjoying the harvests of your work.

Talkers, Gordon Cheung

*Lovers – The Muse of Connection is hanging with you all this week.  She challenges you to take a deep dive into your relationships.  Are you connecting with the ones you love on a more intimate level?  Or open enough to invite new people into your circle?  This focus can take form in hanging out and just being with your chosen ones, checking in with someone you haven’t had an intimate convo within a while, or create stronger bonds with someone you want to get to know better.  One of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of humaning is connection.  This period is a great time to flex your social muscle.

Gordon Cheung
Heavenly Lake, Gordon Cheung

Two of Water – The Muse of Relationships would like you to work feeling balanced and harmonious in your close relationships.  She especially would like you to work with the concept of reciprocity.  Defined as “the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit”.  This rebalancing not only creates connection but fills both yours and others emotional cups.  Find time these next two weeks to clink glasses with the ones you love, that love you back.

Gordon Cheung
Augury, Gordon Cheung

Spirit of Fire – The Muse of Enchantment would like you all to take these two weeks to call in some magic into your coming year.  Aspects like ways to help you be more curious, creative, more aligned with your intuition, or more in tune with your environment.  She recommends you do this asking along with a ritual.  It can be as simple as preparing your wishes days before you blow out your birthday candles or as complex as creating an altar to yourself.

Gordon Cheung
River, Gordon Cheung

Six of Air – In preparation of your birth month the Muse of Simplicity would like you to hone aspects of your life down.  She challenges you with questions like – if you could only focus on one thing for next year what would it be?  Or what are you physically, mental or emotional carrying that no longer serves you?  Now is the time to let it go, so you can transition into this new birth year less encumbered, more focused and with ease.

Gordon Cheung
Pearl of the Yangtze, Gordon Cheung

*Emperor – The Muse of Building has come to spend the next two weeks with you.  This muse challenges you to focus building, broadening, strengthening or finishing projects.  Think of these next two weeks full of kinetic energy that you can direct into anything and move it to the next level. The challenge is being truthful with who and why you are doing this building.  So watch if the building is only for status or greed this muse suggest you are going in the wrong direction.


Gordon Cheung
Merciful Clouds Protect All, Gordon Cheung

Two of Air – Decisions fill our lives on the daily but these next two weeks can feel muddy in which way to go.  In swoops the Muse of Choices to help you navigate these coming hazy days.  She suggests first and foremost do you need to make the decision right now?  Often this muse arises when you need more info before deciding.  Secondly, if you do need to decide now, she suggest following you heart instead of your mind.  What you think is logically will lead you astray with the energies around these two weeks.

Gordon Cheung
Pacific Century, Gordon Cheung

*Magician – The Muse of Experimentation has come to hang with you for the coming two weeks.  Usually, this energy comes when you need to try things out before you begin manifesting.  She reminds you that you have all the tools you need to work out solutions and play with ideas.  So think about playing with combinations or tweaking processes than manifesting a whole new makeover.

Megalopolis, Gordon Cheung

*Strength – The Muse of Inner Strength comes when you need to work on your resolutions around some aspect of your life.  Maybe you are reinforcing your boundaries, or you made a promise that you haven’t stuck to.  This muse is not here to reprimand but to have you re-enforce why you had set up these regulations in the first place.  If your reasons for doing it have changed then change the resolve to match and if they have not now is the time to double down on your comment to yourself.


Gordon Cheung
Gordon Cheung

Body of Fire – The Muses would like you to spend your energy these next two weeks connecting and working with art and/or nature.  This energy often comes when you need to work with your creative and/or spiritual self.  Or when one feels stuck or has lost one’s zing.  By working with art or nature you re-connect with the aspect of awe.  And Awe helps us connect to the universe, curiosity and ardor.


Tears of Paradise, Gordon Cheung

Spirit of Water – The Muse of Fun is here to help you get out of your head.  This Muse reminds you to take the world, your work, your life less seriously.  Yes, aspects of life and humaning might not be all sunshine and roses.  But adding to the cynicism and negativity also doesn’t help.  So, these next two weeks work on your empathy with yourself and humanity.


Augury of Xian, Gordon Cheung

*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition would like you to hone your skill and possible your belief in your intuition.  She recommends trying this experiment.  What if you didn’t for the next two weeks, second guess yourself and just go with your gut.  So, every time you start a thought with what if or should I you just check in with your intuition.  Now she also reminds you that because she comes when you are most doubtful, she asks that you be patient to find out the outcomes of this experiment.  Intuition isn’t always an easy left or right but more of a meandering path full of information and wonder.

