Happy Love Week.
P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.
Aries – Five of Swords – This month with Mars still in Aries the Five of Swords warns that this week you should be careful with your ego and others. This week it is fine to use all this energy from Mars to do your thing but be careful you don’t run somebody’s ideas or emotions over.
Taurus – Six of Swords – You might find yourself feeling a bit out of groove this week The Six of Swords recommends as an antidote to get to some water – ocean, lake, or river. You need to hear the rhythms of a body of water to reconnect to your own flow.
Gemini – Two of Swords – Last week, you found yourself escaping into your inner sanctum to avoid the crazy vibes. To make it through this week’s crazy the Two of Swords suggests you make everything be answered by a yes or a no. If you can’t answer any question or situation in this black and white fashion, put it off. Those situations or questions will get clearer the more time you give them.
Cancer – King of Swords – The King of Swords’ lessons are around thinking logically and rule fairly. So this week in all things take your time to know the whole situation before making any decisions.
Leo – Two of Wands – This week is a midway point from where you have been and where you want to go. The Two of Wands suggests that you take time to contemplate the past and how you got here. Also, it is a good week to finish up any old projects or tie up loose ends before you start anything new.
Virgo – Seven of Wands – This will be a another busy week for you. Seven of Wands’ challenge is to keep your focus while dealing with Mars in Aries firing up other people’s emotions. Remember the drama around you is not yours unless you want it to be, so choose wisely.
Libra – Two of Pentacles – This week is all about balance. This can actually be any kind of balance so watch where and how you step this week. You can be prone to spraining literal and metaphorical appendages. If you keep your eyes open and your head in the game, you will be able to navigate the path.
Scorpio – Three of Pentacles – Three of Pentacles advise you to keep your feet firmly connected to the ground. Spend time strengthening your foundations this week. This can look like literal getting new shoes that are better for your feet or get a more realistic plan for a project.
Sagittarius – Six of Pentacles – The past two weeks, The Star challenged you to give yourself a gold star, acknowledged you are resilient, and that some of the good things in your life were born in poop. Then Magician challenged you to putting some magic back into your life. This week the Six of Pentacles is a bit of a karmic lesson. What you put out in the world the past two weeks will come back to you three fold. Let’s hope you put some good into the world or this can get messy.
*Capricorn – The Hermit – The Hermit declare that you are due some alone time this week. The Hermit challenges you to pull away from society to hear yourself think. Now this doesn’t mean you have to escape to a mountain retreat, though if you can please do. This is more about getting some spiritual space. For example, a library can be full of people but you can escape into its silence.
*Aquarius – Wheel of Fortune – This is a great week to change your fortune. So apply to new jobs, play lotto, or ask out that boy/girl you have your eye on. The big lesson is no matter if you win or lose you will find out important information by taking the chance.
Pisces – Nine of Cups – The Nine of Cups’ lesson is even though your emotional life isn’t absolutely what you want – it is pretty darn good. The Nine of Cups’ challenge is to long for more while still being grateful for all that you have.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
You can visit my website at: thefoxandthetarot.com
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