Happy Solstice.
It’s that time again. Every Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets collecting data points from the tarotcast’s cards that each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror of 2021.
I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data shows some statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average (which this year is 8 times). Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years. I am only on year six, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see a year in review for 2016 , 2017 , 2018 2019 & 2020). Also, some of you had asked why I include the tarot card’s name. I do this for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you all that just want the trends, skip over the card names.
First, the look at anomalies or card pulls outside the norm: This is a look through a societal lens. This year the most pulled cards were the Justice & Devil in the higher Arcane, all the court cards but especially Queen of Pentacles and Four of Pentacles in the lower Arcane.
- The Justice card is energy around what is Justice and Truth. The lesson is about us wanting yes/no answers but to gain the truth we must attend to the complexity of why and how for each specific case. This also relies on us seeing the truth of ourselves and our lives. So, a direct correlation of this is we saw a lot of energy around our judicial system. Think about all the cases that came up this year: George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Trump varies cases in court ie: voting, executive privilege and his private cases, the insurrectionists’ cases, the supreme court cases…. Society is being challenged to stand behind it’s concept of Truth and Justice. Personal it is about living our truth and understanding cause and effect. As Racheal Pollack says: It is not enough to foresee a likely outcome for us to change or prevent an event. We must understand why it is coming, and we must work on the causes within ourselves for the things we do and the ways we react. Free will exist and this energy helps us learn how to do it with integrity through understanding the complexity of truth in each situation.
- The Devil’s energy checks who we are as people. We have been tested as countries, society, democracy, workers, economics, health, and our sanity, to name a few. The list feels endless on what we have been tested on personal and as a world community the past two years. The lesson with the Devil is did we pass our tests. Are we choosing the higher path? Are we releasing the ego?
- Even though Covid and lock downs started this year, people or humanity came to the forefront. We had the highest amount of court cards dealt since I started doing this 6 years ago. The Court cards in general mean that people were integral, good or bad, in our lives. People provided lessons on refining our skill sets, our pace, our creativity, how we nurture and how we establish authority or present ego in the world. We were being asked to define how we “human.”
- The Queen of Pentacles represents not only our essential needs but also luxury, self-worth, and this energy holds quality of life first and foremost. An example how this played out is with people trying to navigate how to go back to work without sacrificing quality of life. This energy has us seeing our self-worth in what we do, asking for raises and better working conditions, moving out of urban areas, or finding a new career.
- The Four of Pentacles, it also was a big energy in 2020. This card governs resources/frugality. An example is Covid highlighting the systems that distribute our resources locally and globally, equality in distribution, and how we support others. In some instance we learned from 2020 e. not buying out all the toilet paper. However, new sources of fuckery have arisen, like our supply chain being an issue and triggering inflation. And people being self-oriented and not societal driven is also a challenge we still are working on.
The lowest pulls for the year are places where we did not have enough support from the Universe. The lowest card was the Ten of Swords. This card’s energy is about drama – the universe didn’t give us any help in this area. This causes things like a divided country, insurrections, people beating up flight attendants, and choosing violence as the only means to an end. Another unsupported energy was the Hermit. Usually, this energy helps us stand back and see the big picture. But we were not supported by the Universe, so it was up to us to stand back and see the cycles to gain perspective. This is still a challenge that some of us face.
Below in the cast are the trends within each sign in comparison to the norm. With my favorite art from 2021.
Lastly our Solar System highlights until the end of the Year
On December 24th we have the last Saturn(restrictions/structure) squaring Uranus (freedom), so watch for structures somehow bumping against freedom. This could be a snowstorm or the new variant raising its head keeping us in our homes. The Moon starts this week in Cancer – self-care is important- get it while you can. Moves into Leo on the 21st – time to shine. Then onto Virgo for the 24thth – great for running a tight ship but it’s the holidays maybe let things go a bit. Slides into Libra on the 26th -relationships are highlighted. Scorpio on the 28th – watch you don’t start partying too early- maybe a better time to clean up and tidy your emotional closet. Then a Sagittarius moon guides us with a philosophical approach to the end the 2021.
Mercury is in Capricorn – great for working out difference but must have a practical side to all convos. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved with practicality. Mars is in Sagittarius – a lovely time to expand and explore not only your environment but your mind. And play is vital to let off some steam. And lastly, Jupiter moves into Pisces on the 28th, we saw a hint of what was ahead in the summer, and now we have until May to explore Jupiter (expansion) in Pisces- opportunities and broadening your horizons.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2022.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer. I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.

This year compared to other signs was a very energetically charged year for you all. You were one of the three signs that had the most karmic cards. Every month you had at least 2 highly charged weeks, until October and things kinda slowed down. If anything, this was a year of change for you. In some form or fashion, you were on the move. Your big themes for 2021 were building, action and learning to manage the pace of your life. And if you found your rhythm you got a lot done, even though it may have felt scattered. So, take the end of the year to relax. And if you didn’t then spend the last couple of weeks of 2021 figuring out what pace (follow your heart, follow inspiration, marathon, or sprint) you want to work at in 2022.
This year you had the highest karmic cards in comparison to other signs. 2021 started slow but by the beginning of March you were dealing with 2-3 big energies every month. And they varied from building, growing, nurturing, emotions, metamorphosis, relationships, structures… And even though these energies were all over the place, they also had a general theme of expansion. Try to spend this last part of the year reflecting on all that you have done and take a break! Consolidation and focus maybe required for the beginning of 2022.