Tarot and Art-cast for June 16-29, 2024

The artist this week Lorraine O’Grady.  So, I try to keep my opinion out of this tarotcast around the art (other than I pick them, so I like all of them), but O’Grady’s is one of my table of twelve. O’Grady plays with various genres like text, photo-installation, video and performance as a conceptual artist and cultural critic.  Her take on what art is and how to use it as a tool of critique as well as emotional expression is thought provoking and simultaneously joyous.

O’Grady often uses the diptych “or at least the diptych idea” to point out the “divisive and hierarchical “either/or” categories underpinning Western philosophy.”  She reframes it to “Both/And”.  This reframing metamorphizes exclusivity to inclusivity. Division to unity.   Hate to love.  And…

Your pondering:  Try shifting your Either/Or to O’Grady’s perspective of Both/And.


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Scorpio – follow your passion.  Then on Wednesday it moves into Sagittarius – get out and explore.    On Friday it moves into Capricorn as a full moon – ponder what needs to still be done since the new moon on June 6th.  On Monday June 24th it moves into Aquarius – think outside the box.  Wednesday it moves into Pisces – go with the flow.  And we finish the two weeks with the moon in Aries starting on Friday June 28th – great time to start a project or let off some steam.

Mercury moves into Cancer on Monday – great for discussing your emotions or being a caring ear for another. Also, Venus moves into Cancer – wanting us to center in on making a home homier.  Mars is in Taurus giving us the stamina to check off on our to-do lists.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025.   This aspect is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects:   not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   And lastly Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.


*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Gemini/Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius/Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.

**** I am experimenting.   I have switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Also, I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Lorraine O’Grady
Lorraine O’Grady, Body Is the Ground of My Experience

*Emperor – The Muse of Formation would like to add energy to whatever the focus is for the next two weeks.  She likes to help with any building process.  The challenges she poses: is what you are doing durable?  Does it sit in reality? Does it help more than you?   She pushes you to make your dreams reality, therefore making your reality even more expansive and improved not only for you but for the world at large.


Lorraine O’Grady
Lorraine O’Grady, Cutting Out the New York Times

Six of Air – During the next two weeks the Muse of Transitions is prompting you to change something in your life.  She asks:  what are the essentials in your life? She then proposes taking this time to strengthen your basics before you add the cherries on the top.   The key is that this alteration should make your life simpler and therefore produce more ease.


Lorraine O’Grady, Miscegenated Family Album

Eight of Water – The energy for the next two weeks is focused on walking away from a emotional cycle you have been stuck in.  Maybe you are holding on to a grudge, self-doubt or even a relationship.  The Muse of Walking Away prompts you to examine your emotional baggage and dump what you no longer need.  A good exercise is going through your drawers and get rid of old clothes, plastic lids that have no bottoms, all that junk in your drawer…. to practice the feeling of lightening your load.



Lorraine O’Grady, Jeanne and Charles

Four of Fire – The Muse of Home is the perfect segway into your birth month.  This muse challenges you to make your home more comfortable so when your birthday arrives you have a cozy, safe, warm, beautiful shell to hide in when you need to.  So, get those extra pillows, paint a room/wall that soothing blue, get a plant, put up your favorite photos…  She reminds you that it is the little things that make a house a home.


Lorraine O’Grady, The Fir Palm

Ace of Fire – Finally you are moving from looking at and planning for the future to stepping into it.  All aces herald new beginnings.  This particular energy the muses are pushing for you to use that amazing creativity you lions often are too bashful to show off.  They remind you to stop your perfectionism and revel in and take advantage of the uniqueness of imperfection.


Lorraine O’Grady, Haiku Diptych

Ten of Fire – The Muse of Burdens is hanging with you these next two weeks prompting you not to take on too much.  Yes, you have some items that are your responsibility.  But you have also taken on some work that is not yours to carry/do.   This muse reminds you that if you take on others’ tasks you are setting up a codependent cycle and your housemates/colleagues will never learn they can do it alone.


Lorraine O’Grady
Lorraine O’Grady, Body Is the Ground of My Experience

Spirit of Fire – The Muse of Creativity would like you to spend these next two weeks diving into your own creativity.  Whether that is creating a garden, a poem, painting, singing or dancing.  This muse would like you to connect with your personal awe. As they say, “let the spirit move you.”


Lorraine O’Grady, Jeanne And Charles

Two of Cups – Relationships continue to be the theme for you in June.  Last week it was about collaboration and these next two weeks the muses would like you to pivot your focus on your closer relationships and the concept of balance and reciprocity. The Muse or Relationships would like you to work on diving deeper into the relationships that feel balanced.  Not only to create connection but their emotional cup needs refilling as much as yours.  Find time these next to weeks to clink glasses with the ones you love, that love you back.


Lorraine O’Grady, Miscegenated Family Album

*Death – The Muse of Organic Change comes when you need to let something go to make room to let something grow.  This muse asks, what you are holding onto that no longer serves you or is stagnate?   The challenge is seeing this item/person/project/idea as a form of composting.  That the energy you gain from this release will be utilized by the things you want to flourish in your life.


Lorraine O’Grady, Art is…

Heart of Water – The Muse of Effervesce would like you to spend these next two weeks reconnecting with play, joy, exploration without goals.  She asks you to do this “exercise” to help you reconnect with your flow.  By letting go of the ambitions and the outcomes you allow your imagination, emotions and intuition to be the lead instead of your logical mind.


Lorraine O’Grady, Lilith

Nine of Fire – The Muse of Preparation is hanging out with you all these next two weeks to keep you grounded.  So, she suggests things like:  pack your lunch or a snack when you go out. Fill your water bottle.  Check the weather before leaving.  Make sure you have gas in the car or consider how crowded your mode of travel might be.  Make sure you don’t leave without your keys or phone. To basically work on being more grounded and prepared for each day or project. Because your sign’s typical go with the flow way of working will not help you navigate the more bumper aspects of the coming weeks.


Lorraine O’Grady, Art is…

Spirit of Water – The Muse of Fun is here to get you to lighten up and love up.  This Muse reminds you to take the world, your work, your life less seriously.  Yes, aspects of life and humaning might not be all sunshine and roses.  But adding to the cynicism and negativity also doesn’t help.  Mostly, because you fish have experienced the world through your very sensitive heart, you understand the pain.  So, these next two weeks be the lover not the fighter.  Your song for this time: “All you need is Love”.

Tarot and Art-cast for June 2-15, 2024

Kibibi Ajanku, Indigo Magic

The artist this week is Kibibi Ajanku @kibibiajanku . Her work ranges from visual to performing arts.  But the focus here is her fiber art with a specialty in organic indigo.  Creating indigo pigment is an ancient process dating back to at least 6,000 years, according to fabric artifact  discovered in Peru.  Many countries and civilizations from Mesopotamia, West Africa, India, Iran and Mesoamerica, have been using indigo dye.  Indigo dye is created through the process of turning leaves from the Indigofera plant into powder, boiling it down to a rich liquid, and then fermenting the dye to give it its distinct blue color.  Making organic indigo is an arduous process and this skill set is handed down through the generations.  And Kibibi is one of those founts. (click here to see her classes)

Your pondering for this week:  Kibibi said “I believe that the past is an excellent teacher. Until we face the journey of the past, we cannot clearly understand the present, and we are uninformed about the future.”  I think we are in another moment in history where we are seeing a repetition of the past.  Is it because we do not truly understand it or haven’t taken the time to see the past as our teacher?  Shouldn’t our goal be to bring forth the lessons learned, to move forward with more grace, to evolve?

Cite: voyagebaltimore.com

Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Taurus, you have the energy to make things grow.  Then on Wednesday the moon is in Gemini – the exchange of knowledge is highlighted.  Friday the moon moves into Cancer- self-care is your top priority for the weekend.  On Sunday the 9th it moves into Leo – start the week focusing on aspects that help you and others shine.  Then on Wednesday June 12th the moon moves into Virgo – great for organizing and clearing off your desk or to-do lists.  And then it moves into Libra on Friday the 14th – spending time with friends and family this weekend.

Mercury moves into Gemini, it’s home planet – this is a great for communication and knowledge exchange in all its forms.  Just be careful not to judge too quickly. Also, Venus is in Gemini – having us work on how to create harmony through communication also a great time for delving into the arts and how your environment expresses who you are.   Mars is the last space-body to hang in Aries, so until June 9th it gives its energy to propel beginnings. Then Mars moves into Taurus, so we can maintain the pace and focus on what we need to do to complete our actions.

And then Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is now in Gemini for a year.   This aspect is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects:   not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.


*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

**** I am experimenting.   I have switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire.  Also, I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards.  So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Kibibi Ajanku, Azur

Heart of Fire – The last two weeks the Muse of Self-Motivation wanted you to get your bearings and then get moving.  These next two weeks the Muse of Spark would like you to utilize your imagination to innovate situations and their solutions.  They ask how you can make these time a bit more exciting, expansive, and original – truer to your nature or your soul’s calling rather than societies’ at large.