Where 2020 you had the highest karmic energy to deal with this year you had the lowest compared to other signs. You had time to focus on a few themes: growth, a test from the past, your purpose, and structures. You did have the highest amount of Ace cards and threes. Aces pertain to new projects, ideas, and inspiration. The threes’ themes are around collaboration, planning the future and friendship. If you can, ponder what things you did start in 2021 that you would like to continue. Then make a sketch of what it would look like and who you would like to be there to experience it with.

This year you were one of the three signs that had the most karmic cards in comparison to the other signs. And April and may have been particularly hard. You also had to deal with at least two major tests from the past at the beginning and middle of the year. Then scattered in between those times you were investigating themes around healing, emotions, your purpose, being stuck, deconstruction, balance, metamorphosis, and creation. In many ways you have shed your shell numerous times in 2021. Take the last part of this year to applaud yourself for making it through this maze of karmic interactions and ending up better than you started.

You had slightly less than average amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. The year started off slow with some healing you needed to do, which you returned to in the summer. Though by September and into October karma was taking you on a roller coaster ride. Where your themes of justice, metamorphosis, wrestling with integrity, growing, letting go, stagnation, balance and life purpose were pushed into your field of vison week after week. And like most of the signs you also had a test from the past to make choices around. If you can, try to take the next couple of weeks off and tap back into that balance and healing aspect that started off your year.

You along with the world dealt with the big energy of Justice but you were one of the few that didn’t have to personally deal with the Devil – tests around morality. You had your tests in 2019 and 2020. So, this year was a year of learning especially on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes. Your first three months of 2021 were busy with checking items off your to-do list and then in March karma started to kick in. From then on, once a month, you dealt with a karmic theme. And they varied from luck, purpose, structure, subconscious, bring the divine down, and healing. Your biggest theme, which you revisited 3 times, is self-propelled change. So, take the next two weeks to tally all the things you have learned and how your life has changed from where you were in 2019.

You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy this year compared to the other signs. Like most of us, you were karmically tested at least once this year. But you are one of the few that personally did not have to deal with Justice- choices around balance, truth, and consequences. This is your life card, so you explore this theme all your life and can take off a year 😉. However, you kept busy with Karmic themes of healing, organic change, self-growth, self-propelled change, moderation, opportunities, relationships, growth and bring the divine down into the world. Overall, this was a year to explore possibilities and express your power creatively in the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual realms. The next two weeks think about how you have incorporated the divine feminine (creativity and nurturing) into different parts of your life.

This year you all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy compared to the other signs. Like most of us, you were karmically tested at least once this year. But you are one of the few that personally did not have to deal with Justice- choices around balance, truth, and consequences. You did however deal with the Tower, deconstruction of what is not working in your world, four times. Usually, this deconstruction starts from an outside source that you cannot control. Hopefully you could navigate these earthquakes without too much unease. If you’re reading this then you have survived. YES you! Because that 4 Tower occurrences are no joke. However, the Universe did not just give you a bag of coal as a present for 2021. This year you were also dealt more helpful karmic themes of inner strength, recognition, freedom, healing, enlightenment, and opportunities. Take the next two weeks acknowledging how strong you are and how much you have learned. Then starting as early as Dec 28th taking advantage of Jupiter (luck) moving into a water sign and celebrate the amazing job you have done surviving 2021.

This year you had one of the two the lowest karmic cards dealt this year to a sign, and the only sign to not personally do the year’s theme of the Devil and Justice (read intro) . Your karma gave you time to focus on finding your groove, metamorphosis, balance, healing, luck, and building up your “empire”. You also worked with the divine feminine (creation) on the physical, emotional, and intellectual planes. You did focus on the numerical six cards all year more than any other sign. This numerical group works with cause/effect, past/future and karmic balancing. So, take these next two weeks to ponder the scales in all parts of your life. Where do you want to expand balance in 2022 to create even more flow in your life?

Happy Birthday Month! You all had an average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2021. Your themes were freedom, fortune, inner strength, structures, and organic change. And you were tested at least twice this year on a lesson from the past. However, the trend that stood out was having the most court cards dealt, specifically knights and pages. This means that people were flowing in and out of your life all year. They never stayed for long, but they are the map pins in 2021. Also, this year learning was emphasized, and this flow of people helped you define “pace” in your life. For the next two weeks contemplate who you surround yourself with. You have collected a vast variety of characters to enhance your life story. How have they influenced your life? And make sure you balance in some “me time” before the end of the year. Even if it is just a quick walk under the stars.

You had an above average amount of karmic cards as compared to other signs. Not the worst hand dealt but you “came in” fourth. Meaning you were dealing with one or two karmic themes each month. You like most of us this year had personal tests from the past and dealt with the karmic theme of fairness and balance. Your personal karmic themes for 2021 were issues around structures, building or deconstructing your profession, purpose, healing, creativity, freedom along with stagnation, relationships, personally finding your shine, and learning to work with organic change. With all that 2021 has brought to your door, you have survived, healed, and even prospered. Saturn (restriction and structure) is still playing in your sign until 2023. So, the place of “freedom” where you flourish will be hinder, but you can take advantage of this time by grounding yourself in your work, your purpose and mooring to the structures that you will need as a foundation for jumping off in 2023. And remember you all are the Royals of daydreaming and innovation, and the next 20 years are yours. Take these two weeks to write a list of what you need on the physical plane to support your freedom going forward.

You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2021. Though you are one of the few signs that did not deal personally with tests from the past. The themes you did explore are transformation, structures, freedom, self-propelled, change, and emotions. And your big theme that you visited three times was organic change. You started this year explore how to work with the Universe more intuitively and continued that theme the rest of 2021. Jupiter on the 28th is going into your sign which means it joins your sun sign. So next year has huge potential for growth and expansion for you. Spend the final two weeks of 2021 writing an expansive and imaginative wish list for 2022.
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