Kibibi Ajanku, Sunshine Over the Baobab

Six of Fire – The next two weeks are full of accolades and celebrations.  The Muse of Skirmishes and Small Successes prompts you to acknowledge and honor them.  The challenge is working with and celebrating these mini feats instead of only seeing the larger project, conflicts or challenges to come.  As Helen Keller said, “I long to accomplish a great and noble task; but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.”

Kibibi Ajanku, River Dancers

Ace of Air – The energy for the next two weeks is focused on new ways of thought or new knowledge.  It makes sense with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in your sign that communication and knowledge are calling on you to participate.  During this time, you need to be in top form when it comes to interactions and quests for the truth.  And keep your ears and mind open to new thoughts, so you can work on your own paradigms.

Kibibi Ajanku, Looking Out

Spirit of Air – The Muse of Perceptivity will be working with you these next two weeks.  She prompts you to pay attention to the details.  With the Sun and two planets in Gemini the area most likely highlighted will be in conversing or knowledge exchange.  So go deeper than generalities, ask questions, follow the subtext of convos, and read the fine print.  By doing so you will not only see “the devil in the details”, the needle in the haystack, but you can also find the treasure in the trove.

Kibibi Ajanku, Ibeji

Two of Fire – Ok so this happened to Aquarians last 3 readings.  You got the same card for three consecutive pulls.  (Statistically 1/72 to the third or approximately one in 23 million chance.)  So here we go again…  The Muse of Future is continuing to hang with you for two more weeks to chat about expanding your horizons.  Maybe the last 4 weeks you didn’t push out your boundaries enough. You stayed in your comfort zone.  And/or maybe you need more time exploring this expansion.  So, keep pushing the envelope, especially around your creative self.  The muses are pushing you to increase your scope deeper, farther and wider.

Kibibi Ajanku, In the Garden

Three of Water – The Muse of Friendship is here to remind you to fortify your friendships.  Maybe you haven’t been able to fit in some fun hangs with your buddies.  She challenges you to not only fill other’s emotional cups but also to also let them fill yours.  So, call that friend you haven’t heard from in a while, vent to your bestie, or go do something fun where you both can let off some steam and enjoy each other’s banter and vibe.


Kibibi Ajanku, Cabaret Remix

Mind of Fire – The Muse of Vibrancy is asking you to take the lead these next two weeks.  Yes, many of you like to work behind the scenes or step-up then fade into the background.  But during these next two weeks the muses are urging you to take the forefront, make the final decisions, and/or speak up.  Yes, you all can often see all the sides of a problem and the variety of solutions, but during this time you are challenged to put your ideas first.

Kibibi Ajanku, Royal Blues

Three of Earth – The Muse of Collaboration comes when you need to ask for help to solve a problem, develop a better idea, or just need a helping hand.   The challenge is in the asking.  Whether it is worrying about obligation or the vulnerability of needing help, the muses prompt you to take that chance.  Doing so will produce more ease in the long run.  As they say two heads are better than one, and the muses add – three heads and six hands are even better.


Kibibi Ajanku, Summer in the City

Ten of Earth – The Muse of Plenty is hanging with you to have you work on the concept “there is enough”.  Tens usually indicate a summation, success or ending.  Finishing what needs to be finished and finding moments to enjoy.  The challenge with this energy is taking advantage of and finding enjoyment of this ending before jumping into a new project.  Her arrival is also an augury that you deserve abundance not because you have worked hard for it, suffered for it or because of a sense of worthy or unworthiness is tied to it, but just as a gift for existing.



Body of Air – The Muse of Risk comes to warn you not to run into situations without some thoughtfulness or inquiry.  The next two weeks the muses would like you to slow down and take your time especially around decisions and in your participation in conversations.  This is a period to stop, look, and listen before rushing forward.


Kibibi Ajanku, River Dancers

Spirit of Water – The Muse of Flow challenges you to go with the flow for the next two weeks.  Yes, most people like a good plan but the muses would like you to not over plan during this time.   See what comes up and feel what you would like to do in that moment and then do it.   You will find that the more you do what feels right the more you get done.


Kibibi Ajanku, Shango’s Daughter

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Vantage is challenging you these next two weeks to stand up for yourself and/or your ideals.  This muse often comes when you need to strengthen or follow through on your boundaries.  She isn’t suggesting you make this into a war or there is no room for some compromise; but she is challenging you to firmly state the why behind your stance.